Победители — стр. 2

Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Барбара Уиллард 0.0
Orphaned in 1557 by the plague and disowned by her brother's widow who claims she is not true kin to the family, fifteen-year-old Lilias begins a life-long attempt to identify her true parentage.

When her mother dies suddenly, Lilias learns that she has no true place in the household in which she was brought up. She turns her back on all she has known, hiding herself as a servant in a manor house. She marries a rough ironworker, who sets his foundry in the Weald - the forest of the southeast. When he dies,Lilias takes over his work and becomes one of the richest women in the forest, It is a time when guns and gunstones can make fortunes, for England's is threatened by Spanish ships.
Long before she has achieved her deepest ambitions, finding her true family, Lilias has learned to survive in a tough world and forged her own identity. She will leave her daughter, Ursula - whose happiness could be destroyed by her mother's ruthlessness - heiress to far more than riches - the amazing secret of Mantlemass, which is already generations old.
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Джон Бёрджер 3.2
Дж. – молодой авантюрист, в которого словно переселилась душа его соотечественника, великого соблазнителя Джакомо Казановы. Дж. участвует в бурных событиях начала ХХ века – от итальянских мятежей до первого перелета через Альпы, от Англо-бурской войны до Первой мировой. Но единственное, что его по-настоящему волнует, – это женщины. Он умеет очаровать женщин разных сословий и национальностей, разного возраста и положения, свободных и замужних, блестящих светских дам и простушек. Но как ему удается так легко покорять их? И кто он – холодный обольститель и погубитель или же своеобразное воплощение самого духа Любви?..
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Thomas Kilroy 0.0
The Big Chapel was shortlisted for the 1971 Booker Prize and winner of 1971 the Guardian Fiction Prize. It is a novel about a man, a family and a town. Basing his work upon a notorious clerical scandal of Victorian Ireland, Thomas Kilroy has written an anatomy of religious violence that remains relevant.

In scenes that range from the private and lyrical to the panorama of a whole community in convulsion he draws upon a deep knowledge of the history and folklore of nineteenth-century Ireland. While there is a great deal of humour in The Big Chapel it is, finally, a work of grave tragic proportions.

It is the characters however that remain longest in the memory. Father Lannigan, the anguished demagogue, the man haunted by the implications of his own revolution. Emerine Scully, a man unable to choose, at a time when all men are faced by choice. And Horace Percy Butler, landlord and amateur scientist, a comic, tragic character who is quite unlike anyone else in Irish fiction. The novel is punctuated with extracts from Butler's journal which is itself a remarkable tour de force.
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Морис Лейтч 0.0
Albert Yarr is a Protestant outsider in predominantly Catholic Ballyboe. Teetering on the edge of madness, Yarr is momentarily resurrected by a film producer, who enlists his help in a documentary. Yet the stranger's attentions only serve to precipitate Yarr's own psychological disintegration.
Премия газеты «Гардиан» за прозу
Арчи Хинд 0.0
This is an autobiographical novel about a working class writer. The Dear Green Place is the city of Glasgow in which the writer finds so much beauty.
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