
Моя оценка

An outbreak of The Fever has taken hold of Portland, Oregon, bringing the population to its knees. The Fever spreads and kills quickly, but the dead aren't staying dead.

When her neighbor,…
Серия: Quarantined #1 (2)
Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN: 978-1490996097

Год издания: 2013

Язык: Английский

308 страниц, Мягкая обложка
Формат: 12.7 x 2 x 20.3 cm
Язык: English

Quarantined series takes place in the same world as Survival and Rising.
While the recommended reading order is Quarantined, Survival, then Rising, it's not required.
Each series is designed to stand on its own and any one of them can be enjoyed with or without the others.

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