Марк Чаран Ньютон

Mark Charan Newton

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Новинки Марка Чарана Ньютона

  • Разбитые острова Марк Чаран Ньютон
    ISBN: 978-5-389-11294-0
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский
    Великолепное завершение серии «Легенды красного солнца». Впервые на русском языке.

    Война затопила Бореальский Архипелаг — две непримиримые культуры перенесли свою вечную битву в это пограничное пространство. Вдохновленный военной победой, командующий Бринд Латрея планирует восстановить город Вилларен, но сталкивается с нелегким выбором. Есть дружественные силы, которые, за неимением другого выбора, встанут на сторону его народа в назревающем конфликте, помогут построить мосты и предоставят загадочные технологии, способные удовлетворить амбиции военачальника. Но жители Вилларена с подозрением относятся к иностранцам, стекающимся в их город, напряженность растет, и даже мечта о мирном будущем не способна сгладить разницу в мировоззрении.

    Тем временем Виллджамур лежит в руинах, а его небо закрыто чудовищными летающими островами из другого мира. Инквизитор Фулкром оказывается тем, кому выпало руководить эвакуацией населения на побережье. Угроза массовой гибели людей превращает этот исход в гонку со временем.

    Наконец древние цивилизации выходят на поле боя. Гротескные существа из другого мира и потенциальный бог, призванный отнюдь не молитвами, ходят среди людей, и близится час, когда последняя битва решит судьбу мира, освещенного красным солнцем.
  • Книга Превращений Марк Чаран Ньютон
    ISBN: 978-5-389-08647-0
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский
    Древней столице отовсюду грозят опасности. Оледенение гонит к стенам Виллджамура толпы беженцев со всех краев Уртиканской империи. Стоило легендарной Ночной Гвардии уйти в поход, как активизировалось анархистское подполье, превратившись в силу, с которой вынужден считаться новоиспеченный император Уртика. Кровожадные и безжалостные пришельцы из иных измерений проливают моря крови, захватывая все новые территории империи и приближаясь к Виллджамуру.

    Чтобы противостоять бунтовщикам, окопавшимся в нижних районах города, император Уртика приказывает организовать группу защитников, наделенных сверхспособностями, – Рыцарей Виллджамура. Координировать их работу призван следователь-румель Фулкром. Его задача серьезно осложняется, когда он понимает, что испытывает привязанность к одной из Рыцарей …

    А тем временем в Виллджамур прибывает жрец Ульрик. Изучая древние тексты, он обнаружил, что подлинная история сотворения мира и человека в корне расходится с официальными догмами. В столице он надеется отыскать Книгу Превращений, благодаря которой сможет вернуть фра Меркури – подлинного создателя этого мира. Только фра Меркури под силу остановить вторжение пришельцев, использующих людей в качестве строительного материала...
  • Город холодных руин Марк Чаран Ньютон
    ISBN: 978-5-389-06932-9
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский

    На севере мира, замерзающего под красным умирающим солнцем, стоит город Виллерен. В нем процветает коррупция, преступные группировки делят сферы влияния, в подпольных гладиаторских боях сражаются порожденные больным воображением гибридные существа, а люди пропадают не только с улиц, но и из своих домов. А со стороны моря Виллерену угрожает загадочный враг, оставляющий за собой горы изувеченных тел... Именно сюда бежал следователь Румек Джерид, стремясь укрыться от мести канцлера Уртики, захватившего власть в столичном Виллджамуре. Сюда же пробирается низложенная императрица Джамур Рика со своей сестрой Эйр и ее возлюбленным. Самые…

  • Drakenfeld Mark Charan Newton
    ISBN: 9781447219293
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Pan Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    The Royal Vispasian Union monarchies have been bound together for 200 years by laws enforced by the powerful Sun Chamber. Nations have flourished, but corruption, deprivation and murder will always find a way. Following his father's death, Sun Chamber Officer Lucan Drakenfeld is called home to Tryum and rapidly embroiled in a mystifying case. The King's sister has been found murdered, her body in a locked temple. Drakenfeld must separate superstition from certainty. The case makes him a target, as Tryum's underworld gangs focus on this new threat to their power. Embarking on the biggest investigation of his career, Drakenfeld soon realizes the evidence is leading him toward a motive that could bring darkness to the whole continent. The fate of the nations is in his hands.
  • Retribution Mark Charan Newton
    ISBN: 9781447260042
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Pan Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    THEY'LL KILL TO HIDE THE TRUTH. HE'LL KILL TO FIND IT. Having just solved a difficult case in his home city of Tryum, Sun Chamber Officer Lucan Drakenfeld and his associate Leana are ordered to journey to the exotic city of Kuvash in Koton, where a revered priest has gone missing. When they arrive, they discover the priest has already been found - or at least parts of him have. But investigating the unusual death isn't a priority for the legislature of Kuvash; there's a kingdom to run, a census to create and a dictatorial Queen to placate. Soon Drakenfeld finds that he is suddenly in charge of an investigation in a strange city, whose customs and politics are as complex as they are dangerous. Kuvash is a city of contradictions; wealth and poverty exist uneasily side-by-side and behind the rich facades of gilded streets and buildings, all levels of depravity and decadence are practised. When several more bodies are discovered mutilated and dumped in a public place, Drakenfeld realizes there's a killer at work who seems to delight in torture and pain. With no motive, no leads and no suspects, he feels like he's running out of options. And in a city where nothing is as it seems, seeking the truth is likely to get him killed ...Retribution is the second Lucan Drakenfeld novel, following Drakenfeld.
  • Retribution Mark Charan Newton
    ISBN: 9780230766846
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    WHEN JUSTICE FAILS, REVENGE FOLLOWS... Having just solved a difficult case in his home city of Tryum, Sun Chamber Officer Lucan Drakenfeld and his associate Leana are ordered to journey to the exotic city of Kuvash in Koton, where a revered priest has gone missing. When they arrive, they discover the priest has already been found - or at least parts of him have.

    But investigating the unusual death isn't a priority for the legislature of Kuvash; there's a kingdom to run, a census to create and a dictatorial Queen to placate. Soon Drakenfeld finds that he is suddenly in charge of an investigation in a strange city, whose customs and politics are as complex as they are dangerous.

    Kuvash is a city of contradictions; wealth and poverty exist uneasily side-by-side and behind the rich façades of gilded streets and buildings, all levels of depravity and decadence are practised.

    When several more bodies are discovered mutilated and dumped in a public place, Drakenfeld realizes there's a killer at work who seems to delight in torture and pain. With no motive, no leads and no suspects, he feels like he's running out of options. And in a city where nothing is as it seems, seeking the truth is likely to get him killed . . .

    Retribution is the second Lucan Drakenfeld novel, following Drakenfeld.
  • Ночи Виллджамура Марк Чаран Ньютон
    ISBN: 978-5-389-06512-3
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский

    Мир, над которым умирает красное солнце, погружается в ледниковый период. В Виллджамур, столицу империи, стекаются беженцы с окрестных и дальних земель, где уже воцарился холод. В городе пышным цветом расцветают апокалиптические культы, не брезгующие самой темной магией. Император решил сбросить с себя бремя полномочий, и теперь его старшая дочь должна взойти на расшатанный трон империи. Однако у нее есть соперники, и чем дальше, тем более неразборчивы в средствах и связях становятся власти предержащие. И как это обычно бывает, в темные и холодные времена намного ярче проявляются все грани человеческой натуры, нежели в светлые и…

  • Drakenfeld Mark Charan Newton
    ISBN: 9780230768956
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    The monarchies of the Royal Vispasian Union have been bound together for two hundred years by laws maintained and enforced by the powerful Sun Chamber. As a result, nations have flourished but corruption, deprivation, and murder will always find a way to thrive. . . Receiving news of his father’s death Sun Chamber Officer Lucan Drakenfeld is recalled home to the ancient city of Tryum and rapidly embroiled in a mystifying case. The King’s sister has been found brutally murdered—her beaten and bloody body discovered in a locked temple. With rumors of dark spirits and political assassination, Drakenfeld has his work cut out for him trying to separate superstition from certainty. His determination to find the killer quickly makes him a target as the underworld gangs of Tryum focus on this new threat to their power. Embarking on the biggest and most complex investigation of his career, Drakenfeld soon realizes the evidence is leading him towards a motive that could ultimately bring darkness to the whole continent. The fate of the nations is in his hands.
  • The Broken Isles Mark Charan Newton
    ISBN: 9780330521680
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    The fourth and final book in an epic series about a civilization on the brink of collapse

    War spills into the Boreal Archipelago, as two rival cultures bring their eternal battle into this adjacent realm. Fresh from a military victory, Commander Brynd Lathraea plans to rebuild the city of Villiren, where he is confronted with a dilemma. There are friendly forces who have no other choice but to live alongside his own people, and their numbers will be required to fight in the looming conflict. The commander turns politician as he seeks to build bridges and embrace mysterious new technologies to further his ambitions. However, as many in Villiren are skeptical of aliens coming to their city, tensions run high, and even the dream of a peaceful future brings with it inevitable clashes of beliefs. Meanwhile, Villjamur has been destroyed. A vast swathe of refugees from the legendary city are now on the run from an immense alien presence in the sky. Villages are being cleared and people are dying en masse, and Inquisitor Fulcrom finds himself at the helm of an operation to aid the refugee exodus to the coast, but it's a race against time before this threatened genocide is complete. Ancient civilizations line up on the field of battle. Exotic creatures and a possible god walk alongside citizens of the Empire. As the Legends of the Red Sun series draws to a close, there will be one final and immense conflict to decide the fate of multiple cultures forever.
  • Drakenfeld Mark Charan Newton
    ISBN: 978-0230766822
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: TOR
    The monarchies of the Royal Vispasian Union have been bound together for two hundred years by laws maintained and enforced by the powerful Sun Chamber. As a result, nations have flourished but corruption, deprivation and murder will always find a way to thrive . . . Receiving news of his father’s death Sun Chamber Officer Lucan Drakenfeld is recalled home to the ancient city of Tryum and rapidly embroiled in a mystifying case. The King’s sister has been found brutally murdered – her beaten and bloody body discovered in a locked temple. With rumours of dark spirits and political assassination, Drakenfeld has his work cut out for him trying to separate superstition from certainty. His determination to find the killer quickly makes him a target as the underworld gangs of Tryum focus on this new threat to their power. Embarking on the biggest and most complex investigation of his career, Drakenfeld soon realises the evidence is leading him towards a motive that could ultimately bring darkness to the whole continent. The fate of the nations is in his hands.
  • The Book of Transformations Mark Charan Newton
    ISBN: 9780330521673
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Pan Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    In the third book in the Legends of the Red Sun series, internal wars and corrupt politics force Villjamur's mad ruler to seek help in dangerous places

    A new and corrupt Emperor seeks to rebuild the ancient structures of Villjamur. But when the stranger Shalev arrives, empowering a militant underground movement, crime and terror become the rule. Emperor Urtica calls upon cultists to help construct a group to eliminate those involved with the uprising, and calm the populace. But there’s more to these Villjamur Knights than just phenomenal skills and abilities—each have a secret that, if exposed, could destroy everything they represent. Investigator Fulcrom of the Villjamur Inquisition is given the unenviable task of managing the Knights, but his own skills are tested when a mysterious priest, who has traveled from beyond the Empire’s edge, seeks his help. The priest’s existence threatens the church, and his quest promises to unweave the fabric of the world. Then, in a distant corner of the Empire, the enigmatic cultist Dartun Súr steps back into this world, having witnessed horrors beyond his imagination. Broken, altered, he and the remnants of his cultist order are heading back to Villjamur. All eyes turn to the Sanctuary City, for Villjamur’s ancient legends are about to be shattered.
  • Nights of Villjamur Mark Charan Newton
    ISBN: 978-0330461665
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: TOR
    Язык: Английский
    The first volume of this fast paced fantasy series. A journey into a world of dark rituAn ice age strikes a chain of islands, and thousands come to seek sanctuary at the gates of Villjamur. It’s a city of ancient spires and bridges, a place where banshees wail and cultists use forgotten technology. And beyond the now besieged walls, the dead have been seen walking across the tundra. When the Emperor commits suicide, his heir, Rika, is brought home to lead the Jamur Empire. But the corrupt Chancellor has his own designs on the throne. Meanwhile, a senior investigator in the city inquisition must solve the savage murder of a city politician, and a charming rogue manipulates his way into the imperial residence with a hidden agenda. Then one crime leads to another and a plot is uncovered that could mean genocide for thousands of citizens. It seems that, in this land under a red sun, the long winter is bringing more than just snow . . . ‘A dark epic which shows its debt to Gormenghast: death stalks the shadows and scheming, idiosyncratic characters have their own agendas’ Guardian, ‘A promising start to a series worth pursuing’ The Times, ‘A great book … an assured tale written with style, intelligence and skill’ SFFWorld.com al, corruption and adventure.
  • City of Ruin Mark Charan Newton
    ISBN: 9780330461672
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Villiren is a city of sin that's being torn apart from the inside. Hybrid creatures shamble through shadows and barely human gangs fight turf wars for control of the streets.

    Amidst this chaos, Commander Brynd Lathraea, commander of the Night Guard, must plan the defence of Viliren against a race that has broken through from another realm and already slaughtered hundreds of thousands of the Empire’s people.

    When a Night Guard soldier goes missing, Brynd needs help. Inqusitor Jeryd discovers this is not the only disapearance the streets of Villiren. It seems that a serial killer of the most horrific kind is on the loose, taking hundreds of people from their own homes. A killer that cannot possibly be human. The entire population of Villiren must unite to face an impossible surge of violent and unnatural enemies or the city will fall. But how can you save a city that's already a ruin?
  • Nights of Villjamur (Legends of the Red Sun) Mark Charan Newton
    ISBN: 978-0345520845
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Spectra Books
    Язык: Английский
    Following in the footsteps of writers like China Miéville and Richard K. Morgan, Mark Charan Newton balances style and storytelling in this bold and brilliant debut. Nights of the Villjamur marks the beginning of a sweeping new fantasy epic.

    Beneath a dying red sun sits the proud and ancient city of Villjamur, capital of a mighty empire that now sits powerless against an encroaching ice age. As throngs of refugees gather outside the city gates, a fierce debate rages within the walls about the fate of these desperate souls. Then tragedy strikes—and the Emperor’s elder daughter, Jamur Rika, is summoned to serve as queen. Joined by her younger sister, Jamur Eir, the queen comes to sympathize with the hardships of the common people, thanks in part to her dashing teacher Randur Estevu, a man who is not what he seems.

    Meanwhile, the grisly murder of a councillor draws the attention of Inspector Rumex Jeryd. Jeryd is a rumel, a species of nonhuman that can live for hundreds of years and shares the city with humans, birdlike garuda, and the eerie banshees whose forlorn cries herald death. Jeryd’s investigation will lead him into a web of corruption—and to an obscene conspiracy that threatens the lives of Rika and Eir, and the future of Villjamur itself.

    But in the far north, where the drawn-out winter has already begun, an even greater threat appears, against which all the empire’s military and magical power may well prove useless—a threat from another world.
  • The Reef Mark Charan Newton
    ISBN: 978-0955445262
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Pendragon
    Язык: Английский
    Has-jahn: a continent of exotic cultures, cities and long-forgotten technology. Two members of a race once thought extinct wash up on the shores near the city of Escha. In their possession is a call for help from a human living on the little-known tropical island of Arya, where their race is being murdered. A crew of freelance explorers, led by the charismatic Santiago DeBrelt, travels to discover the mystery behind the killings. However, Santiago's controversial nature leads to him being accompanied by government agents — who wish to explore Arya and find out why Eschan naval vessels have disappeared in the seas surrounding it. Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Rhoam, a city in central Has-jahn, a band of terrorists are embarking upon an epic journey to the very same waters. Still angry from an old war with Escha, they've gathered explosives and weapons, and will allow nothing to interfere with their quest for a phenomenal revenge. But secret pasts are revealed and soon all eyes turn to the coral reef off the coast of Arya. With echoes of Joseph Conrad and China Miéville, The Reef is a modern fantasy journey with original creatures and peoples, a story of relationships foundering on tropical sands and in dark waters.
  • Легенды красного солнца. Кн. 1. Ночи Виллджамура Ньютон М.Ч.
    ISBN: 978-5-389-06512-3
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский
    Мир, над которым умирает красное солнце, погружается в ледниковый период. В Виллджамур, столицу империи, стекаются беженцы с окрестных и дальних земель, где уже воцарился холод. В городе пышным цветом расцветают апокалиптические культы, не брезгующие самой темной магией. Император решил сбросить с себя бремя полномочий, и теперь его старшая дочь должна взойти на расшатанный трон империи. Однако у нее есть соперники, и чем дальше, тем более неразборчивы в средствах и связях становятся власти предержащие. И как это обычно бывает, в темные и холодные времена намного ярче проявляются все грани человеческой натуры, нежели в светлые и теплые.
    Первый роман Марка Чарана Ньютона из цикла «Легенды красного солнца» — это романтическая история, полная интриг и колдовства, сильной любви и горькой ревности, благородных порывов и темных страстей. Головокружительное приключенческое фэнтези.