Моя оценка

From one of the most beloved and distinguished historians of the British monarchy, here is a lively, intimately detailed biography of a long-overlooked king who reimagined the Crown in the aftermath…
Издательство: Harper

ISBN: 0062567497

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

Hardcover, 560 pages


"Apart from being a wonderful biography – indeed, the best royal biography to be published since James Pope-Hennessy's Queen Mary (1959) – this book makes a revelatory distinction between two modes of being ... George V's life, and that of his wife Queen Mary (Princess May of Teck) are, by contrast, rivetingly interesting when seen through Ridley's lens. You yearn for every little detail ... Ridley does not try to whitewash George the Ordinary, nor to absolve him from cowardice, for example when, on the advice of his private secretary Lord Stamfordham, he declined to offer the Romanovs asylum in Britain after the Revolution ... Ridley does not disappoint those addicts who wish to reread their favourite king's oft-quoted mots ... this book sheds an entirely new light on both George V and his consort ... Jane Ridley persuades us that their tactful handling of the many crises of the reign paved the way for the stable constitutional monarchy that persists to this day."

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