
Антология / коллекция

Ancient peoples knew there were lands given over to shadow and spirit. The world is full of haunted places that exact a terrible toll on trespassers. Our forebears paid a heavy price to earn the wisdom and the warning they bequeathed to future generations.

Time transformed their precious knowledge into superstition, but there are those whose hearts beat in rhythm with the past and whose vision is not clouded by modernity. Seeking to reclaim humanity’s early secrets, the Umbra Arca Society was forged. For centuries, this private league of explorers dedicated their lives to uncovering the oldest mysteries of the Americas. Armed with boldness and guile, and equipped with only a compass, a journal, and devotion to truth, these adventurers braved cursed landscapes, dared unnatural adversaries, and exposed hidden civilizations.

Many did not survive.

None were forgotten.

Their stories are maps revealing the topography and contours of landscapes unimaginable and dark. The Shadow Atlas collects their adventures.

Edited by authors and folklore enthusiasts Carina Bissett and Hillary Dodge, and four-time Colorado Book Award finalist, Joshua Viola.

With fiction and poetry by Mario Acevedo, Colleen Anderson, Kay Chronister, Sara Cleto, David Davies, Sean Eads, Anastasia Garcia, Owl Goingback, Maxwell I. Gold, Warren Hammond, Angie Hodapp, Jimena Jurado, Starlene Justice, Gwendolyn Kiste, Gerri Leen, Josh Malerman, Juliana Spink Mills, Tiffany Morris, Lee Murray, Annie Neugebauer, Gerardo Horacio Porcayo, Cameron E. Quinn, Sarah Read, Kathryn Reilly, Julia Rios, Betty Rocksteady, Marge Simon, Angela Yuriko Smith, Christina Sng, Jeanne C. Stein, Tim Waggoner, Brittany Warman, Christa Wojciechowski, Stephanie M. Wytovich, Mercedes M. Yardley, Jane Yolen, E. Lily Yu, and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro.

Illustrated by Aaron Lovett.
David Philipps 0.0
An epic account of the Navy SEALs of Alpha platoon, the startling accusations against their chief, Eddie Gallagher, and the courtroom battle that exposed the dark underbelly of America’s special forces—from a Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter

“An important, infuriating, meticulously researched account of modern warfare that I found nearly impossible to put down.”—Jon Krakauer, New York Times bestselling author of Where Men Win Glory and Into the Wild

By official accounts, the Navy SEALs of Alpha platoon returned as heroes after their 2017 deployment to Mosul, following a vicious, bloody, and successful campaign to drive ISIS from the city. But within the platoon a different war raged. Even as Alpha’s chief, Eddie Gallagher, was being honored by the Navy for his leadership, several of his men were preparing to report him for war crimes, alleging that he’d stabbed a prisoner in cold blood and taken lethal sniper shots at unarmed civilians.

Many young SEALs regarded Gallagher as the ideal special operations commando. Trained as a sniper, a medic, and an explosives expert, he was considered a battle-tested leader. But in the heat of combat, some in his platoon saw a darker figure—a man who appeared to be coming unhinged after multiple deployments in America’s forever wars. Their excitement to work with a tough, experienced chief soon gave way to a grim suspicion that his thirst for blood seemed to know no bounds and a belief that his unpredictability was as dangerous as the enemy.

In riveting detail, Pulitzer Prize–winning New York Times correspondent David Philipps reveals the story of a group of special operators caught in a moral crucible—should they uphold their oath and turn in their chief, or honor the SEALs’ unwritten code of silence? It is also a larger story of how the SEAL Teams drifted off course after 9/11, and of the “pirate” subculture that festered within their ranks—a secret brotherhood that, in a time of endless war with few clear victories, made the act of killing itself the paramount goal. The investigation and trial following Alpha’s deployment—and Gallagher’s ultimate acquittal on the most serious charges—would pit SEAL against SEAL, set the Navy brass on a collision course with President Donald Trump, and turn Gallagher into a political litmus test in a hotly polarized America.

A page-turning tale of battle, honor, and betrayal, Alpha is a remarkable exposé of the fault lines fracturing a country that has been at war for a generation and counting.
Детская литература
Nicole Magistro 0.0
Join a very brave girl and her furry friends on an adventure to Read Island! Through the power of imagination and the pleasure of reading, this curious trio set sail for a magical island made of books. On their way they discover a joyful collection of animals converging by sea and land, just in time for an unforgettable story hour.

A rhyming celebration of nature, books and the importance of stories, Read Island invites you to experience the diversity and wonder of a hidden and wild place. In the company of sea wolves, humpback whales and spirit bears, readers will discover simple meditations that summon a magical destination - one filled with beloved friends, safe spaces and stories to be revisited again and again.

For make-believe though it may look,
There is an island made of books.
This world of stories, safe and true,
Is always here to welcome you.
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Kathryn Wilder 0.0
Kathryn Wilder's powerful story of grief, motherhood, and return to the desert entwines with the story of wild mustangs as she makes a home on the Colorado Plateau on property bordering a BLM mustang management area. Desert Chrome illuminates these controversial creatures--their plight, what they mean to us, and what can be done to help both habitat and horses stay healthy and wild--and celebrates the animal nature in us all.
Общая художественная литература
Jenny Shank 0.0
In Mixed Company Jenny Shank reveals moments of grace and connection between people of her hometown, Denver, through stories that contrast the city during its oil-bust era of economic troubles and court-ordered crosstown busing for racial desegregation with the burgeoning and gentrifying city of recent years.

In “Casa del Rey,” a cautious pregnant woman must contend with her out-of-control and intrusive neighbor. In “Hurts,” a girls’ basketball team at a majority Black Denver high school clashes with a white mountain team. In “La Sexycana,” a bottom-feeding journalist ventures to a dance club to confront the young Latina woman she mentored as a teenager who then cut off all contact with her. “Lightest Lights Against Darkest Darks” follows a white middle schooler bused to a majority Black school who falls under the spell of her magnetic and racially ambiguous art teacher. In “Signing for Linemen,” a graduate student in medieval literature takes a job as a summer tutor for a college football team and ends up learning more than she expected about athletes, American Sign Language, and herself. In “Local Honey,” middle-aged white parents bring their adopted Black teenage son to a Wu-Tang Clan concert in an attempt to bond with him.

Characters find their initial perceptions and ideas overturned in these stories laced with humor, heart, and grit. Jenny Shank forges fiction out of the sparks that fly when diverse people encounter one another.
Документальная литература
Julian Rubinstein 0.0
A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice

An award-winning journalist's dramatic account of a shooting that shook a community to its core, with important implications for the future

On the last evening of summer in 2013, five shots rang out in a part of northeast Denver known as the Holly. Long a destination for African American families fleeing the Jim Crow South, the area had become an "invisible city" within a historically white metropolis. While shootings there weren't uncommon, the identity of the shooter that night came as a shock. Terrance Roberts was a revered anti-gang activist. His attempts to bring peace to his community had won the accolades of both his neighbors and the state's most important power brokers. Why had he just fired a gun?

In The Holly, the award-winning Denver-based journalist Julian Rubinstein reconstructs the events that left a local gang member paralyzed and Roberts facing the possibility of life in prison. Much more than a crime story, The Holly is a multigenerational saga of race and politics that runs from the civil rights movement to Black Lives Matter. With a cast that includes billionaires, elected officials, cops, developers, and street kids, the book explores the porous boundaries between a city's elites and its most disadvantaged citizens. It also probes the fraught relationships between police, confidential informants, activists, gang members, and ex-gang members as they struggle to put their pasts behind them. In The Holly, we see how well-intentioned efforts to curb violence and improve neighborhoods can go badly awry, and we track the interactions of law enforcement with gang members who conceive of themselves as defenders of a neighborhood. When Roberts goes on trial, the city's fault lines are fully exposed. In a time of national reckoning over race, policing, and the uses and abuses of power, Rubinstein offers a dramatic and humane illumination of what's at stake.
Adrian Miller 0.0
Across America, the pure love and popularity of barbecue cookery have gone through the roof. Prepared in one regional style or another, in the South and beyond, barbecue is one of the nation's most distinctive culinary arts. And people aren't just eating it; they're also reading books and articles and watching TV shows about it. But why is it, asks Adrian Miller--admitted 'cuehead and longtime certified barbecue judge--that in today's barbecue culture African Americans don't get much love?

In Black Smoke, Miller chronicles how Black barbecuers, pitmasters, and restauranteurs helped develop this cornerstone of American foodways and how they are coming into their own today. It's a smoke-filled story of Black perseverance, culinary innovation, and entrepreneurship. Though often pushed to the margins, African Americans have enriched a barbecue culture that has come to be embraced by all. Miller celebrates and restores the faces and stories of the men and women who have influenced this American cuisine. This beautifully illustrated chronicle also features 22 barbecue recipes collected just for this book.
Подростковая литература
Megan E. Freeman 0.0
When twelve-year-old Maddie hatches a scheme for a secret sleepover with her two best friends, she ends up waking up to a nightmare. She’s alone—left behind in a town that has been mysteriously evacuated and abandoned.

With no one to rely on, no power, and no working phone lines or internet access, Maddie slowly learns to survive on her own. Her only companions are a Rottweiler named George and all the books she can read. After a rough start, Maddie learns to trust her own ingenuity and invents clever ways to survive in a place that has been deserted and forgotten.

As months pass, she escapes natural disasters, looters, and wild animals. But Maddie’s most formidable enemy is the crushing loneliness she faces every day. Can Maddie’s stubborn will to survive carry her through the most frightening experience of her life?
Художественная литература
Венди Дж. Фокс 0.0
What If We Were Somewhere Else is the question everyone asks in these linked stories as they try to figure out how to move on from job losses, broken relationships, and fractured families. Following the employees of a nameless corporation and their loved ones, these stories examine the connections they forge and the choices they make as they try to make their lives mean something in the soulless, unforgiving hollowness of corporate life. Looking hard at the families to which we are born and the families we make, What If We Were Somewhere Else asks its own questions about what it means to work, love, and age against the uncertain backdrop of modern America.
Jodi Bowersox 0.0
Are the enemies real or imagined...
Tiffany Morrow had thought she only imagined the demon horse with glowing red eyes at the airport, but there was no mistaking the mountain view she had seen out the window this morning. She was really and truly in Denver. Home. The nightmare of the jungle was over.

She really didn’t know how much time had passed since she’d been carried out of that vile cabin in the Amazon. She did remember that---waking for a moment or two in the arms of someone strong. Whispered words she couldn’t recall. Words that had struck her as kind.

So why did you run from them? God, you do the stupidest things.

The voices that had been nearly eliminated before she had awakened in a Brazilian hell had been her almost constant companion without the meds whose job it was to hush them to a whisper.

She knew it would do no good to answer the voices. They never listened to her. But she did know why she was running from those who had helped her. Aaron McCain had spoken with kind and beautiful words before selling her to a sex trafficker. Kind words were often a trap. Who’s to say that her “rescuers” weren’t taking her from one hell to another?

“This book is a great mystery that keeps you involved and guessing until the end. You can’t go wrong with this story!

“You’ll be riveted from the time you open the cover. Clear your calendar because you won’t want to put this down!”
Уэйн Миллер 0.0
A boy asks his father what it means to die; a poet wonders whether we can truly know another's thoughts; a man tries to understand how extreme violence and grace can occupy the same space. These are the questions Wayne Miller tackles in We the Jury: the hard ones, the impossible ones.

From an academic dinner party disturbing in its crassness and disaffection to a family struggling to communicate gently the permanence of death, Miller situates these poems--taut and spare, yet rich in their images and full of unexpected turns--in dilemma. He faces moments of profound discomfort, grief, and even joy with a philosopher's curiosity, a father's compassion, and an overarching inquiry at the crossroads of ethics and art: what is the poet's role in making sense of human behavior? A bomb crater-turned-lake "exploding with lilies," a home lost during the late-aughts housing crash--these images and others, powerful and resonant, attempt to answer that question.

Candid and vulnerable, Miller sits with us while we puzzle: we all wish we knew what to tell our children about death. But he also pushes past this and other uncertainties, vowing--and inviting us--to "expand our relationship / with Death," and with every challenging, uncomfortable subject we meet. In the face of questions that seem impossible to answer, We the Jury offers not a shrug, but curiosity, transparency, an opening of the arms.
Научная Фантастика / Фэнтези
Д. Эрик Майкранц 2.2
The electrifying book that introduces readers to the Cognomina, a secret society of people who possess total recall of their past lives. "Haunted by memories of two past lives, a troubled young man stumbles upon a centuries-old secret society of similar individuals and dares to join their ranks." Evan Michaels' now public account takes us into this organization whose members have been agents of change throughout history.
Картер Уилсон 0.0
WINNER—2022 Colorado Book Award (Thriller)

A murderer, a victim, and a witness... but no one in this house is innocent

Twenty years ago an unspeakable tragedy rocked Rose Yates's small, affluent hometown... and only Rose and her family know the truth about what happened.

Haunted by guilt, Rose escaped into a new life. Now she seems to have it all: a marriage, a son, a career. And then her husband is found dead.

As far as Detective Colin Pearson is concerned, Rose is guilty. Her marriage wasn't as happy as she'd led everyone to believe, and worse, she's connected to a twenty-year-old cold case. She can play the part of the victim, but he won't let her or her family escape justice this time around.

Grieving her husband and struggling to make ends meet, Rose returns home, hoping to finally confront her domineering father and unstable sister. But memories of a horrific crime echo through the house, and Rose soon learns that she can't trust anyone, especially not the people closest to her.

From USA Today bestselling author Carter Wilson comes a story of deception, hereditary sin, and what we'll do to protect our own.
Молодежная литература
Olivia Chadha 0.0
A rare, searing portrayal of the future of climate change in South Asia. A streetrat turned revolutionary and the disillusioned hacker son of a politician try to take down a ruthlessly technocratic government that sacrifices its poorest citizens to build its utopia.

The South Asian Province is split in two. Uplanders lead luxurious lives inside a climate-controlled biodome, dependent on technology and gene therapy to keep them healthy and youthful forever. Outside, the poor and forgotten scrape by with discarded black-market robotics, a society of poverty-stricken cyborgs struggling to survive in slums threatened by rising sea levels, unbreathable air, and deadly superbugs.

Ashiva works for the Red Hand, an underground network of revolutionaries fighting the government, which is run by a merciless computer algorithm that dictates every citizen’s fate. She’s a smuggler with the best robotic arm and cybernetic enhancements the slums can offer, and her cargo includes the most vulnerable of the city’s abandoned children.

When Ashiva crosses paths with the brilliant hacker Riz-Ali, a privileged Uplander who finds himself embroiled in the Red Hand’s dangerous activities, they uncover a horrifying conspiracy that the government will do anything to bury. From armed guardians kidnapping children to massive robots flattening the slums, to a pandemic that threatens to sweep through the city like wildfire, Ashiva and Riz-Ali will have to put aside their differences in order to fight the system and save the communities they love from destruction.
Историческая проза
E.J. Levy 0.0
A "gorgeous, thoughtful, heartbreaking" historical novel, The Cape Doctor is the story of one man’s journey from penniless Irish girl to one of most celebrated and accomplished figures of his time (Lauren Fox, New York Times bestselling author of Send for Me).

Beginning in Cork, Ireland, the novel recounts Jonathan Mirandus Perry’s journey from daughter to son in order to enter medical school and provide for family, but Perry soon embraced the new-found freedom of living life as a man. From brilliant medical student in Edinburgh and London to eligible bachelor and quick-tempered physician in Cape Town, Dr. Perry thrived. When he befriended the aristocratic Cape Governor, the doctor rose to the pinnacle of society, before the two were publicly accused of a homosexual affair that scandalized the colonies and nearly cost them their lives.

E. J. Levy’s enthralling novel, inspired by the life of Dr. James Miranda Barry, brings this captivating character vividly alive.
Дэвид Варел 0.0
Lawrence Reddick (1910-1995) was among the most notable African American intellectuals of his generation. The second curator of the Schomburg Library and a University of Chicago PhD, Reddick helped spearhead Carter Woodson's black history movement in the 1930s, guide the Double Victory campaign during World War II, lead the Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the Cold War, mentor Martin Luther King Jr. throughout his entire public life, direct the Opportunities Industrialization Center Institute during the 1960s, and forcefully confront institutional racism within academia during the Black Power era. A lifelong Pan-Africanist, Reddick also fought for decolonization and black self-determination alongside Kwame Nkrumah, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Leopold Senghor, and W. E. B. Du Bois. Beyond participating in such struggles, Reddick documented and interpreted them for black and white publics alike.

In The Scholar and the Struggle, David A. Varel tells Reddick's compelling story. His biography reveals the many essential but underappreciated roles played by intellectuals in the black freedom struggle and connects the past to the present in powerful, unforgettable ways.
Детская литература
Грегори Баррингтон 0.0
Meet Goat Girl and Merle: an irresistible pair of characters who show young readers that the best friendships are built on more than first impressions.

Goat Girl—an adventurous goat—lives on Humdrum Farm, a place where everything is ordinary, and she's looking for some excitement . When she meets Merle—a bull—she mistakes him for a cowboy since he’s both a cow and a boy. Cowboys aren’t ordinary so Goat Girl can’t wait to introduce herself.


An annoyed Merle insists he's not a cowboy.

But will this not-a-cowboy change his mind when his rootin’-tootin’ dream has a chance to come true?

Saddle up and find out in this hilarious, rollicking unlikely friendship story perfect for fans of Jory John’s Goodnight Already!, Ryan T. Higgins’s Mother Bruce, and Suzanne Lang’s Grumpy Monkey.
Общая художественная литература
Р.Л. Мейзес 0.0
La La Fine relates to animals better than she does to other people. Abandoned by a mother who never wanted a family, raised by a locksmith-turned-thief father, La La looks to pets when it feels like the rest of the world conspires against her.

La La’s world stops being whole when her mother, who never wanted a child, abandons her twice. First, when La La falls through thin ice on a skating trip, and again when the accusations of “unfit mother” feel too close to true. Left alone with her father—a locksmith by trade, and a thief in reality—La La is denied a regular life. She becomes her father’s accomplice, calming the watchdog while he strips families of their most precious belongings.

When her father’s luck runs out and he is arrested for burglary, everything La La has painstakingly built unravels. In her fourth year of veterinary school, she is forced to drop out, leaving school to pay for her father’s legal fees the only way she knows how—robbing homes once again.

As an animal empath, she rationalizes her theft by focusing on houses with pets whose maladies only she can sense and caring for them before leaving with the family’s valuables. The news reports a puzzled police force—searching for a thief who left behind medicine for the dog, water for the parrot, or food for the hamster.

Desperate to compensate for new and old losses, La La continues to rob homes, but it’s a strategy that ultimately will fail her.

Other People’s Pets examines the gap between the families we’re born into and those we create, and the danger that holding on to a troubled past may rob us of the future.
Документальная литература
Саша Геффен 0.0
From the Beatles to Prince to Perfume Genius, Glitter Up the Dark takes a historical look at the voices that transcended gender and the ways music has subverted the gender binary.

Why has music so often served as an accomplice to transcendent expressions of gender? Why did the query "is he musical?" become code, in the twentieth century, for "is he gay?" Why is music so inherently queer? For Sasha Geffen, the answers lie, in part, in music's intrinsic quality of subliminal expression, which, through paradox and contradiction, allows rigid gender roles to fall away in a sensual and ambiguous exchange between performer and listener. Glitter Up the Dark traces the history of this gender fluidity in pop music from the early twentieth century to the present day.

Starting with early blues and the Beatles and continuing with performers such as David Bowie, Prince, Missy Elliot, and Frank Ocean, Geffen explores how artists have used music, fashion, language, and technology to break out of the confines mandated by gender essentialism and establish the voice as the primary expression of gender transgression. From glam rock and punk to disco, techno, and hip-hop, music helped set the stage for today's conversations about trans rights and recognition of nonbinary and third-gender identities. Glitter Up the Dark takes a long look back at the path that led here.
Джеффри Б. Миллер 0.0
More than nine million soldiers died in World War I. At the same time, a US-led effort saved nearly ten million civilians from starvation behind the lines during the German occupation, yet one of America's greatest humanitarian efforts is virtually unknown today. In this gripping book, Jeffrey B. Miller tells the remarkable history of two American and Belgian citizen-created organizations that led a massive food relief program for civilians trapped in German-occupied Belgium and northern France. Herbert Hoover, then a successful international businessman, was the driving force behind the effort, coercing and bullying the governments of Germany, Great Britain, France, and the United States to allow a group of idealistic young volunteers to organize in occupied Belgium and coordinate the distribution of tons of food and clothing to desperate Belgians. These crusaders, known as CRB delegates, had to maintain strict neutrality as they watched the Belgians suffer under the harsh German regime. Miller tells compelling stories of German brutality, Belgian relief efforts, and the idealistic Americans who went into German-occupied Belgium from October 1914 up to May 1917, when they were forced to leave after the April entry into the war of the United States. Yanks interweaves the history of the time with fascinating personal stories of volunteers, diplomats, a young Belgian woman who started a dairy farm to feed Antwerp's children, the autocratic head of the Belgian relief organization, and the founder of the American organization, who would become known to the world as the Great Humanitarian and later, largely because of his work in Belgium and post-war Europe, would become the thirty-first president of the United States.
Подростковая литература
Флер Бредли 0.0
Hunting ghosts and solving the case before checkout? All in a weekend's work.

When JJ Jacobson convinced his mom to accept a surprise invitation to an all-expenses-paid weekend getaway at the illustrious Barclay Hotel, he never imagined that he'd find himself in the midst of a murder mystery. He thought he was in for a run-of-the-mill weekend ghost hunting at the most haunted spot in town, but when he arrives at the Barclay Hotel and his mother is blamed for the hotel owner's death, he realizes his weekend is going to be anything but ordinary.

Now, with the help of his new friends, Penny and Emma, JJ has to track down a killer, clear his mother's name, and maybe even meet a ghost or two along the way.
Художественная литература
Дилан Фишер 0.0
Mistaking an ad to join the titular The Loneliest Band in France for one to sell his blood, Migara de Silva, the novella’s narrator — a Sri Lankan student, new to Montpellier — finds himself, instead, under the sway of the band, drinking heavily and being recruited to play a battle-of-the-bands-esque concert (that night) at the local Café Bovary with its four members: Noël, Guy, Lucien, and Michel. Not only is there prize money attached to the concert, the bandmates also see this as an opportunity to debut a new song, one, they claim, that can hurt — even kill — its listeners.
М.Е. Браунинг 0.0
Death is one click away when a string of murders rocks a small Colorado town in the first mesmerizing novel in M. E. Browning's A Jo Wyatt Mystery series.

Echo Valley, Colorado, is a place where the natural beauty of a stunning river valley meets a budding hipster urbanity. But when an internet stalker is revealed to be a cold-blooded killer in real life the peaceful community is rocked to its core.

It should have been an open-and-shut case: the suicide of Tye Horton, the designer of a cutting-edge video game. But Detective Jo Wyatt is immediately suspicious of Quinn Kirkwood, who reported the death. When Quinn reveals an internet stalker is terrorizing her, Jo is skeptical. Doubts aside, she delves into the claim and uncovers a link that ties Quinn to a small group of beta-testers who had worked with Horton. When a second member of the group dies in a car accident, Jo's investigation leads her to the father of a young man who had killed himself a year earlier. But there's more to this case than a suicide, and as Jo unearths the layers, a more sinister pattern begins to emerge--one driven by desperation, shame, and a single-minded drive for revenge.

As Jo closes in, she edges ever closer to the shattering truth--and a deadly showdown that will put her to the ultimate test.
Linda Hogan 0.0
Poems from Linda Hogan explore new and old ways of experiencing the vagaries of the body and existing in harmony with earth's living beings.
Научная Фантастика / Фэнтези
Catherine Wallace Hope 0.0
An imaginative, emotional debut novel for fans of Ann Patchett about one woman's fight to save her daughter from repeating a deadly fate.

What if you had one chance to save someone you lost?

Isolated in the aftermath of tragedy, Erin Fullarton has felt barely alive since the loss of her young daughter, Korrie. She tries to mark the milestones her therapist suggests--like today, the 500th day without Korri--but moving through grief is like swimming against a dark current.

Her estranged husband, Zac, a brilliant astrophysicist, seems to be coping better. Lost in his work, he's perfecting his model of a stunning cosmological phenomenon, one he predicts will occur today--an event so rare, it keeps him from being able to acknowledge Erin's coinciding milestone.

But when Erin receives a phone call from her daughter's school, the same call she received five hundred days earlier when Korrie was still alive, Erin realizes something is happening. Or happening again. Struggling to understand the sudden shifts in time, she pieces together that the phenomenon Zac is tracking may have presented her with the gift of a lifetime: the chance to save her daughter.

Unable to reach Zac or convince the authorities of what is happening, Erin is forced to find the answer on her own, Erin must battle to keep the past from repeating--or risk losing her daughter for good.
Молодежная литература
Сандхья Менон 3.8
The follow-up to When Dimple Met Rishi and There’s Something about Sweetie follows Pinky and Samir as they pretend to date—with disastrous and hilarious results.

Pinky Kumar wears the social justice warrior badge with pride. From raccoon hospitals to persecuted rock stars, no cause is too esoteric for her to champion. But a teeny-tiny part of her also really enjoys making her conservative, buttoned-up corporate lawyer parents cringe.

Samir Jha might have a few . . . quirks remaining from the time he had to take care of his sick mother, like the endless lists he makes in his planner and the way he schedules every minute of every day, but those are good things. They make life predictable and steady.

Pinky loves lazy summers at her parents’ Cape Cod lake house, but after listening to them harangue her about the poor decisions (aka boyfriends) she’s made, she hatches a plan. Get her sorta-friend-sorta-enemy, Samir—who is a total Harvard-bound Mama’s boy—to pose as her perfect boyfriend for the summer. As they bicker their way through lighthouses and butterfly habitats, sparks fly, and they both realize this will be a summer they'll never forget.
Bronwyn Long Borne 0.0
Left penniless after her husband's death, Fiona Lenihan and her two children set out for California in search of a fresh start. Ten years ago Fiona fled the Irish Potato Famine. She has crossed an ocean, so why not a continent? Kier Moran is a loner with a reputation for being the best tracker, best shot, and best guide. As a favor to his aging parents, he is leading their wagon train West, to the Santa Clara Valley, known as the Valley of Heart's Delight. Kier intends to deliver his parents safely to California then resume life under the sun and stars. But meeting Fiona Lenihan threatens his simple plan.
Историческая проза
Молли Танзер 0.0
Two young witches, once inseparable, are set at odds by secrets and wildly dangerous magic.

In the waning days of World War II, with Allied victory all but certain, desperate Nazi diabolists search for a demonic superweapon to turn the tide. A secluded castle somewhere in the south of Germany serves as a laboratory for experiments conducted upon human prisoners, experiments as vile as they are deadly.

Across the English Channel, tucked into the sleepy Cumbrian countryside, lies the Library, the repository of occult knowledge for the Société des Éclairées, an international organization of diabolists. There, best friends Jane Blackwood and Miriam Cantor, tutored by the Société’s Librarian—and Jane’s mother—Nancy, prepare to undergo the Test that will determine their future as diabolists.

When Miriam learns her missing parents are suspected of betraying the Société to the Nazis, she embarks on a quest to clear their names, a quest involving dangerous diabolic practices that will demand more of her than she can imagine. Meanwhile Jane, struggling with dark obsessions of her own, embraces a forbidden use of the Art that could put everyone she loves in danger.

As their friendship buckles under the stress of too many secrets, Jane and Miriam will come face to face with unexpected truths that change everything they know about the war, the world, and most of all themselves. After all, some choices cannot be unmade--and a sacrifice made with the most noble intention might end up creating a monster.
Антология / коллекция
Rise is collection of prose and poetry exploring the concepts of change, renewal, and rebirth. When things change, we experience a variety of emotions--from anger and fear to courage and hope. There is struggle and strife but also the opportunity to rise from the ashes and create, grow, and love.

In these pages, you'll find stories and expressions of joy and sorrow about love, friendship, family, marriage and divorce, loss and grief, the aftermath of natural disaster, and the consequences of our actions, whether momentous or seemingly inconsequential. Change comes to us in many different forms, but we can be inspired by each other to grow in strength, hope, and resilience as together we each face the challenges of change.
Детская литература
Джин Рейди 0.0
After his best friend Sarah leaves for her first day of school, a tortoise named Truman goes on an adventure across the living room and learns to be brave in this thoughtful and heartwarming twist on a first experience story.

Truman the tortoise lives with his Sarah, high above the taxis and the trash trucks and the number eleven bus, which travels south. He never worries about the world below…until one day, when Sarah straps on a big backpack and does something Truman has never seen before. She boards the bus!

Truman waits for her to return.
He waits.
And waits.
And waits.
And when he can wait no longer, he knows what he must do.

Even if it seems…impossible!
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Пэм Хьюстон 0.0
Beloved writer and teacher Pam Houston explores what ties her to the earth in essays as lucid and invigorating as mountain air.

“How do we become who we are in the world? We ask the world to teach us.” In her travels from the Gulf of Mexico to Alaska, Pam Houston explores what ties her to the earth—her 120-acre homestead in the Colorado Rockies most of all. Here, elk calves and bluebirds mark the changing seasons, winter temperatures drop to 35 below, and lightning sparks a 110,000-acre wildfire in a dry summer, threatening her century-old barn and its inhabitants. Alongside her devoted Irish wolfhounds, Houston learns what it means to take responsibility for a piece of land and the creatures on it.

A survivor of parental abuse and neglect, Houston also discovers how the natural world has mothered and healed her. Deep Creek delivers her most profound meditations yet on how “to live simultaneously inside the wonder and the grief . . . to love the damaged world and do what I can to help it thrive.”
Общая художественная литература
Брюс Холсингер 4.1
Smart and juicy, a compulsively readable novel about a previously happy group of friends and parents that is nearly destroyed by their own competitiveness when an exclusive school for gifted children opens in the community

This deliciously sharp novel captures the relentless ambitions and fears that animate parents and their children in modern America, exploring the conflicts between achievement and potential, talent and privilege.

Set in the fictional town of Crystal, Colorado, The Gifted School is a keenly entertaining novel that observes the drama within a community of friends and parents as good intentions and high ambitions collide in a pile-up with long-held secrets and lies. Seen through the lens of four families who've been a part of one another's lives since their kids were born over a decade ago, the story reveals not only the lengths that some adults are willing to go to get ahead, but the effect on the group's children, sibling relationships, marriages, and careers, as simmering resentments come to a boil and long-buried, explosive secrets surface and detonate. It's a humorous, keenly observed, timely take on ambitious parents, willful kids, and the pursuit of prestige, no matter the cost.
Документальная литература
Конни Шумейкер 0.0
Taste the Sweetness Later:Two Muslim Women in America was informed by more than 200 hours of personal interviews, Author Connie Shoemaker shares the stories of two women living in the grip of murderous dictators. Nisren, a Kurdish Iraqi whose childhood is plagued by Saddam Hussein’s “eyes that are watching” is married to an interpreter for the U.S. Army. She escapes to America with her family after anti-US factions threaten to kill her husband. Amena, a Libyan growing up in the shadow of madman Muammar Gaddafi, persists in her dream of higher education by fighting for a scholarship that will take her from her sheepherding family of 22 siblings to graduate study in the United States. Nisren grows up and marries in Baghdad, Iraq, haunted by Saddam Hussain’s “eyes that are watching.” As a Kurdish woman, she suffers the poverty that results from the dictator’s numerous forays into war, UN sanctions, and restrictions against the Kurds. Soon after the U.S. invades Iraq, her husband Raad is becomes an interpreter for the US Army. As anti-U.S. sentiment develops after the invasion, Raad’s twin brother, also an interpreter, is assassinated. The family is warned they are next,, so they obtain a refugee visa to come to the United States. While her husband works to support the family, Nisren learns English, enrolls the children in school, and, in spite of depression and PTSD, discovers the strength to defend her choice to wear her native dress in the face of the rude gestures and shouts of “go home to your own country.” US citizenship is awarded to the whole family just in time for Nisren and Raad to vote in the 2016 presidential election. Eman, a bright young Libyan woman, attacks all the obstacles that block the path to her goal of a scholarship to study in the United States. In spite of cultural restrictions on women and loyalty to her family, she persists with guidance from her grandmother’s words: “Swallow it now, and taste the sweetness later.” After a six-year struggle, marriage and a baby, the scholarship is awarded just at the time of the revolution against Dictator Muamar Gaddafi. Amidst bombs, air strikes and blockaded roads, Eman, husband Sami, and son Saif fly from Tripoli to the United States. In spite of economic hardship, Eman becomes fluent in English, gives birth to a second son, and conquers her lack of technology background to receive an M.S. in computer science. She has achieved her goals but does not want to take her family home to Libya until it is safe. Will it be possible for her to stay in America with a new US President who is tightening immigration restrictions?Nisren and Eman speak to readers in an intimate conversation encompassing values that all women share: relationships with their husbands, education to better their own and their children’s lives, and the freedom to make individual choices. Sharing their stories is a step toward bridging the social and political chasm that divides America today. Just as ignorance of another person condemns us to the bondage of fear, knowledge frees us and makes us more able to function correctly. Nisren and Eman display the courage, determination, and unwavering hope that are essential to the true spirit of America. Their stories serve as inspiration for anyone who faces difficult and seemingly insurmountable hardships. The wisdom of Eman’s sheepherding grandmother sums it up: “Swallow it now, and you will taste the sweetness later.”Taste the Sweetness also includes The women's stories are set against the backdrop of historical and cultural information. Bonus: Discussion Questions to stimulate conversation about immigration issues.
Daniel C. Guiet, Timothy K. Smith 0.0
The astonishing untold story of the author's father, the lone American on a 4-person SOE commando team dropped behind German lines in France, whose epic feats of irregular warfare proved vital in keeping Nazi tanks away from Normandy after D-Day.

When Daniel Guiet was a child and his family moved country, as they frequently did, his father had one possession, a tin bread box, that always made the trip. Daniel was admonished never to touch the box, but one day he couldn't resist. What he found astonished him: a .45 automatic and five full clips; three slim knives; a length of wire with a wooden handle at each end; thin pieces of paper with random numbers on them; several passports with his father's photograph, each bearing a different name; and a large silk square with eight flags, with a message underneath each flag in the language corresponding to it. The one in English read: "I am an American. Help me. You will be well paid."

Eventually Jean Claude Guiet revealed to his family that he had been in the CIA, but it was only at the very end of his life that he spoke of the mission during World War II that marked the beginning of his career in clandestine service. It is one of the last great untold stories of the war, and Daniel Guiet and his collaborator, the writer Tim Smith, have spent several years bringing it to life. Jean Claude was an American citizen but a child of France, and fluent in the language; he was also extremely bright. The American military was on the lookout for native French speakers to be seconded to a secret British special operations commando operation, dropping saboteurs behind German lines in France to coordinate aid to the French Resistance and lead missions wreaking havoc on Germany's military efforts across the entire country. Jean Claude was recruited, and his life was changed forever. Though the human cost was terrible, the mission succeeded beyond the Allies' wildest dreams.

Scholars of Mayhem tells the story of Jean Claude and the other three agents in his "circuit," codenamed Salesman, a unit of Britain's Special Operations Executive, the secret service ordered by Churchill to "Set Europe ablaze." Parachuted into France the day after D-Day, the Salesman team organized, armed, and commanded a ghostly army of 10,000 French Resistance fighters. National pride has kept the story of SOE in France obscure, but of this there is no doubt: While the Resistance had plenty of heart, it was SOE that gave it teeth and claws. Scholars of Mayhem adds brilliantly to that picture, and further underscores what a close-run thing the success of the Allied breakout from the Normandy landings actually was.
Подростковая литература
Лора Резау 0.0
A beating heart. A talking tree. The rain forest. Love. Mysticism. Harvest. And above all, chocolate.
Dear Coco and Leo,
I miss you! We all miss you! The whole forest misses you! I hear their thanks and wishes in my dreams. I hope you do, too.

Prepare for a journey into a world filled with what so many crave -- the sweet savoring of a chocolate drop. A drop that can melt even the most troubled realities. But in this nuanced, heartrending story, before good can emerge, there is destruction, the bombarding of a people, their culture, heritage, sacred beliefs, and the very soul that drives their traditions.

This urgent, beautiful novel takes readers into the ugly realities that surround the destruction of the Amazon rain forest and its people. Acclaimed author Laura Resau shows us that love is more powerful than hatred, and that by working together, hope can be magically restored, root and branch.
Художественная литература
Брэнди Хоман 0.0
In the novel-in-fragments, BURN FORTUNE, 16-year-old June is a corn-detasseling flag twirler who lives in a small conservative town in the early 90s Midwest. Her family is dysfunctional but her boyfriend—known only as “My Boyfriend”—has a family who is emotionally and physically abusive. Looking for alternatives to the lives of the women who surround her, June becomes obsessed with the actress Jean Seberg (best known for her starring role in Jean-Luc Godard’s Breathless) as well as Joan of Arc. After being raped by an acquaintance, June withdraws and begins to live mostly through Seberg’s films. Offered these lives as alternatives to her own, June is left to wonder: Can anyone truly transcend their circumstances, or does having a dream mean death—literally and metaphorically?
Clive Cussler, Дирк Касслер 0.0
An ancient mystery becomes an all-too-real modern threat for Dirk Pitt and his colleagues, in an extraordinary adventure novel in one of suspense fiction's most beloved series.

The murder of a team of U.N. scientists while investigating mysterious deaths in El Salvador. A deadly collision in the waterways off Detroit. An attack from tomb raiders on an archeological site along the Nile. Is there a link between these violent events? The answer may lie with the tale of an Egyptian princess forced to flee the armies of her father three thousand years ago.

From the desert sands of Egypt to the rocky isles of Ireland to the deepwater lochs of Scotland, only Dirk Pitt can unravel the secrets of an ancient enigma that could change the very future of mankind.
Иллюстрированная книга
Патрик Лоэр 0.0
A new graphic novel, Bird Parade by Patrick Loehr (with a fabulous introduction by Nathan Ballingrud) is a dark, coming of age narrative about two young boys and a gun. Set in rural Colorado, the story exposes a somber world wherein notions of strength and maturity are deeply intertwined with the mystique of firearms and family legend. The young narrator’s eagerness to grow up — to complete a rite of passage — compels him towards actions that ultimately shatter his childhood. The richly illustrated volume is awash in muted textures of brown and gray, a visually appropriate setting for this dark, thought provoking, and timely tale.
Эбигейл Чабитной 0.0
In How to Dress a Fish, poet Abigail Chabitnoy, of Aleut descent, addresses the lives disrupted by US Indian boarding school policy. She pays particular attention to the life story of her great grandfather, Michael, who was taken from the Baptist Orphanage, Wood Island, Alaska, and sent to Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania. Incorporating extracts from Michael's boarding school records and early Russian ethnologies--while engaging Alutiiq language, storytelling motifs, and traditional practices--the poems form an act of witness and reclamation. In uncovering her own family records, Chabitnoy works against the attempted erasure, finding that while legislation such as the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act reconnects her to community, through blood and paper, it could not restore the personal relationships that had already been severed.
Научная Фантастика / Фэнтези
Кейт Гласс 3.5
In Cantagna, being a sorcerer is a death sentence.

Romy escapes her hardscrabble upbringing when she becomes courtesan to the Shadow Lord, a revolutionary noble who brings laws and comforts once reserved for the wealthy to all. When her brother, Neri, is caught thieving with the aid of magic, Romy's aristocratic influence is the only thing that can spare his life — and the price is her banishment.

Now back in Beggar’s Ring, she has just her wits and her own long-hidden sorcery to help her and Neri survive. But when a plot to overthrow the Shadow Lord and incite civil war is uncovered, only Romy knows how to stop it. To do so, she’ll have to rely on newfound allies — a swordmaster, a silversmith, and her own thieving brother. And they'll need the very thing that could condemn them all: magic.
Картер Уилсон 4.0
Jake Buchannan knows the woman sitting next to him on his business flight to Denver—he just can’t figure out how he knows her. Clara Stowe isn’t in Jake’s line of work and didn’t go to college with him. They have nearly nothing in common apart from a deep and shared certainty that they’ve met before. Despite their best efforts over a probing conversation, both struggle to figure out what circumstances could possibly have brought them together. Then, in a revelation that sends Jake reeling, Clara admits she’s traveling to the Colorado mountains to kill herself, and disappears into the crowded airport immediately after landing.

The Dead Girl in 2A is the story of what happens to Jake and Clara after they get off that plane, and the manipulative figure who has brought them together decades after they first met.
Молодежная литература
Сандхья Менон 4.1
Ashish Patel didn’t know love could be so…sucky. After he’s dumped by his ex-girlfriend, his mojo goes AWOL. Even worse, his parents are annoyingly, smugly confident they could find him a better match. So, in a moment of weakness, Ash challenges them to set him up.

The Patels insist that Ashish date an Indian-American girl—under contract. Per subclause 1(a), he’ll be taking his date on “fun” excursions like visiting the Hindu temple and his eccentric Gita Auntie. Kill him now. How is this ever going to work?

Sweetie Nair is many things: a formidable track athlete who can outrun most people in California, a loyal friend, a shower-singing champion. Oh, and she’s also fat. To Sweetie’s traditional parents, this last detail is the kiss of death.

Sweetie loves her parents, but she’s so tired of being told she’s lacking because she’s fat. She decides it’s time to kick off the Sassy Sweetie Project, where she’ll show the world (and herself) what she’s really made of.

Ashish and Sweetie both have something to prove. But with each date they realize there’s an unexpected magic growing between them. Can they find their true selves without losing each other?
Харпер Макдэвид 0.0
When engineer Avery McAndrews is offered the Zapata project, she readily accepts. Despite the fact the Texas border town has a dubious reputation, she’s used to pushing past all kinds of stereotypes. The assignment is a career maker.
Avery’s work is disrupted when a battle for control of the oil production facility puts her in the crossfire between warring drug cartels. All hope for a promotion is forgotten. Kidnapped and imprisoned in a Mexican brothel, Avery discovers that her captor, Javier Ramos, son of a cartel boss, is more than just a power-hungry drug lord. He’s crazy.
As lead attorney for the Ramos Cartel, Alejandro DeLeon’s unofficial responsibilities include managing Javier. Cartel operations are threatened by Javier’s kidnapping of Avery, presenting a nearly impossible situation for Alejandro. But it is Javier’s cruelty toward Avery, that leads Alejandro to risk everything to save her.
With Mexico’s underworld at their heels, Avery and Alejandro run. Danger escalates in every new town as Javier offers a reward for her capture. Though for Avery, the greatest struggle is not the perilous escape, but trusting Alejandro, a man of many secrets…
Сборник рассказов
Эмили Вортман‑Вундер 0.0
From a lightning death on an isolated peak to the intrigues of a small town orchestra, the glimmering stories in this debut collection explore how nature—damaged, fierce, and unpredictable—worms its way into our lives. Here moths steal babies, a creek seduces a lonely suburban mother, and the priorities of a passionate conservationist are thrown into confusion after the death of her son. Over and over, the natural world reveals itself to be unknowable, especially to the people who study it most. These tales of scientists, nurses, and firefighters catalog the loneliness within families, betrayals between friends, and the recurring song of regret and grief.
Детская литература
Кимберли Гард 0.0
Little i can't wait to meet his friends at school, but there's just one problem: he can't find his dot anywhere? Each letter offers a replacement--an acorn from Little a, a balloon from Little b, a clock from Little c--but nothing seems quite right. Adorable illustrations teach alphabet letters and sounds with a surprising and satisfying ending to Little i's search.
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Адам Кейтон-Холланд 0.0
Unsentimental, unexpectedly funny, and incredibly honest, Tragedy Plus Time is a love letter to every family that has ever felt messy, complicated, or (even momentarily) magnificent.

Meet the Magnificent Cayton-Hollands, a trio of brilliant, acerbic teenagers from Denver, Colorado, who were going to change the world. Anna, Adam, and Lydia were taught by their father, a civil rights lawyer, and mother, an investigative journalist, to recognize injustice and have their hearts open to the universe—the good, the bad, the heartbreaking (and, inadvertently, the anxiety-inducing and the obsessive-compulsive disorder-fueling).

Adam chose to meet life’s tough breaks and cruel realities with stand-up comedy; his older sister, Anna, chose law; while their youngest sister, Lydia, struggled to find her place in the world. Beautiful and whip-smart, Lydia was witty, extremely sensitive, fiercely stubborn, and always somewhat haunted. She and Adam bonded over comedy from a young age, running skits in their basement and obsessing over episodes of The Simpsons.

When Adam sunk into a deep depression in college, it was Lydia who was able to reach him and pull him out. But years later as Adam’s career takes off, Lydia’s own depression overtakes her, and, though he tries, Adam can’t return the favor. When she takes her own life, the family is devastated, and Adam throws himself into his stand-up, drinking, and rage. He struggles with disturbing memories of Lydia’s death and turns to EMDR therapy to treat his post-traumatic stress disorder when he realizes there’s a difference between losing and losing it.

Adam Cayton-Holland is a tremendously talented writer and comedian, uniquely poised to take readers to the edges of comedy and tragedy, brilliance and madness. Tragedy Plus Time is a revelatory, darkly funny, and poignant tribute to a lost sibling that will have you reaching for the phone to call your brother or sister by the last page.
Общая художественная литература
Элизабет Хайд 3.8
Everyone has baggage. The Blaire siblings are just taking theirs home for the long weekend.

When Murray Blaire invites his three grown children to his New Hampshire farm for a few days, he makes it clear he expects them to keep things pleasant. The rest of his agenda–using Ruth and George to convince their younger sister, Lizzie, to break up with her much older boyfriend–that he chooses to keep private. But Ruth and George arrive bickering, with old scores to settle. And, in a classic Blaire move, Lizzie derails everything when she turns up late, cradling a damaged family cookbook, and talking about possible criminal charges against her.

This is not the first time the Blaire family has been thrown into chaos. In fact, that cookbook, an old edition of Fannie Farmer, is the last remaining artifact from a time when they were a family of six, not four, with a father running for Congress and a mother building a private life of her own. The now-obscured notes written in its pages provide tantalizing clues to their mother’s ambitions and the mysterious choices she once made, choices her children have always sought without success to understand. Until this weekend.

As the Blaire siblings piece together their mother’s story, they come to realize not just what they’ve lost, but how they can find their way back to each other. In this way, celebrated author Elisabeth Hyde reminds readers that family survival isn’t about simply setting aside old rivalries, but preserving the love that’s written between the lines.
Документальная литература
Рори Кресс 0.0
When Rory Kress began to wonder where her beloved Wheaten Terrier, Izzie, had really come from, she had no idea of the horrors she would uncover. With stunning insight and tenacity, Kress launches an investigation into the harsh realities of the American dog-breeding industry, exposing troubling ties to factory farming and big agriculture.

From a pet shop on Long Island to the puppy mills of rural Missouri, from the author’s own living room to a ride-along with a dog rescue organization, The Doggie in the Window is a must-read for all dog owners and a call to action for improving the lives of man’s best friend.
Эндрю Галлифорд 0.0
Winner, 2019 National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum Western Heritage Award for the Best Nonfiction Book
Winner, 2019 Colorado Book Awards History Category, sponsored by Colorado Center for the Book

In The Woolly West, historian Andrew Gulliford describes the sheep industry’s place in the history of Colorado and the American West. Tales of cowboys and cattlemen dominate western history—and even more so in popular culture. But in the competition for grazing lands, the sheep industry was as integral to the history of the American West as any trail drive.

With vivid, elegant, and reflective prose, Gulliford explores the origins of sheep grazing in the region, the often-violent conflicts between the sheep and cattle industries, the creation of national forests, and ultimately the segmenting of grazing allotments with the passage of the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934. Deeper into the twentieth century, Gulliford grapples with the challenges of ecological change and the politics of immigrant labor. And in the present day, as the public lands of the West are increasingly used for recreation, conflicts between hikers and dogs guarding flocks are again putting the sheep industry on the defensive.

Between each chapter, Gulliford weaves an account of his personal interaction with what he calls the “sheepscape”—that is, the sheepherders’ landscape itself. Here he visits with Peruvian immigrant herders and Mormon families who have grazed sheep for generations, explores delicately balanced stone cairns assembled by shepherds now long gone, and ponders the meaning of arborglyphs carved into unending aspen forests.

The Woolly West is the first book in decades devoted to the sheep industry and breaks new ground in the history of the Colorado Basque, Greek, and Hispano shepherding families whose ranching legacies continue to the present day.
Подростковая литература
Дарби Карчат 0.0
“Ride hard, swing hard, and take out as many of those creepy critters as you can.”

Twelve year old Matt Del Toro is the greenest greenhorn in his family’s centuries-old business: riding down and destroying wolf-like monsters, known as skinners. Now, with those creatures multiplying, both in number and ferocity, Matt must saddle up and match his father’s skills at monster whacking. Odds of doing that? Yeah, about a trillion to one. Because Matt’s father is the legendary Javier Del Toro—hunter, scholar, and a true caballero: a gentleman of the horse.

Luckily, Matt has twelve hundred pounds of backup in his best friend—El Cid, an Andalusian war stallion with the ability of human speech, more fighting savvy than a medieval knight, and a heart as big and steadfast as the Rocky Mountains.

Serious horse power.

Those skinners don’t stand a chance.
Художественная литература
Ник Арвин 0.0
Mad Boy is a rollicking, picaresque novel about family and perseverance set during America’s “forgotten war” of 1812.

Young Henry Phipps is on a quest to realize his dying mother’s last wish: to be buried at sea, surrounded by her family. Not an easy task considering Henry’s ne’er-do-well father is in debtor’s prison and his comically earnest older brother is busy fighting the red coats on the battlefields of Maryland. But Henry’s stubborn determination knows no bounds. As he dodges the cannon fire of clashing armies and picks among the ruins of a burning capital he meets looters, British defectors, renegade slaves, a pregnant maiden in distress, and scoundrels of all types. Mad Boy is at once an antic adventure and a thoroughly convincing work of historical fiction that recreates a young nation’s first truly international conflict and a key moment in the history of the emancipation of African-American slaves.

Entertaining, atmospheric, and touching, Mad Boy will transport readers with its cast of vivid characters, its masterful storytelling, and its poignant tale of a young man burdened by an outsized undertaking.
C. C. Harrison 0.0
A new cozy mystery by award-winning author C.C. Harrison!

Viva Winter puts her sleuthing skills to the test in Death by G-String: A Coyote Canyon Ladies Ukulele Club Mystery. Can she find the truth before it's too late?

The Coyote Canyon Ladies Ukulele Club is gearing up for a ukulele competition when their flamboyant star player, Kiki Jacquenette, is found strangled to death with a G-string. Not only is a first place win in jeopardy, the entire folk music festival is put on the verge of collapse. A murderer on the loose is sure to keep tourists away.

Chronicle editor Viva Winter had hoped to make Coyote Canyon the folk music capitol of the Colorado mountains, and was also trying to raise money to help repay the townspeople bilked by her father's phony investment scheme. With much to gain by Kiki's death, Viva soon comes under suspicion, so she must uncover the truth before her whole life turns into one sour note, and a tourist trade boom falls flat.
Диана Хой Нгуен 0.0
Ghost Of is a mourning song, not an exorcism or un-haunting of that which haunts, but attuned attention, unidirectional reaching across time, space, and distance to reach loved ones, ancestors, and strangers. By working with, in, and around the photographs that her brother left behind (from which he cut himself out before his death), Nguyen wrestles with what remains: memory, physical voids, and her family captured around an empty space.
Научная Фантастика / Фэнтези
Л. Д. Колтер 0.0
The first time Ty died he was five, the second time he was seven. He's always believed his third death will be the final one, and now he may find out.

Greece, 1958. More than twenty years after his near-death experiences and the visions of terrifying gods that came with them, Ty leads a quiet life working as a locksmith. When a client persuades him to play in an ancient game of throwing bones his peaceful existence is shattered and Ty quickly finds himself deeply in debt, his life hanging in the balance once more. Forced to descend to the eerie mid-world of Erebus to repay his debt, his fate is soon entwined with sleeping gods, the factions that seek to control them, and an enemy powerful enough to destroy them all.

A fantasy thriller by award-winning author, L. D. Colter. Get ready to dive head-first into a 1950s Greece where conjoined queens rule a nation perched above an underworld filled with demi-gods and monsters, and a mortal man holds the key to the fate of the gods.
Картер Уилсон 0.0
How far are you willing to go for Mister Tender?

At fourteen, Alice Hill was viciously attacked by two of her classmates and left to die. The teens claim she was a sacrifice for a man called Mister Tender, but that could never be true: Mister Tender doesn’t exist. His sinister character is pop-culture fiction, created by Alice’s own father in a series of popular graphic novels.

Over a decade later, Alice has changed her name and is trying to heal. But someone is watching her. They know more about Alice than any stranger could: her scars, her fears, and the secrets she keeps locked away. She can try to escape her past, but Mister Tender is never far behind. He will come with a smile that seduces, and a dark whisper in her ear…

Inspired by a true story, this gripping thriller plunges you into a world of haunting memories and unseen threats, leaving you guessing until the harrowing end.
Молодежная литература
Джулия дель Росарио 0.0
Nic Chen refuses to spend her senior year branded as the girl who cheated on her charismatic and lovable boyfriend. To redefine her reputation among her Ivy League–obsessed classmates, Nic begins writing their college admissions essays.

But the more essays Nic writes for other people, the less sure she becomes of herself, the kind of person she is, and whether her moral compass even points north anymore.
Антология / коллекция
Selected from the country’s leading literary journals and publications—Colorado Review, Creative Nonfiction, Georgia Review, Prairie Schooner, Crazyhorse, The Normal School, and others—Beautiful Flesh gathers eighteen essays on the body, essentially building a multi-gender, multi-ethnic body out of essays, each concerning a different part of the body: belly, brain, bones, blood, ears, eyes, hair, hands, heart, lungs, nose, ovaries, pancreas, sinuses, skin, spine, teeth, and vas deferens. The title is drawn from Wendy Call’s essay “Beautiful Flesh,” a meditation on the pancreas: “gorgeously ugly, hideously beautiful: crimson globes embedded in a pinkish-tan oval, all nestled on a bed of cabbage-olive green, spun through with gossamer gold.”

Other essays include Dinty W. Moore’s “The Aquatic Ape,” in which the author explores the curious design and necessity of sinuses; Katherine E. Standefer’s “Shock to the Heart, Or: A Primer on the Practical Applications of Electricity,” a modular essay about the author’s internal cardiac defibrillator and the nature of electricity; Matt Roberts’s “Vasectomy Instruction 7,” in which the author considers the various reasons for and implications of surgically severing and sealing the vas deferens; and Peggy Shinner’s “Elective,” which examines the author’s own experience with rhinoplasty and cultural considerations of the “Jewish nose.” Echoing the myriad shapes, sizes, abilities, and types of the human body, these essays showcase the many forms of the genre: personal, memoir, lyric, braided, and so on.

Contributors: Amy Butcher, Wendy Call, Steven Church, Sarah Rose Etter, Matthew Ferrence, Hester Kaplan, Sarah K. Lenz, Lupe Linares, Jody Mace, Dinty W. Moore, Angela Pelster, Matt Roberts, Peggy Shinner, Samantha Simpson, Floyd Skloot, Danielle R. Spencer, Katherine E. Standefer, Kaitlyn Teer, Sarah Viren, Vicki Weiqi Yang
Детская литература
Мелисса Стюарт 0.0
From award-winning author Melissa Stewart and Caldecott honoree Steve Jenkins comes a noisy nonfiction exploration of the many sounds animals make.

Can an aardvark bark? No, but it can grunt. Lots of other animals grunt too…

Barks, grunts, squeals—animals make all kinds of sounds to communicate and express themselves. With a growling salamander and a whining porcupine, bellowing giraffes and laughing gorillas, this boisterous book is chock-full of fun and interesting facts and is sure to be a favorite of even the youngest animal enthusiasts.
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Хелен Торп 0.0
The Newcomers follows the lives of twenty-two immigrant teenagers throughout the course of the 2015-2016 school year as they land at South High School in Denver, Colorado. These newcomers, from fourteen to nineteen years old, come from nations convulsed by drought or famine or war. Many come directly from refugee camps, after experiencing dire forms of cataclysm. Some arrive alone, having left or lost every other member of their original family.

At the center of their story is Mr. Williams, their dedicated and endlessly resourceful teacher of English Language Acquisition. If Mr. Williams does his job right, the newcomers will leave his class at the end of the school year with basic English skills and new confidence, their foundation for becoming Americans and finding a place in their new home. Ultimately, “The Newcomers reads more like an anthropologist’s notebook than a work of reportage: Helen Thorpe not only observes, she chips in her two cents and participates. Like her, we’re moved and agitated by this story of refugee teenagers…Donald Trump’s gross slander of refugees and immigrants is countered on every page by the evidence of these students’ lives and characters” (Los Angeles Review of Books).

With the US at a political crossroads around questions of immigration, multiculturalism, and America’s role on the global stage, Thorpe presents a fresh and nuanced perspective. The Newcomers is “not only an intimate look at lives immigrant teens live, but it is a primer on the art and science of new language acquisition and a portrait of ongoing and emerging global horrors and the human fallout that arrives on our shores” (USA TODAY)
Общая художественная литература
Мэттью Салливан 3.8
Goodreads Debut Author of the Month and an Indie Next Pick!

When a bookshop patron commits suicide, his favorite store clerk must unravel the puzzle he left behind in this fiendishly clever debut novel from an award-winning short story writer.

Lydia Smith lives her life hiding in plain sight. A clerk at the Bright Ideas bookstore, she keeps a meticulously crafted existence among her beloved books, eccentric colleagues, and the BookFrogs—the lost and lonely regulars who spend every day marauding the store’s overwhelmed shelves.

But when Joey Molina, a young, beguiling BookFrog, kills himself in the bookstore’s upper room, Lydia’s life comes unglued. Always Joey’s favorite bookseller, Lydia has been bequeathed his meager worldly possessions. Trinkets and books; the detritus of a lonely, uncared for man. But when Lydia flips through his books she finds them defaced in ways both disturbing and inexplicable. They reveal the psyche of a young man on the verge of an emotional reckoning. And they seem to contain a hidden message. What did Joey know? And what does it have to do with Lydia?

As Lydia untangles the mystery of Joey’s suicide, she unearths a long buried memory from her own violent childhood. Details from that one bloody night begin to circle back. Her distant father returns to the fold, along with an obsessive local cop, and the Hammerman, a murderer who came into Lydia’s life long ago and, as she soon discovers, never completely left. Bedazzling, addictive, and wildly clever, "Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore" is a heart-pounding mystery that perfectly captures the intellect and eccentricity of the bookstore milieu and will keep you guessing until the very last page.​
Документальная литература
Майкл Кодас 0.0
As forest fires continue to ravage communities, this bestselling author and firefighter explores what causes them, and captures the danger and heroism of those who fight them

In Megafire, a world-renowned journalist and forest fire expert travels to the most dangerous and remote wildernesses, as well as to the backyards of people faced with these environmental disasters, to look at the heart of this phenomenon and witness firsthand the heroic efforts of the firefighters and scientists racing against time to stop it—or at least to tame these deadly flames.

From Colorado to California, China to Canada, the narrative hopscotches the globe and takes readers to the frontlines of the battle both on the ground and in the air, and in the laboratories, universities, and federal agencies where this issue rages on. Through this prism of perspectives, Kodas zeroes in on a handful of the most terrifying and tumultuous of these environmental disasters in recent years—the Yarnell Hill Fire in Arizona that took the lives of nineteen elite “hotshot” firefighters, the Waldo Canyon Fire that overwhelmed the city of Colorado Springs—and more in a page-turning narrative that puts a face on the brave people at the heart of this issue. Megafire describes the profound impact of these fires around the earth and will change the way we think about the environment and the essential precariousness of our world.
Чип Колвелл 0.0
Who owns the past and the objects that physically connect us to history? And who has the right to decide this ownership, particularly when the objects are sacred or, in the case of skeletal remains, human? Is it the museums that care for the objects or the communities whose ancestors made them? These questions are at the heart of Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits, an unflinching insider account by a leading curator who has spent years learning how to balance these controversial considerations.

Five decades ago, Native American leaders launched a crusade to force museums to return their sacred objects and allow them to rebury their kin. Today, hundreds of tribes use the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act to help them recover their looted heritage from museums across the country. As senior curator of anthropology at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Chip Colwell has navigated firsthand the questions of how to weigh the religious freedom of Native Americans against the academic freedom of scientists and whether the emptying of museum shelves elevates human rights or destroys a common heritage. This book offers his personal account of the process of repatriation, following the trail of four objects as they were created, collected, and ultimately returned to their sources: a sculpture that is a living god, the scalp of a massacre victim, a ceremonial blanket, and a skeleton from a tribe considered by some to be extinct. These specific stories reveal a dramatic process that involves not merely obeying the law, but negotiating the blurry lines between identity and morality, spirituality and politics.

Things, like people, have biographies. Repatriation, Colwell argues, is a difficult but vitally important way for museums and tribes to acknowledge that fact—and heal the wounds of the past while creating a respectful approach to caring for these rich artifacts of history.
Подростковая литература
Тодд Митчелл 0.0
For fans of "The One and Only Ivan" and "Hoot, " this is the uplifting story of a girl who discovers a family of panthers that were thought to be extinct, and her journey to save the species.
Eleven-year-old Kiri has a secret: wild things call to her. More than anyone else, she s always had a special connection to animals.
But when Kiri has an encounter with the last known Florida panther, her life is quickly turned on end. Caught between her conservationist father, who wants to send the panther to a zoo, and the village poachers, who want to sell it to feed their families, Kiri must embark on a journey that will take her deep into the wilderness.
There has to be some way to save the panther, and for her da and the villagers to understand each other. If Kiri can t figure out what it is, she ll lose far more than the panthers she ll lose the only home she s ever known, and the only family she has left.
Художественная литература
Лора Притчетт 0.0
The tight-knit residents of Blue Moon Mountain, nestled high in the Colorado Mountains, form an interconnected community of those living off the land, stunned by the beauty and isolation all around them. So when, at the onset of winter, the town veterinarian commits a violent act, the repercussions of that tragedy will be felt all across the mountainside, upending their lives and causing their paths to twist and collide in unexpected ways.

The housecleaner rediscovering her sexual appetite, the farrier who must take in his traumatized niece, the grocer and her daughter, the therapist and the teacher, reaching out to the world in new and surprising ways, and the ragged couple trapped in a cycle of addiction and violence. They will all rise and converge upon the blue hour —the l’heure bleu—the hour of twilight, a time of desire, lust, honesty. The strong, spirited people of Blue Moon Mountain must learn to navigate the line between violence and sex, tenderness and the hard edge of yearning, and the often confusing paths of mourning and lust.

Writing with passion for rural lives and the natural world, Laura Pritchett, who has been called “one of the most accomplished writers of the American West,” graces the land of desire in vivid prose, exploring the lengths these moving, deeply felt characters —some of whom we’ve met in Pritchett’s previous work — will traverse to protect their own.
Барбара Никлесс 0.0
The search for a missing child leads a courageous railway cop down a twisted trail of murder.

It’s been five months since Special Agent Sydney Parnell survived a violent confrontation with a gang of brutal thugs, an encounter that left her physically and emotionally scarred. Deep down, Sydney fears she isn’t ready for another investigation. But when a woman is murdered on the train tracks and a child is kidnapped, she knows she’s the only one who can lead the hunt for the killer. While Denver police and the FBI chase down blind alleys, Sydney focuses on a single cryptic clue left behind at the crime scene—one that will send her down a path of greed, violence, and long-ago love.

With Denver beset by a series of monsoonlike thunderstorms that threaten to flood the city, Sydney and her K9 partner, Clyde, must wade through a murky trail of murder that stretches back thirty years—all to rescue a child…and catch a killer with a long memory and an insatiable appetite for destruction.
Иллюстрированная книга
Мэри-Дейли Десмаре 0.0
The Western is the quintessential American epic—a mythic story of nation building, triumphs, failures, and fantasies. This book accompanies the first major exhibition to examine the Western genre and its evolution from the mid-1800s in fine art, film, and popular culture, exploring gender roles, race relations, and gun violence—a story that is about more than cowboys and American Indians, pursuits and duels, or bandits and barroom brawls. From 19th-century landscape paintings by Albert Bierstadt and Frederic Remington to works by Andy Warhol, Ed Ruscha, and Kent Monkman; from the legends of “Buffalo Bill” Cody and Billy the Kid to John Ford’s classic films and Sergio Leone’s spaghetti Westerns and recent productions by Quentin Tarantino, Ang Lee, and Joel and Ethan Coen, The Western observes how the mythology of the West spread throughout the world and endures today.
Camille T. Dungy 0.0
Poems about birth, death, and ecosystems of nature and power
Научная Фантастика / Фэнтези
L. D. Colter 0.0
This is an alternate cover edition for B078FZRX51

Lost in a barren alternative world, July Davish has two options: Confront his hellish past or be trapped there forever.

Fate has dealt July a lifetime of nothings; no happy childhood, no lasting relationships, and now, no job. His mantra of perseverance has gotten him through it all, but faced with losing his home, he finally sets foot on the same road of self-destruction the rest of his family followed.

An accident changes everything. When two colliding cars send him diving from a San Diego sidewalk toward safety, he lands somewhere far from safe—in a bizarrely deserted version of San Francisco. Though he wakes in his own reality, he continues to pass out, dragged back to that strange world each time. July is willing to do anything to end his world-hopping, right up until he learns the price: reliving a past he's tried his whole life to forget. He’s not sure his sanity can take it. Not even to get back to his own world, a woman he’s falling in love with, and a life he finally cares about.
Пег Брантли 0.0
Sex trafficking. Not Thailand. Or the Philippines. Or Russia. America. Rich or poor, black or white, girls disappear across this country every day, pulled into the nightmarish world of prostitution and drugs. Mex Anderson is back, tasked with finding three missing girls before it's too late. Three girls. Three girls who could live in your town, your neighborhood, or in your own home. Jayla Imani Thomas is fifteen. A smart kid from a poor part of town who has to fend for herself. Jayla is headed for college and a better life than her mother had. Alexis Emily Halston is seventeen. Money provides everything she wants or needs except functional parents. Alexis has the world by the tail and she knows it. Olivia Emma Campbell is twelve. She's a middle child who dreams of being a veterinarian when she grows up. But right now "Livvy" just wants someone to notice her, maybe even to love her. Caught up in a cruel system fueled by lust and money, all three young women must find the courage within themselves to survive. And Mex must come to terms with his own loss and face his demons head on-or he might not have the strength to save them.
Молодежная литература
Сандхья Менон 4.1
Димпл – будущая студентка Стенфорда, которая верит в логику, профессионализм и мечтает стать веб-разработчицей.

Риши – безнадёжный романтик, живущий мечтами о вечной любви. Кажется, он с детства был готов к серьёзным отношениям. Парень безнадёжно влюбляется в Димпл и решает завоевать сердце девушки во что бы то ни стало! Но девушку интересует только карьера.

Димпл не верит в любовь и считает её полной глупостью. Но Риши готов доказать ей обратное. Сможет ли каждый из них пожертвовать важной частью своей жизни ради другого и научиться мечтать вместе? Или противоположностям не суждено разделить одно чувство на двоих?

"Когда Димпл встретила Риши" – бестселлер New York Times, который входит в список лучших книг 2017 года по версии Amazon и Kirkus Reviews. Роман удостоился восторженных отзывов на порталах Goodreads и Bustle.
Антология / коллекция
FOUND: Sometimes things are better off lost. And sometimes they were never meant to disappear. Either way, when they’re found, everything changes.
Explore fifteen illuminating tales of short fiction that reveal the consequences of finding something once lost or better off forgotten.
From Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers comes this collection of inspired works from both award-winning and talented new writers.
Марк Ли Гарднер 0.0
The first definitive account of this legendary fighting force and its extraordinary leader, Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Lee Gardner’s Rough Riders is narrative nonfiction at its most invigorating and compulsively readable. Its dramatic unfolding of a familiar, yet not-fully-known story will remind readers of James Swanson’s Manhunt.

Two months after the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor in February 1898, Congress authorized President McKinley to recruit a volunteer army to drive the Spaniards from Cuba. From this army emerged the legendary “Rough Riders,” a mounted regiment drawn from America’s western territories and led by the indomitable Theodore Roosevelt. Its ranks included not only cowboys and other westerners, but several Ivy Leaguers and clubmen, many of them friends of “TR.” Roosevelt and his men quickly came to symbolize American ruggedness, daring, and individualism. He led them to victory in the famed Battle at San Juan Hill, which made TR a national hero and cemented the Rough Riders’ place in history.

Now, Mark Lee Gardner synthesizes previously unknown primary accounts as well as period newspaper articles, letters, and diaries from public and private archives in Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Boston, and Washington, DC, to produce this authoritative chronicle. He breathes fresh life into the Rough Riders and pays tribute to their daring feats and indomitable leader. Gardner also explores lesser-known aspects of the story, including their relationship with the African-American “Buffalo Soldiers," with whom they fought side by side at San Juan Hill.

Rich with action, violence, camaraderie, and courage, Rough Riders sheds new light on the Theodore Roosevelt saga—and on one of the most thrilling chapters in American history.
Детская литература
Эллен Джексон 0.0
Dive into this fascinating counting journey through the amazing and mysterious world of octopuses.

Everyone knows octopuses have eight arms. But did you know that they have three hearts and nine brains? This intriguing exploration of octopuses goes through numbers one to ten, with a snappy rhyme and fascinating octopus facts for each number. The book also includes octopus crafts and activities for more learning fun!
Креативная документальная литера...
Tershia d’Elgin 0.0
The Man Who Thought He Owned Water is author Tershia d’Elgin’s fresh take on the gravest challenge of our time—how to support urbanization without killing ourselves in the process. The gritty story of her family’s experience with water rights on its Colorado farm provides essential background about American farms, food, and water administration in the West in the context of growing cities and climate change. Enchanting and informative, The Man Who Thought He Owned Water is an appeal for urban-rural cooperation over water and resiliency.

When her father bought his farm—Big Bend Station—he also bought the ample water rights associated with the land and the South Platte River, confident that he had secured the necessary resources for a successful endeavor. Yet water immediately proved fickle, hard to defend, and sometimes dangerous. Eventually those rights were curtailed without compensation. Through her family’s story, d’Elgin dramatically frames the personal-scale implications of water competition, revealing how water deals, infrastructure, transport, and management create economic growth but also sever human connections to Earth’s most vital resource. She shows how water flows to cities at the expense of American-grown food, as rural land turns to desert, wildlife starves, the environment degrades, and climate change intensifies.

Depicting deep love, obsession, and breathtaking landscape, The Man Who Thought He Owned Water is an impassioned call to rebalance our relationship with water. It will be of great interest to anyone seeking to understand the complex forces affecting water resources, food supply, food security, and biodiversity in America.
Общая художественная литература
Дайан Ле Бекке 0.0
In captivating prose, Diane Les Becquets tells the story of one woman missing in the Colorado wilderness and another bent on discovering the missing woman's whereabouts, in an unforgettably moving and thrilling literary debut.

It is the last weekend of the season for Amy Raye Latour to get away. Driven to spend days alone in the wilderness, Amy Raye, mother of two, is compelled by the quiet and the rush of nature. But this time, her venture into a remote area presents a different set of dangers than Amy Raye has planned for and she finds herself on the verge of the precarious edge that she's flirted with her entire life.

When Amy Raye doesn't return to camp, ranger Pru Hathaway and her dog respond to the missing person's call. After an unexpected snowfall and few leads, the operation turns into a search and recovery. Pru, though, is not resigned to that. The more she learns about the woman for whom she is searching, and about Amy Raye's past, the more she suspects that Amy Raye might yet be alive. Pru's own search becomes an obsession for a woman whose life is just as mysterious as the clues she has left behind.

As the novel follows Amy Raye and Pru in alternating threads, Breaking Wild assumes the white-knuckled pace of a thriller laying bare Amy Raye's ultimate reckoning with the secrets of her life, and Pru's dogged pursuit of the woman who, against all odds, she believes she can find.
Документальная литература
Грант Кольер 0.0
Two decades ago, Grant Collier embarked on a project that had him following, quite literally, in the footsteps of his great-great-grandfather, the pioneer photographer Joseph Collier. He traveled throughout Colorado taking photographs from the exact same spots where Joseph captured his images over a century before. In 2001, Grant released a book of these photographs entitled "Colorado Yesterday & Today."

"Colorado Then & Now" is the sequel to this book, and it contains 200 new photographs. These images capture, in stunning detail, the changes that have occurred in Colorado over the past 145 years. They depict breathtaking landscapes, from the glacially-carved peaks of the San Juan Mountains to the remarkable rock formations along the Front Range. They show early stone structures and towering steel skyscrapers in Denver, boisterous mining camps in the Rockies, and wagon roads, railroads, and modern highways built through steep valleys and over rugged mountain passes. Accompanying these images are essays on six regions of Colorado, along with a biography on Joseph Collier.
Томас Дж. Эндрюс 0.0
What can we learn from a high-country valley tucked into an isolated corner of Rocky Mountain National Park? In this pathbreaking book, Thomas Andrews offers a meditation on the environmental and historical pressures that have shaped and reshaped one small stretch of North America, from the last ice age to the advent of the Anthropocene and the latest controversies over climate change.

Large-scale historical approaches continue to make monumental contributions to our understanding of the past, Andrews writes. But they are incapable of revealing everything we need to know about the interconnected workings of nature and human history. Alongside native peoples, miners, homesteaders, tourists, and conservationists, Andrews considers elk, willows, gold, mountain pine beetles, and the Colorado River as vital historical subjects. Integrating evidence from several historical fields with insights from ecology, archaeology, geology, and wildlife biology, this work simultaneously invites scientists to take history seriously and prevails upon historians to give other ways of knowing the past the attention they deserve.

From the emergence and dispossession of the Nuche--"the People"--who for centuries adapted to a stubborn environment, to settlers intent on exploiting the land, to forest-destroying insect invasions and a warming climate that is pushing entire ecosystems to the brink of extinction, Coyote Valley underscores the value of deep drilling into local history for core relationships--to the land, climate, and other species--that complement broader truths. This book brings to the surface the critical lessons that only small and seemingly unimportant places on Earth can teach.
Подростковая литература
Джессика Лосон 0.0
Eleven-year-old Benjamin Putter has a lump in his throat, and he’s certain it’s a golf ball. He knows it sounds crazy, but everything’s been topsy-turvy since his father died last month. And he doesn’t know how to fix it.

Then, one day, something starts tugging at Ben, telling him to hurry to Augusta, Georgia—home of the most famous golf course in the world.

Ben might be going a little crazy, but escaping Hilltop, Alabama, sounds like a darn good idea. (And just maybe it will make that lump go away.) As he makes his way to Augusta, Ben partners up with a mysterious runaway named Noni, and they embark on a journey full of strange and wonderful surprises—and possibly magic—at every turn.

A profound tale of love, loss, and family.
Художественная литература
Mona Awad 3.5
Growing up in the suburban hell of Misery Saga (a.k.a. Mississauga), Lizzie has never liked the way she looks—even though her best friend Mel says she’s the pretty one. She starts dating guys online, but she’s afraid to send pictures, even when her skinny friend China does her makeup: she knows no one would want her if they could really see her. So she starts to lose. With punishing drive, she counts almonds consumed, miles logged, pounds dropped. She fights her way into coveted dresses. She grows up and gets thin, navigating double-edged validation from her mother, her friends, her husband, her reflection in the mirror. But no matter how much she loses, will she ever see herself as anything other than a fat girl?

In her brilliant, hilarious, and at times shocking debut, Mona Awad simultaneously skewers the body image-obsessed culture that tells women they have no value outside their physical appearance, and delivers a tender and moving depiction of a lovably difficult young woman whose life is hijacked by her struggle to conform. As caustically funny as it is heartbreaking, 13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl introduces a vital new voice in fiction.


Барбара Никлесс 0.0
A young woman is found brutally murdered, and the main suspect is the victim’s fiancé, a hideously scarred Iraq War vet known as the Burned Man. But railroad police Special Agent Sydney Rose Parnell, brought in by the Denver Major Crimes unit to help investigate, can't shake the feeling that larger forces are behind this apparent crime of passion.

In the depths of an icy winter, Parnell and her K9 partner, Clyde―both haunted by their time in Iraq―descend into the underground world of a savage gang of rail riders. There, they uncover a wide-reaching conspiracy and a series of shocking crimes. Crimes that threaten everything Parnell holds dear.

As the search for the truth puts her directly in the path of the killer, Parnell must struggle with a deadly question: Can she fight monsters without becoming one herself?
Уэйн Миллер 0.0
The poems of this fourth collection from Wayne Miller exist in the wake of catastrophe, thrumming with pathos and humor, pain and the beauty of living.

Post- coalesces around three primary occurrences: the birth of a child, the death of a father, and the seeming explosion of sociohistorical and political conflict and violence over the past fifteen years. Its world is one populated by rogue gunmen on shooting sprees, where the only inheritance a father has to pass on is his debt, where a car left in an airport parking lot and the coffee cup inside are more immediate presences of the dead. Young rioters leave chaos behind each evening, returning home to watch themselves on the evening news. The unzipping of snow from train tracks evokes the surgery of a family member. Lovers, drinking wine and rowing on a lake, find joy within and without a system that sees them only as consumers.

Beginnings and endings, loss and rebirth, body and spirit: in Post-, Miller processes grief, but also cuts through pain, gorgeously and heartbreakingly, to open up a way forward. Winter permeates these poems—and yet spring is always beckoning in the next.
Научная Фантастика / Фэнтези
Керри Вон 0.0
For more than fifteen years Carrie Vaughn has published short fiction across all genres, through time and space, earning praise from critics and readers for twists and turns, shocks and delights, and emotional heart. This collection brings together alien encounters, classic fantasy creatures, strange magic, historical milieus; stories with heart, of people making their ways in the world the best they can, however strange and hostile those worlds might be; rare, hard-to-find stories that haven't been available in years. All this, now brought together in the first widely-available retrospective collection of Vaughn's work, including her Hugo-nominated, WSFA Small Press Award winning story "Amaryllis," about a post-catastrophe future in which a community struggles to live in balance with the environment and each other.

"Amaryllis" was also published in Lightspeed Magazine.
Картер Уилсон 0.0
When Harden Campbell wakes cold and beaten in a dirt-floor cell, he finds only three other things in the room with him: the mutilated body of his good friend, an ancient typewriter, and a stack of blank paper, the top sheet of which has a single, typed sentence.

Tell me a story.

He knows the message is from Coyote, his brilliant, megalomaniacal roommate whose lust for power and reverence has recently revealed him for the true sociopath he is. Now, as the founder of a new religion with disturbing roots Revelation Coyote s most evil side has emerged. From the moment Harden sees that stack of paper, he knows his one chance of escape is through his own words, and only his ability to successfully recount the dark story of what happened over the past year at Wyland University will determine whether he lives to see the woman he loves once again or is silenced forever.

This will be the most difficult story Harden has ever written, and each word must be chosen with the utmost care. Because Coyote will be reading each and every one of them.
Молодежная литература
Эшли Коулс 0.0
After her soldier brother is horribly wounded in Afghanistan, Gabriela must honor the vow she made: If anything ever happened to him, she would walk the Camino de Santiago through Spain, making a pilgrimage in his name. The worst part is that the promise stipulates that she must travel with her brother's best friend--a boy she has despised all her life. Her brother is in a coma, and Gabi feels that she has no time to waste, but she is unsure. Will she hesitate too long, or risk her own happiness to keep a promise? An up-close look at the lives of the children of military families, Beneath Wandering Stars takes readers on a journey of love, danger, laughter, and friendship, against all odds.
Детская литература
Робин Пейдж 0.0
Why did the chicken cross the road? To follow you home! Learn all about a not-so-basic bird in this delightful nonfiction picture book.

What’s that? A chicken followed you home? Now what do you do?

Celebrated author-illustrator Robin Page leads a step-by-step, question-and-answer-style journey through the world of chickens. Along the way you’ll explore different breeds, discover different types of coops, and learn everything there is to know about chicken reproduction and hatching.

Gorgeous, playful, and filled with facts, this engaging nonfiction picture book shines new light on a very familiar fowl!
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Стивен Грейс 0.0
What do a rapper, a returned soldier, a reformed gangster, a grandmother, a petroleum geologist, a bestselling author, and a microchip engineer have in common? They are all wresting control of food from an industrial system responsible for a plague of poor personal and planetary health. In his landmark work, Grow: Stories from the Urban Food Movement, Stephen Grace embarks on a journey of discovery to understand what motivates these urbanites working to reinvent the way we feed ourselves.

From the driver of a repurposed garbage truck healing the soil to a guerrilla gardener bombing the city with seeds, a cast of extraordinary characters emerges as Grace makes his way into the heart of a revolution. He discovers that food can be a means to tackle some of our most pressing problems, from youth crime to the healthcare crisis, from resource depletion to climate change. Instead of succumbing to despair over global challenges, the citizens of Denver profiled in Grow find the creativity and fortitude to begin rebuilding the food system in their own backyard. This shift in the Mile High City is a microcosm of a movement redefining our relationships with farming and food-and with each other. Grow is concerned with what we put on our plates, but its true subject is the stories we tell as we struggle to repair our severed connections to nature and our fellow citizens.

In the tradition of great travel writing, Grow encounters worlds as diverse as permaculture and hip-hop with expansive curiosity and irresistible humor. Whether joining a crop mob or collecting compostable waste in an alley, whether foraging for cactus or seeking refuge in a café founded on compassion, Grace illuminates moments of growth as he explores the hardest parts of the city.

"Grace gives us the stories of those on the ground and in the dirt and thereby gives us all hope and know-how. I absolutely loved this book. A must-read­-for everyone." -Laura Pritchett, author of Stars Go Blue
Общая художественная литература
Linda Lafferty 0.0
Raised by her aunt and uncle amidst the rolling hills of the Tuscan countryside, young orphan Virginia Tacci has always harbored a deep love for horses—though she knows she may never have the chance to ride. As a shepherdess in sixteenth-century Italy, Virginia’s possibilities are doubly limited by her peasant class and her gender. Yet while she tends her flock, Virginia is captivated by the daring equestrian feats of the high-spirited Isabella de’ Medici, who rides with the strength and courage of any man, much to the horror of her brother, the tyrannical Gran Duca Francesco de’ Medici.

Inspired, the young shepherdess keeps one dream close to her heart: to race in Siena’s Palio. Twenty-six years after Florence captured Siena, Virginia’s defiance will rally the broken spirit of the Senese people and threaten the pernicious reign of the Gran Duca. Bringing alive the rich history of one of Tuscany’s most famed cities, this lush, captivating saga draws an illuminating portrait of one girl with an unbreakable spirit.
Документальная литература
Джонатан Уолдман 0.0
Rust has been called “the great destroyer,” the “pervasive menace,” and “the evil.” “This look at corrosion—its causes, its consequences, and especially the people devoted to combating it—is wide-ranging and consistently engrossing” (The New York Times).

It is the hidden enemy, the one that challenges the very basis of civilization. This entropic menace destroys cars, fells bridges, sinks ships, sparks house fires, and nearly brought down the Statue of Liberty’s torch. It is rust—and this book, full of wit and insight, disasters and triumphs—is its story.

“Jonathan Waldman’s first book is as obsessive as it is informative…he takes us deep into places and situations that are too often ignored or unknown” (The Washington Post). In Rust, Waldman travels from Key West to Prudhoe Bay, meeting people concerned with corrosion. He sneaks into an abandoned steelworks and nearly gets kicked out of Can School. He follows a high-tech robot through an arctic winter, hunting for rust in the Alaska pipeline. In Texas, he finds a corrosion engineer named Rusty, and in Colorado, he learns of the animosity between the galvanizing industry and the paint army. Along the way, Waldman recounts stories of flying pigs, Trekkies, rust boogers, and unlikely superheroes.

The result is a man-versus-nature tale that’s as fascinating as it is grand, illuminating a hidden phenomenon that shapes the modern world. Rust affects everything from the design of our currency to the composition of our tap water, and it will determine the legacy we leave on this planet. This exploration of corrosion, and the incredible lengths we go to fight it, is “engrossing…brilliant…Waldman’s gift for narrative nonfiction shines in every chapter….Watching things rust: who would have thought it could be so exciting” (Natural History).
Томас Ноэль 0.0
This is a thoroughly revised edition of the Historical Atlas of Colorado, which was coauthored by Tom Noel and published in 1994. Chock-full of the best and latest information on Colorado, this new edition features thirty new chapters, updated text, more than 100 color maps and 100 color photos, and a best-of listing of Colorado authors and books, as well as a guide to hundreds of tourist attractions.

Colorado received its name (Spanish for “red”) after much debate and many possibilities, including Idaho (an “Indian” name meaning “gem of the mountains” later discovered to be a fabrication) and Yampa (Ute for “bear”). Noel includes other little-known but significant facts about the state, from its status as first state in the Union to elect women to its legislature, to its controversial “highest state” designation, elevated by the 2013 legalization of recreational cannabis.

Noel and cartographer Carol Zuber-Mallison map and describe Colorado’s spectacular geography and its fascinating past. The book’s eight parts survey natural Colorado, from rivers and mountains to dinosaurs and mammals; history, from prehistoric peoples to twenty-first-century Color-oddities; mining and manufacturing, from the gold rush to alternative energy sources; agriculture, including wineries and brewpubs; transportation, from stagecoach lines to light rail; modern Colorado, from the New Deal to the present (including politics, history, and information on lynchings, executions, and prisons); recreation, covering not only hiking and skiing but also literary locales and Colorado in the movies; and tourism, encompassing historic landmarks, museums, and even cemeteries. In short, this book has information—and surprises—that anyone interested in Colorado will relish.
Подростковая литература
Лора Резау 0.0
Nothing exciting happens on the Hill of Dust, in the remote mountains of Mexico in the 1950s. There's no electricity, no plumbing, no cars, just day after day of pasturing goats. And now, without his sister and mother, eleven-year-old Teo's life feels even more barren.

And then one day, the mysterious young Esma, who calls herself the Gypsy Queen of Lightning, rolls into town like a fresh burst of color. Against all odds, her caravan's Mistress of Destiny predicts that Teo and Esma will be longtime friends. Suddenly, life brims with possibility. With the help of a rescued duck, a three-legged skunk, a blind goat, and other allies, Teo and Esma must overcome obstacles-even death-to fulfill their impossible destiny.

Inspired by true stories derived from rural Mexico, The Lightning Queen offers a glimpse of the encounter between two fascinating but marginalized cultures—the Rom and the Mixtec Indians—while telling the heart-warming story of an unlikely friendship that spans generations.
Художественная литература
Лиза Бирман 0.0
After three years in Afghanistan, Otis is adjusting to life back home. Struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder, he obsessively replays the traumas of war, cataloging the names of the dead. Cat, his wife, is a genealogist who makes maps of families in an attempt to understand her world. When a car accident takes Otis’s left arm, he is grateful to bear a physical loss that makes his damaged emotional self visible. As he recovers, he and Cat confront the silences upon which their marriage is built.
Художественная литература
Эдуард Хамлин 0.0
Night in Erg Chebbi and Other Stories spans the globe, taking us from Belfast to Brazil, Morocco to Manhattan. The teenaged daughter of an IRA assassin flees Northern Ireland only to end up in Baby Doc’s terrifying Haiti. An American woman who’s betrayed her brother only to lose him to a Taliban bullet comes face to face with her demons during a vacation in Morocco. A famed photojournalist must find a way to bring her life’s work to closure before she goes blind, a quest that changes her understanding of the very physics of light.

By turns innocent and canny, the characters of Night in Erg Chebbi and Other Stories must learn to improvise—quickly—when confronted with stark choices they never dreamed they’d have to make. Lyrical, immaculately constructed and deeply felt, these nine stories take us far beyond our comfort zones and deep into the wilds of the human heart.
Лора Дисилверио 0.0
After accusing the pastor of her close-knit religious community of molesting her, fourteen-year-old Mercy Asher is branded a liar and publicly humiliated. She runs away on the night someone beats the pastor into a coma and kills his wife.

Two decades later, Mercy has become Iris Dashwood, an emotionally troubled but brilliant jeweler. She thinks she's in control of her life until news of Pastor Matt's miraculous awakening broadsides her and leaves her unable to design. Iris returns to Lone Pine, Colorado, determined to confront her past to restore her creativity.

Iris reconnects with her mother, best friend, and boyfriend who harbor secrets she must unearth to find a killer. In the final reckoning, the truth may cost more than she anticipates. Will it bring redemption...or devastation?
Иллюстрированная книга
Джон Филдер, Patrick Tierney 0.0
The Yampa River of northwest Colorado is considered the last major free flowing-river in the seven state Colorado River Basin. It cascades for 249 miles from high in the Rocky Mountains near Steamboat Springs and descends over 6,000 ft. from alpine tundra to parched desert.

Join Colorado nature photographer John Fielder and educator/river rat Patrick Tierney as they photograph and write their way down the entire length of the river from the Yampa's headwaters in the Flat Tops Wilderness at 11,500 ft. to its confluence with the Green River in Dinosaur National Monument. Between Fielder's sublime images of tundra wildflowers, eagles and elk, and the tributaries and canyons of the Yampa, and Tierney's discourse about the Yampa's human, natural, and political history, you will feel like you are rowing along with the authors!
Ники Беер 0.0
Highly intelligent and a master of camouflage, the octopus is a creature destined to thrive in the poetic ecosystem. In The Octopus Game, the figure of the octopus shape-shifts and reinvents itself throughout ocean depths, tide pools, aquariums, gardens, movies, pulp novels, fine art, and nightmares. Nicky Beer acts as the strange documentarian recording the bizarre, beautiful, and disturbing habits of creatures for whom subterfuge and mimicry are a means of survival.
Научная Фантастика / Фэнтези
Kevin J. Anderson, Neil Peart 0.0
Some lives can be summed up in a sentence or two. Other lives are epics.

In Clockwork Angels , #1 bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson and legendary Rush drummer and lyricist Neil Peart created a fabulous, adventurous steampunk world in a novel to accompany the smash Rush concept album of the same name. It was a world of airships and alchemy, clockwork carnivals, pirates, lost cities, a rigid Watchmaker who controlled every aspect of life, and his nemesis, the ruthless and violent Anarchist who wanted to destroy it all.

Anderson and Peart have returned to their colourful creation to explore the places and the characters that still have a hold on their imagination. Marinda Peake is a woman with a quiet, perfect life in a small village; she long ago gave up on her dreams and ambitions to take care of her ailing father, an alchemist and an inventor. When he dies, he gives Marinda a mysterious inheritance: a blank book that she must fill with other people’s stories — and ultimately her own.

Clockwork Lives is a steampunk Canterbury Tales, and much more, as Marinda strives to change her life from a mere “sentence or two” to a true epic.
Картер Уилсон 0.0
Though they seem to have everything, Hannah Parks has watched her husband, Dallin, become increasingly distant. Her hope is buoyed when the couple decides to start a family, but what Dallin reveals in his sleep one night rocks Hannah to her core. As she starts to investigate a much darker side of Dallin than she ever knew existed, Hannah peels away the layers of a diseased relationship closely tied to her own abusive past. When Dallin attempts to have Hannah abducted, she is forced to run, doing so with the aid of a man named Black—an ex-con and expert at helping people disappear. Together they must keep Hannah safe from her husband's far-reaching grasp, all the while trying to solve the mystery behind Dallin's sudden violence. Does Hannah's dark family history hold the key to her survival?
Молодежная литература
Сара Элизабет Шанц 0.0
Love and sacrifice intertwine in this brilliant and provocative debut of rare beauty about a girl dealing with her mother’s schizophrenia and her own mental illness.

Fig’s world lies somewhere between reality and fantasy.

But as she watches Mama slowly come undone, it becomes hard to tell what is real and what is not, what is fun and what is frightening. To save Mama, Fig begins a fierce battle to bring her back. She knows that her daily sacrifices, like not touching metal one day or avoiding water the next, are the only way to cure Mama.

The problem is that in the process of a daily sacrifice, Fig begins to lose herself as well, increasingly isolating herself from her classmates and engaging in self-destructive behavior that only further sets her apart.

Spanning the course of Fig’s childhood from age six to nineteen, this deeply provocative novel is more than a portrait of a mother, a daughter, and the struggle that comes with all-consuming love. It is an acutely honest and often painful portrayal of life with mental illness and the lengths to which a young woman must go to handle the ordeals—real or imaginary—thrown her way.
Антология / коллекция
More college students than ever are majoring in Outdoor Recreation, Outdoor Education, or Adventure Education, but fewer and fewer Americans spend any time in thoughtful, respectful engagement with wilderness. While many young people may think of adrenaline-laced extreme sports as prime outdoor activities, with Outdoors in the Southwest, Andrew Gulliford seeks to promote appreciation for and discussion of the wild landscapes where those sports are played.

Advocating an outdoor ethic based on curiosity, cooperation, humility, and ecological literacy, this essay collection features selections by renowned southwestern writers including Terry Tempest Williams, Edward Abbey, Craig Childs, and Barbara Kingsolver, as well as scholars, experienced guides, and river rats. Essays explain the necessity of nature in the digital age, recount rafting adventures, and reflect on the psychological effects of expeditions. True-life cautionary tales tell of encounters with nearly disastrous flash floods, 900-foot falls, and lightning strikes. The final chapter describes the work of Great Old Broads for Wilderness, the Colorado Fourteeners Initiative, and other exemplars of “wilderness tithing”—giving back to public lands through volunteering, stewardship, and eco-advocacy.

Addressing the evolution of public land policy, the meaning of wilderness, and the importance of environmental protection, this collection serves as an intellectual guidebook not just for students but for travelers and anyone curious about the changing landscape of the West.
Детская литература
Дженнифер Уорд 0.0
A delightful exploration of the incredibly variety of nests birds build for their babies, illustrated by a Caldecott Honoree.

Mama built a little nest
inside a sturdy trunk.
She used her beak to tap-tap-tap
the perfect place to bunk.

There are so many different kinds of birds—and those birds build so many different kinds of nests to keep their babies cozy. With playful, bouncy rhyme, Jennifer Ward explores nests large and small, silky and cottony, muddy and twiggy—and all the birds that call them home!
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Нэнси Шарп 0.0
A brave and vividly rendered memoir: when life and death collide, one young woman discovers how to hold both past and present at once ultimately lifting herself by bold living and a second chance at love. Both Sides Now hinges on the day when Nancy Sharp delivered premature twins and learned that her husband's cancer had returned after eighteen months in remission. Set in New York City where the couple lived happily until Brett's shocking diagnosis in 1998. The story moves back in time through Nancy and her husband's courtship and marriage and forward through Brett's death, when the twins were two and a half, he was forty, and Nancy thirty seven.
Общая художественная литература
Джек Маршалл Манесс 0.0
Before there were red states and blue states, there was Kansas. A place that divided the nation like never before, or since. A place where mayors were generals and journalists were terrorists. A place where drunken guerrilla armies roamed the prairies, threatening farmers and rigging elections. A haunted place where mysterious beasts led settlers into undiscovered countries.

Follow two young families as they they struggle with rattlesnakes, tornadoes, ice-storms, childbirth and morality in a war-torn land. A growing love between them, built over holiday ham and whiskey, is threatened as they are drawn into the territory's cycle of political violence. They must ultimately decide if they are friends or foes, and it isn't long before they all have blood on their hands.

This is a story of loyalty and betrayal, courage and despair. Set in the 1850s, the dilemmas faced by the Dugan and Hawkins families are similar to those faced by every generation in a long-divided America. It asks how ordinary people cope with extraordinary times, why they sometimes turn to violence, and more importantly, why they usually do not.
Документальная литература
Майкл Бут, Дженнифер Браун 0.0
Americans are afraid of their food. And for good reason. In 2011, the deadliest food-borne illness outbreak in a century delivered killer listeria bacteria on innocuous cantaloupe never before suspected of carrying that pathogen. Nearly 50 million Americans will get food poisoning this year. Spoiled, doctored or infected food will send more than 100,000 people to the hospital. Three thousand will die. We expect, even assume, our government will protect our food, but how often do you think a major U.S. food farm get inspected by federal or state officials? Once a year? Every harvest? Twice a decade? Try never. Eating Dangerously sheds light on the growing problem and introduces readers to the very real, very immediate dangers inherent in our food system. This two-part guide to our food system's problems and how consumers can help protect themselves is written by two seasoned journalists, who helped break the story of the 2011 listeria outbreak that killed 33 people. Michael Booth and Jennifer Brown, award-winning health and investigative journalists and parents themselves, answer pressing consumer questions about what's in the food supply, what "authorities" are and are not doing to clean it up, and how they can best feed their families without making food their full-time jobs. Both deeply informed and highly readable, Eating Dangerously explains to the American consumer how their food system works--and more importantly how it doesn't work. It also dishes up course after course of useful, friendly advice gleaned from the cutting-edge laboratories, kitchens and courtrooms where the national food system is taking new shape. Anyone interested in knowing more about how their food makes it from field and farm to store and table will want the inside scoop on just how safe or unsafe that food may be. They will find answers and insight in these pages.
Элизабет А. Фенн 0.0
Winner of the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for History

Encounters at the Heart of the World concerns the Mandan Indians, iconic Plains people whose teeming, busy towns on the upper Missouri River were for centuries at the center of the North American universe. We know of them mostly because Lewis and Clark spent the winter of 1804-1805 with them, but why don't we know more? Who were they really? In this extraordinary book, Elizabeth A. Fenn retrieves their history by piecing together important new discoveries in archaeology, anthropology, geology, climatology, epidemiology, and nutritional science. Her boldly original interpretation of these diverse research findings offers us a new perspective on early American history, a new interpretation of the American past.
By 1500, more than twelve thousand Mandans were established on the northern Plains, and their commercial prowess, agricultural skills, and reputation for hospitality became famous. Recent archaeological discoveries show how these Native American people thrived, and then how they collapsed. The damage wrought by imported diseases like smallpox and the havoc caused by the arrival of horses and steamboats were tragic for the Mandans, yet, as Fenn makes clear, their sense of themselves as a people with distinctive traditions endured.

A riveting account of Mandan history, landscapes, and people, Fenn's narrative is enriched and enlivened not only by science and research but by her own encounters at the heart of the world.
Подростковая литература
Джинни Мобли 0.0
A girl’s search for the truth about a legendary woman teaches her a lot about what bravery and loyalty really mean in this gorgeous novel from the author of Katerina’s Wish.

In her small Colorado town of Silverheels, Pearl spends the summers helping her mother run the family café and entertaining tourists with the legend of Silverheels, a beautiful dancer who nursed miners through a smallpox epidemic in 1861 and then mysteriously disappeared. According to lore, the miners loved her so much they named their mountain after her.

Pearl believes the tale is true, but she is mocked by her neighbor, Josie, a suffragette campaigning for women’s right to vote. Josie says that Silverheels was a crook, not a savior, and she challenges Pearl to a bet: prove that Silverheels was the kindhearted angel of legend, or help Josie pass out the suffragist pamphlets that Pearl thinks drive away the tourists. Not to mention driving away handsome George Crawford.

As Pearl looks for the truth, darker forces are at work in her small town. The United States’s entry into World War I casts suspicion on German immigrants, and also on anyone who criticizes the president during wartime—including Josie. How do you choose what’s right when it could cost you everything you have?
Художественная литература
Кристофер Меркнер 0.0
Christopher Merkner is a Shirley Jackson for the contemporary Midwest, where the ties of family and community intersect darkly with suburban American life. In these stories, an enraged village gaslights unsuspecting vacationers and a young man delays a impending confession, fondling the nostrils of his mother's pet pig. Sharp and uneasy, for these inheritors of tradition, that which binds them most closely—offering stability and identity and comfort—are precisely the qualities that set them back, pull them down, burden, limit, and ruin them.

"Merkner’s first short story collection provides a voyeuristic vantage point on fractured lives. He has the striking ability to turn the familiar into the uncanny and morph the comfortable into the weird, and, clearly,
he’s at home in that strange realm. In most of the stories, we witness lives at the moment an individual’s identity begins to fray, sometimes slowly and sometimes swiftly. These changes are both painful and thought provoking to witness through the book’s unrelenting first-person perspective. At times Merkner’s prose evokes unease, but more often it encourages a chuckle, and his plot twists will leave even the most seasoned reader surprised. In each story, even those that only run for three pages, the tension mounts deliciously, many times with no foreseeable relief. The true beauty of these tales lies in their delicate endings, which manage to both tie up loose ends and leave everything hanging, so that they are simultaneously satisfying and mysterious. Such complexity makes great reading for lovers of short fiction, and for all who wish to witness a new master at work."— Booklist

Christopher Merkner teaches creative writing at West Chester University. His work has appeared in Black Warrior Review, Cincinnati Review, Fairy Tale Review, Gettysburg Review, New Orleans Review, and Best American Mystery Stories. He and his wife and kids live in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
Художественная литература
Питер Хеллер 0.0
Peter Heller, the celebrated author of the breakout best seller The Dog Stars, returns with an achingly beautiful, wildly suspenseful second novel about an artist trying to outrun his past.

Jim Stegner has seen his share of violence and loss. Years ago he shot a man in a bar. His marriage disintegrated. He grieved the one thing he loved. In the wake of tragedy, Jim, a well-known expressionist painter, abandoned the art scene of Santa Fe to start fresh in the valleys of rural Colorado. Now he spends his days painting and fly-fishing, trying to find a way to live with the dark impulses that sometimes overtake him. He works with a lovely model. His paintings fetch excellent prices. But one afternoon, on a dirt road, Jim comes across a man beating a small horse, and a brutal encounter rips his quiet life wide open. Fleeing Colorado, chased by men set on retribution, Jim returns to New Mexico, tormented by his own relentless conscience.

A stunning, savage novel of art and violence, love and grief, The Painter is the story of a man who longs to transcend the shadows in his heart, a man intent on using the losses he has suffered to create a meaningful life.
Марк Стивенс 0.0
Intrigue and murder in the Rocky Mountains

A badly chewed-up corpse high in the Flat Tops Wilderness Area leaves Colorado hunting guide Allison Coil mystified and wary. Obvious signs suggest the dead man is the victim of a mountain lion attack, but Allison's wilderness-savvy bones scream otherwise. A few miles away and a few thousand feet lower in downtown Glenwood Springs, a controversial candidate for U.S. Senate is shot during a campaign stop as newspaper reporter Duncan Bloom watches from a few feet away, dodging the long-range gunfire. Trapline follows Coil and Bloom as their investigations into the corpse and the shooting expose greed, hatred, and the dark depths of human indifference.


"Allison's third adventure . . . combines a loving portrait of a beautiful area with an ugly, all-too-believable conspiracy that could have been ripped from today's headlines."--KIRKUS REVIEWS

"Thrilling, complex and well-crafted with more twists and turns than a high road through the Rocky Mountains. Trapline delivers as both a first-rate mystery and a contemporary western that shines the light on the greed, injustice and evil hidden in a landscape that takes your breath away. No doubt about it, Mark Stevens is an author to watch!" --MARGARET COEL, NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE WIND RIVER MYSTERY SERIES

"Stevens' tightly-written story mirrors two major ongoing social tensions that resonate in the mountain west: immigration and the conflict between preservation and development. Trapline rings as true as the beautiful mountains and valleys that frame this exciting, tense drama of today's Colorado." --MANUEL RAMOS, AWARD-WINNNING AUTHOR OF DESPERADO: A MILE HIGH NOIR

"Stevens' Trapline, the third Coil mystery, is a work of enviable achievement, the embodiment of an immensely skilled author in full stride. If you relish a mystery that's rarefied and granite hewn, like the high country stage upon which this one takes its turns, you can do no better." --DAVID FREED, AUTHOR OF FLAT SPIN, FANGS OUT, AND VOODOO RIDGE

"With its relentlessly escalating tension, and prose as crisp and luminous as a fall day in the Flat Tops Wilderness, Trapline grabs a reader and doesn't let go until the last page." --GWEN FLORIO, AUTHOR OF MONTANA AND DAKOTA

"Stevens harnesses the shadowy undercurrents of our time and spurs them to a gallop. Leading the charge is Allison Coil, a uniquely brilliant investigator who operates on instinct and has the uncanny ability to see the world on an elemental level." --WARREN HAMMOND, AUTHOR OF THE KOP SERIES
Иллюстрированная книга
Paul Andersen, Curt Carpenter, David Hiser 0.0
High Road to Aspen tells the story of Independence Pass, a 44-mile stretch of cliff-hanging, switch-backed, serpentine highway that is one of the most spectacular mountain passes in North America. This book explains how Independence Pass became the birth canal for Aspen in the early 1880s as men, materials and money poured over the Divide from the booming metropolis of Leadville. Here are adventures, tales and sagas published for the first time. High Road to Aspen traces the influence of the Pass on Aspen and describes the Independence Pass Road as a ribbon-like interface between man and nature, civilization and wilderness, the present and the distant past. Here is the story of water and trans-mountain diversions, the details of geology and mining, accounts of avalanches and heroic journeys. High Road to Aspen celebrates the wonders of Independence Pass as an incomparable geographic feature. It extols the human history of the Pass by depicting a succession of colorful characters, from pioneer explorers to freighters to today's professional bicycle racers. To those who find inspiration from a dramatic journey through time and space over the spine of the continent, High Road to Aspen will clarify understanding, enhance appreciation, and enrich local history.
Джейк Адам Йорк 0.0
Finalist, 2015 National Book Critics Circle Award

In the years leading up to his recent passing, Alabama poet Jake Adam York set out on a journey to elegize the 126 martyrs of the civil rights movement, murdered in the years between 1954 and 1968. Abide is the stunning follow-up to York’s earlier volumes, a memorial in verse for those fallen. From Birmingham to Okemah, Memphis to Houston, York’s poems both mourn and inspire in their quest for justice, ownership, and understanding.

Within are anthems to John Earl Reese, a sixteen-year-old shot by Klansmen through the window of a café in Mayflower, Texas, where he was dancing in 1955; to victims lynched on the Oklahoma prairies; to the four children who perished in the Birmingham church bombing of 1963; and to families who saw the white hoods of the Klan illuminated by burning crosses. Juxtaposed with these horrors are more loving images of the South: the aroma of greens simmering on the stove, “tornado-strong” houses built by loved ones long gone, and the power of rivers “dark as roux.”

Throughout these lush narratives, York resurrects the ghosts of Orpheus, Sun Ra, Howlin’ Wolf, Thelonious Monk, Woody Guthrie, and more, summoning blues, jazz, hip-hop, and folk musicians for performances of their “liberation music” that give special meaning to the tales of the dead.

In the same moment that Abide memorializes the fallen, it also raises the ethical questions faced by York during this, his life’s work: What does it mean to elegize? What does it mean to elegize martyrs? What does it mean to disturb the symmetries of the South’s racial politics or its racial poetics?

A bittersweet elegy for the poet himself, Abide is as subtle and inviting as the whisper of a record sleeve, the gasp of the record needle, beckoning us to heed our history.
Шейн Кун 0.0
Interns are invisible. That’s the mantra behind HR, Inc., an elite "placement agency" that doubles as a network of assassins-for-hire, taking down high-profile executives who wouldn't be able to remember an intern’s name if their lives depended on it.

At the ripe old age of twenty-five, John Lago is already New York City’s most successful hit man. He’s also an intern at a prestigious Manhattan law firm, clocking eighty hours a week getting coffee, answering phones, and doing all the grunt work no one else wants to do. But he isn't trying to claw his way to the top of the corporate food chain. He was hired to assassinate one of the firm’s heavily guarded partners. His internship is the perfect cover, enabling him to gather intel and gain access in order to pull off a clean, untraceable hit.

The Intern’s Handbook is John Lago's unofficial survival guide for new recruits at HR, Inc. (Rule #4: "Learn how to make the perfect cup of coffee: you make an exec the best coffee he’s ever had, and he will make sure you’re at his desk every morning for a repeat performance. That’s repetitive exposure, which begets access and trust. 44% of my kills came from my superior coffee-making abilities.")

Part confessional, part how-to, the handbook chronicles John’s final assignment, a twisted thrill ride in which he is pitted against the toughest—and sexiest—adversary he’s ever faced: Alice, an FBI agent assigned to take down the same law partner he’s been assigned to kill.
Молодежная литература
Leah Bassoff, Laura M. DeLuca 0.0
For Poni, life in her small village in southern Sudan is simple and complicated at the same time. Stay in school. Beat up any boy who tries to show attention. Watch out for the dangers in the river. But then the war comes. When soldiers arrive in her village, and bombs begin to rain from the sky, there is only one thing for Poni to do. Run for her life. Though many of the villagers do not escape, she does. An unknown man carries her across the river, and then she is walking — a long, dusty trek across the African countryside with thousands of refugees. Along the way, many die from starvation, land mines, wild animals, and despair, but Poni does not, driven by the sheer will to survive and the hope that she can make it to the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, and one day be reunited with her family. Even more than the dramatic events of the story, it is Poni’s frank and single-minded personality that carries this novel. In a heartbreaking final twist, she finds her mother just as she is about to leave for the U.S., and must make the hardest decision of all.
Роберт Ларсон, Carole B. Larson 0.0
Few who appreciate the visual arts or the American Southwest can behold the masterpieces Sangre de Cristo Mountains or Haystack, Taos Valley, 1927 or Bend in the River, 1941 and come away without a vivid image burned into memory. The creator of these and many other depictions of the Southwest and its people was Ernest L. Blumenschein, cofounder of the famous Taos art colony. This insightful, comprehensive biography examines the character and life experiences that made Blumenschein one of the foremost artists of the twentieth century.

Robert W. Larson and Carole B. Larson begin their life of “Blumy” with his Ohio childhood and trace his development as an artist from early study in Cincinnati, New York City, and Paris through his first career as a book and magazine illustrator. Blumenschein and artist Bert G. Phillips discovered the budding art community of Taos, New Mexico, in 1898. In 1915 the two along with Joseph Henry Sharp, E. Irving Couse, and other like-minded artists organized the Taos Society of Artists, famous for preferring American subjects over European themes popular at the time.

Leaving illustration work behind, Blumenschein sought a distinctive place in his American homeland and in fine-art painting. He moved with his family to Taos in 1919 and began his long career as a figurative and landscape painter, becoming prominent among American artists for his Pueblo Indian figures and stunning southwestern landscapes.

Robert Larson calls Blumenschein a “transformational artist,” trained classically but drawing to a limited degree on abstract representation. Placing Blumy’s life in the context of World War I, the Great Depression, and other national and world events, the authors show how an artistic genius turned a fascination with the people, light, and color of New Mexico into a body of work of lasting significance to the international art world.
Детская литература
Кармела Койл 0.0
When a pesky tumbleweed drops in for lunch one day, hilarity ensures. What starts out as a small problem, turns into a giant conundrum as one tumbleweed turns into thousands! The story's infectious rhythm is brought to life by colorful, funny illustrations. The combination makes for a rollicking read aloud book for parents and grandparents, teachers and caregivers!
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Гейл Стори 0.0
With comfortable urban lives in Houston, Texas, and career and life goals mostly accomplished, Gail D. Storey and her husband were in their fifties when they decided it was time to test themselves on a new path—a 2,663-mile path known as the Pacific Crest Trail, which stretches from Mexico to Canada.

I Promise Not to Suffer is Gail's light-hearted yet heart-felt memoir about her and her husband's adventures and misadventures, deepening marriage, and reflections on being irrevocably changed by life on the trail. She was a novice hiker, while he was an experienced outdoorsman. Removed from their usual routines and living outside in the wilderness for months exposed hidden intricacies in their relationship. Hiking 20 miles a day over mountains, thirsting in the high desert of California, forcing frozen feet into icy socks and boots each morning in the High Sierra, stumbling through lava fields in Oregon—Gail was required to meet the elements on their own tough-love terms. From an encounter with a mountain lion to her mother's battle with cancer at home, she confronts each challenge with wit and brave style. While a dangerous loss of weight forces Gail to leave the PCT after 900 miles, she regains strength and later rejoins her husband on sections until he triumphantly reaches the northern terminus in Canada.

Humorous yet honest, this journey of harrowing hilarity and reluctant revelations will be loved by active hikers (appendices include details of their unique ultralight gear and other essential how-to information), fans of female adventure stories, and armchair travelers alike.
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Б. К. Лорен 0.0
“Radical, before it meant a person who advocates strong political reform, meant getting to the root of things, the origin. It comes from the Latin radix, radicis, meaning radish, a root vegetable.”—BK Loren

Winner of the Colorado Book Award, these meditative essays range in subjects from a transcendental encounter with a pack of coyotes ironically juxtaposed with her neighbor’s claim that nature “has gone out of vogue,” to Loren’s mother’s slow yet all-encompassing deterioration from Parkinson’s, and the unexpected way the Loma Prieta earthquake eroded her depression by offering the author a sense of her small place in a wild and worthwhile world.

Loren has an empathetic and gentle approach to the world. In detailing the intricacies of human relationships and consciousness—fear of death and time, cooperation born of clashing viewpoints, tradition’s beauty even when destructive, a love of language, a sense of loss amid the fast-paced materialistic world—she peels back the film of popular thinking in order to expose herself to the secrets so few of us ever see.
Общая художественная литература
Linda Lafferty 0.0
Each morning in the hour before dawn, a silent boat launches on the Bosphorous, moving swiftly into the deepest part of the waters halfway between Europe and Asia, where a man will die...

The Drowning Guard is the tale of the Ottoman princess, Esma Sultan - one of the most powerful women in Ottoman history and unlike any other woman in the Islamic world. In a gender reversal of Scheherazade in 1001 Arabian Nights, Esma seduces a different Christian lover each night, only to have him drowned in the morning. The Sultaness's true passion burns only for the Christian-born soldier charged with carrying out the brutal nightly death sentence: her drowning guard, Ivan Postivich.

The Drowning Guard explores the riddle of Esma - who is at once a murderer and a champion and liberator of women - and the man who loves her in spite of her horrifying crimes. This textured historical novel, set in the opulence and squalor of Istanbul in 1826, is woven with the complexity and consequences of love.
Документальная литература
Мишель Моррис 0.0
Tasting Colorado: Favorite Recipes from the Centennial State showcases the dazzling variety of Colorado's cuisine, from classic Western fare to innovative fusions of global flavors. Mouthwatering photographs bring to life 120

recipes both simple and sumptuous from Colorado's finest restaurants, lodges, guest ranches, and bed-andbreakfasts.

For a fresh take on fabulous food, sample the Cowboy Corn Cakes; Cr me Brulee French Toast; Bear Creek Smoked

Trout Pate; Tequila-Lime Salsa; Grilled Palisade Peaches, Serrano Ham, and Rocket Salad; Poblano Chile and Chive

Mashed Potatoes; Buffalo Redeye Stew; Sweet Corn Soup with Cilantro Puree; Colorado Leg of Lamb with Creamy

Polenta and Lamb Jus; Chili-Chocolate Bourbon Cake; and Roasted Colorado Peach-Pistachio Brioche Pudding

with Ice Cream.

Complementing the clear, straightforward writing are 157 tantalizing color photographs. Maple syrup gilds a

stack of pancakes, sliced grilled peaches glisten atop a plate of arugula, a m lange of colorful melons fills a crisp

white bowl.
Жанр фантастика
Pamela Nowak 0.0
In 1879, Omaha librarian Lise Dupree hides her part-Sioux heritage as she agrees to help research legal questions for a band of Ponca Indians. A quest for justice becomes a search for identity as she encounters ambitious district attorney Zach Spencer in a battle that will transform them both. In the process, they confront Lise's past, Zach's political aspirations, the dangerous prejudice of an unstable Indian agent, the subtle differences between justice and law -- and their own smoldering attraction.
Wendy Rex-Atzet, Sally L. White, Erika D. Walker 0.0
This book features new John Fielder photographs, as well as then and now images made by Fielder from old postcards and other historical photographs. The photographs decorate a complete written history and guide to the park system. An authoritative history of the mountain parks from their beginnings to the present day, plus a guide to visiting the parks. 50 new John Fielder photographs, 75 historic images, and 25 then-and-now photo pairs of Red Rocks, Lookout Mountain, Genesee, Daniels Park and more.
Подростковая литература
Дженни Гёбель 0.0
Thirteen-year-old Bernie's summer is looking pretty grim. It's hard to make friends when your family runs a monument company, and your backyard is littered with tombstones. It's even harder when your mother suddenly refuses to leave her room . . .

To make matters worse, her father has just hired a new artist to engrave the headstones--the creepy Mr. Stein. Bernie has a bad feeling about him right from the start, and after snooping around his cottage, she discovers an engraved portrait of their neighbor . . . a woman who promptly dies the next day. And it's not just a weird coincidence. The pattern continues, and Bernie realizes that Mr. Stein has begun engraving headstones before people die, which forces Bernie to ask a horrifying question: Is Mr. Stein predicting the deaths . . . or causing them?
Художественная литература
Стивен Шварц 0.0
Award-winning author Steven Schwartz writes of loss and replenishment in eleven suspenseful and affecting stories. Set mostly in the contemporary American West, the stories take on the identity of a place where tradition is still a work in progress and acts of self-discovery arise for characters at any age. In “Stranger,” a woman falls asleep in an airport, only to become the victim of a crime by a man who robs and kisses her at the same time. A divorced man in “Bless Everybody,” winner of the Cohen Award from Ploughshares, finds himself threatened by the young couple he tries to aid. And in “Absolute Zero,” a seventeen-year-old boy, needing his dying mother’s permission to join the Marines, experiences a startling encounter with the promiscuous teenage daughter of a Marine sergeant he looks up to. Steven Schwartz’s stories never stand still. With pathos and humor, they probe ahead, searching out the tender souls of his characters.
Мануэль Рамос 0.0
Gus Corral can’t quite believe it when an old high school buddy he hasn’t seen in years asks him for help. Artie Baca looks as cool as ever; the hippest guy in high school now looks like a GQ cover boy, Chicano style. And like always, Artie has women problems, even though he’s married. He’s being blackmailed because of an imprudent fling—caught on video, of course. Artie has a prosperous real estate business and can afford to pay off the young girl, but he’ll reward Gus handsomely for his help in convincing her that there won’t be any future payments.

Gus’s life hasn’t been as successful; he manages his ex-wife’s second hand shop after losing his job in the recession and claims to also work as the night watchman so he can live there too. He can really use the money Artie is offering and agrees to help, even though he knows Artie probably deserves the shake down.

But before Gus can deliver the money, Artie is dead and the police want to know why the deceased was carrying a check made out to his old high school chum. And when an armed stranger breaks into the shop in the dead of night, Gus knows there’s more to the situation than meets the eye. An investigation into Artie’s involvement in the gentrification of Denver’s north side leads to harrowing encounters with dangerous criminals, both from the area and south of the border. Suddenly Gus is ensnared in the theft of one of the most revered religious symbols in the Catholic Latino world, a cloak bearing the image of the Virgen de Guadalupe. He's caught between warring gangs, and soon he and the people he cares about most are in a life-and-death predicament.

Manuel Ramos returns to novel-length crime fiction with this gripping story that twists and turns like a roller coaster, where the outlook is grim and there’s no honor among thieves.

Praise for the work of Manuel Ramos:

"A very impressive debut." --Los Angeles Times on The Ballad of Rocky Ruiz

“A thickly atmospheric first novel—with just enough mystery to hold together a powerfully elegiac memoir of the heady early days of Chicano activism.”—Kirkus Reviews on The Ballad of Rocky Ruiz

"Ramos succeeds brilliantly in marrying style and substance to form a seamlessly entertaining novel [with] characters and scenes deeply etched with admirable brevity and skill."
—Publishers Weekly, starred review, on Blues for the Buffalo

MANUEL RAMOS is the recipient of several literary awards and the author of numerous novels, including King of the Chicanos (Wings Press, 2010), Brown-on-Brown: A Luis Montez Mystery (University of New Mexico Press, 2003) and The Ballad of Rocky Ruiz (St. Martin’s Press, 1993; Northwestern University Press, 2004), and Edgar Award finalist. He lives and works in Denver, Colorado.
Иллюстрированная книга
Andrew Beckham, Blake L. Milteer 0.0
This is a signed and numbered edition of 100. It will be slip-cased. ALL sales are final - no returns.

The transient nature of our place in the world has long been an abiding artistic concern of Andrew Beckham. Whether he stands firmly on the ground or star-gazes into the heavens, Beckham, through the frame of his camera, tries to answer questions that have accompanied human life over the millennia: How do we know where and when we fit in the scheme of Life? How do we find a meaningful place for ourselves within Nature? Is one place more or less important than another for contemplating the eternal questions of "Who am I?" and "What am I doing here?"

In constructing "visual poems" that include single images as well as visual montages of sequenced photographs, Beckham tries to reconcile these questions by focusing on the synchronicity between the mundane and the infinite. By presenting these images as a new kind of "visual storytelling," Beckham juxtaposes the varying scales of photographic inquiry, from the private spaces near our homes to the expanding and unknowable universe.

Firmament is a meditation on place unlike any other. In Portfolio I, Beckham discovers a unique stretch of land, one square-mile in Bear Creek Canyon near his home, where a curious sense of visual order is achieved amongst the chaos of impenetrable bramble and thick woods. For the artist, this is ground incarnate. In Portfolio II, Beckham explores a landscape so wide and vast that space can hardly be contained within the frame of his camera. Here, in the 20,000 square miles known as the Sand Hills, Beckham discovers a place where land and sky meet and often merge within a virtual sea of rolling prairie grassland. In Portfolio III, Beckham turns to the "incalculable distance" between the heavens and Earth, between grounded experience and infinite space. Here, Beckham's artistry is revealed in a visual assemblage of his own photographic work merged with the cosmologies of centuries-old star charts.

In viewing Andrew Beckham's work, we see depth and beauty, serenity and enlightenment, and we gain a certain reassurance that there is something greater than ourselves when we contemplate the universe with a sense of reverence and even awe. We also come to realize that we have a sacred duty to understand and respect our individual place within the world, so that we may take better care of that which we have come to know, no matter how small or large the scale.


"Andrew Beckham considers himself a visual poet, and I would have to agree with that conclusion. His new book, Firmament, released by George F. Thompson Publishing, includes photographs and essays by the photographer, with a forward by Blake Milteer, Museum Director and Chief Curator of the Taylor Art Museum/Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. His beautifully executed black and white photographs are an expression of his concerns as an artist and human being, and are about trying to make sense of our place in the universe."
Уче Огбудзи 0.0
Ndewo is Igbo for "Hello." The author of this collection of poems, Uche Ogbuji, is Igbo by patrilineage, born in Nigeria right after the civil war over the Republic of Biafra's secession. His parents emigrated, having been on the losing side, and invested him with wanderlust through their travels across Europe and North America, and then back to Nigeria. Ogbuji followed this traveler's habit until he arrived in Colorado, inspiration of "America the Beautiful," and found himself finally settled. A longtime writer, he eventually discovered the vibrant literary communities in the region, whose companionship encouraged his verse greetings for adopted home. The variety of forms and moods in these poems reflect the Centennial state's diversity of terrain, weather, and culture.
Тим З. Эрнандес 0.0
Natural Takeover of Small Things is a collection of poetry that offers an unflinching view of “California’s Heartland,” the San Joaquin Valley. In his distinctive, lyrical, pull-no-punches style, Tim Z. Hernandez offers a glimpse of the people, the landscape, the rhythm, and the detritus of the rural West. As Hernandez peels back the façade of the place, he reveals that home is not always where the heart is.

The book opens with an image of Fresno as “the inexhaustible nerve/in the twitching leg of a dog/three hours after being smashed/beneath the retread wheel/of a tomato truck en route to/a packing house that was raided/by the feds just days before the harvest.” It ends with “Adios, Fresno,” an astringent farewell to the city: “You can keep your fields,/the sun will follow me./I won’t reconsider./I’ve overstayed my welcome/by three generations.” By then, we have toured the breadth of the San Joaquin Valley, have tasted Fuyu persimmons and lengua, have witnessed a home crumbling to foreclosure, and listened to the last words of a dying campesino. We’re made aware that this is an atmosphere scented by an entirely organic stew—a melding of culture, objects, and forms. This is a place where rubble mirrors the refuse of lives. But garbage is also compost. And if we squint, we can see through the wreckage a few small patches where love could be taking root and hope might actually be sprouting.
Michael Madigan 0.0
This outdoor-themed thriller pits leg amputee Cutter against an assassin and a Colorado wildfire to save his "adventure ranch."
Молодежная литература
Ребекка Тейлор 0.0
When I was twelve, my mother disappeared. I was the first person to never find her.

I’m sixteen now and she has never been found, alive or dead. I’m not the girl I should have been.

When Charlotte Stevens, bright but failing, is sent to stay at her mother’s childhood home in Somerset England her life is changed forever. While exploring the lavish family manor, Gaersum Aern, Charlotte discovers a stone puzzle box that contains a pentagram necklace and a note from her mother—clues to her family’s strange past and her mother’s disappearance. Charlotte must try to solve the puzzle box, decipher her mother’s old journals, and figure out who is working to derail her efforts—and why. The family manor contains many secrets and hidden histories, keys to the elegant mystery Charlotte called mom and hopefully, a trail to finding her.
Рег Санер
Награда за творчество в течение ...
Рег Санер / Reg Saner
1 книга
1 в избранном
Антология / коллекция
September 11. . . Virginia Tech . . . Columbine . . . Hurricane Katrina . . . Traumatic events with long lasting consequences. Lives are upended, safety is threatened, and all are forced to find a way to adapt to a new normal. Educators in schools where students have experienced trauma face difficult challenges, for how are they to promote academic growth and attainment of educational goals in such a situation? Reclaiming School in the Aftermath of Trauma offers wisdom born of experience as well as insights acquired through years of study. Authors contributing to this text share their experiences in the aftermath of tragedy and describe helpful approaches for reclaiming school after trauma interrupts the lives of students, faculty, and school communities.
Kerstin Lieff, Margarete Dos 0.0
A New York Times Bestseller

When Margarete Dos moved with her family to Berlin on the eve of World War II, she and her younger brother were blindly ushered into a generation of Hitler Youth. Like countless citizens under Hitler’s regime, Margarete struggled to understand what was happening to her country. Later, as a nurse for the German Red Cross, she treated countless young soldiers—recruited in the eleventh hour to fight a losing battle—they would die before her eyes as Allied bombs racked her beloved city. Yet, her deep humanity, intelligence, and passion for life—which sparkles in every sentence of her memoir—carried Margarete through to war’s end. But just when she thought the worst was over, and she and her mother were on a train headed to Sweden, they were suddenly rerouted deep into Russia…

This powerful account draws back the curtain on a piece of history that has been largely overlooked—the nightmare that millions of German civilians suffered, simply because they were German. That Margarete survived to tell her tale so vividly and courageously is a gift to us all.
Детская литература
Джин Рейди 0.0
Where can you find a fire truck, a monster, and a great big pile of cupcakes? Come play with this exuberant kid as creativity and imagination transform a blank wall into a colorful adventure. Author Jean Reidy and illustrator Robert Neubecker invite anyone with an outsized imagination to join in this rambunctious romp about making your own world.
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Гаррисон Канделария Флетчер 0.0
When his father died, Harrison Candelaria Fletcher wasn’t quite two. His mother packed up his father’s belongings, put the boxes in a hall closet, and closed the door. The “man in a box” remained a mystery, hardly mentioned, and making only rare appearances in stories when Fletcher or his siblings inquired. Meanwhile, his young Hispanic mother transformed herself into an artist, scouting the back roads and secondhand shops of New Mexico for relics and unlikely treasures to add to her “little shrines,” or descansos. “Look closely,” she’d say to her son. “Everything tells a story.”
This book is Fletcher’s literary descanso, a piecing together—from moments and objects and words—of a father’s life, of the life lived without that father, and of his own mixed-race identity. Fletcher’s reflections unfold like a collage, offering a rich array of images and stories of life with his single mother, organizing weekend family car trips to explore graveyards and adobe ruins; of growing up on the fault lines of class and culture; of being a father who never had one of his own to learn from. From incidents and observations, Fletcher assembles a beautifully crafted portrait of his family’s unspoken affliction with loss over the decades, a portrait that finally evokes the father at its heart.
Документальная литература
Кристен Иверсен 0.0
Full Body Burden is a haunting work of narrative nonfiction about a young woman, Kristen Iversen, growing up in a small Colorado town close to Rocky Flats, a secret nuclear weapons plant once designated "the most contaminated site in America." It's the story of a childhood and adolescence in the shadow of the Cold War, in a landscape at once startlingly beautiful and—unknown to those who lived there—tainted with invisible yet deadly particles of plutonium.

It's also a book about the destructive power of secrets—both family and government. Her father's hidden liquor bottles, the strange cancers in children in the neighborhood, the truth about what was made at Rocky Flats (cleaning supplies, her mother guessed)—best not to inquire too deeply into any of it.

But as Iversen grew older, she began to ask questions. She learned about the infamous 1969 Mother's Day fire, in which a few scraps of plutonium spontaneously ignited and—despite the desperate efforts of firefighters—came perilously close to a "criticality," the deadly blue flash that signals a nuclear chain reaction. Intense heat and radiation almost melted the roof, which nearly resulted in an explosion that would have had devastating consequences for the entire Denver metro area. Yet the only mention of the fire was on page 28 of the Rocky Mountain News, underneath a photo of the Pet of the Week. In her early thirties, Iversen even worked at Rocky Flats for a time, typing up memos in which accidents were always called "incidents."

And as this memoir unfolds, it reveals itself as a brilliant work of investigative journalism—a detailed and shocking account of the government's sustained attempt to conceal the effects of the toxic and radioactive waste released by Rocky Flats, and of local residents' vain attempts to seek justice in court. Here, too, are vivid portraits of former Rocky Flats workers—from the healthy, who regard their work at the plant with pride and patriotism, to the ill or dying, who battle for compensation for cancers they got on the job.

Based on extensive interviews, FBI and EPA documents, and class-action testimony, this taut, beautifully written book promises to have a very long half-life.
Жанр фантастика
Синди Майерс 0.0
When the father she never knew dies and leaves her a gold mine, recently divorced Maggie Stevens heads for the remote community of Eureka, Colorado to claim her inheritance and to solve the mystery of the man who abandoned the family when Maggie was only three days old. She hopes time in the mountains will help her figure out what to do now that life hasn’t worked out the way she planned. In Eureka, Maggie meets a number of people who touch her life in different ways: bitter librarian Cassie Wynock, who clings to her pride in her family’s past, while mourning her secret love affair with Maggie’s father; town mayor Lucille Theriot, who’s trying to figure out how to heal old wounds with the wayward daughter and grandson who have moved in with her; and Jameson Clark, whose love-hate relationship with her father intrigues Maggie, and whose attraction for her she finds both frightening and exhilarating. As Maggie confronts the sins of her father and the mistakes of her own past, she learns to look at life differently, and discovers it can take a village – or one small mountain town – to heal a heart.
Жанр фантастика
Уоррен Хэммонд 0.0
KOP Killer, a darkly dystopian science fiction thriller from Warren Hammond
Juno Mozambe once had a life. That was when he was a dirty cop, married to a woman who suffered such profound abuse that she murdered her vile, drug kingpin father. Juno loved his wife and did his best to help her survive her guilt, her drug habit, and her desire to end her life on the dead-end planet of Lagarto.
When she died, however, Juno’s life went downhill. And then his first partner, the corrupt chief of the Koba Office of Police, was murdered. The man responsible, Emil Mota, is using the KOP for his personal gain. Juno has been laying low, but now he’s ready to do whatever it takes to take down the bastard.
Rather than working from inside the system, he’s decided that the only way to take down the KOP is to create an independent base of power. So he gets involved with a team of dirty cops and starts working as a rent-a-thug for a whorehouse that needs protection.
Juno’s last partner knows that his risky plan has a purpose, but she’s that rarest of creatures on the hothouse planet of Lagarto: an honest cop. She can’t help him.
When Juno discovers a series of profoundly twisted murders, he faces a bleak possibility: in his desperate quest for vengeance against the man who targeted him for death, Juno may have placed himself beyond any hope of redemption....
Уолтер Р. Борнеман 0.0
How history's only five-star admirals triumphed in World War II and made the United States the world's dominant sea power.

Only four men in American history have been promoted to the five-star rank of Admiral of the Fleet: William Leahy, Ernest King, Chester Nimitz, and William Halsey. These four men were the best and the brightest the navy produced, and together they led the U.S. navy to victory in World War II, establishing the United States as the world's greatest fleet.

In THE ADMIRALS, award-winning historian Walter R. Borneman tells their story in full detail for the first time. Drawing upon journals, ship logs, and other primary sources, he brings an incredible historical moment to life, showing us how the four admirals revolutionized naval warfare forever with submarines and aircraft carriers, and how these men-who were both friends and rivals-worked together to ensure that the Axis fleets lay destroyed on the ocean floor at the end of World War II.
Подростковая литература
Джинни Мобли 0.0
Katerina has a dream. It's her papa's dream, too. Her family came to America to buy their own farm. But a year later, Papa is still working in the dangerous coal mine. Each day, the farm seems farther away.
Then Katerina is reminded of the carp that granted three wishes in an old folktale. When her younger sisters hear the story, they immediately make wishes. Trina doesn't believe in such sillinessv, but what is she to think when her sisters' wishes come true?
A farm is still too big to wish for. But, with the help of the neighbor's handsome son, Trina starts building her dream with hard work and good sense. Then tragedy strikes, and it seems that nothing Trina wishes for will ever come true again.
With warmth and gentle humor, Jeannie Mobley tells the story of a girl whose determination is as inspiring as her dreams.
Художественная литература
Грегори Хилл 0.0
When Shakespeare Williams returns to his family’s farm in eastern Colorado to bury his dead cat, he finds his widowed and senile father Emmett living in squalor. He has no money, the land is fallow, and a local banker has cheated his father out of the majority of the farm equipment and his beloved Cessna. With no job and no prospects, Shakespeare suddenly finds himself caretaker to both his dad and the farm, and drawn into an unlikely clique of old high school classmates: Vaughn Atkins, a paraplegic confined to his mother’s basement, Carissa McPhail, an overweight bank teller who pitches for the local softball team, and longtime bully D.J. Beckman, who now deals drugs throughout small-town Dorsey. Facing the loss of the farm, Shakespeare hatches a half-serious plot with his father and his fellow gang of misfits to rob the very bank that has stolen their future.

Mixing pathos and humor in equal measure, Gregory Hill’s East of Denver is an unflinching novel of rural America, a poignant, darkly funny tale about a father and son finding their way together as their home and livelihood inexorably disappears.
Иллюстрированная книга
Michael Hanna, Tami Leino Hanna 0.0
Crazy is a collection, or a collage, of expressions through art that give an inside view of living with mental illness.
Джек Коллом 0.0
Poetry. "This wise, playful, polyvalent masterwork reflects a singular, patient, astutely observant, pertinacious man's lifelong commitment to participating, justly and compassionately, in the world as he has found it around him. Collom's vision is of a natural complex that is extravagantly complicated and deliriously infinite."--Lyn Hejinian"SECOND NATURE reads like an early morning look at a wild alpine meadow with critters large and small popping up and back down--birds flitting and cruising, never still--easy to lose the thread. Bigger than we thought. Dawn. Collom has always been a leader."--Gary Snyder
Молодежная литература
Pamela Mingle 0.0
A romantic time travel story that's ideal for fans of novels by Meg Cabot and Donna Jo Napoli--and, of course, Shakespeare.

Miranda has Shakespeare in her blood: she hopes one day to become a Shakespearean actor like her famous parents. At least, she does until her disastrous performance in her school's staging of The Taming of the Shrew. Humiliated, Miranda skips the opening-night party. All she wants to do is hide.

Fellow cast member, Stephen Langford, has other plans for Miranda. When he steps out of the backstage shadows and asks if she'd like to meet Shakespeare, Miranda thinks he's a total nutcase. But before she can object, Stephen whisks her back to 16th century England—the world Stephen's really from. He wants Miranda to use her acting talents and modern-day charms on the young Will Shakespeare. Without her help, Stephen claims, the world will lost its greatest playwright.

Miranda isn't convinced she's the girl for the job. Why would Shakespeare care about her? And just who is this infuriating time traveler, Stephen Langford? Reluctantly, she agrees to help, knowing that it's her only chance of getting back to the present and her "real" life. What Miranda doesn't bargain for is finding true love . . . with no acting required.
Антология / коллекция
To celebrate the anniversary of western Colorado’s outdoor playground and stunning backdrop, The Daily Sentinel has published a coffee table-style book featuring the spectacular photography of our staff and some of our Sentinel friends.
Уильям М. Адлер 0.0
In 1914, Joe Hill was convicted of murder in Utah and sentenced to death by firing squad, igniting international controversy. Many believed Hill was innocent, condemned for his association with the Industrial Workers of the World -- the radical Wobblies. Now, following four years of intensive investigation, William M. Adler gives us the first full-scale biography of Joe Hill, and presents never before published documentary evidence that comes as close as one can to definitively exonerating him.

Joe Hill's gripping tale is set against a brief but electrifying moment in American history, between the century's turn and World War I, when the call for industrial unionism struck a deep chord among disenfranchised workers; when class warfare raged and capitalism was on the run. Hill was the union's preeminent songwriter, and in death, he became organized labor's most venerated martyr, celebrated by Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan, and immortalized in the ballad "I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night."

The Man Who Never Died does justice to Joe Hill's extraordinary life and its controversial end. Drawing on extensive new evidence, Adler deconstructs the case against his subject and argues convincingly for the guilt of another man. Reading like a murder mystery, and set against the background of the raw, turn-of-the-century West, this essential American story will make news and expose the roots of critical contemporary issues.
Детская литература
Джин Рейди 0.0
As he’s settling down for bed, a young boy embarks on an adventure—to the stars, around his planet, across the country, down his street and right back to bed—all in his imagination, without ever leaving the comfort and security of his room.
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Тордис Симонсен 0.0
Dances in Two Worlds is a writer-artist's backstory composed of two parallel narratives, one verbal and one visual. The paintings do not illustrate the text; the writing does not interpret the paintings. However, the interplay between word and image results in a multi-faceted, single composition that describes author Thordis Simonsen's rich personal odyssey.

In the book's first essay, "Fireflies," Thordis recollects a summer activity familiar to anyone who grew up in the Mid-west--collecting lightning bugs in a jar.
The jar Thordis evokes is a metaphor for the light trapped in each of us. Every painting and essay in this luminous memoir represents a firefly released from that jar.

Radiant and intimate, Dances in Two Worlds is both a testimony to this writer-artist's irrepressible creative spirit and a catalyst for the reader-viewer's own bold adventures in life and in art.
(from Front Cover)
Документальная литература
Джеффри Беннетт 0.0
How can we solve the national debt crisis?

Should you or your child take on a student loan?

Is it safe to talk on a cell phone while driving?

Are there viable energy alternatives to fossil fuels?

What could you do with a billion dollars?

Could simple policy changes reduce political polarization?

These questions may all seem very different, but they share two things in common. First, they are all questions with important implications for either personal success or our success as a nation. Second, they all concern topics that we can fully understand only with the aid of clear quantitative or mathematical thinking. In other words, they are topics for which we need math for life—a kind of math that looks quite different from most of the math that we learn in school, but that is just as (and often more) important. In Math for Life, award-winning author Jeffrey Bennett simply and clearly explains the key ideas of quantitative reasoning and applies them to all the above questions and many more. He also uses these questions to analyze our current education system, identifying both shortfalls in the teaching of mathematics and solutions for our educational future. No matter what your own level of mathematical ability, and no matter whether you approach the book as an educator, student, or interested adult, you are sure to find something new and thought-provoking in Math for Life.
Жанр фантастика
Кэрол Берг 0.0
By order of His Royal Majesty Philippe de Savin-Journia y Sabria, Anne de Vernase is hereby summoned to attend His Majesty's Court at Merona...

Anne de Vernase rejoices that she has no talent for magic. Her father's pursuit of depraved sorcery has left her family in ruins, and he remains at large, convicted of treason and murder by Anne's own testimony. Now, the tutors at Collegia Seravain inform her that her gifted younger sister has died in a magical accident. It seems but life's final mockery that cool, distant Portier de Savin-Duplais, the librarian turned royal prosecutor, arrives with the news that the king intends to barter her hand in marriage.

Anne recognizes that the summoning carries implications far beyond a bleak personal future - and they are all about magic. Merona, the royal city, is beset by plagues of rats and birds, and mysterious sinkholes that swallow light and collapse buildings. Whispers of hauntings and illicit necromancy swirl about the queen's volatile sorcerer. And a murder in the queen's inner circle convinces Anne that her sister's death was no accident. With no one to trust but a friend she cannot see, Anne takes up her sister's magical puzzle, plunging into the midst of a centuries-old rivalry and coming face-to-face with the most dangerous sorcerer in Sabria. His name is Dante.
Тодд Нефф 0.0
From Jars to the Stars puts Deep Impact into the greater context of humanity's continuing search for its origins via the senses of scientific spacecraft. It explores the improbable beginnings of Ball Aerospace and the evolution of the American space agency that paid for it, breaking new space-historical ground with the story of a group of University of Colorado students who built a "sun seeker" for the noses of sounding rockets studying the home star. The device set precedent for nearly all modern spacecraft.

The book also tells the story of how Ed Ball, scion of the Ball Brothers Company of Muncie, Indiana, ended up buying a space business in Boulder, Colorado through a combination of serendipity and strategic instinct. From Jars to the Stars explores both the personalities and the technologies behind Ball's first spacecraft, the Orbiting Solar Observatory launched in 1962. The story of the space pioneers behind the first Ball orbiter sets the stage for Deep Impact, showing readers how much - and how little - changed across four decades of American space exploration.
Подростковая литература
Avi 0.0
The streets of 1893 New York are full of life: crowded, filthy, dangerous. If you are a newsboy like thirteen-year- old Maks Geless, you need to watch out for Bruno, leader of the Plug Ugly Gang whose shadowy, sinister boss is plotting to take control of all the newsies on the lower East Side. With Bruno’s boys in fierce pursuit, Maks discovers Willa, a strange girl who lives alone in an alley. It is she, stick in hand, who fights off the Plug Uglies--but further dangers await. Maks must find a way to free his sister Emma from The Tombs, the city jail where she has been imprisoned for stealing a watch at the glamorous new Waldorf Hotel. Maks, believing her innocent, has only four days to prove it. Fortunately, there is Bartleby Donck, the eccentric lawyer (among other employments) to guide Maks and Willa in the art of detection. Against a backdrop alive with the sights and sounds of tenement New York, Maks, as boy detective, must confront a teeming world of wealth and crime, while struggling against powerful forces threatening new immigrants and the fabric of family love.
Художественная литература
Элеонора Браун 3.0
Three sisters have returned to their childhood home, reuniting the eccentric Andreas family. Here, books are a passion (there is no problem a library card can't solve) and TV is something other people watch. Their father-a professor of Shakespeare who speaks almost exclusively in verse-named them after the Bard's heroines. It's a lot to live up to.

The sisters have a hard time communicating with their parents and their lovers, but especially with one another. What can the shy homebody eldest sister, the fast-living middle child, and the bohemian youngest sibling have in common? Only that none has found life to be what was expected; and now, faced with their parents' frailty and their own personal disappointments, not even a book can solve what ails them...
Иллюстрированная книга
Daniel Joseph Watkins, George Stranahan 0.0
Thomas W. Benton: Artist/Activist chronicles the life and political activism of artist Thomas W. Benton with 150 images of his artwork. Benton’s silkscreen posters cataloged political movements and elections from 1968 to 2006 and are a powerful visual account of the issues and campaigns that shaped history. In addition to numerous candidates and issues in Aspen, Colorado, Benton created political posters for presidential candidates George McGovern and Gary Hart, and against President Nixon. The book includes never-before-published images of the Aspen Wallposters, a collaboration of Benton’s art and Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson’s writing in that promoted their Freak Power movement. Benton’s later works, including abstract silkscreens, monotypes and paintings, are also explored in relation to the artist’s life and philosophies. The book also includes Benton’s commercial work in Aspen as a signmaker/printmaker, his architectural projects in Colorado and ten poems by close friend and lyricist Joe Henry.
Дэн Бичи-Куик 0.0
Poetry. Dan Beachy-Quick has produced six collections of solo or collaborative poetry and a unique prose companion to Moby Dick. In the process, this amazingly productive writer has become recognized as one of the nation's most exciting dramatists of the mind in ferment, and of our urgent and ongoing connections with a tradition that extends back to the origins of literature. After a series of book-length poems, Beachy-Quick's new volume is as carefully structured as a suite of chamber music pieces, yet made of distinctly individual poems. "Dan Beachy-Quick's splendid new collection reveals the echoes between the measure of verse and the measure of time.... CIRCLE'S APPRENTICE vividly reminds us that all our human life may be marked by ritual but it is returned to us through song"--Susan Howe.
Молодежная литература
Кэрол Сью Шрайд 0.0
Lucy Dakota is a typical teenage girl: confused yet intelligent, unhappy with her lot in life yet full of vitality and enthusiasm. Troubled by rocky relationships with friends and boyfriends, she finds it hard to fit in at school until she's invited to join an adventure scouting club and starts exploring the natural world. Her first adventures take place in the backcountry of her home state, Colorado, where she discovers her more daring side, as well as the young woman she is becoming. Join Lucy as she transforms from a timid, chubby tween who hides from school bullies in her teacher's office to a brave, spirited, globe-trotting leader on the hiking trail and beyond. This exciting new adventure series for young adults is sure to encourage readers to discover their strengths and take on the world, whether at school, home-or, like Lucy, skipping across the continents.
Маргарет Коэль
Награда за творчество в течение ...
Маргарет Коэль / Margaret Coel
16 книг
1 в избранном
Детская литература
Кэтлин Т. Пелли 0.0
Magnus Maximus is a marvelous measurer. He measures wetness and dryness, nearness and farness, and everything in between. When a lion escapes from a traveling circus, Magnus and his trusty measuring tape come to the rescue. Now a hero, all is well until the day Magnus accidentally breaks his glasses, and he sees—for the first time—that he's been missing out on life's simple pleasures.

Kathleen T. Pelley's marvelous tale and S. D. Schindler's inspired illustrations remind us that the best things in life are not meant to be measured, but treasured.
Креативная документальная литера...
Dr. Dave Hnida 0.0
From dust jacket flap: In 2004, at the age of 48, Dr. Dave Hnida, a family physician from Littleton, Colorado, volunteered to be deployed to Iraq and spent a tour of duty as a battalion surgeon with a combat unit. In 2007, he went back, this time as a trauma chief at one of the busiest Combat Support Hospitals (CSH) during the Surge. In an environment that was nothing less than a modern-day M*A*S*H, the doctors main objective was simple: Get'em in, get'em out. The only CSH staffed by reservists who tended to be older, more-experienced doctors disdainful of authority, the 399th soon became a medevac destination of choice because of its high survival rate, an astounding 98 percent.
Документальная литература
Erin Blakemore 0.0
A testament to inspirational women throughout literature, Erin Blakemore’s exploration of classic heroines and their equally admirable authors shows today’s women how to best tap into their inner strengths and live life with intelligence, grace, vitality and aplomb. This collection of unforgettable characters—including Anne Shirley, Jo March, Scarlett O’Hara, and Jane Eyre—and outstanding authors—like Jane Austen, Harper Lee, and Laura Ingalls Wilder—is an impassioned look at literature’s most compelling heroines, both on the page and off. Readers who found inspiration in books by Toni Morrison, Maud Hart Lovelace, Ursula K. LeGuin, and Alice Walker, or who were moved by literary-themed memoirs like Shelf Discovery and Everything I Needed to Know About Being a Girl I Learned from Judy Blume, get ready to return to the well of women’s classic literature with The Heroine's Bookshelf.
Жанр фантастика
Маргарет Коэль 0.0
In this 15th mystery set on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming, attorney Vicky Holden goes up against the community and Father John O'Malley when she defends a potentially murderous outsider.
Уолтер Р. Борнеман 0.0
From acclaimed historian Walter R. Borneman comes a dazzling account of the battle to build America’s transcontinental rail lines. Rival Rails is an action-packed epic of how an empire was born—and the remarkable men who made it happen.

After the completion of the first transcontinental railroad in 1869, the rest of the country was up for grabs, and the race was on. The prize: a better, shorter, less snowy route through the corridors of the American Southwest, linking Los Angeles to Chicago. In Rival Rails, Borneman lays out in compelling detail the sectional rivalries, contested routes, political posturing, and ambitious business dealings that unfolded as an increasing number of lines pushed their way across the country.

Borneman brings to life the legendary business geniuses and so-called robber barons who made millions and fought the elements—and one another—to move America, including William Jackson Palmer, whose leadership of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad relied on innovative narrow gauge trains that could climb steeper grades and take tighter curves; Collis P. Huntington of the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific lines, a magnate insatiably obsessed with trains—and who was not above bribing congressmen to satisfy his passion; Edward Payson Ripley, visionary president of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, whose fiscal conservatism and smarts brought the industry back from the brink; and Jay Gould, ultrasecretive, strong-armer and one-man powerhouse.

In addition, Borneman captures the herculean efforts required to construct these roads—the laborers who did the back-breaking work, boring tunnels through mountains and throwing bridges across unruly rivers, the brakemen who ran atop moving cars, the tracklayers crushed and killed by runaway trains. From backroom deals in Washington, D.C., to armed robberies of trains in the wild deserts, from glorified cattle cars to streamliners and Super Chiefs, all the great incidents and innovations of a mighty American era are re-created with unprecedented power in Rival Rails.
Подростковая литература
Нэнси Бо Флад 0.0
On the island of Saipan, in the South Pacific, the second world war is a distant idea. The Japanese have governed the island for twenty-five years and they mix regularly with the native islanders. Though no one questions who holds power, the two peoples coexist peacefully.

Joseph has known Japanese occupation for his entire life. One of the only islanders accepted by the Japanese and allowed into their school, Joseph nevertheless is the son of the Chamorro chief and proud of his heritage. He seeks to fight against the oppressors, as his warrior ancestors had, and openly defies restrictions. A greater war approaches the island, however, and the Japanese impress the indigenous men into labor camps. Before he leaves, Joseph’s father takes him to the caves that their family has used to defend itself for thousands of years. On his solo journey home, Joseph’s responsibility to his family becomes uncomfortably palpable. He tries to hide from his obligation, but when his father dies through the labor camps, Joseph’s fantasy becomes impossible. As Joseph buries his father at sea and risks his own life, he begins to learn the true practices of a warrior. Equally difficult is taking his family to the caves, where want of food and water threatens starvation. American and Japanese troops approach the island, beginning to fight what will become one of the largest battles of the war. The stress forces Joseph to take responsibility not only for his family, but for his people as well. In this debut historical novel, Nancy Bo Flood creates a company of clear-voiced characters who move convincingly through a story of war and mounting pressure. Her experience as a resident of and teacher in Saipan inform an intimacy that quickly presents the texture of the island, its history, and its culture. Readers will feel Joseph’s strain as they read about this little-known chapter of American history.
Художественная литература
Кирк Фарбер 0.0
“Kirk Farber has a style very similar to Chuck Palahniuk, with offbeat observations, a view of our world through a slightly distorted lens, and a tone that’s … hilarious and tragic at the same time.” — Garth Stein, author of The Art of Racing in the Rain

A touching, almost cinematic, debut novel featuring the eccentric, slightly disturbed, and unique character Sid, who finds himself—among various other darkly comic scenarios—obsessed by the mysterious European postcards that arrive in the mail from his ex-girlfriend.
Иллюстрированная книга
Джек Тернер 0.0
The nation was in the throes of the Great Depression when dozens of scientists and students descended on the remote pinnacles and canyons of northern Arizona and southern Utah. Water interests wanted to dam the canyons; pot hunters wanted to plunder thousand-year-old archaeological sites; cattlemen wanted to graze their livestock; bureaucrats wanted to make it all a living cultural park; and Native Americans just wanted to be left alone. One man decided to do something for the region. On his own time, and at his own expense, Ansel Hall (then chief naturalist for the National Park Service) organized a massive scientific expedition. For six years, botanists, geologists, cartographers, archaeologists, zoologists, paleontologists, ethnographers, and more came from major universities and museums to spend summers studying the landscape and its inhabitants, past and present, with the Rainbow Bridge-Monument Valley Expedition. To finance the project, Hall traveled the country, showing lantern slides of the region and soliciting support from philanthropists and foundations. Landscapes on Glass: Lantern Slides for the Rainbow Bridge-Monument Valley Expedition is the story of what has been called the last great expedition in the American West, and the man who made it happen. Lavishly illustrated with the hand-tinted photographs Hall used in his talks, this book is a tribute to the man, the expedition, and the region they sought to protect.
Иллюстрированная книга
Кертис Фентрес 0.0
Considered the world leader in designing iconic public architecture, Curtis Fentress is redefining the art of civic buildings. In 'Touchstones of Design', Fentress features many of his most innovative & inspiring works. This includes a new vision for LAX that embodies a design philosophy learned through time & experience.
Ники Беер 0.0
In Nicky Beer's The Diminishing House, birds are disemboweled, a father is mourned, and a basement fills with snakes. This first book of resonant lyric poetry meditates on such subjects as animals, art, and anatomy, and transforms the familiar and mundane into something strangely mythic. Beer explores the exhilaration and frustration of living in a sensuous, unstable world filled with grief and desire.
Молодежная литература
Тодд Митчелл 0.0
James was the guy no one noticed—another fifteen-year-old living in a small town. So when he gets into the American Science and Mathematics Academy (or ASMA), a public boarding school, James decides that it’s time to leave the past behind. In a student body made up of nerds and geeks, being cool is easy. All it takes is a few harmless lies to invent the new James: rebel, punk, street fighter. Everyone’s impressed—except for the beautiful Ellie Frost, whose icy demeanor holds an inexplicable attraction for James, and the mysterious ghost44, an IM presence who sees right through his new identity. But James is riding high—playing pranks and hooking up with the luscious Jessica Keen. Things seem perfect until he begins having strange dreams of a dark city haunted by demons. As the line between dreams and reality blurs, James comes to discover the secret—and consequence—of lying.

“Opening your eyes and seeing the world — really seeing it — that’s what this powerful book is about.” -Lauren Myracle, bestselling author of the Internet Girls series and Bliss

“A fascinating, funny, and utterly engaging read.” -Laura Resau, author of Red Glass and The Ruby Notebook

“Engrossing and entertaining...A great read.” -Publishers Weekly

“A straightforward, from-the-gut story....Mitchell is definitely one to watch.” -Kirkus Reviews
Антология / коллекция
Ник Арвин, Сандра Даллас, Конни Уиллис, Диана Мотт Дэвидсон, Пэм Хьюстон, Маргарет Коэль, Джоанн Гринберг, Лора Притчетт, Мануэль Рамос, Роберт Грирпоказать всех 0.0
Winner of the 2010 Colorado Book Award. In this original tribute, twelve talented authors celebrate Denver's 150th anniversary, each creating a unique story based on a different decade in the city's colorful history. Ranging from the pioneer days to WWII aftermath to a haunting vision of the future, this lively volume offers an eclectic mix of exceptional storytelling, each complemented by contemporary illustrations.

Edited by the the Rocky Mountain News and featuring twelve Colorado authors: Margaret Coel, Pam Houston, Sandra Dallas, Nick Arvin, Joanne Greenberg, Connie Willis, Manuel Ramos, Arnold Grossman, Robert Greer, Diane Mott Davidson, Laura Pritchett, and Robert Pogue Ziegler. Illustrated by Charles Chamberlin.
Dyana Z. Furmansky, Roland C. Clement 0.0
Rosalie Edge (1877-1962) was the first American woman to achieve national renown as a conservationist. Dyana Z. Furmansky draws on Edge’s personal papers and on interviews with family members and associates to portray an implacable, indomitable personality whose activism earned her the names “Joan of Arc” and “hellcat.” A progressive New York socialite and veteran suffragist, Edge did not join the conservation movement until her early fifties. Nonetheless, her legacy of achievements--called "widespread and monumental" by the New Yorker--forms a crucial link between the eras defined by John Muir and Rachel Carson. An early voice against the indiscriminate use of toxins and pesticides, Edge reported evidence about the dangers of DDT fourteen years before Carson's Silent Spring was published.Today, Edge is most widely remembered for establishing Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, the world's first refuge for birds of prey. Founded in 1934 and located in eastern Pennsylvania, Hawk Mountain was cited in Silent Spring as an "especially significant" source of data. In 1930, Edge formed the militant Emergency Conservation Committee, which not only railed against the complacency of the Bureau of Biological Survey, Audubon Society, U.S. Forest Service, and other stewardship organizations but also exposed the complicity of some in the squandering of our natural heritage. Edge played key roles in the establishment of Olympic and Kings Canyon National Parks and the expansion of Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks. Filled with new insights into a tumultuous period in American conservation, this is the life story of an unforgettable individual whose work influenced the first generation of environmentalists, including the founders of the Wilderness Society, Nature Conservancy, and Environmental Defense Fund.
Детская литература
Дениз Вега 0.0
With its beautiful imagery and vibrant illustrations Grandmother, Have the Angels Come? celebrates the relationship between old and young, while touching on the subject of aging in a subtle, lyrical manner.
Denise Vega's graceful, rhythmic dialogue combine with stunning art from Hula Lullaby's Erin Eitter Kono to tackle a tough subject with a graceful and spiritual touch.
Креативная документальная литера...
Хелен Торп 0.0
Written by a gifted journalist, a powerful account of four young Mexican women coming of age in Denver—two of whom have legal documentation, two of whom who don’t— and the challenges they face as they attempt to pursue the American dream.

Just Like Us takes readers on a compelling journey with four young Mexican-American women who have lived in the U.S. since childhood. Exploring not only the women’s personal life stories, this book also delves deep into an American subculture and the complex and controversial politics that surround the issue of immigration.

The story opens on the eve of the girls’ senior prom in Denver, Colorado. All four of the girls have grown up in the United States, all four want to make it into college and succeed, but only two have immigration papers. Meanwhile, after a Mexican immigrant shoots and kills a local police officer, Colorado becomes the place where national argu- ments over immigration rage most fiercely. As the girls’ lives play out against this backdrop of intense debate over whether they have any right to live here, readers will gain remarkable insight into both the power players and the most vulnerable members of society as they grapple with understanding one of the most complicated social issues of our times.

Moving, timely, and passionately told, Just Like Us is a riv- eting story about girlhood, friendship, identity, and survival.
Документальная литература
Corinne Platt, Meredith Ogilby, Bill Kittredge 0.0
“...A collection of narratives and photographs that begins a dialogue about the convergence of past, present and future in our region.”—Vail Daily
This documentary-style collection of photographs and narratives profiles a wide range of prominent figures of the West as they engage in candid discussions about the region and its identity. A diverse group of visionary men and women, they may differ in politics but remain united in their belief that the West requires inspired action if it is going to endure challenges posed by political, cultural, and environmental pressures. Allowing those on each side of the issues to speak freely, this important work tackles such topics as education, recreation, immigration, ranching, alternative energy, wildlife habitat protection, oil and gas extraction, urban development, and water conservation. Exemplifying photography and journalism at its best, Voices of the American West provides a panoramic view of today's evolving West. The collection features Terry Tempest Williams, Stewart Udall, Katie Lee, Dave Foreman, and many others.

Corinne Platt is a writer living in the old mining town of Ophir, Colorado. She was formerly an English teacher in Carbondale, Colorado, and is now a freelance writer and lecturer.

Meredith Ogilby is a freelance photographer and author whose images have been published extensively in Colorado. Her book A Life Well-Rooted: Women of Colorado's Roaring Fork Valley won the Caroline Bancroft History Award for the advancement of Colorado history.
Жанр фантастика
Джеймс Ван Пелт 0.0
Mixing straightforward science fiction ideas, such as the search for habitable planets, the terra-forming of Venus, and a time-traveling substitute teacher, along with fantasy concepts, such as saving the Earth from nuclear destruction through supernatural sacrifice, a teen werewolf agoning over attending prom on the night of the full moon, or a young boy who denies his polio by listening to a radio magician, to tales of horror where a pair of fathers have both lost sons, or an inn so vast that a man may never find his wife, The Radio Magician and Other Stories showcases James Van Pelt's wide-ranging talent as a tale spinner of the fantastic.
Жанр фантастика
Кэтлин Каннингэм Гулер 0.0
Mysterious dreams. A lost grail. Secret hoards of wealth. A country ruined by lies and betrayal.

And one brief, shining chance to build a golden kingdom . . .

No one in 5th century Britain knows more secrets than master spy Marcus ap Iorwerth, and that makes him a dangerous man. It also makes him a hunted one. For nearly three decades he has manipulated stubborn, irascible kings and warlords in a quest to not only unite them against foreign invasion but to stop them from destroying each other as well. And along with his beloved wife Claerwen, he has followed a greater, even more perilous pursuit-to forge a clear path for the fulfillment of Merlin the Enchanter's famed prophecy that one day a great king will take command, the king known as Arthur of the Britons.

Now, with Arthur at last on the brink of adulthood and already showing great promise as a leader, Marcus discovers that the emerging Christian church is gaining enough power to dangerously shift control of Britain. At the same time Claerwen, gifted with second sight, is plagued with strange dreams that connect inexplicable doom to both Arthur and a long lost grail sacred to Britain's high kings. As foreboding mounts, Marcus struggles to prevent the church from crushing Arthur's chances of becoming an effective king. But how he goes about it sets up the very doom that Claerwen sees. Will she be able to stop him? Or will her visions send Marcus to his own doom as well?

A Land Beyond Ravens is a tale filled with haunting memories, honor, courage, and dreams lost and won. Interweaving the history of Dark Age Britain with its mystical Celtic roots and Arthurian legend, it is the compelling final chapterof the multi-award winning Macsen's Treasure Series that includes Into the Path of Gods, In the Shadow of Dragons and The Anvil Stone.
Художественная литература
Роберт Грир 0.0
His hat was a snow white Tom Mix block, and he wore it tipped forward just enough to shade his eyes. When I asked him what had happened to his shoes, he said, "Shoes can be excess baggage when a man's in a hurry."

A novel of the contemporary American West, Spoon tells the story of Arcus Witherspoon, a mysterious half-black, half-Indian, oddly clairvoyant man searching the West for his roots. Hitchhiking near Hardin, Montana, Spoon falls in with a ranching family struggling to keep their ranch afloat amidst the pressures of hard economic times and an encroaching coal company. Proving himself a gifted ranch hand and mentor, Spoon charges himself with rescuing the Darleys and guiding the family's teenage son TJ on his path to manhood. While Spoon's checkered past includes a prison stint and a navy tour of Vietnam, it is his tenacity, wisdom, and charm that end up defining this quintessential Western man.
Иллюстрированная книга
George Stranahan, Nicole Beinstein Strait 0.0
Words and pictures come together in this book about the life and photography of George Stranahan, physicist, professor, rancher, founder of Flying Dog brewery [and Stranahan’s Colorado Whiskey], philanthropist, former head of Aspen Community School, and friend of Hunter S. Thompson and Ralph Steadman. Starting out by imitating the work and subject matter of Ansel Adams and Edward Weston, Stranahan grew into his own idiosyncratic style. "As I look at my photos now,” he says, "I think that perhaps they are the serious work of my life.” (Cornell Alumni Magazine, March/April 2010)
Бин Рамке 0.0
Drawing upon four decades of poetry and including an ample selection of new work, this perceptive collection shares a wealth of intimate experiences and compelling encounters with the world. Citing an extensive range of social, scientific, literary, and philosophical sources, each piece offers a lens of both telescopic and microscopic precision. Sharing insight into many private forms of suffering—mental illness, loss of loved ones, family crises—personal issues are used to assess continued struggles with the profound questions of what it means to be human, moral, and conscious. Directly responding to current social and cultural issues, these engaging meditations examine the complex interrelations of people with their environment, work, health, cultural upheaval, and natural disasters. Deftly detailing the essence of human existence, small instances of daily activity—from drinking tea to remembering childhood experiences—are brought to the forefront and gently articulate the value of human life.
Молодежная литература
Лора Резау 0.0
An exciting new series from the acclaimed author of Red Glass.

Zeeta's life with her free-spirited mother, Layla, is anything but normal. Every year Layla picks another country she wants to live in. This summer they’re in Ecuador, and Zeeta is determined to convince her mother to settle down. Zeeta makes friends with vendors at the town market and begs them to think of upstanding, “normal” men to set up with Layla. There, Zeeta meets Wendell. She learns that he was born nearby, but adopted by an American family. His one wish is to find his birth parents, and Zeeta agrees to help him. But when Wendell’s biological father turns out to be involved in something very dangerous, Zeeta wonders whether she’ll ever get the chance to tell her mom how she really feels—or to enjoy her deepening feelings for Wendell.
Уолтер Р. Борнеман 0.0
Biography. In Polk, Walter R. Borneman gives us the first complete and authoritative biography of a president often overshadowed in image but seldom outdone in accomplishment.
Детская литература
Линда Ашман 0.0
Clever cautionary poems, raucously illustrated, about 26 children you?d rather read about than meet. Here are twenty-six brats you?d never want to babysit: Catastrophic Coco, Gluttonous Griffin, Impolite Irma, and Quarrelsome Quincy, just to name a few. Linda Ashman?s perfectly crafted ditties about kids from Angry Abby, who is ?apt to argue at any time and any place,? to Zany Zelda, who ?zigs and zags through all the rooms,? are paired with hilariously energetic digital collages by Nancy Carpenter. Kids will relish the chaos these naughty tykes create?and also the comeuppance many of them justly receive.

Wickedly witty wordplay and fiendishly fresh artwork make this a standout in the field of alphabet books.
Креативная документальная литера...
Эми Ирвайн 0.0
Trespass is the story of one woman's struggle to gain footing in inhospitable territory. A wilderness activist and apostate Mormon, Amy Irvine sought respite in the desert outback of southern Utah's red-rock country after her father's suicide, only to find out just how much of an interloper she was among her own people. But more than simply an exploration of personal loss, Trespass is an elegy for a dying world, for the ruin of one of our most beloved and unique desert landscapes and for our vanishing connection to it. Fearing what her father's fate might somehow portend for her, Irvine retreated into the remote recesses of the Colorado Plateau--home not only to the world's most renowned national parks but also to a rugged brand of cowboy Mormonism that stands in defiant contrast to the world at large. Her story is one of ruin and restoration, of learning to live among people who fear the wilderness the way they fear the devil and how that fear fuels an antagonism toward environmental concerns that pervades the region. At the same time, Irvine mourns her own loss of wildness and disconnection from spirituality, while ultimately discovering that the provinces of nature and faith are not as distinct as she once might have believed.
Документальная литература
Carol Ekarius 0.0
From the large-tailed Karakul sheep to the floppy-eared Gloucestershire Old Spot pig, North America is home to an extraordinary array of livestock. Comprehensive, colorful, and captivating, Storey’s Illustrated Breed Guide to Sheep, Goats, Cattle, and Pigs features full-color profiles of 163 livestock breeds. Whether you’re looking for a gentle domestic backyard animal or are hoping to introduce a rare heritage breed on your farm, you’re sure to find an animal that’s perfect for your needs.
Документальная литература
Сара Гэбриел 0.0
One of the first things to suffer from our fast-forward, busy-all-the-time culture is our relationships. Whether you are single or partnered, caught up in the frenzy or swimming against the tide, getting and staying connected has become more of a challenge. We need both a fresh perspective on relationships and a straightforward way to strengthen our connections. Unexpected Intimacy offers both. In a refreshing change from the ubiquitous relationship books written on the “life is incomplete without the perfect soul-mate” theme, Gabriel reveals a path of conscious relationship-making—including connections with time, space, place and soul. The collection of nearly 50 stories is peppered with intriguing research from the medical and social sciences that highlights health benefits of rich social connections. From stories of “Gastronomical Intimacy” through explorations of “Family of Circumstance” to pondering “Intimate Legacies,” readers are inspired to take a longer look at the breadth and depth of their relationships. In our too-busy 21st century lives, Unexpected Intimacy is a compelling reminder of how nourishing everyday connections can be.
Жанр фантастика
Carol Berg 0.0
The mesmerizing conclusion to the fantasy epic

Addicted to an enchantment that turns pain into pleasure?and bound by oaths he refuses to abandon?Valen risks body and soul to rescue one child, seek justice for another, and bring the dying land of Navronne its rightful king.
Художественная литература
Дэвид Вроблевски 0.0
Born mute, speaking only in sign, Edgar Sawtelle leads an idyllic life with his parents on their farm in remote northern Wisconsin. But his life is plunged into chaos as his uncle returns, his father suddenly dies, and he is forced to flee into the wilderness with only three yearling dogs for company.

Born mute, speaking only in sign, Edgar Sawtelle leads an idyllic life with his parents on their farm in remote northern Wisconsin. For generations, the Sawtelles have raised and trained a fictional breed of dog whose thoughtful companionship is epitomized by Almondine, Edgar's lifelong friend and ally. But with the unexpected return of Claude, Edgar's paternal uncle, turmoil consumes the Sawtelles' once peaceful home. When Edgar's father dies suddenly, Claude insinuates himself into the life of the farm—and into Edgar's mother's affections.

Grief-stricken and bewildered, Edgar tries to prove Claude played a role in his father's death, but his plan backfires—spectacularly. Forced to flee into the vast wilderness lying beyond the farm, Edgar comes of age in the wild, fighting for his survival and that of the three yearling dogs who follow him. But his need to face his father's murderer and his devotion to the Sawtelle dogs turn Edgar ever homeward.

David Wroblewski is a master storyteller, and his breathtaking scenes—the elemental north woods, the sweep of seasons, an iconic American barn, a fateful vision rendered in the falling rain—create a riveting family saga, a brilliant exploration of the limits of language, and a compulsively readable modern classic.
Иллюстрированная книга
Jim Steinberg, Susan J. Tweit 0.0
This two volume set was inspired by those blue highways and a quintessentially American love: the open road. Americans had begun taking to the road such as it was long before the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1925 designated the first numbered cross-country routes. After the interstate highway program was authorized in 1955 as a way to move troops and material around quickly, Americans became obsessed with speed. And forgot the soul of the open road: the freedom to wander, the chance to stop and sniff a wildflower, ramble beside a creek, shape a snowball from a late-summer snowbank, gawk at a long-abandoned mining town, buy a fresh peach from a farm stand, or simply discover a new vista. The Scenic Byway system was born out of a desire to identify roads offering just those kinds of opportunities. It harks back to national routes designated in the 1930s such as the Great River Road tracing the course of the Mississippi and the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Appalachian Mountains. States and federal government agencies began designating scenic and Highways historic byways in the 1980s. Colorado identified its first byways in 1989; now the state has 25 official Scenic and Historic Byways, chosen for their outstanding archaeological, cultural, historic, natural, recreational, and of course, scenic qualities. Ten have also been selected for the National Scenic Byways Program, begun in 1991. This volume is a love poem that evokes the spirit and heart of the diverse landscapes and cultures sketched by Colorado s Scenic Byways. These classic routes are grouped by geographic region Plains, Foothills, High Peaks, Mountain Valleys and Plateaus, and portrayed in stunning photographs and lyrical and informative essays. The companion volume, Colorado Scenic Byways: Atlas and Road Guide, explores each route in more detail, including maps and altitude profiles, essential facts on length, road type, services, unique and fun sights and events along the way, and insider tips from the photographer and writer.
Джейк Адам Йорк 0.0
A Murmuration of Starlings elegizes the martyrs of the civil rights movement, whose names are inscribed on the stone table of the Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama. Individually, Jake Adam York’s poems are elegies for individuals; collectively, they consider the violence of a racist culture and the determination to resist that racism.

York follows Sun Ra, a Birmingham jazz musician whose response to racial violence was to secede from planet Earth, considers the testimony in the trial of J. W. Milam and Roy Bryant for the murder of Emmet Till in 1955, and recreates events of Selma, Alabama, in 1965. Throughout the collection, an invasion of starlings images the racial hatred and bloodshed. While the 1950s spawned violence, the movement in the early 1960s transformed the language of brutality and turned the violence against the violent, says York. So, the starlings, first produced by violence, become instruments of resistance.

York’s collection responds to and participates in recent movements to find and punish the perpetrators of the crimes that defined the civil rights movement. A Murmuration of Starlings participates in the search for justice, satisfaction, and closure.
Молодежная литература
Дениз Вега 0.0
Winner of the Colorado Book Award for Young Adult fiction, Cybil nominee. Fact of Life #129: Some people put you where they want you to be, not where you actually are.16-year-old Kat Flynn believes in going with the flow. She practices yoga, works with her mom at Abra’s Midwifery, and watches the Perfect Couple in the hall at school. But when she finds herself in the middle of the Perfect Couple’s drama and some drama of her own (including an unexpected romance), Kat has to decide whether going with the flow is really the best way to come back to herself.
Антология / коллекция
Лора Притчетт, Тереса Джордан 0.0
If you care about the West, you must care about the lands of the West—lands that are disappearing rapidly, along with the people and cultures that go along with them. In this collection of 22 essays, the editors have brought together some of the best—and most insightful—writing on ranching in the West. These writers explore the changing landscape of the West and how, in an age of huge, corporate-owned ranches, the small rancher can survive. This book brings together the best writers in the West today—including poets, ranchers, and conservationists—in a one-of-a-kind, unique look at the West. Includes essays by: Aaron Abeyta, Julene Bair, Rick Bass, Bob Budd, Joan Chevalier, James Galvin, Drum Hadley, Linda Hussa, Page Lambert, Wallace McRae, Sharon Salisbury O’Toole, Diane Josephy Peavey, Nathan Sayre, Mark Spragg, Kim Stafford, Paul F. Starrs, Courtney White, Paul Zarzyski
Ричард Гулд 0.0
Hispanic leader Richard Castro wasn't above a good street fight. Denver police beat him bloody during a 1960's confrontation, and political rivals later shot him and bombed his home. But he emerged from the early struggles of Denver's Hispanic movement - El Movimiento - to become one of Colorado's most important political figures. During his ten years as a state representative and, later, as a key ally of Denver mayor Federico Peña, Castro personified the Hispanic community's newfound political power. The Life and Times of Richard Castro traces Castro's path from the streets of west Denver to the chambers of the state capitol. It also traces a community's coming of age - an event that transformed politics and society in Colorado and throughout the West. Published by the Colorado Historical Society
Детская литература
Стив Дженкинс 0.0
Red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, pink—animals can be startlingly colorful. Why are they found in so many shades, tints, and hues? From the scarlet ibis to the blue-tongued skink, award-winning author/illustrator Steve Jenkins depicts a whole world of colorful animals in his signature style. Living Color explores a range of animals from old favorites like the pink flamingo to rare and fascinating creatures such as the long-wattled umbrella bird and the ringed caecilian. How do the brilliant feathers, scales,shells, and skin of these animals help them survive? Find out in this strikingly beautiful book how animals use color to warn predators, signal friends, attract a mate, or hide from their enemies.
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Ким Рейд 0.0
In this compelling memoir, Kim Reid hauntingly transports readers to the innocent world of a childhood protected by a loving home, yet threatened by a danger beyond any child’s understanding...
Thirteen-year-old Kim Reid will never forget the summer of 1979. In those precious free moments when she is not taking care of her little sister while her single mother works as a cop, Kim’s days are filled with thoughts of boys, makeup, and starting high school in the fall. When a heartbreaking discovery along a quiet Atlanta road makes the news, Kim’s mother instructs her girls to be careful. Accustomed to her mother’s warnings, Kim feels she already knows how to stay alert and carry herself as if she’s not scared.

But as the shadow of danger lengthens over Kim’s once-sunny landscape of friends and family, she learns there is no place safe. While her mother becomes preoccupied with her increasingly high-profile job, Kim feels life unraveling. Straddling the worlds of her black neighborhood and her wealthy white school, teetering on the brink between girl and woman, Kim is torn between fitting in and finding her own voice; between becoming strong and clinging to the last traces of her childhood.

In this deeply intimate, powerful narrative, Kim Reid weaves an unforgettable story of growing up and the events that shape us forever…
Документальная литература
Кирк Р. Джонсон 0.0
Cruisin'the Fossil Freeway follows the most unusual travels of a paleontologist and artist as they drive across the West in search of fossils, encountering “paleonerds” like themselves and evidence of everything from suburban T. rexes to ancient fossilized forests.
Жанр фантастика
Маргарет Коэль 0.0
In 1973, Liz Plenty Horses was accused of betraying the militant American Indian Movement, known as AIM, to the FBI after the death of one of their members. She went into hiding with her baby daughter, never to be seen again.
Now, a skeleton with a bullet hole in the back of the skull has been discovered at the bottom of a ravine on the Wind River Reservation. The body was that of a woman who was murdered sometime in 1973. With the police reluctant to investigate, Arapaho attorney Vicky Holden and Father John O'Malley must unravel the truth-even if it incites the malice of a long-dormant killer.
Художественная литература
Гари Шанбахер 0.0
A moving collection of stories set in the new American West.
Иллюстрированная книга
Дейв Шовальтер 0.0
Prairie Thunder takes viewers on an exciting visual journey across the eastern plains of Colorado. Most people associate Colorado's scenic wonders with its mountains, but where the Rockies give way to the grand sweep of America's Great Plains, there is a whole other landscape to discover and enjoy. Author and photographer Dave Showalter shares this incredibly diverse ecosystem through a stunning collection of photographs depicting its seasonal nuances. At the heart of the book is Dave's work at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge on the outskirts of Denver. Once home to chemical weapons factories, the refuge has been restored to a natural oasis, where bald eagles roam the skies and genetically pure bison have been returned to these lands for the first time in over 100 years. Dave details the conservation challenges of the Colorado prairie as well, describing what needs to be done, as well as the successful partnerships built by environmentalists and ranchers that have helped to preserve grand swaths of land from development. Prairie Thunder also includes a foreword by Richard Manning, foremost author on the world's grasslands. Richard weaves the tale of finding a fawn hidden in native grasses in his front yard with the story of how vital grasslands are to the health of the environment. Prairie Thunder has also been endorsed by Audubon Colorado, and is printed on high-quality recycled paper.
Дейвид Мейсон 0.0
Ludlow is a novel in verse that tells the story of a handful of immigrants Greek, Mexican, Scottish, Italian in southern Colorado, climaxing in the Ludlow Massacre of April 1914, in which elements of the Colorado National Guard killed striking miners and family members. The novel follows two primary characters: the fictional Luisa Mole, orphaned in the opening chapter, who must choose between life among the miners and the middle-class family who adopt her; and the historical figure Louis Tikas, a Cretan immigrant who, in the course of the book, becomes a labor organizer and a Ludlow martyr. But several minor characters Too Tall MacIntosh, Lefty Calabrini, George Reed and his family, and even John D. Rockefeller, Jr. also play significant roles in the book, which never succumbs to simplistic political pieties, but is engaged with identity and being.
Молодежная литература
Лора Резау 0.0
ONE NIGHT SOPHIE and her parents are called to a hospital where Pedro, 6-year-old Mexican boy, is recovering from dehydration. Crossing the border into Arizona with a group of Mexicans and a coyote, or guide, Pedro and his parents faced such harsh conditions that the boy is the only survivor. Pedro comes to live with Sophie, her parents, and Sophie's Aunt Dika, a refugee of the war in Bosnia. Sophie loves Pedro - her Principito, or Little Prince. But after a year, Pedro's surviving family in Mexico makes contact, and Sophie, Dika, Dika's new boyfriend, and his son must travel with Pedro to his hometown so that he can make a heartwrenching decision.
Марта Ханна 0.0
Paul and Marie Pireaud, a young peasant couple from southwest France, were newlyweds when World War I erupted. With Paul in the army from 1914 through 1919, they were forced to conduct their marriage mostly by correspondence. Drawing upon the hundreds of letters they wrote, Martha Hanna tells their moving story and reveals a powerful and personal perspective on war.

Civilians and combatants alike maintained bonds of emotional commitment and suffered the inevitable miseries of extended absence. While under direct fire at Verdun, Paul wrote with equal intensity and poetic clarity of the brutality of battle and the dietary needs (as he understood them) of his pregnant wife. Marie, in turn, described the difficulties of working the family farm and caring for a sick infant, lamented the deaths of local men, and longed for the safe return of her husband. Through intimate avowals and careful observations, their letters reveal how war transformed their lives, reinforced their love, and permanently altered the character of rural France.

Overwhelmed by one of the most tumultuous upheavals of the modern age, Paul and Marie found solace in family and strength in passion. Theirs is a human story of loneliness and longing, fear in the face of death, and the consolations of love. "Your Death Would Be Mine" is a poignant tale of ordinary people coping with the trauma of war.
Детская литература
Кэтлин Т. Пелли 0.0
Inventor McGregor can invent most anything that needs
inventing, from a barking bag for the postman to bouncing
boots for wee Willie. At his home workshop, McGregor never
knows when inspiration will hit: while surrounded by his cheery
wife and children, singing a song, or painting a picture. "Just
imagine how many more gadgets and gizmos you'll be able to
think up with a clear head and no distractions," says the
president of the Royal Society of Inventors, inviting him to
work in the city. So why, in his new laboratory, is McGregor
unable to think of a thing?

Rich language that skips and jumps combined with lively,
detailed art brings this delightful story home to young readers
and their parents.
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Shari Caudron 0.0
This book is highly entertaining, but it also provides significant insight into contemporary life in America. Caudron reveals why people are indulging in their fanatical passions, and how that indulgence is transforming community life.
Документальная литература
Ben Fogelberg, Steve Grinstead 0.0
Throughout the years, the Front Range has been an important region for settlers, miners, and more recently rangers and military personnel. Now, you too can walk in the footsteps of some of history's most interesting and significant figures. Featuring hikes of all difficulty levels, this book will help you trace the footsteps of the past and in the process gain a greater appreciation for the beauty that has been a draw to the area for hundreds of years.
Жанр фантастика
Энн Паркер 0.0
The railroad is coming west, all the way to Leadville and its rich Rocky Mountain mines, not to mention millionaires. And who is coming to celebrate the arrival of the Denver & Rio Grande but Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States and former commander of the Union armies. Like other residents in the Colorado boom town this summer of 1880, Inez Stannert regards the news as mixed. With her business partnership in the Silver Queen Saloon shaky and the bonds of family tightening (her husband is still missing and her baby is still back East), Inez doesn't need the lawlessness of Leadville to turn, once again, into murder. But Inez isn't the only one with iron ties to the past. Some folks have wicked memories of the war, others a stake in the competing railroad lines. And Inez's friend, photographer Susan Carothers, gets caught in the crossfire. . . .
Художественная литература
Тиг Болен 0.0
A family's dark secrets are at the root of this rich novel set in rural Illinois. Alternating between the mysterious past and the unsettled present day, a father and son contend-individually-with complicated loyalties to parents, friends, lovers, and the land itself. What can a young man do? This is the central question of a complex story about love and obligation.
Иллюстрированная книга
James H. Pickering, Carey Stevanus 0.0
-Historic photographs paired with contemporary photographs taken from the exact same locations illuminate the evolution that has occurred in the Estes Park area, as well as in Rocky Mountain National Park, over more than a century. From the Stanley Hotel to Lake Estes, see whether the landmarks and landscape of Estes Park have been completely transformed or if they remain almost unchanged.
Дэвид Кеплингер 0.0
Keplinger's third book of poetry alters course from his usual style. The book is made up of linking prose poems, almost in series. They are rich with startling images, strange symbolism, and fantastic places and people.
Молодежная литература
Лора Резау 0.0
Clara Luna's name means "clear moon" in Spanish. But lately, her head has felt anything but clear. One day a letter comes from Mexico, written in Spanish: Dear Clara, We invite you to our house for the summer. We will wait for you on the day of the full moon, in June, at the Oaxaca airport. Love, your grandparents.

Fourteen-year-old Clara has never met her father's parents. She knows he snuck over the border from Mexico as a teenager, but beyond that, she knows almost nothing about his childhood. When she agrees to go, she's stunned by her grandparents' life: they live in simple shacks in the mountains of southern Mexico, where most people speak not only Spanish, but an indigenous language, Mixteco.

The village of Yucuyoo holds other surprises, too-- like the spirit waterfall, which is heard but never seen. And Pedro, an intriguing young goatherder who wants to help Clara find the waterfall. Hearing her grandmother’s adventurous tales of growing up as a healer awakens Clara to the magic in Yucuyoo, and in her own soul. What The Moon Saw is an enchanting story of discovering your true self in the most unexpected place.
Антология / коллекция
Грегори Макнэми, Gary Wockner 0.0
Delves into the spirit of the wolf dilemma through a collection of essays and poems from some of the Rocky Mountain region's most prolific writers. Authors such as Susan J. Tweit, Craig Childs, Pam Houston, John Nichols, Kent Nelson, Rick Bass, Stephen Trimble, and Laura Pritchett have contributed works specifically written for this compilation, which creates a forum for writers to voice their opinions, hopes, and concerns for the reintroduction of wolves in Colorado. Forward by Mark Udall, U.S. Representative, Colorado's 2nd Congressional District.
Детская литература
Стив Дженкинс 0.0
What is it like to come face-to-face with the ten-foot-tall terror bird? Or stare into the mouth of the largest meat eater ever to walk the earth? Can you imagine a millipede that is more than six feet long, or a dinosaur smaller than a chicken? In this “actual size” look at the prehistoric world, which includes two dramatic gatefolds, you’ll meet these awe-inspiring creatures, as well as many others.
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Стивен Черч 0.0
Pogo Stick Jumping. The greatest number of jumps achieved is 105,338 by Michael Barban in 18 hours on September 12, 1978, in Florissant, Missouri. Scott Spencer...of Wilmington, Delaware, covered 6 miles in 6 1?2 hours in September 1974.-- Guinness Book of World Records, Giant 1980 Super-Edition

In this wildly imaginative memoir about an oversized midwestern boy's obsession with the Guinness Book of World Records, a tale of growing up different takes on epic proportions. "It was the Guinness books that gave me an escape," proclaims Steven Church in this darkly comic memoir, "a strange and seductive escape into the territory of the imagination." "The Guinness Book of Me" recalls a perilous youth strewn with the shadows of record holders, past and present, whose cameos add layers of meaning in fabulous and unexpected ways.

Have you ever wondered why someone would grow the world's longest fingernails or eat an eleven-foot tree? Steven Church has. His bizarre speculative investigations have less to do with the truth and more to do with a celebration of freaks, an exploration of memory, and an examination of identity. In fierce, muscled prose, Church explores a childhood lived between a father and younger brother who are each larger than life. Both hilarious and heartbreaking, "The Guinness Book of Me" will captivate and surprise you. This is more than a memoir; it's an engaging homage to pop culture, a powerful look at life's extremes, and an impressive debut from a promising young writer.
Жанр фантастика
Маргарет Коэль 0.0
In Margaret Coel's all-new Wind River Reservation mystery, a psychopathic killer has brutally murdered three Shoshone Indians and posed their bodies on a historical battlefield. Is his intent to provoke a civil war between the reservation's Shoshone and Arapaho inhabitants, or is his target actually Father John O'Malley?
Чарльз Уилкинсон 0.0
FOR GENERATIONS, Indian people suffered a grinding poverty and political and cultural suppression on the reservations. But tenacious and visionary tribal leaders refused to give in. They knew their rights and insisted that the treaties be honored. Against all odds, beginning shortly after World War II, they began to succeed. The modern tribal sovereignty movement deserves to be spoken of in the same breath as the civil rights, environmental, and women's movements. Charles Wilkinson recounts in colorful terms tribal victories in major legal conflicts in contemporary America: the Indian land claims in Maine and other eastern states, the "salmon wars" of the Pacific Northwest, and the establishment of tribal casinos as a way of making inroads into poverty. "Blood Struggle explores how Indian tribes took their hard-earned sovereignty--their right to self-determination--and put it to work for Indian peoples and the perpetuation of Indian culture. Finally, this is the story of wrongs righted and noble ideals upheld.
Художественная литература
Ник Арвин 0.0
George Tilson is an eighteen-year-old farm boy from Iowa. Enlisted in the army during WWII and arriving in Normandy just after D-Day, he is nicknamed Heck for his reluctance to swear. From summers of farm labour Heck is already strong. He knows how to except orders and how to work uncomplainingly. But in combat Heck witnesses a kind of brutality unlike anything he could have imagined. Fear consumes his every thought and Heck soon realises a terrible thing about himself: He is a coward. Possessed of this dark knowledge, Heck is then faced with an impossible task.

Nick Arvin draws the reader into the unimaginable fear, violence and chaos of the war zone. Like the very best war fiction - Pat Barker's Regeneration trilogy, Sebastian Faulks' Birdsong - he shows how ordinary lives are transformed by extraordinary events.
Иллюстрированная книга
Уолтер Р. Борнеман, Todd Caudle 0.0
Enjoy the majesty of Colorado's highest peaks with this beautiful coffee table book. Borneman, co-author of A Climbing Guide to Colorado's Fourteeners, and Caudle, photographer of several books and calendars featuring Colorado scenics, have combined their talents and wealth of knowledge of Colorado's fourteeners to produce the ultimate celebration of these heralded peaks. 14,000 Feet is a book sure to be loved by climbers and armchair travelers alike.
Джейн Хилберри 0.0
"If this is the book of the body, its lineaments are those of not only erotic but spiritual desire. Here friends and lovers, mothers and children, intermingle as in the morning light and shadow of a forgotten room, and the source of that light is Hilberry's very distinctive lyric voice, constantly surprising us with its subdued wit and deep understanding of what it means to be human." Description by B. H. Fairchild
Молодежная литература
Дениз Вега 0.0
magine if all your personal thoughts about crushes, fears, enemies, and even kissing practice ended up on the internet for everyone to read! That's what happens to Erin Swift when her secret blog lands on the school Web site. As if navigating the treacherous waters of seventh grade weren't enough! Writing with warm, knowing humor, first-time novelist Denise Vega perfectly captures life from a seventh grade girl's point of view.
David Fridtjof Halaas, Andrew E. Masich 0.0
This is the story of the amazing and uncommon life of George Bent-a "halfbreed" born to a prominent white trader and his Indian wife-whose lifetime spanned one of the most exciting epochs in our nation's history. Raised as a Cheyenne but educated in white schools, George Bent fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War, became a Cheyenne warrior and survived the horrific 1864 Sand Creek Massacre, rode and killed for revenge with the ferocious Cheyenne Dog Soldiers, and later became a prominent interpreter and negotiator for whites and adviser to tribal leaders. He hobnobbed with frontier legends Kit Carson, Buffalo Bill, Wild Bill Hickok, and George Custer, and fought side-by-side with great Indian leaders. After a lifetime of adventures and misfortunes, accomplishments and failures, George Bent made a lasting contribution to the memory of his people by sharing with historians the story of the fighting Cheyennes.
Детская литература
Линда Ашман 0.0
A little boy imagines that the everyday objects around him are fantastic creatures as he goes about his day.
Документальная литература
Найл Саутерн 0.0
In 1958, the famous underground Olympia Press, which three years earlier had published Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita, published a novel entitled Candy by one Maxwell Kenton. Over the next decade, it would become one of the most famous--and notorious--novels of its time. Here is the full story behind its creation, publication, and litigation.
Документальная литература
Конни Локхарт Эллефсон 0.0
With lavish full-color photography, wide-ranging advice, and comprehensive charts, water-wise experts showcase the Xeriscape principles that will let you enhance your property with less work and less water.Xeriscape Colorado's remarkable before-and-after illustrations help you visualize solutions to your own home-landscape challenges.
Жанр фантастика
Маргарет Коэль 0.0
In Margaret Coel's latest Wind River Reservation mystery, an atrocity from the past has resurfaced with a vengeance.

Two murders-a century apart-are linked to photographs taken of the Arapahos on the reservation in 1907, currently on display at St. Francis' Mission. As they begin their investigation, Father John O'Malley and Vicky Holden unearth secrets best left buried.
Художественная литература
Kent Haruf 0.0
Kent Haruf, award-winning, bestselling author of Plainsong returns to the high-plains town of Holt, Colorado, with a novel of masterful authority. The aging McPheron brothers are learning to live without Victoria Roubideaux, the single mother they took in and who has now left their ranch to start college. A lonely young boy stoically cares for his grandfather while a disabled couple tries to protect their violent relative. As these lives unfold and intersect, Eventide unveils the immemorial truths about human beings: their fragility and resilience, their selfishness and goodness, and their ability to find family in one another.
Марк Ирвин 0.0
Mark Irwin’s poetics are a direct descendent of Rilke and Hart Crane. His poetry is propelled by charged rhythms and a haunting music. “An impeccable craftsman, Mark Irwin writes with a lyrical urgency that somehow combines the brilliance of Valery and the natural ease of observation of William Carlos Williams.” —David St. John

Mark Irwin is the author of four previous collections of poetry, two of them with BOA. Among his literary awards are National Endowment for the Arts and Ohio Art Council Fellowships, two Push-cart Prizes, the James Wright Poetry Award and a Fulbright Fellow-ship to Romania. He lives with his family in Denver, Colorado, and spends a part of each year on a wilderness ranch in the San Luis Valley.
Молодежная литература
Джули Энн Питерс 0.0
A groundbreaking novel about a transgender teen, selected as a National Book Award Finalist!
Regan's brother Liam can't stand the person he is during the day. Like the moon from whom Liam has chosen his female name, his true self, Luna, only reveals herself at night. In the secrecy of his basement bedroom Liam transforms himself into the beautiful girl he longs to be, with help from his sister's clothes and makeup. Now, everything is about to change: Luna is preparing to emerge from her cocoon. But are Liam's family and friends ready to welcome Luna into their lives?
Compelling and provocative, this is an unforgettable novel about a transgender teen's struggle for self-identity and acceptance.
Антология / коллекция
Дэниэл Глик 0.0
After losing his brother to cancer and a painful divorce that left him the sole charge d'affaires of two decidedly spirited children, environmental reporter Daniel Glick knew he and his little family desperately needed some karmic rejuvenation. He opted for an epic adventure. In the summer of 2001, Dan, Zoe, and Kolya packed up and set off on a six-month tour to see the world's most exotic and endangered habitats.

Monkey Dancing takes readers along for this incredible journey. From the python-infested rivers of Borneo to the highest summits of Bali, from Nepal's Gangeatic Plains to Australia's Great Barrier Reef, Glick recounts the adventures they met with, the challenges they confronted, and how they learned to cope with grief, loss, and one another. Along the way, he offers intimate reflection on life, fatherhood, change, and the fragile health of our troubled planet.

Acclaimed by reviewers, a BookSense Parenting bestseller, Monkey Dancing is a "poignant, affirming, ultimately courageous book"—Audubon Magazine.
Детская литература
Джеффри Беннетт, Jeffrey Bennett 0.0
Max the Dog and his human friend Tori take the first trip to the Moon since the Apollo era and their trip proves so inspiring to people back on Earth that all the nations of the world come together to build a great Moon colony. From the colony, the views of Earth make everyone realize how small and precious planet Earth is. Behind-the-scenes science lessons with activities round out this entertaining and educational picture book.
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Дэниэл Глик 0.0
After losing his brother to cancer and a painful divorce that left him the sole charge d'affaires of two decidedly spirited children, environmental reporter Daniel Glick knew he and his little family desperately needed some karmic rejuvenation. He opted for an epic adventure. In the summer of 2001, Dan, Zoe, and Kolya packed up and set off on a six-month tour to see the world's most exotic and endangered habitats.

Monkey Dancing takes readers along for this incredible journey. From the python-infested rivers of Borneo to the highest summits of Bali, from Nepal's Gangeatic Plains to Australia's Great Barrier Reef, Glick recounts the adventures they met with, the challenges they confronted, and how they learned to cope with grief, loss, and one another. Along the way, he offers intimate reflection on life, fatherhood, change, and the fragile health of our troubled planet.

Acclaimed by reviewers, a BookSense Parenting bestseller, Monkey Dancing is a "poignant, affirming, ultimately courageous book"—Audubon Magazine.
Документальная литература
Джон Кракауэр 4.1
В 1830 году Джозеф Смит впервые опубликовал текст священной Книги Мормонов. С тех пор новая религия стала не только самой быстрорастущей в мире, но и одной из самых жестоких.

В своей книге Джон Кракауэр, автор таких бестселлеров как "Эверест" и "В диких условиях", провел серьезное журналистское расследование шокирующего преступления — убийства молодой женщины и ее маленькой дочери. Книга отправляет нас в самый центр общины мормонов-фундаменталистов, где 40 000 человек до сих пор практикуют полигамность и избегают любых контактов с представителями других религий. Кракауэр пытается ответить на вопрос: являются их тексты божественным откровением или грандиозным обманом, благодаря которому их религиозные лидеры получили власть и могущество?
Документальная литература
Рик Адамс 0.0
The book begins with a general discussion of bat biology and evolution as well as regional physiography and zoogeography. In addition, Adams describes -- based on the results of extensive research -- the behaviour and ecology of the 31 species of bats found in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. Naturalists and biologists alike will benefit from the detailed species descriptions, colour photographs and illustrations, distribution maps, and echolocation sonograms. A unique and valuable reference for professional bat biologists, naturalists, and wildlife enthusiasts interested in the conservation and ecology of bats in the region.
Документальная литература
Barbara Coloroso 0.0
It's the deadliest combination going; bullies who terrorize, bullied kids who are afraid to tell, bystanders who watch, and adults who see the incidents as a normal part of childhood. All it takes to understand that this is a recipe for tragedy is a glance at headlines across the country.

In this updated edition of The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander, which includes a new section on cyberbullying, one of the world's most trusted parenting educators gives parents, caregivers, educators - and most of all, kids - the tools to break the cycle of violence. Drawing on her decades of work with troubled youth, and her wide experience in the areas of conflict resolution and reconciliatory justice, Barbara Coloroso explains:

The three kinds of bullying, and the differences between boy and girl bullies

Four abilities that protect your child from succumbing to bullying

Seven steps to take if your child is a bully

How to help the bullied child heal and how to effectively discipline the bully

How to evaluate a school's antibullying policy

And much more

This compassionate and practical guide has become the groundbreaking reference on the subject of bullying.
Документальная литература
John Dietsch, Gary Hubbell 0.0
From movie stunts to letters from the great beyond, John Dietsch and Gary Hubbell bring a fresh new perspective to learning to flyfish. John Dietsch, the flyfishing production coordinator on the filming of "A River Runs Through It," taught the actors in the movie to flyfish. He brings the same techniques to the beginning flyfisherman. His co-author, writer/photographer/fishing guide Gary Hubbell, has gained renown for teaching solid flyfishing fundamentals to thousands of beginners. Together Dietsch and Hubbell were instrumental in creating the CD-ROM "The ESPN Flyfishing School." Each of the book's chapters is comprised of solid instructional techniques, accompanied by an anecdote from the authors' fishing experiences. The stories range from humorous accounts of guiding beginners, to intriguing descriptions of filming flyfishing scenes, to deeply personal accounts of losing a brother to cancer. The book includes a stunning 16-page photo section with brilliant color photos by co-author Gary Hubbell, as well as several incredible photos by John Kelly from the set of "A River Runs Through It."
Жанр фантастика
Стефани Кейн 0.0
A naked girl in handcuffs and a dog collar stumbles out of the woods, collapsing at the side of the road. She's University of Colorado coed Amy Lynch, a daughter of wealth and privilege, who was last seen at a local bar. What happened to Amy? And why has she been found in handcuffs belonging to ambitious federal judge Glenn Ballard, a man with an impeccable personal reputation?

When Amy dies before she can identify her attacker, the charges against the judge become murder in the first degree under circumstances of extreme indifference. Ballard could call in some superstar lawyer to defend him. So why does he instead choose his former law student Jackie Flowers for this difficult, high-profile case?

Jackie's life is tough enough already. She has dyslexia and sometimes feels like Alice in Wonderland as she fights her daily battles in what for her is a topsy-turvy world. But she got through law school on her wits, was tough enough to work for the public defender's office, and had the guts to hang out her own shingle. She now shares a set of offices in a Gothic Victorian mansion in Denver with a motley crew of lawyers, none of them overachievers.

Jackie has her stellar investigator, Pilar Perez, to assist her, and now she has her high-powered new client. Would a federal judge jeopardize his reputation and career for a few hours of lust? Jackie wants to believe he's telling the truth, but can she?

Ballard's is not the only case on Jackie's calendar. Her longtime client, professional arsonist Ted Wolsky, is about to get the "big bitch" -- life in prison with no chance of parole -- if she can't prove he's innocent of burning a warehouse. Ted has his weaknesses, but hedoesn't deserve to go down for life. And he claims he's innocent of this latest charge.

On top of everything else, Jackie's young neighbor, Lily, who has a very special place in Jackie's heart, has reached a pivotal point in her childhood. She needs Jackie's help, but Jackie's work may stand in the way.

With its riveting authenticity, colorful characters, and penetrating questions about justice and the law, "Extreme Indifference" will confirm author Stephanie Kane as one of the most appealing and entertaining of the new generation of legal thriller writers. Fans of Perri O'Shaughnessy and Lisa Scottoline will rejoice as Stephanie Kane joins the club.
Жанр фантастика
Барбара Сэмюел 0.0
With her acclaimed hardcover debut, No Place Like Home, readers enthusiastically welcomed Barbara Samuel into the ranks of bestselling women’s fiction, applauding her stirring novel of loss and redemption. In A Piece of Heaven, she shares another poignant tale rich in atmosphere and insight that explores the complexity of relationships, the importance of family, and the healing power of love.

In the sun-baked hills of New Mexico, Luna McGraw has lived a lifetime of regrets, struggling to conquer the demons that destroyed her marriage and caused her to lose custody of her beloved daughter. But as Luna fights to rebuild a relationship with the troubled teenager, she remains haunted by images of her own childhood and the father she barely knew.

Strong and resilient as the houses he builds, Thomas Coyote comes into Luna’s life one extraordinary night when his grandmother nearly dies while conjuring a fiery brew of spiritual enchantment. Luna does not need a man— especially one with a needy ex-wife—to complicate her fragile dreams of the future. Their attraction pushes them both beyond reason into a place where there is only possibility. Yet it will take more than passion to recover the tattered pieces of Luna’s soul, more than time to forgive the sins of an offending husband, and more than promises to mend the broken heart of a child.

A Piece of Heaven is an irresistible novel full of colorful characters and lush settings spiced with the magical flavors of the Southwest, a brilliant tapestry of romance and realism by a master storyteller.
Художественная литература
Кент Нельсон 0.0
With crystalline prose that evokes with equal power the sweat of hard work and the complexity of human foibles, Kent Nelson’s novel is destined to earn him many new fans. When Haney Remmel dies in an accident, he leaves to his wife Mattie an alfalfa farm in the plains of South Dakota and a devastating secret. Mattie must wrestle with both, deciding to keep the farm running even as she deals with the discovery that her husband’s life had been a lie. She enlists the help of two women who are just as embattled: daughter Shelley, an insecure college student, and Dawn, a handywoman with a past that’s closing in on her. A young runaway Native American boy joins them, and together they forge an unlikely family, relying on each other to cope with a western landscape that is as cruel as it is profoundly beautiful, and a violent threat born of revenge that will challenge the bonds they have made.
Иллюстрированная книга
Peter Collier, Nick Del Calzo 0.0
On October 25, 2010, Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta became the first living person since the Vietnam War to receive the United States’ highest military decoration, and both he and Sergeant Leroy Petry (the second inductee) rightly take their place in the pages of this third edition of Medal of Honor: Portraits of Valor Beyond the Call of Duty. The book includes 144 contemporary portraits of recipients by award-winning photographer Nick Del Calzo and profiles by National Book Award nominee Peter Collier. First published on Veterans Day 2003, this New York Times bestseller has now been updated and augmented to include new essays plus:

• Letters from all living presidents • A foreword by Brian Williams • Profiles of Sergeant Giunta and Sergeant Petry

There are also essays by Tom Brokaw, Senator John McCain, and Victor Davis Hanson, and a multimedia DVD with historic footage and recipients’ first-person reflections. The Medal of Honor recipients in the book fought in conflicts from World War II to Afghanistan, serving in every branch of the armed services.
Билл Трамбле 0.0
Bill Tremblay's Shooting Script: Door of Fire is unlike any collection of poems previously published. In it, voice becomes camera to reveal the smoky world of Diego Rivera's Mexico with its erotic and political tensions brightly drawn as background for a dance macabre involving, among others, Leon Trotsky, Rivera, the actress Paulette Goddard, Surrealist kingpin Andre Breton, and Rivera's strange and beautiful wife, Frida Kahlo. The lens of Tremblay's attention follows these characters as they circle inside their mortal questions, failings, and desires, never quite touching or saying as they intend, but always somehow working toward an integration of the personal, political, and esthetic obsessions that drive them on.
Молодежная литература
Мэри Пис Финлэй 0.0
Meadow Lark completes the Santa Fe Trail trilogy.
Антология / коллекция
Стив Джексон 0.0
On March 19, 1945, a Japanese bomber screamed toward the USS Franklin and dropped two 500-pound bombs through the ship's decks, killing hundreds of officers and enlisted men in just the first few moments, and thrusting the lives of nearly 3,000 other American seamen and aviators into mortal danger. As the Franklin listed dangerously near capsizing, the light cruiser USS Santa Fe, nicknamed the Lucky Lady, bellied up alongside her flaming hull and attempted the most daring rescue in U.S. naval history. Lucky Lady recreates the legendary World War II careers of the Franklin—the most decorated naval vessel of the war—and the Santa Fe—unparalleled in frontline service and avoiding casualties—through the eyes of the men on board. Perspectives range from the highest levels of rank and flying altitude to deep within the ships' bowels. Through the bloody years of the Pacific campaign—from Pearl Harbor to the Philippines to the waters just off the coast of Japan, and finally the decimated city of Nagasaki—the crewmembers encountered all the circumstances of war. Now in paperback, this book will be cherished by readers of military history as a fitting tribute with stirring echoes in our present time. Photographs are featured.
Детская литература
Керри Аркетт 0.0
Today is a busy day on the farm. Pigs are wallowing. Bees are buzzing. Chicks are pecking and peeping. In the middle of it all, one happy child climbs and runs and visits his animal friends. Then there's bathing and brushing and curling up tight--and telling the golden moon, "Good night."
Celebrate the small joys of life in this cozy, lighthearted look at a day in the barnyard. Young children will delight in the activities of their favorite animals before settling down for a good night's sleep.
Документальная литература
Сьюзен Циммерман 0.0
Susan Zimmermann experienced a devastating loss when her first child, Katherine, developed a neurological disorder that left her unable to walk or talk. Faced with her daughter’s disability, Susan struggled with fear, denial, guilt, bitterness, and despair. She began to heal only through writing. Working through conflicting emotions with paper and pen enabled her to transform her sadness into acceptance and even joy.

Writing to Heal the Soul is Susan’s gift to others—everyone, not just writers—who are suffering any kind of grief or loss, whether the injury, disability, or death of a loved one, the loss of a job, or the end of a relationship. Lyrically illustrated with true stories from the author and others, the book offers simple yet inspiring writing exercises to help you resolve your pain as you transform your grief into words of hope and healing.
Документальная литература
Junior League of Denver 0.0
Colorado Colore's selection of more than 300 receipes is designed to highlight the state's diverse cultural influences with a bounty of colorful ingredients. Memorable theme-style menus with suggested wine pairings plus a entire section devoted solely to vegetarian fare. Harcover edition.
Документальная литература
David Stephen Heidler, Jeanne T. Heidler 0.0
The "Encyclopedia of the American Civil War" is the most comprehensive reference set ever compiled on this pivotal confrontation. Its five oversized volumes, rich with illustrations, maps, and primary source documents, offer more than 1,600 authoritative entries that chart the war's strategic aims, analyze diplomatic and political maneuvering, describe key military actions, sketch important participants, assess developments in military science, and discuss the social and financial impact of the conflict.

Written by scholars, the essays are both authoritative and easily accessible to history buffs, students, and general readers. Brief entry bibliographies lead curious readers to the most reliable sources for further information.
Документальная литература
Грег Кэмпбелл 0.0
First discovered in 1930, the diamonds of Sierra Leone have funded one of the most savage rebel campaigns in modern history. These "blood diamonds" are smuggled out of West Africa and sold to legitimate diamond merchants in London, Antwerp, and New York, often with the complicity of the international diamond industry. Eventually, these very diamonds find their way into the rings and necklaces of brides and spouses the world over. Blood Diamonds is the gripping tale of how the diamond smuggling works, how the rebel war has effectively destroyed Sierra Leone and its people, and how the policies of the diamond industry - institutionalized in the 1880s by the De Beers cartel - have allowed it to happen. Award-winning journalist Greg Campbell traces the deadly trail of these diamonds, many of which are brought to the world market by fanatical enemies. These repercussions of diamond smuggling are felt far beyond the borders of the poor and war-ridden country of Sierra Leone, and the consequences of overlooking this African tragedy are both shockingly deadly and unquestionably global. Updated with a new epilogue.
Жанр фантастика
Дэн Симмонс 3.8
"К сожалению, я не призрак. И ничего не знаю о жизни после смерти. Я никогда не верил в привидения, в существование рая, в бессмертие души и прочие подобные вещи. Не верю и теперь. Конечно же, я не помню, как умер, и знаю об этом событии не больше, чем мой друг Дейл Стюарт. За одиннадцать лег своей жизни я ни разу не покидал Иллинойс. Через сорок один год после моей смерти Дейл приехал на ферму, где я погиб. Зима в тот год была очень суровой..."
Жанр фантастика
Маргарет Коэль 0.0
Father John O'Malley makes it his personal business to tend to the souls of the Wind River Reservation. With the disappearance of a young man, and his old friend Vicky Holden accused of murder - his hunch is that both events are somehow connected to the sect leader known as Orlando. Resurrecting the old Shadow Dance religion, Orlando and his followers will let nothing delay the coming of their New World.

To get the proof they need, Father John and Vicky must do more than follow Orlando's trail. They must learn his dance. And there's no telling what a man who believes himself to be a prophet might do when he feels threatened.
Жанр фантастика
Кэрол Берг 4.1
Кэрол Берг, автор прославленной саги о Смотрителе Сейонне, дарит нам не менее удивительную историю Эйдана Мак-Аллистера.
Великий певец, любимец богов, он потрясает сердца слушателей удивительным голосом и игрой на арфе.
В тринадцать лет Эйдан обнаруживает, что крики боевых драконов, пролетающих в небе, даруют ему мелодии непостижимой красоты. В четырнадцать он - живая легенда, искуснейший музыкант. В двадцать один год Эйдан по приказу короля брошен в тюрьму и приговорен к молчанию...
В тридцать восемь он внезапно оказывается на свободе - безголосый, искалеченный призрак того, кем он некогда был, - и мечтает лишь об одном - выяснить, за что он был так наказан. И первое, что ему приходится узнать, - божественная песнь в его сердце стала песней зверя...
Художественная литература
Элиз Синглтон 0.0
Book DescriptionTheir friendship began in Nadir, Mississippi. But the twentieth century would take Lilian Mayfield and Myraleen Chadham far beyond that rural town-to segregated Philadelphia, to an Army base in England during the Blitz; to the
Иллюстрированная книга
Алан Бергер 0.0
There are over 200,000 abandoned mines covering hundreds of thousands of acres in the western United States. Seen from the air, they create surreal, haunting, yet somehow beautiful landscapes of mind-boggling scale. But these scarred landscapes are only temporary: by law, mining companies are required to reclaim them, and the process of renewal exposes many physical, philosophical, technological, environmental, political, regulatory, and ethical issues.Using aerial photography, maps, designs, charts, and analyses, Alan Berger provides a colorful and insightful overview of the possibilities-and dangers-of converting these altered landscapes. Reclaiming the American West covers the historical background and policy, as well as representational, technical, and design challenges presented by working with these enormous toxic sites, many of which have been converted into landscapes of extraordinary beauty. In addition, the book gives us an unprecedented vantage point above the sublime landscapes.
Крис Рансик 0.0
Book DescriptionIn Colorado Book Award Winner Chris Ransick's Never Summer: Poems From Thin Air, poetry flows like a stream collecting the debris of love, fear, and frailty. At each eddying current, tiny details of everyday life are exquisitely
Кэтрин Виноград 0.0
Kathryn Winograd holds a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry and a Ph.D. in literature and creative writing. Her poetry has appeared in numerous literary journals, among them The New Yorker, TriQuarterly, The Denver Quarterly, The Ohio Review, and The Journal. The author’s first book of poems charts the passage of a woman caught in the heart of life, eagerly holding onto what is passing and is past and desperately holding fast to what she most cherishes.
Молодежная литература
Avi 0.0
Asta's son has no name. And, after the death of his mother, no family to protect him when he is accused of a crime he didn't commit. Declared a 'wolf's head' - meaning that anyone who catches him can kill him - he has no choice but to leave his village. All he can take with him on the journey is his newly revealed name - Crispin - and his mother's cross of lead. Travelling without purpose, through a countryside still ravaged by the effects of the plague, Crispin stumbles upon a juggler, a giant of a man known as Bear. Crispin becomes Bear's servant but the juggler is a strange master offering both protection and encouraging Crispin to think for himself. But Crispin is not safe and it becomes clear he is being relentlessly pursued. Why are his enemies so determined to kill him? Will the lessons Bear has taught him be enough to safeguard all that he now holds so dear...? Avi brings the full force of his storytelling powers to the world of medieval England.
Антология / коллекция
Emory Dean Keoke, Kay Marie Porterfield 0.0
Encyclopedia of American Indian Contributions to the World is a unique A-to-Z reference to the vast offerings made by American Indians throughout history. More than 450 entries provide a panorama of little-known information about the rich inventiveness of indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America. To be included in the book, the item must have originated in one of those three regions, have been used by Indian people, and have been adopted in some way by other cultures. While many of those contributions can clearly be shown to have been first invented or used by Indians, some entries cover inventions that were made independently by others as well. In these cases, the unique features of the American Indian science or technology are covered and compared to the other version of the item or process. Entries include: Trousers (25,000 B.C.); Agriculture (8000-7000 B.C.); Adobe (3000 B.C.); Tax system (2000 B.C.); Urban planning (1700 B.C.); Geometry (1200 B.C.); Scalpels (1000 B.C.); Sports helmets (300 B.C.); Electricity (200 B.C.-A.D. 600); Zoned biodiversity (A.D. 595); Cigars (A.D. 1000); Aroma therapy (A.D. 1100-1519); Hydraulics (A.D. 1300); Thanksgiving (A.D. 1621); A
Детская литература
Джанет Стивенс 0.0
Every night the rhyme gets read. Every night Dish and Spoon run away. And every night they return--until tonight!
Where can Dish and Spoon be? The rhyme can't go on without them, so Cat, Cow, and Dog set out to search for their missing friends. But where to start? Should they go north? East? Northeast? They'll just have to read Fork's map, ask directions, and try not to get lost in Little Boy Blue's haystack or under Miss Muffet's tuffet or in Big Bad Wolf's kitchen--"FEE, FI, FO . . ." Oh no. Could that be the giant?
Креативная документальная литера...
Craig S. Barnes 0.0
Written in a compellingly simple style, Growing Up True evokes the struggles of a boy stretching for manhood in rural Colorado during and after World War II. But the lessons and demands of real life always nipped at the edges of his fantastic dreams.
Документальная литература
Сюзан Соломон 0.0
“These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale.” So penned Captain Robert Falcon Scott in 1912 as he confronted defeat and death in the crippling subzero temperatures of Antarctica. In this riveting book, Susan Solomon finishes the interrupted tale of Scott and his British expedition, depicting the staggering 900-mile trek to the South Pole and resolving the debate over the journey’s failure.

“An absorbing, fascinating read . . . a book that will appeal to the explorer in everyone.”—Sally Ride

“Solomon argues her case well, in exact and graceful prose.”—Dennis Drabelle, Washington Post Book World

“Persuasive. . . . [Solomon] reaches important new conclusions about Scott’s expedition.”—Sara Wheeler, New York Times Book Review

“Brilliant. . . . A marvelous and complex book: at once a detective story, a brilliant vindication of a maligned man, and an elegy both for Scott and his men and for the ‘crystalline continent’ on which they died.”—Robert MacFarlane, Guardian

“Solomon has crafted a smart, terrific book and an important addition to polar history.”—Roberta MacInnis, Houston Chronicle
Документальная литература
Howard J. Markman, Scott M. Stanley, Susan L. Blumberg 0.0
This new and revised edition of Fighting for Your Marriage is based on the widely acclaimed PREP(r) (Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program) approach. Groundbreaking studies have found that couples can use the strategies of this approach to handle conflict more constructively, protect their happiness, and reduce the odds of breaking up.
Based on twenty years of university research, this popular book will show you how to:
* Talk more and fight less
* Deepen and protect your friendship
* Have a more intimate, sensual relationship
* Keep the fun alive
* Clarify and act on your priorities
* Develop a vision for your future together
Жанр фантастика
Connie Willis 0.0
Dr. Joanna Lander, a psychologist separating the truth from the expected in NDEs, is talked into working with Dr. Richard Wright (pun intended), a neurologist testing his theory that NDEs are a survival mechanism by simulating them with psychoactive drugs. When navigating the maze of the hospital in which the cafeteria is never open, dodging Mr. Mandrake who writes popular books on NDEs and fabricates most of his accounts and finding uncorrupted participants for their experiments becomes too difficult, Joanna herself goes under. What she finds on the Other Side almost drives her and Richard apart, while solving the mystery of what it means almost drives her mad. Joanna holds nothing back as she searches her mind and her experience; readers will be able to puzzle out the answers just as she does.
Жанр фантастика
Джон Даннинг 0.0
It's the summer of 1942. Bombs are falling on Britain, daylight saving time has given way to wartime, and radio is in its prime. In Regina Beach, on the New Jersey coast, a troupe of gallant artists explores the promise of this exhilarating medium for WHAR, creating programming to entertain and inspire a nation in its dark hour.

Enter Jack Dulaney, writer, and Holly Carnahan, singer, determined to find Holly's missing father. As Jack discovers his talent for creating radio dramas, he also begins to suspect that a Nazi spy is operating at the station, and that Carnahan's fate may be linked to an English actor who walked out of the radio station six years ago and was never seen again. It is a link some will do anything to hide – including commit murder.
Жанр фантастика
Джулия Росс 0.0
He swooped down on her on horseback: Nicholas, Sovereign Prince of Glarien, a man never to be denied. Though born to be an English earl, Fate gave him absolute power and the daring to try to fool all the crowned heads of Europe. His plan? To force Penny Lindsey to impersonate his missing bride at his state wedding in Regency London, leaving him one month to teach this not-so-simple country girl how to be a princess.

Cunning, charismatic, impossible to resist, Nicholas is never to be trusted, but as the clever masquerade unfolds, secret vulnerabilities are revealed. A wedding means a wedding night and passion cries out for fulfillment. Suddenly the stakes of the game are much higher than he ever intended..
Фред Андерсон 0.0
In this vivid and compelling narrative, the Seven Years' War–long seen as a mere backdrop to the American Revolution–takes on a whole new significance. Relating the history of the war as it developed, Anderson shows how the complex array of forces brought into conflict helped both to create Britain’s empire and to sow the seeds of its eventual dissolution.

Beginning with a skirmish in the Pennsylvania backcountry involving an inexperienced George Washington, the Iroquois chief Tanaghrisson, and the ill-fated French emissary Jumonville, Anderson reveals a chain of events that would lead to world conflagration. Weaving together the military, economic, and political motives of the participants with unforgettable portraits of Washington, William Pitt, Montcalm, and many others, Anderson brings a fresh perspective to one of America’s most important wars, demonstrating how the forces unleashed there would irrevocably change the politics of empire in North America.
Художественная литература
Микаэла Гилкрист 0.0
Inspired by actual letters, The Good Journey breathes life into history with a richly imagined chronicle of twenty tumultuous years in the marriage of two American pioneers.
Strong-willed Southern belle Mary Bullitt abandons her life of luxury in Louisville, Kentucky, when she marries General Henry Atkinson and accompanies him to his outpost on the Mississippi. Nothing has prepared her for marriage to this attractive older man -- or for the realities of frontier living. Conditions are primitive, Mary knows virtually nothing about her husband, and the threat of attack from Indians is constant. A rough and resourceful general, Henry is engaged in a long and historic clash with a great Native American leader, and his deeply conflicted feelings about Indians mirror those he and his wife have for each other.
In the tradition of Willa Cather and Edna Ferber, Micaela Gilchrist has crafted an exciting novel that is at once a love story and an action-packed depiction of the struggle for the West.
Иллюстрированная книга
Уильям Уили 0.0
Merrill Gilfihlan's poetic foreword sets the stage for the incredibly detailed and subtly reproduced images recorded in this book, a collection of photographs of the last undammed river on the Front Range in Colorado. William Wylie walked 150 miles from the mouth of the Poudre River on the eastern plains of Colorado to its headwaters at the Continental Divide in Rocky Mountain National Park, discovering along the way many places often missed by the casual visitor. Like nineteenth-century expeditionary photographers and painters such as Worthington Whittredge, Timothy O'Sullivan, and William Henry Jackson, William Wylie photographs within a tradition of lucid examination that favours faithful recording as a way to understand a particular place. In Riverwalk, Wylie gives us forty-nine stunning duotone photographs of the beauty and possibility inherent in the Cache la Poudre River.
Аарон Абейта 0.0
In Colcha, Aaron Abeyta blends the contrasting rhythms of the English and Spanish languages, finding music in a simple yet memorable lyricism without losing the complexity and mystery of personal experience. His forty-two poems take the reader on a journey through a contemplative personal history that explores communal, political and societal issues as well as the individual experiences of family and friends. With his distinctive voice, Abeyta invites people of all cultures to enter his poems by exploring the essence of humanity as expressed by his particular Hispanic culture and heritage.

Marked by intimacy and deep sentiment, Colcha not only acquaints us with the land of Abeyta's people, but also reveals the individuals from his life and family history in the most colorful and delicate detail. We meet his abuelitos (grandparents) in poems such as "colcha" and "3515 Wyandot," and hear of their connection to the tierra and its seasons, their labor and its bounty presented both viscerally and lovingly. We also meet the nameless people: the rancheros and the herders and the farmers, the locals in their pick-up trucks, and the women who make the tortillas. Abeyta's reflections on the plight, loves, joys, failures, and exploitation of the common person in such poems as "cuando se secan las acequias," "untitled (verde)," and "cinco de mayo" belong to the literary heritage of such poets as Pablo Neruda, Federico Garcia Lorca, and Walt Whitman.

Colcha is not just for those who love poetry, but for all people who wish to be moved by the music of language and, while listening, perhaps to gain some personal insight into their own lives and cultural traditions.
Молодежная литература
Джинджер Катренс 0.0
Published as a companion volume for public television’s Nature series, Cloud: The Wild Stallion of the Rockies is documentary filmmaker Ginger Kathrens’s personal retelling of her years following the wild horse she named Cloud. Beautifully designed, the book is elaborately photographed and divided into seventeen chapters that follow the life of a wild stallion, just one of hundreds of horses that have roamed wild in the Rocky Mountains for two hundred years. The book begins with the author and filmmaker witnessing the birth of a helpless white colt, that will soon capture her heart and imagination. Each subsequent chapter documents Cloud’s interaction with his mare Raven, his brother Diamond, and other colts in the wild as well as his adventures encountering dangerous predators, older stallions, and human trappers. The author follows Cloud over the course of five years, taking note of his physical and behavioral development, as his begins to take on more of a leadership role in the band of wild bachelors he’s joined, to become a fighter, a survivor, and a father. Kathrens’s emotional involvement in Cloud’s story is palpable, such as when she tearfully watches the young stallion get captured by trappers. Due to his unusual coloration, he is set free, though the other members of his band and sisters are removed and sold. Returning to the mountains every season, the author continues to look for Cloud in the vast wild habitat, always relieved to find him still living, despite fights, predators, and encounters with trappers. She is later is touched to see how Cloud, the five-year-old mare, grazes with his yearling son, the first of his new family. Kathrens’s gripping observations of wild horses of the Arrowheads, their fights, struggles, and alliances, give the reader much insight into the fascinating behavior of these wild horses.
Кристен Иверсен 0.0
When Margaret Tobin Brown arrived in New York City shortly after her perilous night in Titanic's Lifeboat Six, a legend was born. Through magazines, books, a Broadway musical, and a Hollywood movie, she became "The Unsinkable Molly Brown," but in the process her life story was distorted beyond recognition. Even her name was changed--she was never known as Molly during her lifetime. Molly Brown: Unraveling the Myth is the first full-length biography of this American icon, and the story it tells is of a passionate and outspoken crusader for the rights of women, children, mine workers, and others struggling for their voice in the early twentieth century.
Детская литература
Ann Whitehead Nagda, Cindy Bickel 0.0
Children learn to graph as they follow the growth of an orphaned Siberian tiger cub.

A Siberian tiger cub born at the Denver Zoo is orphaned when he is just a few weeks old. At first T. J. refuses to eat his new food, and it requires the full attention of the zoo staff to ensure that he grows into a huge, beautiful, and very healthy tiger.

Through photographs, narrative, and graphs, young readers follow T.J. as he grows from a tiny newborn into a five-hundred-pound adult. A heartwarming story about one tiger's fight for survival that also introduces a basic math skill.
Документальная литература
Джудит Брайлз 0.0
Are you ready to become financially confident? To feel comfortable making decisions about investments? To overcome your fears about spending, saving, and retirement? With just "10 Smart Money Moves" . . . from acclaimed financial expert Dr. Judith Briles, you can! A stable and secure financial future is every woman's right, yet most women doubt they have the time, ability, or knowledge to manage their money effectively. Now, in ten simple steps, any woman can get started on the road to a lifetime of financial fitness. For wonen who want to achieve greater financial freedom and overcome the anxiety and fear that often impair money-related decision-making abilities, "10 Smart Money Moves for Women" offers caring, constructive information on becoming financially savvy and planning for the years ahead. Author Judith Briles presents an easy-to-follow, ten-part program that provides solutions for conquering the deep financial fears shared by many--such as the fear of losing everything, the fear of looking stupid, and the fear of following the guidance of the wrong advisers--and then offers practical advice and simple, effective tips for creating and maintaining a realistic financial plan for a prosperous financial future. Brimming with helpful self assessment quizzes and questionnaires designed to help you analyze your financial concerns and improve your financial savvy, "10 Smart Money Moves for Women" covers basic money management issues like budgeting, goal setting, spending, and saving. Plus, detailed information on identifying insurance pitfalls; understanding stocks, bonds, and mutual funds; and planning for retirement through 401(k)s, IRAs, and other savings plans will arm you with theknowledge you need to feel strong and confident when making your next (or your first!) investment decision. Nine out of ten women will be solely responsible for their finances at some point in their lives. Because no one knows what uncertainties the future may hold, set your mind at ease by preparing and planning for your prosperous and stable financial future today! About the Author Dr. Judith Briles is a nationally recognized expert on women's financial issues. She conducts workshops on money-related topics and is the author of several other books on finance, including "The Dollars and Sense of Divorce." Briles is based in Denver, Colorado.
Документальная литература
Уэйн Браун 0.0
In the spirit of The Road Less Traveled, a popular Denver-based therapist offers a book that helps readers stop debating the correctness of their choices and begin seeking the treasures in the choices and commitments that they have already made.
Документальная литература
Амбика Ваутерс 0.0
This sumptuous volume follows the spring-to-winter cycle of the zodiac, introducing readers to the angels of the season and the qualities they inspire. Each angel has its own special characteristics—abundance or trust, for example—and this book illuminates the essence of more than 80 angels, accompanying each profile with a prayer or meditation. Written for both traditional believers and uncommitted seekers alike, The Angelic Year offers a continuous source of guidance in daily life. Ambika Wauters, a psychotherapist and homeopath, is the author of Ambika’s Guide to Healing and Wholeness, The Journey of Self Discovery, and The Angel Oracle.
Документальная литература
Расселл Мартин 0.0
The basis for the movie of the same name, an astonishing tale of one lock of hair and its amazing travels--from nineteenth-century Vienna to twenty-first-century America.

When Ludwig van Beethoven lay dying in 1827, a young musician named Ferdinand Hiller came to pay his respects to the great composer, snipping a lock of Beethoven's hair as a keepsake--as was custom at the time--in the process. For a century, the lock of hair was a treasured Hiller family relic, until it somehow found its way to the town of Gilleleje, in Nazi-occupied Denmark. There, it was given to a local doctor, Kay Fremming, who was deeply involved in the effort to help save hundreds of hunted and frightened Jews.

After Fremming's death, his daughter assumed ownership of the lock, and eventually consigned it for sale at Sotheby's, where two American Beethoven enthusiasts, Ira Brilliant and Che Guevara, purchased it in 1994. Subsequently, they and others instituted a series of complex forensic tests in the hope of finding the probable causes of the composer's chronically bad health, his deafness, and the final demise that Ferdinand Hiller had witnessed all those years ago. The results, revealed for the first time here, are the most compelling explanation yet offered for why one of the foremost musicians the world has ever known was forced to spend much of his life in silence.

In Beethoven's Hair, Russell Martin has created a rich historical treasure hunt, a tale of false leads, amazing breakthroughs, and incredible revelations. This unique and fascinating book is a moving testament to the power of music, the lure of relics, the heroism of the Resistance movement, and the brilliance of molecular science.
Жанр фантастика
Маргарет Коэль 0.0
According to legend, Sacajawea—the Native American woman who helped guide the Lewis and Clark expedition through the American wilderness—is buried on the Wind River Reservation. Now, a college professor—and longtime friend of Arapaho attorney Vicky Holden—has disappeared while seeking the truth behind the legend.Vicky and Father John O’Malley soon discover that her missing friend is linked to another female historian who also vanished on the reservation—while researching Sacajawea twenty years ago. The answer to the mystery of the missing scholars may lie in the pages of Sacajawea’s hidden memoirs—and with a culprit who will do anything to ensure they’re never found…
Жанр фантастика
Jean Ross Ewing 3.3
She seemed as innocent as a flower, the perfect pawn for a deliciously wicked game of seduction and surrender..

He appeared as sly as a fox, daring his lovely opponent to explore temptations beyond her wildest dreams...

A rake and a scoundrel, Dominic Wyndham hungered for new sensations that could rival his adventures as a spy during the Napoleonic Wars. Opportunity arrived in the shapely form of Catriona Sinclair, a beautiful young highlander. She begged the handsome lord to return to her beloved Scotland, on a mysterious mission. And to her surprise, Dominic agreed -- one one condition: one simple game to amuse themselves on their seven-day journey. Catriona would join him in exploring the seven deadly sins, one for each day. And though she found it easy to resist many of the earthly pleasures this charming Englishman offered, there was one sin, one temptation, she couldn't deny -- the lust for passion...
Художественная литература
Дэвид Милофски 0.0
This is a rich, absorbing novel about good, evil, and the inability of the legal system to mediate between the two. Two white Milwaukee motorcycle cops pursue and kill a young black man on a bitterly cold winter night in 1959 and with the help of their superiors escape detection for twenty years. When at last the truth comes out -- first in a confession and then in a ground-breaking civil rights suit brought against the state by the victim's family many people find their present lives increasingly altered by this event from the past. This includes Milwaukee Times reporter Bob Joseph, mayoral candidate Andy Hedig, Hedig's wife Sarah, lawyer Charlie Simon, the sister of the murdered youth, and many more. Written in lean, evocative prose, Color of Law is a profoundly ambitious novel that renders precisely an American City and the lives that are lived there.
Марк Ирвин 0.0
Poetic music for the end of the millennium.
Вероника Паттерсон 0.0
Winner of the Colorado Book Award;
Winner of the Willa Literary Award

As heard on Public Radio International's The Writer's Almanac!

Full of music and evocative word play, Veronica Patterson's Swan, What Shores? offers alluring poems varied in form and inventive in approach. In language that is both precise and lyrical, Patterson's work, like much of the best poetry, plumbs the human condition with depth, wit, and, above all, compassion.

The poems offer fine surprises, from the lyrical litany of "The Riddle of My Want" ("the stride of your eyes / a summering of skin") to the unusual elegy "Three Photographs Not of My Father" to the mysteries embodied in "Where Are My Swans?": "All movement in their dreams is theirs / that glide-without-haste, for what core of the universe / has to hurry?"

Swan, What Shores? marks the blossoming of a major poetic talent.
Молодежная литература
Виктория Хенли 0.0
Legend states that there exists a mighty sword that makes its possessor invincible to his enemies. But there is a curse on anyone who lifts the sword for conquest. King Kareed of Archeld goes after this sword anyway, winning it from the King of Bellandra. When he returns home from battle, he brings his daughter, Princess Torina, two special gifts. One is a unique crystal, in which she can view visions of the future. The other gift is the defeated king’s son Landen, who is to be her slave. Torina immediately releases Landen, who becomes a member of the King’s army and her close friend.

But trouble is lurking in the kingdom of Archeld and people are accusing Landen of plotting against the King. Torina refuses to believe he would hurt her family. Then Torina begins seeing deadly visions in her crystal. Can she save her father’s life and the future of her kingdom?
Детская литература
Джули Даннеберг 0.0
Ten-year-old Margaret is set for her first big adventure -- a family trip to see the best historic and landmark sites of Colorado. But her little brother Zack is a pest! Margaret's colorful journal takes readers along on the adventures of this fun-loving family as they visit Garden of the Gods, the Royal Gorge, Mesa Verde, and other great Colorado destinations. Margaret's teacher, Ms. McGuire, gives Margaret an "A" for sharing her journal with the class. Lively text by former teacher Julie Danneberg and delightful illustrations by Ian Paton make this a great book for kids, parents, and teachers.
Документальная литература
Стивен Китинг 0.0
A lively, fast-paced, unauthorized account of power brokers and sky-high deals, "Cutthroat" is the one book you must read to understand the players, the tactics, and the future in the brutal telecommunications market battle between satellite TV and
Документальная литература
Джейсон Зальцман 0.0
At a time when more and more people are becoming activists, this thoroughly revised and updated edition of Making the News explains how to generate news coverage of any important issue or nonprofit cause – and to do so within a reasonable budget. Based on interviews with professional journalists and media-savvy activists, this easy-to-use handbook describes how to stage media events, write distinctive news releases, contact reporters, deliver soundbites, and much more. Now including the latest information about online media coverage – including news Web sites, viral e-mail, and more – this new edition will also insure a media edge in the Internet age. The handbook's expanded sections on aggressive tactics, including extensive tips on how to create newsworthy visual imagery, provides everything needed to transform standard media events into spectacles that reporters won't ignore.
Жанр фантастика
Barbara Samuel, Ruth Wind 0.0

A RITA award winning novel.

Once upon a time, Elias and Sarah fell in love despite their warring families. On a dark and terrible night, the two were brutally separated, an act that carried tragic consequences for the young lovers. Sarah fled and for more than a decade, she and Elias have carried the dark secret that haunts them both.

Now Sarah is back in town, weary of the long war with her father and tired of running. She’s not prepared for the bitterness in Eli’s eyes, nor for the way her blood sizzles and her heart soars in his company. Nothing has changed. The love that burned them to cinders when they were young still carries enough heat to destroy them.

As untamed as the land they love, these rugged heroes are irresistible!
Художественная литература
Дэн Симмонс 4.1
In 1942, at the height of World War II, the famous writer Ernest Hemingway sought permission from the U.S. government to operate a spy ring out of his house in the Cuban countryside. This much is true...

It is the summer of '42, and FBI agent Joe Lucas has come to Cuba at the behest of the Director to keep an eye on Ernest Hemingway, who has recklessly decided to play spy in the Caribbean. Lucas has been instructed to somehow gain the great writer's trust and friendship, but all the agent's cool intellect and training has left him unprepared to withstand the human whirlwind known as "Papa."

Hemingway has assembled a spy ring that he calls the "Crook Factory"--including an American millionaire, a twelve-year-old Cuban orphan, a Spanish jai alai champion, a priest, and a fisherman, among others--to play a dangerous game of amateur espionage. Then, against all odds, Hemingway uncovers a critical piece of intelligence, and the game turns deadly for himself, Lucas, and for untold innocents.

In "THE CROOK FACTORY," Dan Simmons weaves an unforgettable tale of riveting suspense, peopled by larger-than-life characters who inhabit the sensual, intoxicating Cuban landscape of the 1940s. It is a novel of honor, passion, and deadly conspiracy.

And it could very well have happened...

Interestingly, about 75% of the stuff in this book actually happened. The remaining 25% adds an excellent spy story that may have happened while still fitting all known/revealed facts about Hemingway and his friends in Cuba during WWII.
Роберт Куперман 0.0
Through vivid and exciting free verse, Robert Cooperman shares an intimate view into the thoughts and lives of the people who toiled, loved and died in the early mining camps of Colorado. Experience the old mountain West through the voices of the people who lived it. This book is really three books in one: In the Gold Fever Mountains, A Coffin and A Carved Stone, and The Badman and the Lady.
Молодежная литература
Charlotte Foltz Jones 0.0
In the late 1890s gold was discovered in northwestern Canada.
Детская литература
Diane Hirschinger Gallegos 0.0
Internationally acclaimed and winner of the Colorado Book Award this field guide has over 400 beautifully colored photographs featuring the geology, history, wildflowers, and wildlife of Colorado and the Colorado Plateau, which includes Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.
"It is a must-have for anyone intrigued by the area." Daily Sentinel.

This exceptional one-of-a-kind guide was written because of a need for a "user friendy" field guide that teachers, families, tourists, and children could use in the classrooms, at home, vacations, and on field trips. It is being used in schools around the nation and internationally to teach about our area. Now children along with adults can discover the west with a book in their hands. This very successful book was created with the help of children and teachers from Tope and Lincoln Park Elementary Schools, the Colorado National Monument, Division of Wildlife, Mesa College, the Museum of Western Colorado, Denver Museum of Natural History, school curriculum, and local botanists, biologists, geologists, and archeologists.
Документальная литература
Джон С. Берендт 0.0
"Adventures in the Antarctic only happen when someone makes a mistake.”
—From the Preface

In 1956, John C. Behrendt had just earned his master’s degree in geophysics and obtained a position as an assistant seismologist in the International Geophysical Year glaciological program. He sailed from Davisville, Rhode Island to spend eighteen months in Antarctica with the IGY expedition as part of a U.S. Navy-supported scientific expedition to establish Ellsworth Station on the Filchner Ice Shelf. Innocents on the Ice is a memoir based on Behrendt’s handwritten journals, looking back on his daily entries describing his life and activities on the most isolated of the seven U.S. Antarctic stations.

Nine civilians and thirty Navy men lived beneath the snow together, and intense personal conflicts arose during the dark Antarctic winter of 1957. Little outside contact was available to ease the tension, with no mail delivery and only occasional radio contact with families back home. The author describes the emotional stress of the living situation, along with details of his parties’ explorations of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf system during the summers of 1957 and 1958. Along the hazardous 1,300-mile traverse in two Sno-Cats, the field party measured ice thickness and snow accumulation as part of an international effort to determine the balance of the Antarctic ice sheet, and made the first geological observations of the spectacular Dufek Massif in the then-unexplored Pensacola Mountains. Behrendt also draws upon his forty years of continual participation in Antarctic research to explain the changes in scientific activities and environmental awareness in Antarctica today.

Including photos, maps, and a glossary identifying various forms of ice, Innocents on the Ice is a fascinating combination of the diary of a young graduate student and the reflections of the accomplished scientist he became.
Документальная литература
Меррилл Гилфиллан 0.0
In this new book detailing his travels through the American Great Plains, author Merrill Gilfillan continues to elucidate for us, and add to our appreciation of, one of the most ignored and misunderstood areas of our vast American landscape. Like few American writers, Gilfillan has a deep feeling for, and understanding of the western grasslands, which give both dignity and a deep historical sense to our sometimes forgotten heartland.Gilfillan's sense of the land encompasses the plants, wildflowers, and small creatures; the birds that he writes such wonderfully detailed descriptions about; the rivers, watering holes, and butteframed vistas; and, very importantly, the legacy of the Plains tribes of Native Americans who loved this land and fashioned myth and legend about it. By overlaying these myths onto the modern plains landscape, Gilfillan invokes a poignant sense of loss, yet we are also ennobled by the profound sense of the landscape that his vision imparts to us. Gilfillan is a tour guide like no other. His readers are given lovely, lingering descriptions of the overlooked and forgotten, the out-of-the-way and underfoot.
Ричард Янг 0.0
This comparative history of the Southern Ute and Mountain Ute peoples demonstrates how two culturally and historically related tribes, living side by side in southwestern Colorado, have taken very different paths in the modern era. Historian Richard K. Young makes a unique contribution to twentieth-century American Indian studies in his exploration of Colorado’s two remaining tribes’ divergent responses to federal Indian policies and changing economic and social conditions since passage of the Indian Reorganization Act in 1934.

This book, which includes a review of the Utes’ precontact and nineteenth-century history, is based on primary research in U. S. and tribal documents, interviews with tribal members, and the few available secondary sources. By examining the Ute experience, Young highlights the dilemmas faced by all tribes with respect to economic development, energy and water resources, cultural identity and adaptation, spiritual life, tribal politics, and the struggle for tribal self-determination.
Художественная литература
Стивен Шварц 0.0
Outside Chester, Pennsylvania, in 1960, the burning of a black family’s home causes David Nachman to decide, “I was going to be a doctor, a good doctor like my father.” It is, however, a very different future that awaits David. In a single moment his life changes forever in this stunning new book from the author of the acclaimed novel Therapy.

The son of a dedicated doctor and a fragile artistic mother, David grows up feeling an outsider as a Jew in a gentile neighborhood, but struggles to fit in. He becomes friends with a group of teenagers who play poker for high stakes, ride around in fast cars, and crack jokes about sex that leave fifteen-year-old (and still prepubescent) David laughing along in hidden pain. “For better or worse, much worse perhaps, I followed Vic, Chuckie, and Crow up Rynard Road… I thought of these guys as my family: glue-haired Crow Randazzo, sweet-potato-grin Vic Quint, and croupier Chuckie Halbert.” A sudden challenge from his friends results in a horrifying accident, plunging David into a future far beyond any troubles he or his family could have ever imagined.

Told retrospectively, with clarity and gentle wit, David’s story unfolds with mesmerizing intensity. His slow agonizing steps to become part of the world again form the basis of his search for a reconstructed self: a quest that buffets him from social protests to religious pursuits to headlong romance.

A Good Doctor’s Son is David’s story and his family’s, but it is also a tale of remembrance for David’s victim, a three-year-old girl, and her family and their anguish. At its center is a story that examines the grainy area between the good intentions of people and the unexpected ways they actually wind up living their lives—a gap that David must bridge to make his life whole.
Джеймс Типтон 0.0
This collection of poems by James Tipton contains a foreward by Isabel Allende. Each poem testifies to the bedrock of Tipton's imagination and taken together, the poems are extravagant yet earthy, tender yet passionate, wild yet intimate, crazy yet hopeful. It is a poetry of transformations, an invocation of exuberant vitality.
Молодежная литература
Энн Говард Крил 0.0
In 1854, twelve-year-old Wren and her parents move from Boston to the New Mexico territory, where she befriends a blind Ute boy and ultimately must decide whether or not to disobey her father and warn her friend of a surprise attack planned by the settlers.
Детская литература
Уилл Хоббс 0.0
Spring has come to the Ute village, but Short Tail and his people are concerned because the Great Bear has not awakened. So Short Tail goes into the mountains to find the bear's den. But on the way, Short Tail too falls asleep, and slips into a magical dream in which the Great Bear teaches him a wonderful secret to take back to his people.
Документальная литература
Rob Proctor, David Macke 0.0
Offering a bounty of ideas for using herbs in the garden, this guide suggest planting them almost everywhere, from splendid borders to humble foot-paths, from background walls to terrace and patio displays. Filled with beautiful photographs, the book provides a wealth of new ideas for gardeners and herb lovers alike.
Художественная литература
Джейн Валентайн Баркер 0.0
Mari is the poignant story of the turbulent relationship between famed western author Mari Sandoz and her pioneer-rancher father, Jules Sandoz. Set in the sandhills of northwest Nebraska in the early 1900s, the novel brings to life the struggle between free-spirited, determined Mari and her violent, yet brilliant and imaginative, father as Mari seeks to carve a place for herself in a man's world.Born the oldest child in a growing family, Mari's early years were spent doing chores, caring for her younger siblings, and avoiding the ire of Old Jules. She longed for a different kind of life away from the unpredictability of her father and the harshness of life on the sandhills landscape. Her fondest dream was to become a writer. An early marriage to a rancher took her away from home but the relationship turned violent and abusive. Mari felt she had no choice but to return to her father's home. Eventually she stood up to Old Jules and left home to find a new life in Lincoln, Nebraska. For Mari, writing was a way to come to terms with both her complex relationship with her father and with the land where she was born. She went on to win innumerable awards for her books such as Old Fules, Cheyenne Autumn, and Crazy Horse.Mari Sandoz's chronicles of her native Nebraska stand tall among Western literary works, and Jane Valentine Barker's novel vividly describes the author's determined struggle against formidable odds to achieve her life's dream. -- Elmer Kelton
Каролин Эванс Кэмпбелл 0.0
A collection of 75 collected poems and two long poems: "Reflections of a White Bear" and "Gathering Ghosts." Winner of the 1998 Colorado Book Award.
Молодежная литература
Уилл Хоббс 0.0
After a sailing ship breaks up on the rocks off Washington's storm-tossed Cape Flattery, Nathan McAllister, the fourteen-year-old son of the lighthouse keeper, refuses to believe the authorities, who say there were no survivors. Unexplained footprints on a desolate beach, a theft at the trading post, and glimpses of a wild "hairy man" convince Nathan that someone is hiding in the remote sea caves along the coast. With his new friend, Lighthouse George, a fisherman from the famed Makah whaling tribe, Nathan paddles the fierce waters of the Pacific--fishing, hunting seals, searching for clues. Alone in the forest, Nathan discovers a ghostly canoe and a skeleton that may unlock the mystery of ancient treasure, betrayal . . .and murder.
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