Цитаты — стр. 5

Ha! Neither of them returning Slothrop's amiable nod. Tough shit, fellas. But shrewd Tyrone hangs around, distributing Lucky Strikes, long enough to find at least what's up with this Unlucky Strike, here.

It is the dark, hard, tobacco-starved, headachy, sour-stomach middle of the day, a million bureaucrats are diligently plotting death ...

, to observe him in his trances across the blue baize fields and the terrible paper gaming, his eyes rolled back into his head reading old, glyptic old graffiti on his own sockets. . . .

It never does seem to mat-ter if there's daaaanger, For Danger's a roof I fell from long ago —

Well, hrrump, heh, heh, here comes Pirate's Condition creeping over him again, when he's least expecting it as usual—might as well mention here that much of what the dossiers call Pirate Prentice is a strange talent for—well, for getting inside the fantasies of others: being able, actually, to… Развернуть 

Solitude, even among the meshes of this war, can when it wishes so take him by the blind gut and touch, as now, possessively.

There is no way out. Lie and wait, lie still and be quiet. Screaming holds across the sky. When it comes, will it come in darkness, or will it bring its own light? Will the light come before or after?

- Как-то на днях мы с сыночком Идиотом - не, Эллиотом - печеньице пекли. Послать это печеньице нашим мальчишечкам за море. А когда мальчишечки получат это наше печеньице, они тоже испекут печеньице и пошлют нам. И вот так у всех будет печеньице!

— Опять где-то идет война. Кто знает, для чего все эти бои, все эти отступления и наступления. Но так идет с тех пор, как я был мальчишкой, так будет и после моей смерти, — я в этом уверен.

Как мысль о внуке заставила его забыть про ужин, так теперь новая мысль о еде заставила его забыть о ребенке.

Непреклонное небо не позволило земле принести плоды.

Лицом к нему стояли маленькие боги, и он заметил, как пристально они смотрят на него, и вспомнил, как он их боялся раньше, а теперь ему было всё равно, потому что он разбогател и не нуждался в богах.

Стоило появиться компьютерам, друг мой, как здравый смысл немедленно вылетел в окно.

За это их краткое знакомство у Ленитропа сложилось впечатление, что данный осьминог душевно не здоров, хотя с чем тут сравнивать?

"Are we going to fail?" "We're all going to fail," Sir Marcus primping his curls, "but the Operation won't."

"I'm not so much for Beethoven qua Beethoven," Gustav argues, "but as he represents the German dialectic, the incorporation of more and more notes into the scale, culminating with dodecaphonic democracy, where all notes get an equal hearing. Beethoven was one of the architects of musical freedom… Развернуть 

"Rocketman! Spaceman! Welcome to our virgin planet. We only want to be left in some kind of peace here, O.K.? If you kill us, don't eat us. If you eat, don't digest. Let us come out the other end again, like diamonds in the shit of smugglers. ..."

Either They have put him here for a reason, or he's just here. He isn't sure that he wouldn't, actually, rather have that reason. . . .

Plutocratic nations to the west, communists to the east. Spaces, models, game-strategies. Not much passion or ideology. Practical men.

Well. What happens when paranoid meets paranoid? A crossing of solipsisms. Clearly. The two patterns create a third: a moire, a new world of flowing shadows, interferences. ..

Toward dusk, the black birds descend, millions of them, to sit in the branches of trees nearby. The trees grow heavy with black birds, branches like dendrites of the Nervous System fattening,
deep in twittering nerve-dusk, in preparation for some important message. ...

Guard your thoughts. Use the natural balance of your mind against them. They'll be coming at you off-balance, remember.

Life is good, and nobody's looking forward much to redeployment. There are fräuleins for screwing, cooking, and doing your laundry. He can put Slothrop on to champagne, furs, cameras, cigarettes. . . . Can't just be interested in rockets, can he, that's crazy. He's right.

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