О премии

Премия «Автор года Джорджии» (GAYA) - американская награда, присуждаемая авторам штата за лучшие книги, изданные в течение прошедшего календарного года.

Впервые награды были вручены в 1964 году Советом авторов и журналистов Дикси. В 1984 году эта организация стала Советом авторов и журналистов (CAJ). Десять лет спустя, в 1994 году, Cовет авторов уменьшился, потеряв свой драйв и свое лидерство.
В 1994 году, через пять месяцев после своего основания, премию под свою ответственность приняла Ассоциация писателей Джорджии.

Цель Премии: показать всё разнообразие творчества выдающихся писателей штата Джорджия и познакомить с ним общественность.

На номинацию имеют право публикуемые авторы, проживающие или зарегистрированные в штате Джорджия. Книга может участвовать только в одной номинации премии, которую выбирает сам автор. Ассоциация писателей Джорджии оставляет за собой право не награждать победителя в какой-либо номинации, если будет установлено, что среди номинантов нет достойных премии книг.

Награды в различных номинациях объявляются и вручаются в июне на торжественной церемонии. Церемония отличается тем, что является старейшей церемонией вручения литературных премий на юго-востоке Соединенных Штатов, отражающей современный издательский мир. Премией награждаются как независимые авторы, так и те, чьи книги публикуются в традиционных издательствах. Престиж и участие в церемонии награждения выросли с момента ее создания в 1964 году.

С 2006 года премия начала тесно сотрудничать с факультетом гуманитарных наук Государственного университета Кеннесо. Награда охватывает практически все традиционные номинации художественной и документальной литературы.


Детективный роман/триллер
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Detective/Mystery

Номинация для романов одного автора, рассказывающий о преступлении или преступлениях. Учреждена в 2015 году.

Первый роман
Georgia Author of the Year Award for First Novel

Премия присуждается за первый опубликованный роман одного автора.

Художественная проза
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Fiction

Премия присуждается за художественный роман одного автора.

Романтический роман
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Romance

Премия присуждается за роман одного автора, посвященный отношениям.

Научная фантастика
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Science Fiction

Премия вручается за роман одного автора, основанный на науке или технологиях будущего.

Детская книга
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Children’s Book

Номинация для книг, написанных для детей до 9 лет. Принимаются книжки с картинками, художественная или научно-популярная литература.

Поваренная книга
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Cookbook

Премия присуждается за книги, которые содержат сборники рецептов или посвящены изучению продуктов питания, приготовлению пищи и культуре питания.

Georgia Author of the Year Award for Essay

Номинируются сборники одного автора, посвященные одной теме. Антологии нескольких авторов не принимаются.

Книга для подростков
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Young Adult

Номинация для художественных или научно-популярных книг, написанных для детей старше 10 лет.

Georgia Author of the Year Award for Biography

К конкурсу принимаются истории жизни человека, группы людей или семьи, основанные на фактах. В номинацию не входят автобиографии, которые номинируются, как Мемуары.

Премия присуждалась до 2022 года. Затем была объединена с номинацией Мемуары в одну.

Georgia Author of the Year Award for History

Премия присуждается за документальные книги, основанные на исследованиях, в которых используются повествования для изучения и анализа прошлых событий.

Вдохновляющая книга
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Inspirational

Номинация для документальных книг на темы самопомощи, улучшения жизни, мотивации, религии или духовности.

Georgia Author of the Year Award for Memoir

Премия присуждается за документальные книги, представляющие собой отчет о личной жизни и опыте.

Премия присуждалась до 2022 года. Затем была объединена с номинацией Биография в одну.

Графический роман
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Graphic Novel

На конкурс принимается повествовательное произведение, в котором история рассказывается не только словами, но и последовательным искусством, и может быть художественным или научно-популярным.

Книга ЛГБТ-сообщества
Georgia Author of the Year Award for LGBTQIA+

Премия присуждается за произведения, созданные сообществом ЛГБТ (LGBTQIA+) или для него. Книги могут быть художественными, научно-популярными или поэтическими.

Georgia Author of the Year Award for Poetry

Принимаются произведения или сборники одного автора.

Сборник рассказов
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Short Story Collection

Премия присуждается за сборник рассказов или новелл одного автора.

Специализированная книга
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Specialty Book

В номинацию принимаются антологии поэзии, творческой документальной и художественной литературы, а также книги, включающие визуальные элементы, такие как искусство или фотография.

За вклад в литературу
Lifetime Achievement Award
Посмертная премия за вклад в литературу
Posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award

Премия вручается с 2016 года.

Книги по самопомощи
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Self-Help
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Humor

Премия вручена один раз, в 2015 году.

Short Story
Georgia Author of the Year Award for Biography and Memoir

Премия присуждается с 2023 года. До этого существовали две отдельные номинации.

Детективный роман/триллер
Ванда М. Моррис 0.0
From the award-winning author of All Her Little Secrets comes yet another gripping, suspenseful novel where, after the murder of a white man in Jim Crow Mississippi, two Black sisters run away to different parts of the country . . . but can they escape the secrets they left behind?

It's the summer of 1964 and three innocent men are brutally murdered for trying to help Black Mississippians secure the right to vote. Against this backdrop, twenty-two year old Violet Richards finds herself in more trouble than she's ever been in her life. Suffering a brutal attack of her own, she kills the man responsible. But with the color of Violet's skin, there is no way she can escape Jim Crow justice in Jackson, Mississippi. Before anyone can find the body or finger her as the killer, she decides to run. With the help of her white beau, Violet escapes. But desperation and fear leads her to hide out in the small rural town of Chillicothe, Georgia, unaware that danger may be closer than she thinks.

Back in Jackson, Marigold, Violet's older sister, has dreams of attending law school. Working for the Mississippi Summer Project, she has been trying to use her smarts to further the cause of the Black vote. But Marigold is in a different kind of trouble: she's pregnant and unmarried. After news of the murder brings the police to her door, Marigold sees no choice but to flee Jackson too. She heads North seeking the promise of a better life and no more segregation. But has she made a terrible choice that threatens her life and that of her unborn child?

Two sisters on the run--one from the law, the other from social shame. What they don't realize is that there's a man hot on their trail. This man has his own brand of dark secrets and a disturbing motive for finding the sisters that is unknown to everyone but him . . .
Первый роман
Robert Gwaltney 0.0
The summer of 1956, a brood of cicadas descends upon Providence Georgia, a natural event with supernatural repercussions, unhinging the life of Analeise Newell, an eleven-year-old piano prodigy. Amidst this emergence, dark obsessions are stirred, uncanny gifts provoked, and secrets unearthed.

During a visit to Mistletoe, a plantation owned by the wealthy Mayfield family, Analeise encounters Cordelia Mayfield and her daughter Marlissa, both of whom possess an otherworldly beauty. A whisper, a sense of déjà vu, and an act of violence perpetrated during this visit by Mrs. Mayfield all converge to kindle Analeise’s fascination with the Mayfields.

Analeise’s burgeoning obsession with the Mayfield family overshadows her own seemingly, ordinary life, culminating in dangerous games and manipulation, setting off a chain of cataclysmic events with life-altering consequences—all of it unfolding to the maddening whir of a cicada song.
Художественная проза
Vanessa Riley 0.0
Acclaimed author of Island Queen Vanessa Riley brings readers a vivid, sweeping novel of the Haitian Revolution based on the true-life stories of two extraordinary women: the first Empress of Haiti, Marie-Claire Bonheur, and Gran Toya, a West African-born warrior who helped lead the rebellion that drove out the French and freed the enslaved people of Haiti.

Gran Toya: Born in West Africa, Abdaraya Toya was one of the legendary minos--women called "Dahomeyan Amazons" by the Europeans--who were specially chosen female warriors consecrated to the King of Dahomey. Betrayed by an enemy, kidnapped, and sold into slavery, Toya wound up in the French colony of Saint Domingue, where she became a force to be reckoned with on its sugar plantations: a healer and an authority figure among the enslaved. Among the motherless children she helped raise was a man who would become the revolutionary Jean-Jacques Dessalines. When the enslaved people rose up, Toya, ever the warrior, was at the forefront of the rebellion that changed the course of history.

Marie-Claire: A free woman of color, Marie-Claire Bonheur was raised in an air of privilege and security because of her wealthy white grandfather. With a passion for charitable work, she grew up looking for ways to help those oppressed by a society steeped in racial and economic injustices. Falling in love with Jean-Jacques Dessalines, an enslaved man, was never the plan, yet their paths continued to cross and intertwine, and despite a marriage of convenience to a Frenchman, she and Dessalines had several children.

When war breaks out on Saint Domingue, pitting the French, Spanish, and enslaved people against one another in turn, Marie-Claire and Toya finally meet, and despite their deep differences, they both play pivotal roles in the revolution that will eventually lead to full independence for Haiti and its people.

Both an emotionally palpable love story and a detail-rich historical novel, Sister Mother Warrior tells the often-overlooked history of the most successful Black uprising in history. Riley celebrates the tremendous courage and resilience of the revolutionaries, and the formidable strength and intelligence of Toya, Marie-Claire, and the countless other women who fought for freedom.
Романтический роман
Kim Conrey 0.0
"Whether you're a sci-fi fan, a romance devotee, or someone who enjoys a beautiful story of survival, it's impossible not to fall in love with Harlow Hanson." –Katherine Nichols, author of The Unreliables In the 25th century, the recently widowed Prince Jack Windsor escapes his grief after the death of his wife and child by fleeing to Mars to solve the mystery of the dormant HMS Ares . When Harlow Hanson, the Robin Hood of the Martian colony, sneaks aboard to plunder the ship in order to save her people, the Ares springs to life and begins communicating with her. Prince Jack realizes the woman stealing from him is the key he's been searching for. Harlow awakens the ship and the grieving prince's heart, but all too soon, she's forced to betray him. Still fighting to believe in her, Jack will give up his crown and all he’s ever known for the love of this beautiful thief and her rogue colony, while the fate of two planets hangs in the balance.
Детская книга
Кимберли Дертинг, Shelli R. Johannes 0.0
Penny isn't just the fourth little pig--she's an engineer. So when big bad Wolfgang destroys her brothers' homes, Penny comes to the rescue! When Wolfgang returns, Penny must use all her engineering know-how to save her family from his huffing and puffing. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs meets Rosie Revere, Engineer in this clever reimagining of The Three Little Pigs from Cece Loves Science authors Kimberly Derting and Shelli R. Johannes.
Поваренная книга
Pinky Cole 0.0
From the Slutty Vegan herself, a collection of ninety-one delicious, guilt-free, plant-based recipes that you will love to indulge in from the comfort of your own home.

When Pinky Cole opened her first Slutty Vegan food truck in 2018, she was inspired by her love of vegan comfort food. Now, after having expanded to restaurants, a bar, and a philanthropic organization, Cole is ready to bring her best recipes straight to you.

With mouth-watering photographs and easy-to-follow instructions, Eat Plants, B*tch celebrates Cole’s belief that it’s fun and accessible to cook and enjoy irresistible vegan comfort food. From Avocado Egg Rolls to her Black Pea Cauliflower Po’​Boy or Oyster Mushroom Parm and everything in between, it won’t be long before you will also be declaring Cole’s timeless Eat Plants, B*tch!
Kathy A Bradley 0.0
In her third book of essays, Kathy Bradley continues to ask important questions about humanity, community, and stewardship. Writing from the family farm where she has lived for almost forty years, she has long looked for answers to those questions in her interactions with the natural world--the change of seasons, the wildlife that shares the land, the sky and its occupants--interactions that provide a framework for making sense of uncertainty and obscurity. In SIFTING ARTIFACTS, however, she discovers a new lens through which to look at the world and herself. An unexpected visit to a doctor's office introduces Bradley to the metaphor around which her questions begin hovering and in which these essays find their theme, a metaphor that causes her to examine what it means to be a writer. "I have spent much of my life searching," she writes in the introduction, "mostly for the right words, but also for the right time, the right choice, the right person. It is because I have understood without ever saying, ever articulating, ever being able to articulate that nothing just happens. It happens and it leaves something behind, like a trace element. And what is left behind is never gone." Bradley invites the reader to accompany her on that search as she moves chronologically toward the understanding that, as she is told by a friend, "It is not simply what you find. It is what you find out."
Книга для подростков
Мари Марквардт, Mayra Cuevas 0.0
A timely story of two teenagers who discover the power of friendship, feminism, and standing up for what you believe in, no matter where you come from. A collaboration between two gifted authors writing from alternating perspectives, this compelling novel shines with authenticity, courage, and humor.

Malena Rosario is starting to believe that catastrophes come in threes. First, Hurricane María destroyed her home, taking her unbreakable spirit with it. Second, she and her mother are now stuck in Florida, which is nothing like her beloved Puerto Rico. And third, when she goes to school bra-less after a bad sunburn and is humiliated by the school administration into covering up, she feels like she has no choice but to comply.

Ruby McAllister has a reputation as her school's outspoken feminist rebel. But back in Seattle, she lived under her sister’s shadow. Now her sister is teaching in underprivileged communities, and she’s in a Florida high school, unsure of what to do with her future, or if she’s even capable making a difference in the world. So when Ruby notices the new girl is being forced to cover up her chest, she is not willing to keep quiet about it.

Neither Malena nor Ruby expected to be the leaders of the school's dress code rebellion. But the girls will have to face their own insecurities, biases, and privileges, and the ups and downs in their newfound friendship, if they want to stand up for their ideals and––ultimately––for themselves.
Алекс Кершоу 0.0
The national bestselling author of The First Wave tells the untold story of four of the most decorated soldiers of World War II--all Medal of Honor recipients--from the beaches of French Morocco to Hitler's own mountaintop fortress

As the Allies raced to defeat Hitler, four men, all in the same unit, earned medal after medal for battlefield heroism. Maurice "Footsie" Britt, a former professional football player, became the very first American to receive every award for valor in a single war. Michael Daly was a West Point dropout who risked his neck over and over to keep his men alive. Keith Ware would one day become the first and only draftee in history to attain the rank of general before serving in Vietnam. In WWII, Ware owed his life to the finest soldier he ever commanded, a baby-faced Texan named Audie Murphy. In the campaign to liberate Europe, each would gain the ultimate accolade, the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Tapping into personal interviews and a wealth of primary source material, Alex Kershaw has delivered his most gripping account yet of American courage, spanning more than six hundred days of increasingly merciless combat, from the deserts of North Africa to the dark heart of Nazi Germany. Once the guns fell silent, these four exceptional warriors would discover just how heavy the Medal of Honor could be--and how great the expectations associated with it. Having survived against all odds, who among them would finally find peace?
Вдохновляющая книга
Грегори Бернс 0.0
We all know we tell stories about ourselves. But as psychiatrist and neuroscientist Gregory Berns argues in The Self Delusion, we don’t just tell stories; we are the stories. Our self-identities are fleeting phenomena, continually reborn as our conscious minds receive, filter, or act on incoming information from the world and our memories.

Drawing on new research in neuroscience, social science, and psychiatry, Berns shows how our stories and our self-identities are temporary and therefore ever changing. Berns shows how we can embrace the delusion of a singular self to make our lives better, offering a plan not centered on what we think will be best for us, but predicated on minimizing regrets. Enlightening, empowering, and surprising, The Self Delusion shows us how to be the protagonist of the stories we want to tell.
Monica Lee Weatherly 0.0
It Felt Like Mississippi, a chapbook from award winning poet, Monica Lee Weatherly, celebrates the impact of memories and experiences of living in the south through verse.
Сборник рассказов
Энди Платтнер 0.0
The characters in the story collection TOWER move through their lives with the sense that something is missing. When attempting to fill the void, they discover that the problem isn't what's missing, the problem invariably has to do with a truth they’ve been trying to avoid. In "Landslide," an unemployed father brings home a board game so he can teach his children what is good about American politics. In "Tower," a father and daughter head for Chicago to visit the Art Institute and take in a Manet exhibition. While in the city they find a way to express their feelings about the 45th President. Other stories center on "Hialeah" and "Fortune" involve characters who are trying to change the direction of their sputtering lives. While both stories take place in Miami, they happen decades apart yet feature similar traps. The stories are also set in small Akron, Ohio; Steelage, West Virginia; Vicksburg, Mississippi. In "At the Democrat Museum in Madisonville, Kentucky," a middle-aged narrator visits his mother during the pandemic and tries to understand why she won't wear her face mask, even though she is a proud, lifelong Democrat. In "Mississippi," the main character returns to her hometown to assist her family with a problem, despite the fact they haven't asked for any help. The main character in "Room" routinely travels to a specific motel in an out-of-the-way town in West Virginia because he knows the proprietor there will sleep with him. As the affair grows riskier, his interest in continuing it begins to diminish. She tells him things will be all right, and reminds him that they're not in love, anyway.
Специализированная книга
Валери Бойд 0.0
An anthology of Black resilience and reclamation, with contributions by Pearl Cleage, Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor, Honorée Fanonne Jeffers, Tayari Jones, Kiese Laymon, Imani Perry, Deesha Philyaw, Khadijah Queen, Jason Reynolds, Alice Walker, and more

Born of a desire to bring together the voices of those most harshly affected by the intersecting pandemics of Covid-19 and systemic racism, Bigger Than Bravery explores comfort and compromise, challenge and resilience, throughout the Great Pause that became the Great Call. Award-winning author and scholar of the Black archive Valerie Boyd curates this anthology of original essays and poems, alongside some of the most influential nonfiction published on the subject, inviting readers into a conversation of restorative joy and enduring wisdom.

Bigger Than Bravery captures what Boyd calls the “first draft of history,” with poems serving as deep breaths between narrative essays to form a loose chronology of this unprecedented time. Karen Good Marable cranks “Whip My Hair” from the car windows during quarantine joyrides with her daughter. Deesha Philyaw ponders loneliness as she sorts Zoom meetings into those that require a bra and those that don’t. Writing in the moment though not of it, Pearl Cleage reflects on what has and hasn’t changed since the AIDS epidemic. Jason Reynolds harnesses heat and flavor to carry on his father’s legacy.

Sorrow and outrage have their say, but the stories in these pages are bright with family, music, food, and home, teaching us how to nourish ourselves and our communities. Looking ahead as much as it looks back, Bigger Than Bravery offers a window into a hopeful, complex present, establishing an essential record of how Black people in America insist on joy as an act of resistance.
Валери Бойд
Посмертная премия за вклад в лит...
Валери Бойд / Valerie Boyd
2 книги
1 в избранном
Tom Chaffin 0.0
An illuminating and lively narrative of Charles Darwin’s formative years and his adventurous voyage aboard the H.M.S. Beagle.

Winner of the Georgia Author of the Year Award for Biography/Memoir

The voyage of the Beagle has been by far the most important event in my life and has determined my whole career.— Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin—alongside Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein—ranks among the world's most famous scientists. In popular imagination, he peers at us from behind a bushy white Old Testament beard. This image of Darwin the Sage, however, crowds out the vital younger man whose curiosities, risk-taking, and travels aboard HMS Beagle would shape his later theories and served as the foundation of his scientific breakthroughs.
Though storied, the Beagle 's voyage is frequently misunderstood, its mission and geographical breadth unacknowledged. The voyage's activities associated with South America—particularly its stop in the Galapagos archipelago, off Ecuador’s coast—eclipse the fact that the Beagle , sailing in Atlantic, Pacific and Indian ocean waters, also circumnavigated the globe.
Mere happenstance placed Darwin aboard the Beagle —an invitation to sail as a conversation companion on natural-history topics for the ship's depression-prone captain. Darwin was only twenty-two years old, an unproven, unknown, aspiring geologist when the ship embarked on what stretched into its five-year voyage. Moreover, conducting marine surveys of distance ports and coasts, the Beagle 's purposes were only inadvertently scientific. And with no formal shipboard duties or rank, Darwin, after arranging to meet the Beagle at another port, often left the ship to conduct overland excursions.
Those outings, lasting weeks, even months, took him across mountains, pampas, rainforests, and deserts. An expert horseman and marksman, he won the admiration of gauchos he encountered along the way. Yet another rarely acknowledged aspect of Darwin's Beagle travels, he also visited, often lingered in, cities—including Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Santiago, Lima, Sydney, and Cape Town; and left colorful, often sharply opinionated, descriptions of them and his interactions with their residents. In the end, Darwin spent three-fifths of his five-year "voyage" on land—three years and three months on terra firma versus a total 533 days on water.
Acclaimed historian Tom Chaffin reveals young Darwin in all his complexities—the brashness that came from his privileged background, the Faustian bargain he made with Argentina's notorious caudillo Juan Manuel de Rosas, his abhorrence of slavery, and his ambition to carve himself a place amongst his era's celebrated travelers and intellectual giants. Drawing on a rich array of sources— in a telling of an epic story that surpasses in breadth and intimacy the naturalist's own Voyage of the Beagle —Chaffin brings Darwin's odyssey to vivid life.
