Вручение 2013 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Шайенн Дата проведения: 2013 г.

Премия «Индийская кисть»

Рэнди Барроу 0.0
In post WWII Russia, one boy dares to save an entire race of outlawed dogs -- the German shepherd!

World War II has just ended when thirteen-year-old Mikhail finds a dying man and his German shepherd, Zasha, in the woods. It's dangerous -- some say traitorous -- to own a German dog after Germany attacked Russia, so Mikhail must keep Zasha a secret to keep her alive.

But Mikhail's rival, Katia, is determined to find the dog she is sure he's hiding. At the same time, a soldier named Dimitri is breeding a new Russian dog at a nearby farm. So many dogs were lost in combat, to starvation, and in the slaughter of German dogs that the country is in dire need of every kind of dog.
Шэрон Дрейпер 4.5

Второе место.

У Мелоди фотографическая память. Она помнит все, что видела и слышала за одиннадцать лет своей жизни, а слова и звуки имеют для нее вкус и цвет. Она умнее всех в школе. Вот только никто об этом не догадывается. Учителя думают, что девочка не поддается обучению, и из урока в урок повторяют с ней первые буквы алфавита. Казалось бы, куда проще - объяснить окружающим, сколько всего ты знаешь, что любишь, чего хочешь. Но попробуй объясни, если тело совсем тебя не слушается и простая человеческая речь кажется недоступной роскошью... И все же скоро настанет день, когда Мелоди получит возможность произнести первые в своей жизни слова. Услышат ли ее?
Роб Буйе 4.5

Третье место.

"Нам не повезло - на свете существуют учителя", - думает Питер, отправляясь в пятый класс. Он еще не знает, что в этом году встретится с мистером Терраптом - учителем совершенно особенным. Очень скоро школа становится тем местом, куда интересно ходить и где учишься не только математике и биологии, но и отзывчивости, дружбе, ответственности. Вот только однажды, в середине зимы, неудачно брошенный снежок обернулся настоящей трагедией... Семь учеников одного класса: хулиган Питер, умница Джессика, интриганка Алексия, отличник Люк, добрячка Даниэль, тихоня Анна и молчун Джеффри - рассказывают нам эту историю, и их голоса, поначалу нестройные, постепенно сливаются в прекрасный хор. Прекрасный, потому что в нем слышны любовь, благодарность и надежда.
Кэтрин Патерсон, Джон Патерсон 3.9
Давным-давно один смельчак захотел стать вождем племени и попросил шамана сделать для него талисман, который бы закалил его сердце и сделал его бесстрашным. Шаман просьбу выполнил, и племя обрело нового вождя, сурового и беспощадного. Спустя многие тысячи лет обычный английский фермер случайно находит забавный кулон в виде каменного сердца, и в жизни его счастливой семьи начинаются тяжелые времена. В одночасье любящий отец семейства превращается в раздражительного тирана. В отчаянии юный Чарльз и его младшая сестренка Юнити решают обратиться к сказочным пикси, чтобы они посоветовали, что им делать со своей бедой. Так начинаются увлекательные приключения в волшебной стране.
Брайан Селзник 4.5
От «создателя шедевров» (The Washington Post), писателя и художника Брайана Селзника, автора бестселлера The New York Times «Хранитель времени», экранизация которого принесла легендарному режиссеру Мартину Скорсезе 5 премий Оскар.

Выполненный в той же технике, роман в картинках «Мир, полный чудес» – это атмосферная, глубокая, искренняя и немного грустная книга о том, что значит – любить и быть любимым.

Виртуозно переплетая текст и иллюстрации, Селзник создает две совершенно разные истории. Одна, рассказанная в картинках, о девочке Розе, которая собирает вырезки и фотографии загадочной актрисы. Вторая, рассказанная в прозе, о мальчике Бене, который ищет своего отца. Между этими двумя историями лежит пропасть длиною в полвека...
Мишель Харрисон 4.1
Таня обладает способностью общаться с волшебными существами - фэйри , но это не идет ей на пользу — они всячески мучают ее и запрещают рассказывать о них другим людям. Мать, не в силах более терпеть столь же необъяснимое, сколь и невыносимое поведение Тани, отправляет ее к бабушке, в старинное родовое поместье. Но очень скоро девочка узнает, что дом полон жутких загадок, что в соседнем лесу время от времени пропадают люди и что в этих краях тоже водятся фэйри...
Сьюзан Морган Уильямс 0.0
All it takes is eight seconds....

Cam O'Mara, grandson and younger brother of bull- riding champions, is not interested in partaking in the family sport. Cam is a skateboarder, and perfecting his tricks -- frontside flips, 360s -- means everything until his older brother, Ben, comes home from Iraq, paralyzed from a brain injury.

What would make a skateboarder take a different kind of ride? And what would get him on a monstrosity of a bull named Ugly? If Cam can stay on for the requisite eight seconds, will the $15,000 prize bring hope and a future for his big brother?
Джек Гантос 5.0
Dead End in Norvelt is the winner of the 2012 Newbery Medal for the year's best contribution to children's literature and the Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction!

Melding the entirely true and the wildly fictional, Dead End in Norvelt is a novel about an incredible two months for a kid named Jack Gantos, whose plans for vacation excitement are shot down when he is "grounded for life" by his feuding parents, and whose nose spews bad blood at every little shock he gets. But plenty of excitement (and shocks) are coming Jack's way once his mom loans him out to help a fiesty old neighbor with a most unusual chore—typewriting obituaries filled with stories about the people who founded his utopian town. As one obituary leads to another, Jack is launced on a strange adventure involving molten wax, Eleanor Roosevelt, twisted promises, a homemade airplane, Girl Scout cookies, a man on a trike, a dancing plague, voices from the past, Hells Angels . . . and possibly murder. Endlessly surprising, this sly, sharp-edged narrative is the author at his very best, making readers laugh out loud at the most unexpected things in a dead-funny depiction of growing up in a slightly off-kilter place where the past is present, the present is confusing, and the future is completely up in the air.
Ингрид Ли 0.0
A shivering wet bundle, Cash arrives in the life of 12-year-old Mackenzie. From that moment, boy and dog share a love neither has ever known before. When Cash is kicked out by Mackenzie's father, she finds herself lost and alone in a cruel world. Will she ever find her boy again?
Кэтлин Ван Клив 0.0
Eleven-year-old Polly Peabody knows her family's world-famous rhubarb farm is magical. The plants taste like chocolate, jewels appear in the soil, bugs talk to her, and her best friend is a rhubarb plant named Harry. But the most magical thing is that every single Monday, at exactly 1:00, it rains. Until the Monday when the rain just stops. Now it's up to Polly to figure out why, and whether her brother's mysterious illness and her glamorous aunt Edith's sudden desire to sell the farm have anything to do with it. Most of all, Polly has to make it start raining again before it's too late. Her brother's life, the plants' survival, and her family's future all depend on it. Kathleen Van Cleve has woven an unforgettable coming-of-age tale with all the heart and wonder of a Roald Dahl novel.
Крис Райландер 0.0
Chris Rylander delivers a funny Ferris Bueler-style middle grade novel with The Fourth Stall.

Do you need something? Mac can get it for you. It's what he does—he and his best friend and business manager, Vince. Their methods might sometimes run afoul of the law, or at least the school code of conduct, but if you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can pay him, Mac is on your side. His office is located in the East Wing boys' bathroom, fourth stall from the high window. And business is booming.

Or at least it was, until one particular Monday. It starts with a third grader in need of protection. And before this ordeal is over, it's going to involve a legendary high school crime boss named Staples, an intramural gambling ring, a graffiti ninja, the nine most dangerous bullies in school, and the first Chicago Cubs World Series game in almost seventy years. And that's just the beginning. Mac and Vince soon realize that the trouble with solving everyone else's problems is that there's no one left to solve yours.
Линда Сью Парк 4.0
A Long Walk to Water begins as two stories, told in alternating sections, about a girl in Sudan in 2008 and a boy in Sudan in 1985. The girl, Nya, is fetching water from a pond that is two hours’ walk from her home: she makes two trips to the pond every day. The boy, Salva, becomes one of the "lost boys" of Sudan, refugees who cover the African continent on foot as they search for their families and for a safe place to stay. Enduring every hardship from loneliness to attack by armed rebels to contact with killer lions and crocodiles, Salva is a survivor, and his story goes on to intersect with Nya’s in an astonishing and moving way.
Suzanne LaFleur 0.0
"I had everything I needed to run a household: a house, food, and a new family. From now on it would just be me and Sammy–the two of us, and no one else."
A tragic accident has turned eleven-year-old Aubrey’s world upside down. Starting a new life all alone, Aubrey has everything she thinks she needs: SpaghettiOs and Sammy, her new pet fish. She cannot talk about what happened to her. Writing letters is the only thing that feels right to Aubrey, even if no one ever reads them.
With the aid of her loving grandmother and new friends, Aubrey learns that she is not alone, and gradually, she finds the words to express feelings that once seemed impossible to describe. The healing powers of friendship, love, and memory help Aubrey take her first steps toward the future.
Readers will care for Aubrey from page one and will watch her grow until the very end, when she has to make one of the biggest decisions of her life.
Love, Aubrey is devastating, brave, honest, funny, and hopeful, and it introduces a remarkable new writer, Suzanne LaFleur. No matter how old you are, this book is not to be missed.
Gary D. Schmidt 5.0
“The Dump” is what Doug Swieteck calls his new home in upstate New York. He lands there in the summer of 1968, when the Apollo space missions are under way, Joe Pepitone is slugging for the New York Yankees, and the Vietnam War is raging. At home he lives with a father who has lost his way and a brother accused of robbery. And Doug’s oldest brother is returning from Vietnam. Who knows what wounds his missions have given him?

But Doug has his own mission, too, and it begins when he first sees the plates of John James Audubon’s Birds of America at the local library. His mission will lead him to Lil Spicer, who shows him how to drink a really cold Coke, to Mrs. Windermere, who drags him to a theater opening, and to the customers of his Saturday grocery deliveries, who together will open a world as strange to him as the lunar landscape.

Swieteck, who first appeared in Gary D. Schmidt’s Newbery Honor book The Wednesday Wars, will discover the transforming power of art over disaster in a story about creativity and loss, love and recovery, and survival.
Мэттью Коди 0.0
Superheroes soar in this promising debut—and they’re kids!

Twelve-year-old Daniel, the new kid in town, soon learns the truth about his nice—but odd—new friends: one can fly, another can turn invisible, yet another controls electricity. Incredible. The superkids use their powers to secretly do good in the town, but they’re haunted by the fact that the moment they turn thirteen, their abilities will disappear—along with any memory that they ever had them. Is a memory-stealing supervillain sapping their powers?

The answers lie in a long-ago meteor strike, a World War II–era comic book (Fantastic Futures, starring the first superhero, Johnny Noble), the green-flamed Witch Fire, a hidden Shroud cave, and—possibly, unbelievably—“powerless” regular-kid Daniel himself.

Superhero kids meet comic book mystery in this action-filled debut about the true meaning of a hero.

Book Details: Format: Hardcover Publication Date: 10/27/2009 Pages: Reading Level: Age 10 and Up