Цитаты — стр. 2

Seems people can be reminded of Titans and Fathers, and laugh, It isn't as funny as a pie in the face, but it's at least as pure.

Tchitcherine: "You mean thio-phosphate, don't you?" Thinks indicating the presence of sulfur. . . . Wimpe: "I mean ífoophosphate, Vaslav," indicating the Presence of God.

"You don't know. Not till you're there, Wimpe. You can't say." "That doesn't sound very dialectical."

By now, the only other room he can remember being in was a two-color room, nothing but the two exact colors, for all the lamps, furniture, drapes, walls, ceiling, rug, radio, even book jackets in the shelves—everything was either (1) Deep Cheap-Perfume Aquamarine, or (2) Creamy Chocolate FBI-Shoe… Развернуть 

Roger gritting his teeth do not succumb to hysteria, it is a counter-productive luxury you cannot, in your present great vulnerability, afford. . . .

No joy, no real surrender. Only the demands of the Operation. Each of us has his place, and the tenants come and go, but the places remain. . . .
It wasn't always so. In the trenches of the First World War, English men came to love one another decently, without shame or make-believe, under the… Развернуть 

"Maybe I'll be back." It's no drifter's lie, both of them are sure that someone will be, next year at about this time, maybe next year's Schweinheld, someone close enough . . . and if the name, the dossier are not exactly the same, well, who believes in those?

Like signals set out for lost travelers, shapes keep repeating for him, Zonal shapes he will allow to enter but won't interpret, not any more.

You are either alone absolutely, alone with your own death, or you take part in the larger enterprise, and you share in the deaths of others.

... So he hunted, as a servo valve with a noisy input will, across the Zero, between the two desires, personal identity and impersonal salvation.

He has, had, this way of removing all the excitement from things with a few words. Not even well-chosen words: he's that way by instinct.

When it does happen, we are content to call it "chance." Or we have been persuaded. There do exist levels where chance is hardly recognized at all. But to the likes of employees such as Roger Mexico it is music, not without its majesty, this power series
, terms numbered according to

occurring… Развернуть 

Are those people real, or what?
A. Some are real, and some aren't.
Q. Well are the real ones necessary? or unnecessary?
A. It depends what you have in mind.
Q. Shit, I don't have anything in mind.
A. We do.

"Your employer." "It's not fair," Pirate moans, "I haven't even done me morning pushups yet."

Нет ничего бессмысленнее и глупее попыток перебирать несбывшиеся возможности, мучительно гадать, как могла бы сложиться жизнь, кабы обстоятельства повернули ее по-другому.

Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation. Everything science has taught me, and continues to teach me, strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death.

—wernher von braun

С тех пор, как он был ребёнком и сидел на коленях матери, никто не видел его тела. А сегодня его увидит женщина, и ему хочется, чтобы оно было чистым.

He is the father you will never quite manage to kill. The Oedipal situation in the Zone these days is terrible. There is no dignity. The mothers have been masculinized to old worn moneybags of no sexual interest to anyone, and yet here are their sons, still trapped inside inertias of lust that are… Развернуть 

About the paranoia often noted under the drug, there is nothing remarkable. Like other sorts of paranoia, it is nothing less than the onset, the leading edge, of the discovery that everything is connected, everything in the Creation, a secondary illumination—not yet blind-ingly One, but at least… Развернуть 

"This is some kind of a plot, right?" Slothrop sucking saliva from velvet pile.
"Everything is some kind of a plot, man," Bodine laughing.

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