Моя оценка

Landry and Prentiss are two brothers born into slavery, finally freed as the American Civil War draws to its bitter close. Cast into the world without a penny to their names, their only hope is to…
Издательство: Tinder Press

ISBN: 978-1-4722-7438-0

Год издания: 2021

Язык: Английский

359 стр.


"Harris's characters are multifaceted, absorbing, and extraordinarily well-developed. They transport the reader into a difficult time of complex social problems, with situations that elevate the tension with each turn of the page. As more layers of the story unfold, Harris's captivating and shrewd prose dissects individual motives, revealing vulnerabilities and thereby exposing the characters for who they are, and what they have become ... Harris creates a fascinating and compelling look into the Civil War era by taking a well-known aspect of the period, the Emancipation Proclamation, and candidly depicts the confusion in the aftermath of the new law on slave owners, and the slaves themselves. In a tumultuous time of instability and uncertainty, Nathan Harris brings to the foreground humanity's aptitude for survival, compassion, and goodwill even in their darkest hour."


".. paints a timeless portrait of warring factions seeking peace. ... Harris draws readers into this sense of longing by exploring silences: George's meditative hunts, Landry's muteness, Caleb's hidden trysts, Prentiss' pent-up anger and Isabelle's secluded mourning. Insinuating dialogue, delivered with eloquent Southern reserve, and hostile eruptions between the Walker household and the Confederates explore the flip side of silence ... Celebrating all manner of relationships that combat"

Лауреат: 2022 г.Премия Эрнеста Гейнса за литературное мастерство (Премия Эрнеста Гейнса за литературное мастерство)
Номинант: 2022 г.Международная премия Дилана Томаса
2022 г.Медаль Эндрю Карнеги (Художественная книга)
2021 г.Выбор сайта Goodreads (Лучший дебют)
2021 г.Выбор сайта Goodreads (Лучшая историческая проза)


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