Carthage Must Be Destroyed: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization

Richard Miles


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Drawing on a wealth of new research, archaeologist, historian, and master storyteller Richard Miles resurrects the civilization that ancient Rome struggled so mightily to expunge. This monumental…
Издательство: Penguin Books

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17 мая 2016 г. 16:50



Отличная книга! Честная (и явно удачная!) попытка взглянуть на историю древнего Карфагена без влияния клише и стереотипов, созданных древнеримскими пропагандистами. Я не мог удержаться от восхищения. Майлзу не нужно было проводить прямые параллели, и так все очевидно. Но он их провел: "In recent years the ongoing crisis in Iraq has also afforded political commentators many opportunities to equate the situation in that unfortunate land with what had befallen Carthage. The following words by the American sociologist and historian Franz Schurmann are typical of the kind of emotive comparisons that have been drawn: Two thousand years ago the Roman statesman Cato the Elder kept crying out, ‘Delenda est Carthago’–Carthage must be destroyed! To Cato it was clear either Rome or Carthage but not…


ISBN: 0143121294

Год издания: 2012

Язык: Английский


Всего 1

17 мая 2016 г. 16:50



Отличная книга! Честная (и явно удачная!) попытка взглянуть на историю древнего Карфагена без влияния клише и стереотипов, созданных древнеримскими пропагандистами. Я не мог удержаться от восхищения. Майлзу не нужно было проводить прямые параллели, и так все очевидно. Но он их провел: "In recent years the ongoing crisis in Iraq has also afforded political commentators many opportunities to equate the situation in that unfortunate land with what had befallen Carthage. The following words by the American sociologist and historian Franz Schurmann are typical of the kind of emotive comparisons that have been drawn: Two thousand years ago the Roman statesman Cato the Elder kept crying out, ‘Delenda est Carthago’–Carthage must be destroyed! To Cato it was clear either Rome or Carthage but not…


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