Вручение март 2018 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: штат Миссури Дата проведения: март 2018 г.

Премия Марка Твена

Кимберли Брубэйкер Брэдли 5.0
Nine-year-old Ada has never left her one-room apartment. Her mother is too humiliated by Ada’s twisted foot to let her outside. So when her little brother Jamie is shipped out of London to escape the war, Ada doesn’t waste a minute—she sneaks out to join him.

So begins a new adventure of Ada, and for Susan Smith, the woman who is forced to take the two kids in. As Ada teaches herself to ride a pony, learns to read, and watches for German spies, she begins to trust Susan—and Susan begins to love Ada and Jamie. But in the end, will their bond be enough to hold them together through wartime? Or will Ada and her brother fall back into the cruel hands of their mother?

This masterful work of historical fiction is equal parts adventure and a moving tale of family and identity—a classic in the making.
Mary Downing Hahn 4.0

Второе место.

“Folks say Old Auntie takes a girl and keeps her fifty years—then lets her go and takes another one.”

Thirteen-year-old Daniel Anderson doesn’t believe Brody Mason’s crazy stories about the ghost witch who lives up on Brewster’s Hill with Bloody Bones, her man-eating razorback hog. He figures Brody’s probably just trying to scare him since he’s the new kid . . . a “stuck-up snot” from Connecticut. But Daniel’s seven-year-old sister Erica has become more and more withdrawn, talking to her lookalike doll. When she disappears into the woods one day, he knows something is terribly wrong. Did the witch strike? Has Erica been “took”?
Dave Barry 0.0

Третье место.

In this hilarious novel, written in the voice of eighth-grader Wyatt Palmer, Dave Barry takes us on a class trip to Washington, DC. Wyatt, his best friend, Matt, and a few kids from Culver Middle School find themselves in a heap of trouble-not just with their teachers, who have long lost patience with them-but from several mysterious men they first meet on their flight to the nation's capital. In a fast-paced adventure with the monuments as a backdrop, the kids try to stay out of danger and out of the doghouse while trying to save the president from attack-or maybe not.
Линда Маллэли Хант 4.6
Впервые на русском языке! Книга знаменитой американской писательницы, автора бестселлеров The New York Times. Добрая, жизнерадостная, трогательная история, которая учит никогда не сдаваться, верить в свои силы и не бояться трудностей.

Элли — необычная девочка. Дело в том, что она не умеет читать. У Элли редкое заболевание дислексия, вызывающее затруднения при чтении и письме. Из-за этого девочка постоянно попадает в неловкие ситуации на уроках. К счастью, в школе появляется новый учитель, который поможет Элли научиться читать.
Кейт Месснер 0.0
What if your pencil had all the answers? Would you ace every test? Would you know what your teachers were thinking? When Ava Anderson finds a scratched up pencil she doodles like she would with any other pencil. But when she writes a question in the margin of her math quiz, she hears a clear answer in a voice no one else seems to hear.

With the help of her friend Sophie, Ava figures out that the pencil will answer factual questions only – those with definite right or wrong answers – but won’t predict the future. Ava and Sophie discover all kinds of uses for the pencil, and Ava's confidence grows with each answer. But it's getting shorter with every sharpening, and when the pencil reveals a scary truth about Ava's family, she realizes that sometimes the bravest people are the ones who live without all the answers..
Roland Smith 0.0
What waits Beneath? Pat O'Toole has always idolized his older brother, Coop. He's even helped Coop with some of his crazier plans -- such as risking his life to help his big brother dig a tunnel underneath their neighborhood in the suburbs of Washington, DC. Coop is . . . different. He doesn't talk on the phone, doesn't use email, and doesn't have friends. He's never really cared for anything but the thrill of being underground and Pat. So it's no surprise to anyone -- even Pat -- that after a huge fight with their parents, Coop runs away. Exactly one year later, Pat receives a package containing a digital voice recorder and a cryptic message from his brother. He follows the clues to New York City, and soon discovers that Coop has joined the Community, a self-sufficient society living beneath the streets. Now it's up to Pat to find his brother -- and bring him home.
Дженнифер Чемблисс Бёртман 4.5
12-летняя Эмили очень рада переезду в Сан-Франциско, потому что здесь живет ее литературный идол: Гаррисон Гризволд, издатель книг и создатель онлайн-сенсации "Книжный сыщик" (игра, в которой книги прячутся в городах по всей стране, чтобы ее найти нужно разгадать шифр). Но тут Эмили узнает, что на Гринзволда напали, он лежит в коме, и никто ничего не знает о новой игре, которую он должен был запустить. Потом Эмили и ее новый друг Джеймс находят одну очень странную книгу, и что-то заставляет их предположить, что она связана с Гризволдом и возможно хранит в себе единственную копию таинственной новой игры.
Джексон Пирс 0.0
Part Spy Kids and all fun, The Doublecross is the first in a fresh middle grade action-adventure series with a healthy dose of humor.

Everyone in twelve-year-old Hale’s family is a spy, going way back. They’ve all worked for the Sub Rosa Society, a top secret organization where new agents aren’t recruited; they’re born. His parents may be the ultimate spy team at SRS, but Hale isn’t a typical stealthy spy—he is, as his mother puts it “big-boned,” and as some classmates put it, “fat.” Still, he’s convinced he will someday be a great field agent. After all, it’s his legacy. But when both his mother and father go missing on a secret mission—likely captured by the SRS’s number one enemy—it’s Hale’s time to step up and (with a little help from his acrobat-cheerleader little sister) save the day.

With a hilarious and charismatic cast of characters, popular teen author Jackson Pearce makes a fantastic debut in the middle-grade arena.
Пэм Муньос Райан 4.5
Когда юный Отто заблудился в лесу, на выручку ему пришли три таинственные девушки. Они подарили мальчику музыкальный инструмент и пообещали, что придет день, и он спасет чью-то душу от неминуемой гибели.

Германия, 30-е годы. Фридрих - талантливый юный музыкант. Но когда его отца арестовывают и забирают в Дахау, жизнь Фридриха разбивается на тысячу осколков.

США, 30-е годы. Майк - виртуозный пианист, живущий со своим младшим братом Фрэнки в сиротском приюте.Когда над братьями нависает угроза разлуки, Майк решает пожертвовать своей жизнью, чтобы помочь Фрэнки обрести дом.

США, 40-е годы. Айви музыкально одаренная девочка. Вот только переезд в другой город лишает ее шанса выступить по радио и получить признание. Однако лишившись собственной мечты, Айви, не раздумывая, спасает чужую.

Поможет ли музыка каждому из них спасти чью-то душу, или пророчеству не суждено сбыться?
К.А. Холт 0.0
Stealing is bad.
I know.
But my brother Levi is always so sick, and his medicine is always so expensive.

I didn’t think anyone would notice,
if I took that credit card,
if, in one stolen second,
I bought Levi’s medicine.

But someone did notice.
Now I have to prove I’m not a delinquent, I’m not a total bonehead.

That one quick second turned into
a judge
a year of house arrest,
a year of this court-ordered journal,
a year to avoid messing up
and being sent back to juvie
so fast my head will spin.

It’s only 1 year.
Only 52 weeks.
Only 365 days.
Only 8,760 hours.
Only 525,600 minutes.

What could go wrong?
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