Кристен Каллихен

Kristen Callihan

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Лучшие книги Кристен Каллихен

  • Дорогой враг Кристен Каллихен
    ISBN: 978-5-04-177695-4
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Мы ненавидим друг друга с самого детства. Мейкон Сэйнт всегда был хорош собой, но я знаю, что он — сущий дьявол. Вдобавок к его скверному характеру, он еще и встречался с моей противной сестрой Самантой. Так себе расклад. Когда Мейкон и Сэм расстались, я была безумно рада! Думала, больше никогда его не увижу. Но я ошиблась. Десять лет спустя мне пришло сообщение. Сэм украла ценную вещь у Мейкона, а он — восходящая звезда Голливуда. И этот наглец намерен идти в полицию. Чтобы выплатить долг Саманты, я стала… личным поваром и помощницей Мейкона Сэйнта! Хуже не придумаешь. Как и в детстве, между нами летают искры. Только если раньше…

  • The Hook Up Kristen Callihan
    ISBN: 978-1505690903
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    The rules: no kissing on the mouth, no staying the night, no telling anyone, and above all… No falling in love Anna Jones just wants to finish college and figure out her life. Falling for star quarterback Drew Baylor is certainly not on her to do list. Confident and charming, he lives in the limelight and is way too gorgeous for his own good. If only she could ignore his heated stares and stop thinking about doing hot and dirty things with him. Easy, right? Too bad he’s committed to making her break every rule… Football has been good to Drew. It’s given him recognition, two National Championships, and the Heisman. But what he…

  • The Friend Zone Kristen Callihan
    ISBN: 978-1517687854
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    Gray doesn’t make friends with women. He has sex with them. Until Ivy. The last thing star tight-end Gray Grayson wants to do is drive his agent’s daughter’s bubblegum pink car. But he needs the wheels and she’s studying abroad. Something he explains when she sends him an irate text to let him know exactly how much pain she’ll put him in if he crashes her beloved ride. Before he knows it, Ivy Mackenzie has become his best texting bud. But then Ivy comes home and everything goes haywire. Because the only thing Gray can think of is being with Ivy. Ivy doesn’t have sex with friends. Especially not with a certain football player. No…

  • Idol Kristen Callihan
    ISBN: 9781534622142
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    Libby I found Killian drunk and sprawled out on my lawn like some lost prince. With the face of a god and the arrogance to match, the pest won’t leave. Sexy, charming, and just a little bit dirty, he’s slowly wearing me down, making me crave more. He could be mine if I dare to claim him. Problem is, the world thinks he’s theirs. How do you keep an idol when everyone is intent on taking him away? Killian As lead singer for the biggest rock band in the world, I lived a life of dreams. It all fell apart with one fateful decision. Now everything is in shambles. Until Liberty. She’s grouchy, a recluse—and kind of cute. Scratch…

  • The Game Plan Kristen Callihan
    ISBN: 978-1519164902
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    A beard-related dare and one hot-as-hell kiss changes everything. NFL center Ethan Dexter’s focus has always been on playing football and little else. Except when it comes to one particular woman. The lovely Fiona Mackenzie might not care about his fame, but she’s also never looked at him as anything more than one of her brother-in-law’s best friends. That ends now. Fi doesn’t know what to make of Dex. The bearded, tattooed, mountain of man-muscle looks more like a biker than a football player. Rumor has it he’s a virgin, but she finds that hard to believe. Because from the moment he decides to turn his quiet intensity on her she’s left weak at the knees and aching to see his famous control fully unleashed. Fi ought to guard her heart and walk away; they live vastly different lives in separate cities. And Dex is looking for a forever girl. But Dex has upped his game and is using all his considerable charm to convince Fi he's her forever man. Game On
  • Сладкий лжец Кристен Каллихен
    ISBN: 978-5-04-187054-6
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Freedom
    Язык: Русский
    Когда-то у меня была прекрасная жизнь. Я известная актриса, сыгравшая главную роль в популярном сериале. Но все рухнуло в один миг. Я осталась без работы, а мой парень оказался в постели с другой девушкой. Просто класс.

    Я решила взять паузу и отправиться залечивать душевные раны в поместье Роузмонт, где живет подруга моей бабушки. Оказалось, что у владелицы поместья есть внук Люсьен. К тому же чертовски привлекательный. Хоккеист в прошлом, сейчас затворник с невыразимой тоской во взгляде. Очаровательный, скрытный и грубый. Несмотря на взаимное притяжение, мы стараемся избегать друг друга. Но ночные прогулки и сладкие десерты Люсьена искушают меня вновь почувствовать вкус жизни...
  • Managed Kristen Callihan
    ISBN: 9781539917786
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    It started off as a battle of wits. Me: the ordinary girl with a big mouth against Him: the sexy bastard with a big...ego. I thought I’d hit the jackpot when I was upgraded to first class on my flight to London. That is until HE sat next to me. Gabriel Scott: handsome as sin, cold as ice. Nothing and no one gets to him. Ever. He’s a legend in his own right, the manager of the biggest rock band in the world, and an arrogant ass who looks down his nose at me. I thought I’d give him hell for one, long flight. I didn’t expect to like him. I didn’t expect to want him. But the biggest surprise? He wants me too. Only in a way I didn’t see…

  • The Hot Shot Кристен Каллихен
    Год издания: 2017
    Язык: Английский

    First we were friends. Then we were roommates. Now I want more… What can I say about Chess Copper? The woman is capable of bringing me to my knees. I know this about five minutes after getting naked for her. No one is more surprised than me. The prickly photographer my team hired to shoot our annual charity calendar isn’t my usual type. She’s defense to my offense, a challenge at every turn. But when I’m with her, all the regrets and darkness goes away. She makes life fun. I want to know Chess, be close to her. Which is a bad idea. Chess is looking for a relationship. I’ve never given a woman more than one night. But when fate…

  • Firelight Kristen Callihan
    ISBN: 9781455508594
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    London, 1881 Once the flames are ignited . . . Miranda Ellis is a woman tormented. Plagued since birth by a strange and powerful gift, she has spent her entire life struggling to control her exceptional abilities. Yet one innocent but irreversible mistake has left her family's fortune decimated and forced her to wed London's most nefarious nobleman. They will burn for eternity . . . Lord Benjamin Archer is no ordinary man. Doomed to hide his disfigured face behind masks, Archer knows it's selfish to take Miranda as his bride. Yet he can't help being drawn to the flame-haired beauty whose touch sparks a passion he hasn't felt in a…

  • Красавчик Кристен Каллихен
    Сначала мы были друзьями. Затем стали соседями. Сейчас я хочу большего…
    Что я могу сказать о Чесс Куппер? Эта девушка способна поставить меня на колени. Я узнаю это примерно через пять минут после того, как разделся для нее.
    Никто не удивлен больше, чем я. Раздражительный фотограф, нанятый нашей командой для съемки благотворительного календаря не мой обычный тип. Она отражает все мои нападки и бросает вызов на каждом шагу. Но когда я с ней, все сожаления и тьма отступают. Она превращает жизнь в радость.
    Я хочу узнать её, быть рядом. И это плохая идея.
    Чесс ищет отношений. Я же никогда не давал женщине больше одной ночи. Но когда по воле случая Чесс остается без дома, я делаю ход и предлагаю свой. Теперь мы соседи. Друзья без привелегий. Становится все труднее держать руки подальше друг от друга. И чем дольше мы живем вместе, тем больше я понимаю, что она становится всем для меня.
    Фокус в том… теперь, когда заставил ее поверить что я худший вариант, как убедить ее дать шанс нашему навсегда?
  • Exposed Кристен Каллихен
    ISBN: 978-0990715757
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: ‎ Plain Jane Books
    Язык: Английский

    There are some people in life who know exactly how to push your buttons. For me, it’s Rye Peterson. We can’t spend more than ten minutes together before we’re at each other’s throats, which makes working together that much harder. Rye is the bassist for Kill John, the biggest rock band in the world, and I am his publicist. It doesn’t help that the man is gorgeous, funny, talented, and…never takes anything seriously. Avoidance is key.

    But everything changes when he overhears something he shouldn’t: a confession made in a moment of weakness. Now the man I’ve tried so hard to ignore is offering me the greatest temptation of all—him.


    Brenna James is the one. The one I can’t have. The one I can’t get out of my mind. Believe me, I’ve tried; the woman loathes me. I managed well enough—until I heard her say she’s as lonely as I am. That she needed to be touched, held, satisfied. And I could no longer deny the truth: I wanted to be the one to give her what she craved.

    I convinced her that it would just be sex, mutual satisfaction with nothing deeper. But the moment I have her, she becomes my world. I’ve never given her a good reason to trust me before. Now, I’ve got to show Brenna that we’re so much better together than we ever were apart.

    Things are going to get messy. But getting messy with Brenna is what I do best.
  • Fall Кристен Каллихен
    ISBN: 1728735289
    Год издания: 2018
    Язык: Английский
    The first time I met Jax Blackwood things went a little sideways.

    In my defense, I didn’t know he was Jax Blackwood—who expects a legendary rock star to be shopping for groceries? More importantly, a blizzard was coming and he was about to grab the last carton of mint-chocolate chip.

    Still, I might have walked away, but then he smugly dared me to try and take the coveted ice cream. So I kissed him. And distracted that mint-chip right out of his hands.

    Okay, it was a dirty move, but desperate times and all that. Besides, I never expected he’d be my new neighbor.

    An annoying neighbor who takes great pleasure in reminding me that I owe him ice cream but would happily accept more kisses as payment. An irresistible neighbor who keeps me up while playing guitar naked–spectacularly naked–in his living room.

    Clearly, avoidance is key. Except nothing about Jax is easy to ignore—not the way he makes me laugh, or that his particular brand of darkness matches mine, or how one look from him melts me faster than butter under a hot sun.

    Neither of us believes in love or forever. Yet we’re quickly becoming each other’s addiction. But we could be more. We could be everything.

    All we have to do is trust enough to fall.
  • Forevermore Kristen Callihan
    ISBN: 978-1-455-58170-2
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский

    Isolated and alone, Sin Evernight is one of the most powerful supernatural creatures in heaven and on earth. As an angel of vengeance, he hunts down the darkest evil, but when his long-lost friend, Layla Starling, needs him, he vows to become her protector. Even though she will be horrified by the man he has become. Now a famous singer and the toast of London, Layla believes that Sin is only here to guard her from rabid fans and ardent suitors. However, the truth is far more sinister. Desperate to avoid losing Layla a second time, Sin will face a test of all his powers to defeat an unstoppable foe - and win an eternity with the woman he…

  • Soulbound Kristen Callihan
    ISBN: 978-1-455-58166-5
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский

    Once two souls are joined... When Adam's soul mate rejected him, there was more at stake than his heart. After seven hundred years of searching, his true match would have ended the curse that keeps his spirit in chains. But beautiful, stubborn Eliza May fled—and now Adam is doomed to an eternity of anguish, his only hope for salvation gone... Their hearts will beat together forever... No matter how devilishly irresistible Adam was, Eliza couldn't stand the thought of relinquishing her freedom forever. So she escaped. But she soon discovers she is being hunted—by someone far more dangerous. The only man who can help is the one man she…

  • Evernight Kristen Callihan
    ISBN: 978-1-455-58164-1
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский
    Once the night comes . . .
    Will Thorne is living a nightmare, his sanity slowly being drained away by a force he can't control. His talents have made him the perfect assassin for hire. But as he loses his grip on reality, there is no calming him—until he finds his next target: the mysterious Holly Evernight.

    Love must cast aside the shadows . . .
    Holly cannot fathom who would put a contract on her life, yet the moment she touches Will, the connection between them is elemental, undeniable—and she's the only one who can tame his bouts of madness. But other assassins are coming for Holly. Will must transform from killer to protector and find the man who wants Holly dead . . . or his only chance for redemption will be lost.
  • Winterblaze Kristen Callihan
    ISBN: 978-1-455-52079-4
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский

    Once blissfully in love . . . Poppy Lane is keeping secrets. Her powerful gift has earned her membership in the Society for the Suppression of Supernaturals, but she must keep both her ability and her alliance with the Society from her husband, Winston. Yet when Winston is brutally attacked by a werewolf, Poppy's secrets are revealed, leaving Winston's trust in her as broken as his body. Now Poppy will do anything to win back his affections . . . Their relationship is now put to the ultimate test. Winston Lane soon regains his physical strength but his face and heart still bear the scars of the vicious attack. Drawn into the darkest…

  • Shadowdance Kristen Callihan
    ISBN: 978-1-455-52081-7
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский

    Once a heart is lost in shadow... Life has been anything but kind to Mary Chase. But the Society for the Suppression of Supernaturals has given her purpose. Now she's been tasked with catching a vicious murderer dubbed the Bishop of Charing Cross. But someone is already on the case—and the last thing he relishes is a partner. Only someone who lives in darkness can find it. Jack Talent has been alone with his demons for many years. He never expected to have the willful Mary Chase assist him on the Bishop case. Their age-old rivalry reaches new heights—even as their desire for one another reaches a fever pitch. Though he aches to bring…

  • Moonglow Kristen Callihan
    ISBN: 978-1-455-50858-7
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский

    Once the seeds of desire are sown . . . Finally free of her suffocating marriage, widow Daisy Ellis Craigmore is ready to embrace the pleasures of life that have long been denied her. Yet her new-found freedom is short lived. A string of unexplained murders has brought danger to Daisy's door, forcing her to turn to the most unlikely of saviors . . . Their growing passion knows no bounds . . . Ian Ranulf, the Marquis of Northrup, has spent lifetimes hiding his primal nature from London society. But now a vicious killer threatens to expose his secrets. Ian must step out of the shadows and protect the beautiful, fearless Daisy, who awakens…

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