О премии

Премия "Рита" - самая престижная ежегодная американская литературная награда для авторов англоязычных любовных романов.

С 2021 года премия переименована в Премию "Вивиан".

Премия была учреждена в 1982 году национальной некоммерческой ассоциацией писателей романтического жанра (Romance Writers of America / RWA) с целью признания самых лучших опубликованных романов и новелл.

Количество и названия номинаций на протяжении лет постоянно меняются.

Награда открывается для заявок осенью. В конкурсе участвует до 2000 романов. Каждая номинируемая книга оценивается пятью отдельными судьями в предварительном раунде. Финалисты объявляются в середине марта. Победителей среди финалистов определяет специальное жюри. Имена лауреатов объявляются в июле, на ежегодной церемонии награждения, проводимой в последний день Национальной конференции RWA.

картинка jump-jump

Каждый победитель получает золотую статуэтку, редакторы книг получают мемориальную доску.

Организаторы объявили, что в 2020 году премия вручаться не будет, а с 2021 года награда меняет название с "Рита" на "Вивиан".

Другие названия: Золотой медальон / Golden Medallion Жанры: Современная зарубежная литература, Детективы, Зарубежные детективы, Зарубежная литература, Зарубежные любовные романы, Исторические любовные романы Страны: США Язык: Английский Первое вручение: 1982 г. Последнее вручение: 2019 г. Официальный сайт: https://www.minlib.net/booklists/award-winners/vivian


До 1989 года премия называлась "Золотой медальон" (Golden Medallion).
С 1990 по 2020 год награда носила имя первого президента ассоциации RWA Риты Клэй Эстрада (Rita Clay Estrada). С 2021 года премия называется "Вивиан".


Лучшая первая книга
Best First Book

Номинация для произведений автора, который не должен иметь никакого другого романа или новеллы, ранее коммерчески доступного в любом формате.

Номинация учреждена в 1990 году.

Современный длинный роман
Contemporary Romance: Long

Номинация для романов, повествующих о периоде с 1950 года по настоящее время и содержащих 84 000 и более слов.

Номинация появилась в 1984 году. В 1986, 1988-1999, 2008-2014 премия не вручалась.

Современный средний роман
Contemporary Romance: Mid-Length

Номинация для романов, повествующих о периоде с 1950 года по настоящее время и содержащих от 56 000 до 84 000 слов.
Номинация появилась в 1984 году. В период с 1985 по 2014 год премия не вручалась.

Современный короткий роман
Contemporary Romance: Short

Номинация для романов, повествующих о периоде с 1950 года по настоящее время и содержащих от 40 000 до 56 000 слов.
Номинация появилась в 1984 году. С 2008 по 2014 год премия не вручалась.

Эротический роман
Erotic Romance

Номинация для романов, в которых сильное, часто откровенное, сексуальное взаимодействие является неотъемлемой частью истории любви, роста характера и развития отношений и не может быть удалено без ущерба для сюжетной линии. Эти романы могут содержать элементы других поджанров (таких как паранормальные, исторические и т. д.).

Вручается с 2014 года.

Исторический длинный роман
Historical Romance: Long

Номинация для романов, описывающих события до 1950 года и содержащие более 89 000 слов.
Номинация была учреждена в 1995 году.

Исторический короткий роман
Historical Romance: Short

Номинация для романов, описывающих события до 1950 года и содержащих от 40 000 до 89 000 слов.
Номинация была учреждена в 1996 году.

Мейнстрим прозы
Mainstream Fiction with a Central Romance

Ранее номинация называлась - "Роман с сильными романтическими элементами") (Mainstream Fiction with a Central Romance).
Предназначена для романов c сильными романтическими элементами, не вписывающихся ни в какую другую категорию из-за их основного художественного характера.

Вручается с 1982 года. В 1984, и с 1986 по 2016 год не вручалась.

Романтический саспенс - длинный
Romantic Suspense - Long

Номинация для романов, в которых элементы неизвестности, загадки, тайны или триллера составляют неотъемлемую часть сюжета.

Премия в этой номинации вручается с 1989 года.

Роман с религиозными или духовными элементами
Romance with Religious or Spiritual Elements

Ранее номинация называлась - "Вдохновляющий Роман".
Предназначена для романов, в которых религиозные или духовные верования являются неотъемлемой частью истории любви, роста характера и развития отношений, и не могут быть удалены без ущерба для сюжетной линии.

Премия в этой номинации вручается с 1985 года. С 1987 по 1994 год не вручалась.

Паранормальный роман
Paranormal Romance

Номинация для романов, в которых фантастические миры, паранормальные или научно-фантастические элементы являются неотъемлемой частью сюжета.

Премия в номинации вручалась с 1992 по 2019 год.

Романтическая новелла
Romance Novella

Номинация предназначена для произведений, состоящих из 20000-40000 слов.

Премия вручалась с 2017 по 2019 год.

Молодежный роман
Young Adult Romance

Номинация для романов, в которых жизнь молодежи является неотъемлемой частью сюжета.
Учреждена в 1983 году. Присуждалась до 2019 года.

Современный нежный роман
Contemporary Sweet Romance

Премия в этой номинации вручалась только в 1983 году.

Современный чувственный роман
Contemporary Sensual Romance

Премия в этой номинации вручалась в 1983 году.

Традиционный роман
Traditional Romance

В этой номинации премия вручалась с 1984 по 2007 год.

Регентский роман
Regency Romance

Премия вручалась с 1986 год по 2019 год.

Современный несерийный роман
Single Title Romance

Премия вручалась с 1986 по 2013 год.

Лучший роман года
Вest novel of the year

Номинация вручалась с 1990 по 1996 год.

Любимая книга RWA
RWA's Favorite Book

Премия в номинации вручалась только один раз, в 1998 году.

Современный роман
Category Contemporary Romance

Номинация существовала два года (1982-1983). С 1984 года номинация разделилась на три новые, в зависимости от объема произведения: Современный длинный роман, Современный средний роман и Современный короткий роман.

Исторический роман
Historical Romance

Номинация была открыта с 1982 по 1995 год. В 1996 году вместо этой номинации появилась номинация Исторический длинный роман, а в 1996 году добавилась еще - Исторический короткий роман.

Современная серия приключений и саспенса
Contemporary Series Romance: Suspense/Adventure:

Премия в этой номинации вручалась с 2008 по 2013 год.

Современный серийный роман
Contemporary Series Romance

Премия вручалась с 2008 по 2014 год.

Лучшая первая книга
Мари Тремейн 0.0
She wants to escape her present . . .

When Clara Mayfield helps her sister elope, she’s prepared for the scandal to seal her fate as a spinster. What she doesn't expect is to find herself engaged to the vile Baron Rutherford as a means of salvaging her family's reputation. Determined not to be chained to a man she loathes, Clara slips out of Essex and sheds her identity: she becomes Helen, maid at the Earl of Ashworth’s country estate. After all, below stairs is the last place anyone would think to look for an heiress . . .

He wants to forget his past . . .

William, Lord Ashworth, is attempting to rebuild his life after the devastating accident that claimed the lives of his entire family, save his beloved sister and niece. Haunted by memories of what was and determined to live up to the title he never expected to inherit, William doesn’t have time for love. What he needs is a noble and accomplished wife, one who can further the Ashworth line and keep the family name untarnished . . .

Together, can they find the perfect future?

From their first encounter, the attraction between them is undeniable. But Clara knows William is falling for Helen, a woman who doesn’t even exist. The question is, if she reveals the truth about her identity, can she trust the broken William to forgive her lie and stand by her side when scandal—and the baron—inevitably follow her to his door?
Современный длинный роман
Кеннеди Райан 3.9

Think you know what it's like being a baller's girl?
You don't.
My fairy tale is upside down.
A happily never after.
I kissed the prince and he turned into a fraud.
I was a fool, and his love - fool's gold.

Now there's a new player in the game, August West.
One of the NBA's brightest stars.
Fine. Forbidden.
He wants me. I want him.
But my past, my fraudulent prince, just won't let me go.
Современный средний роман
Сюзанна Никс 0.0
After four lousy boyfriends in a row, chemical engineer Penny Popplestone swears off men until she can figure out why they keep cheating on her. But her no-men resolution hits a snag when the mysterious and superhumanly hot barista at her favorite coffee shop strikes up a friendship with her.

Penny strives to keep things platonic, but when Caleb gives her the kiss of her life, she realizes he wants to be more than just friends. Tired of always being “good little Penny,” she throws caution to the wind and pursues a no-strings fling with the hottie barista. It’s not like they have anything in common beyond scorching physical chemistry, so what does she have to lose?

Only her heart.

Now, this fanfic-reading, plus-size heroine faces an unsolvable problem. What do you do when being apart is unbearable…but being together is impossible?

Advanced Physical Chemistry is the third in a series of standalone rom-coms featuring geeky heroines who work in STEM fields.
Современный короткий роман
Тери Уилсон 0.0
Okay, Evangeline Holly!

You. Can. Do. This.

Put that bad breakup behind you. And stop obsessing over the subsequent superhot one-night stand. Focus on your future. It’s the first day of your new job! Just ignore the fact that your boss, Ryan Wilde, was your former one-night lover. (He’s so hot!) Oh, and—surprise!—you’re pregnant with Ryan’s baby. And your job hinges on keeping it secret. You’ve got this! Right?
Эротический роман
Элиа Уинтерс 0.0
Hannah Stewart’s always been different when it comes to relationships. Monogamy doesn’t work for her. She needs more. And more is something most people can’t handle.

She gets more than she bargains for, though, when she partners up with local brewery owners Mitchell and Ben for a business venture and finds herself attracted to both of them. She proposes polyamory, where she dates each of them with their full consent.

Mitchell Fredericks and Ben Harrington have been “friends with benefits” for years. But with Hannah in the mix, it’s not so easy to ignore emotions. She brings out a side of them they’d never been willing to face head-on, especially as their separate relationships shift into a menage.

Desire, friendship, and boundaries will be put to the test. If they can’t learn to swallow their fear and communicate, everything will fall apart.
Исторический длинный роман
Миа Винчи 0.0
It was the ideal marriage of convenience...until they met

Cassandra DeWitt has seen her husband only once--on their wedding day two years earlier--and this arrangement suits her perfectly. She has no interest in the rude, badly behaved man she married only to secure her inheritance. She certainly has no interest in his ban on her going to London. Why, he'll never even know she is there.

Until he shows up in London too, and Cassandra finds herself sharing a house with the most infuriating man in England.

Joshua DeWitt has his life exactly how he wants it. He has no need of a wife disrupting everything, especially a wife intent on reforming his behavior. He certainly has no need of a wife who is intolerably amiable, insufferably reasonable ... and irresistibly kissable.

As the unlikely couple team up to battle a malicious lawsuit and launch Cassandra's wayward sister, passion flares between them. Soon the day must come for them to part ... but what if one of them wants their marriage to become real?

Hilarious, heartrending, and hot, this historical romance set in Regency London tells the story of a marriage of convenience between opposites.

Content warning: See the copyright page for information on content that may distress some readers.
Исторический короткий роман
Келли Боуэн 0.0
Duke. Scoundrel. Titan of business. August Faulkner is a man of many talents, not the least of which is enticing women into his bedchamber. He's known-and reviled-for buying and selling companies, accumulating scads of money, and breaking hearts. It's a reputation he wears like a badge of honor, and one he intends to keep.

Clara Hayward, the headmistress of the Haverhall School for Young Ladies, on the other hand, is above reproach. Yet when she's reunited with August all she can think of is the way she felt in his arms as they danced a scandalous waltz ten long years ago. Even though her head knows that he is only back in her life to take over her family's business, her heart can't help but open to the very duke who could destroy it for good.
Мейнстрим прозы
Сара Морган 3.9
When three generations of women are brought together by crisis, they learn over the course of one hot summer the power of family to support, nourish and surprise

Lauren has the perfect life...if she ignores the fact it's a fragile house of cards, and that her daughter Mack has just had a teenage personality transplant.

Jenna is desperate to start a family with her husband, but it's... Just. Not. Happening. Her heart is breaking, but she's determined to keep her trademark smile on her face.

Nancy knows she hasn't been the best mother, but how can she ever tell Lauren and Jenna the reason why?

Then life changes in an instant, and Lauren, Mack, Jenna and Nancy are thrown together for a summer on Martha's Vineyard. Somehow, these very different women must relearn how to be a family. And while unraveling their secrets might be their biggest challege, the rewards could be infinite...

Heartwarming and fresh, Sarah Morgan's brilliant new novel is a witty and deeply uplifting look at the power of a family of women.
Романтический саспенс - длинный
Элизабет Дайер 0.0
A broken man. A desperate woman. And a love that could save them both.

William Bennett lost everything to a Special Forces operation gone wrong. A year of captivity and torture has stripped him of his strength and decency. At the edge of losing all hope, the one woman he's never forgotten storms back into his life, giving him more than just his freedom. All Will wants now is to put the agony and violence behind him . . . but he won't go home until she can, too.

Cooper Reed has been a lot of things--soldier, sniper, spy--but she never thought traitor would be one of them. Now she can't stop running. Not from the partner sent to kill her, or from the CIA who used her to cover up a dangerous experiment. Cooper needs help, she just never expected to find it in the one man with every reason to hate her--even if he doesn't know it yet.

As Will and Cooper race to stay one step ahead of those who want them dead, they'll each have to decide what lines they're willing to cross and what price they're willing to pay . . . and if love really is worth dying for.

Author Note: Fearless is a stand-alone novel in the Somerton Security series, complete with a damaged hero, a take-no-prisoners heroine and an HEA.
Роман с религиозными или духовны...
Карла Лауреано 0.0
Denver chef Rachel Bishop has accomplished everything she’s dreamed and some things she never dared hope, like winning a James Beard award and heading up her own fine-dining restaurant. But when a targeted smear campaign causes her to be pushed out of the business by her partners, she vows to do whatever it takes to get her life back … even if that means joining forces with the man who inadvertently set the disaster in motion.

Essayist Alex Kanin never imagined his pointed editorial would go viral. Ironically, his attempt to highlight the pitfalls of online criticism has the opposite effect: it revives his own flagging career by destroying that of a perfect stranger. Plagued by guilt-fueled writer’s block, Alex vows to do whatever he can to repair the damage. He just doesn’t expect his interest in the beautiful chef to turn personal.

Alex agrees to help rebuild Rachel’s tarnished image by offering his connections and his home to host an exclusive pop-up dinner party targeted to Denver’s most influential citizens: the Saturday Night Supper Club. As they work together to make the project a success, Rachel begins to realize Alex is not the unfeeling opportunist she once thought he was, and that perhaps there’s life--and love--outside the pressure-cooker of her chosen career. But can she give up her lifelong goals without losing her identity as well?
Паранормальный роман
J. R. Ward 3.9
The last place Ivie expects to be approached by a devastatingly handsome male is in a crowded, smoky cigar bar rarely frequented by vampires—yet here he stands. Silas is flirtatious, gallant, and, above all, mysterious. Ivie is anything but. A nurse at the healer’s clinic and the daughter of a biker, Ivie is accustomed to speaking her mind. So she does. Since aristocrats rarely pick up females of her class, Ivie asks Silas just what kind of game he thinks he’s playing.

Despite her guarded exterior, Ivie surrenders to the fierce desire she feels for Silas. And yet, just as their courtship is heating up, he reveals that it cannot last, for he is bound to return to the Old Country. Their bond only deepens as they make the most of their precious time together. But when she learns the truth, Ivie must find a saving grace—before all is lost. .
Романтическая новелла
М. Мэлоун 0.0
Georgina Kingsley is off-limits. It’s better this way, really. Her brother is my best friend and business partner, the closest thing I have to family. Plus, she’s engaged to another man, one better for her than I could ever be.

But when Georgie is ditched on her wedding day, she needs someone to get her out of town. There’s bad blood between us but I’d do anything for her.

Except give her hot, rebound sex to get back at her cheating ex.

Tough choice. Loyalty to my best friend who has been more like a brother? Or to a woman with a history of driving me crazy and making me want things I have no right to ask for?

It’s a hell of time to realize I’m in love.

*Bad Blood is the fifth book in the LEFT AT THE ALTAR series, in a collaboration of six New York Times Bestselling Authors: J. S. Scott, Ruth Cardello, Raine Miller, Sawyer Bennett, Minx Malone, and Melody Anne.
Молодежный роман
Ниша Шарма 3.5
Winnie Mehta was never really convinced that Raj was her soulmate, but their love was written in the stars. Literally, a pandit predicted Winnie would find the love of her life before her 18th birthday, and Raj meets all of the qualifications. Which is why Winnie is shocked to return from her summer at film camp to find her boyfriend of three years hooking up with Jenny Dickens. Worse, Raj is crowned chair of the student film festival, a spot Winnie was counting on for her film school applications. As a self-proclaimed Bollywood expert, Winnie knows this is not how her perfect ending is scripted.

Then there’s Dev, a fellow film geek, and one of the few people Winnie can count on to help her reclaim control of her story. Dev is smart charming, and challenges Winnie to look beyond her horoscope to find someone she’d pick for herself. But does falling for Dev mean giving up on her prophecy, and her chance to live happily ever after? To get her Bollywood-like life on track, Winnie will need a little bit of help from fate, family, and of course, a Bollywood movie star.

Like an expertly choreographed Bollywood dance scene, Nisha Sharma’s off-beat love story dazzles in the lime light.
