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An Indigenous artist blends the aesthetics of punk rock with the traditional spiritual practices of the women in her lineage in this bold, contemporary journey to reclaim her heritage and unleash…
Издательство: ‎ Counterpoint

ISBN: 9781640094147

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

225 pages, Hardcover


"... illuminates the stories and experiences of Indigenous women from the Pacific Northwest for a 21st-century audience. Red Paint offers a poetic narrative of trauma and healing through ancestral rites and punk rock, both of which prove to be potent medicine during LaPointe's excavation of family legacy and matrilineal power ... For LaPointe, restoring the self to health is entwined with restoring Native women's voices that have been erased throughout history. She uses her own luminescent voice to tell their stories, wielding language, words, ritual and community as tools of contemporary and ancestral healing."

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