Waco Rising: David Koresh, the FBI, and the Birth of America’s Modern Militias

Kevin Cook


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In 1993, David Koresh and a band of heavily armed evangelical Christians took on the might of the US government. A two-month siege of their compound in Waco, Texas, ended in a firefight that killed…
Издательство: Henry Holt and Co.

ISBN: 9781250840523

Год издания: 2023

288 pages, Hardcover

First published January 31, 2023


"... engrossing and original ... Waco Rising poses vital and urgent questions about state power and the role of violence and warmaking in the contemporary United States ... meticulously catalogs the misdeeds and missteps that precipitated the carnage ... While Waco Rising draws a clear link between the Mount Carmel siege and the right-wing movements of today, it doesn't explore, in any meaningful depth, how whiteness has shaped the right's responses to government "overreach."

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