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Stephen Jay Gould 0.0
High in the Canadian Rockies is a small limestone quarry formed 530 million years ago called the Burgess Shale. It hold the remains of an ancient sea where dozens of strange creatures lived—a forgotten corner of evolution preserved in awesome detail. In this book Stephen Jay Gould explores what the Burgess Shale tells us about evolution and the nature of history.
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Роджер Пенроуз 4.1
Монография известного физика и математика Роджера Пенроуза посвящена изучению проблемы искусственного интеллекта на основе всестороннего анализа достижений современных наук. Возможно ли моделирование разума? Чтобы найти ответ на этот вопрос, Пенроуз обсуждает широчайший круг явлений: алгоритмизацию математического мышления, машины Тьюринга, теорию сложности, парадоксы квантовой физики, энтропию.
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Roger Lewin 0.0
Bones of Contention is a behind-the-scenes look at the search for human origins. Analyzing how the biases and preconceptions of paleoanthropologists shaped their work, Roger Lewin's detective stories about the discovery of Neanderthal Man, the Taung Child, Lucy, and other major fossils provide insight into this most subjective of scientific endeavors. The new afterword looks at ways in which paleoanthropology, while becoming more scientific
in many ways, remains contentious.

"[An] un-put-downable book."—John Gribbon, Times Educational Supplement

"Not just another 'stones and bones' account of human evolution. It is Lewin's thesis, amply demonstrated, that paleoanthropology is the most subjective of sciences because it engages the emotions of virtually everyone; and since the evidence is scrappy, interpretation is everything. . . . A splendid, stirring, and eye-opening account, to be devoured."—Kirkus Reviews, starred review

"[Lewin shows] 'how very unscientific the process of scientific inquiry can be.'. . . Bones of Contention is . . . serious intellectual history."—Edward Dolnick, Wall Street Journal

"[Lewin] documents his thesis in persuasive detail. . . . The reader is carried along by the power of Mr. Lewin's reporting."—Robert Wright, New York Times Book Review
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British Medical Association 0.0
The B.M.A. has produced this book of facts about risk because risk touches every single aspect of health and welfare. The book is packed with information, arguments, and examples. It concentrates on risk to the individual, on major hazards which affect us all, as well as a wide range of lesser risks of particular public concern or personal importance. As well as being a fascinating discourse on risk incidence, the book constitutes a very powerful message in health promotion. The aim of the B.M.A. is to promote risk management to achieve maximum benefit with a minimum of ill effects.