Exciting Times

Наис Долан - Exciting Times

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Ava moved to Hong Kong to find happiness, but so far, it isn’t working out. Since she left Dublin, she’s been…
Издательство: Ecco

Лучшая рецензия

25 октября 2023 г. 10:33



Роман о 22х-летней девушке, которая переезжает из Ирландии в Гонконг, чтобы найти себя, но запутывается еще больше, попав в любовный треугольник с мужчиной-банкиром и женщиной-юристом.

Ава работает учителем английского языка для…


ISBN: 9780062968746

Год издания: 2020

Язык: Английский

Hardcover, 256 pages


"... [an] incisive and funny debut ... The...bold, sardonic narrative voice is original and, at times, irresistible. In a world that lately seems to have gone mad, her characters' conundrums make perfect sense ... This is a sharp-eyed novel that tackles serious ideas ... Which isn't to suggest that Dolan's dialogue or characters are leaden. Ava's clashing impulses make for an engrossing story line, and her observations capture the world-weariness of a generation that's never known life without the internet ... Dolan's novel—wry and jaded, yet sometimes hopeful—understands this volatile era."


"It feels right that Irish novelist Naoise Dolan has appropriated part of that co-opted, mangled aphorism for her first book's title ... Dolan's real concern: the things we do to stave off being left alone. It is that dive into human consciousness that separates Dolan from the countrywoman to whom she is often compared, novelist Sally Rooney (Normal People). While both writers deal with class — offering cutting observations — Dolan pushes further to confront why we put up with it in the first place."

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