Вручение 1987 г.

Премия вручалась за 1986 год.

Премия Деррика Мердока (Derrick Murdoch Award) вручена отделу драмы СВС (The CBC Drama Department).

Страна: Канада Дата проведения: 1987 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Эдвард О. Филлипс 0.0
When Geoffrey Chadwick, a gay lawyer, and the other guests at a country house are taken captive by criminals on the run from the law, he reminisces about one of the other hostages, a former lover, now married.
Тимоти Финдли 3.6
Роман «Ложь» привлекает внимание и с точки зрения его чисто литературных достоинств (он написан прекрасным языком, в лучших традициях англоязычной литературы), и с точки зрения мастерски закрученной интриги, и с точки зрения тонкого психологизма. Подзаголовок «Загадка» не случаен. Читатель действительно сталкивается с множеством цепляющихся одно за другое загадочных, странных событий, которые разъясняются лишь на самых последних страницах.

Старый миллионер Колдер Мэддокс найден мертвым на пляже гостиницы, где много лет подряд отдыхают летом одни и те же люди, причем выясняется, что умер этот человек не своей смертью. Фотограф Ванесса Ван Хорн, вовлеченная в лавину странных событий вокруг этой смерти, в конце концов докапывается до правды.
Ted Wood 0.0
"When gold is found in the mountains of Canada, it brings a rush of prospectors, pilots, and men looking to get rich quick. It also brings a slew of dead bodies. That’s when Reid Bennett, the lone cop of tiny Murphy's Harbor, gets called in to help.
The dead body of geologist Jim Prudhomme is found mauled beyond recognition by a bear. Or is it? Bear attacks are more than rare in these parts, and the tracks don’t add up. Is it murder instead? Things get complicated as witnesses cry foul and more bodies pile up, including the reappearance of someone already dead.

Thankfully, Reid has the help of the local police chief out for one last big case. He’s also joined by a beautiful motel keeper and by his faithful dog Sam. But, with gold on the line, the danger might come too fast and furious for our four heroes.

Ted Wood pours out action at a break-neck pace in yet another story of the danger that lies in the wilds of the north."
Эрик Райт 0.0
Inspector Charlie Salter considers Christmas shopping bothersome; until his ex-wife, Gerry turns up; determined to make trouble for the police department and Charlie. There's an unsolved murder involving a recently-separated woman, Nancy Cowell, who apparently met a killer through a 'Companion Wanted' ad. Gerry expects Charlie to solve it - a crime with too many suspects.

Charlie finally uncovers new leads but not until he has been caught up in Nancy's lonely world of casual encounters, secret hatreds, and betrayal.

Лучший дебютный роман

Медора Сейл 0.0
As a dangerous killer stalks women on the streets of Toronto, a young schoolgirl is kidnapped in what appears to be an unrelated incident. But as Toronto Police Inspector John Sanders examines the evidence, he uncovers a disturbing web of false identities, drug trafficking, and worse, police corruption.

Racing against time, can Sanders put all of the puzzle pieces together in time to protect those he cares about most?

Murder on the Run is the first novel in the John Sanders/Harriet Jeffries mystery series. It is followed by Murder in Focus, Murder in a Good Cause, Sleep of the Innocent, Pursued by Shadows, and Short Cut to Santa Fe.

Премия "Кастет" за лучшую криминальную документальную книгу

Эллиотт Лейтон 0.0
In this new edition of his landmark 1986 study, pioneering anthropologist Elliott Leyton examines the psyche and motivations of his six original multiple-murderer subjects and now takes stock of how far we've come since then in our understanding of why people commit gruesome assaults on innocent strangers. This case-study approach—based on years of immersion in the killers' diaries, confessions, psychiatric interviews, statements to the press, videotapes, and photographs— led the way in defining serial and mass murders not as the acts of alien creatures with deranged minds but rather as personalized protests by alienated men against the society that they believe has excluded them. Leyton also provides an analysis of the Washington, D.C. sniper case. While uncovering the central themes of modern culture that motivated their deeds, Leyton provides vivid and chilling portraits of Edmund Kemper, Ted Bundy, Albert DeSalvo, and David Berkowitz, serial murderers whose prolonged killing campaigns provided them revenge against the world and celebrity careers; and other mass murderers whose brief but horrific murder sprees constituted their own enigmatic suicide notes. The author shows that the motives of multiple murderers are not simply sexual or psychotic; but rise from the very core of American mass culture.