Вручение 2008 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2008 г.

Книжная премия «Снежный человек»

Пег Кехрет 0.0
What Josh thought would be the dullest summer of his life, spent with his eccentric great-aunt, turns chilling when he meets the ghost of a coal miner killed in a mine explosion. Willie has been waiting years for some kind soul to dig up his leg and rebury it with the rest of him--only then will he be at peace. Josh agrees to do the grisly deed, but when he digs in the old cemetery, he finds more than Willie's leg bones! Who buried the box of cash in the grave, and why? How far will that person go to get the money back? The Ghost's Grave is a deliciously spooky adventure from a master of suspense.
Йон Колфер 4.3
Вилли и его старший брат обречены. Мало того, что каникулы безнадёжно испорчены, — наказание, которое придумали мама и папа, грозит испортить братьям всю оставшуюся жизнь. Несколько часов в неделю им предстоит проводить в библиотеке, где повелевает очень страшная миссис Мерфи. Другого такого коварного и беспощадного библиотекаря ещё не видывал свет. И горе тому, кто осмелится засмеяться в её мрачном царстве или, не дай бог, чуточку пошалит…
Алан Армстронг 0.0
Bernie keeps a barn full of animals the rest of the world has no use for–two retired trotters, a rooster, some banty hens, and a Muscovy duck with clipped wings who calls herself The Lady. When the cat called Whittington shows up one day, it
Одри Кулумбис 0.0
Eleven-year-old Sallie March is a whip-smart tomboy and voracious reader of Western adventure novels. When she and her sister Maude escape their self-serving guardians for the wilds of the frontier, they begin an adventure the likes of which Sallie has only read about. This time however, the "wanted woman" isn't a dime-novel villian, it's Sallie's very own sister! What follows is not the lies the papers printed, but the honest-to-goodness truth of how two sisters went from being orphans to being outlaws—and lived to tell the tale!
Фрэнсис О'Роарк Доуэлл 0.0
Meet Tobin McCauley. He's got a near-certifiable grandmother, a pack of juvenile-delinquent siblings, and a dad who's not going to win father of the year any time soon. To top it off, Tobin's only friend truly believes that the study of chickens will reveal...the meaning of life? Getting through seventh grade isn't easy for anyone, but when the first day of school starts out with your granny's arrest, you know you've got real problems. Throw on a five-day suspension, a chicken that lays green eggs, and a family feud that's tearing everyone to pieces, and you're in for one heck of a ride.
Сид Флейшмен 0.0
Book Description A swashbuckling pirate ship cuts through the early morning fog. Crouching like a tiger about to spring, her figurehead is a huge and ferocious rat with crooked teeth and gouged-out eyes. When the daring Giant Rat of
Валери Хоббс 0.0
Winner of the 2008 National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA) in the Children's Products competition. A memorable trio of characters, each fighting for independence
Eleven-year-old Toby Steiner wants to do normal things on his vacation: he wants to hike and race his bike down the hill and learn to fish out on the lake. The last thing he wants is to return to the children's hospital where his painful cancer treatment finally ended. When Toby starts spending time with Pearl, a spunky old woman who lives on a nearby farm, and Blossom, her broken-down cow, he sees all the more reason to keep the new lump on his side a secret from his parents. From Pearl he discovers the beauty of poetry, and from Blossom he just might uncover the meaning of life.
In this honest and life-affirming novel for young readers, which Suzanne Fisher Staples, author of the Newbery Honor Book "Shabanu, "calls "beautiful and gripping," an unforgettable boy learns about the importance of letting things happen on their own and listening to his heart.