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“ He was a hectic, unprincipled bird, but it was impossible not to love him.” From poet and painter Frieda Hughes, a memoir of love, obsession , and feathers.

When Frieda Hughes moved to the…
Издательство: Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster

ISBN: 9781668016503

Год издания: 2023

272 pages, Hardcover


"In her new memoir, Frieda Hughes rarely mentions her famous parents, Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes. But their absence — in life and art — underscores this poignant and often funny story about, of all things, her relationship with a magpie ... Part of the charm of this book is that the author doesn't dwell on her pain or her past or the reasons why. On a spectrum of people-animal memoirs, the book falls closer to Helen Macdonald's H Is for Hawk than John Grogan's Marley and Me. Still, it is not especially cerebral or didactic, and that is not meant as a criticism. It's a passionate book about unconditional love and commitment. It's also fast-paced and suspenseful, full of amusing anecdotes, poems and Hughes's sweet drawings of George."

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