Моя оценка

Jean-Luc Martel knows good taste. As the award-winning celebrity chef of éloïse, he's amassed a high-end clientele and hordes of dedicated foodie fans. But while he's a master in the kitchen, his reputation for being a nightmare to work with precedes him. Known for his rapid-fire temper, chiseled good looks, and a dash of tattooed, bad boy edge, Jean-Luc doesn't take shit from anyone. Until he meets Delaney Thomas. She's talented, sassy, entirely too sexy for her own good, and the niece of his best friend and sous chef.

Every bone in his body is telling him to take what's his, but outside forces soon conspire to pull them apart, and…
Цикл: Голубые воротнички, книга №4

Форма: новелла

Оригинальное название: Under Pressure

Первая публикация: 2017

Язык: Английский

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