Вручение 2006 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Вашингтон Дата проведения: 2006 г.

Премия ПЕН/Фолкнер

Эдгар Лоренс Доктороу 4.3
В романе "Марш" Доктороу изменяет своей любимой эпохе - рубежу веков, на фоне которого разворачивается действие "Регтайма" и "Всемирной выставки", и берется за другой исторический пласт - время Гражданской войны, эпохальный период американской истории.
Роман о печально знаменитом своей жестокостью генерале северян Уильяме Шермане, решительными действиями определившем исход войны в пользу "янки", как и другие произведения Доктороу, является сплавом литературы вымысла и литературы факта.
"Текучий мир шермановской армии, разрушая жизнь так же, как ее разрушает поток, затягивает в себя и несет фрагменты этой жизни, но уже измененные, превратившиеся во что-то новое", - пишет о романе Доктороу Джон Апдайк.
"Марш" Доктороу, - вторит ему Уолтер Керн, - наглядно демонстрирует то, о чем умалчивает большинство других исторических романов о войнах: "Да, война - ад. Но ад - это еще не конец света. И научившись жить в аду - и проходить через ад, - люди изменяют и обновляют мир. У них нет другого выхода".
Karen Fisher 0.0
A vivid and revelatory novel based on actual events of the 1847 Oregon migration, A Sudden Country follows two characters of remarkable complexity and strength in a journey of survival and redemption.

James MacLaren, once a resourceful and ambitious Hudson’s Bay Company trader, has renounced his aspirations for a quiet family life in the Bitterroot wilderness. Yet his life is overturned in the winter of 1846, when his Nez Perce wife deserts him and his children die of smallpox. In the grip of a profound sorrow, MacLaren, whose home once spanned a continent, sets out to find his wife. But an act of secret vengeance changes his course, introducing him to a different wife and mother: Lucy Mitchell, journeying westward with her family.

Lucy, a remarried widow, careful mother, and reluctant emigrant, is drawn at once to the self-possessed MacLaren. Convinced that he is the key to her family’s safe passage, she persuades her husband to employ him. As their hidden stories and obsessions unfold, and pasts and cultures collide, both Lucy and MacLaren must confront the people they have truly been, are, and may become.

Alive with incident and insight, presenting with rare scope and intimacy the complex relations among nineteenth-century traders, immigrants, and Native Americans, A Sudden Country is, above all, a heroic and unforgettable story of love and loss, sacrifice and understanding.

From the Hardcover edition.
Уильям Генри Льюис 0.0
Book Description In I Got Somebody in Staunton , the acclaimed William Henry Lewis brings us ten often sensual and always eye-opening tales. "Rossonian Days" follows a Kansas City jazz troupe to a gig in Denver, where they hope to
James Salter 0.0
Last Night is a spellbinding collection of stories about passion–by turns fiery and subdued, destructive and redemptive, alluring and devastating. These ten powerful stories portray men and women in their most intimate moments. A lover of poetry is asked by his wife to give up what may be his most treasured relationship. A book dealer is forced to face the truth about his life. And in the title story, a translator assists his wife’s suicide, even as he performs a last act of betrayal. James Salter’s assured style and emotional insight make him one of our most essential writers