Кристин Риммер

Christine Rimmer

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Новинки Кристин Риммер

  • Un amor para recordar - El hombre soñado - Un extraño en mi vida Тереза Саутвик
    ISBN: 9788413751788
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Harlequin
    Язык: Испанский
    Un amor para recordar

    Teresa Southwick

    Emily Summers nunca olvidaría la apasionada aventura que vivió con Cal Westen y que la dejó anhelando lo que él no podría darle nunca.

    Pero el carismático médico de Urgencias, alérgico al compromiso, sí le había dado algo. Y ya era hora de que supiera la verdad… para que pudiera convertirse en el padre que su hija necesitaba.

    El hombre soñado

    Christyne Butler

    Landon Cartwright era un héroe para Maggie Stevens. Aquel vaquero errante había aparecido justo a tiempo para salvarla del hombre que quería robarle sus tierras. Pero cuanto más tiempo se quedase allí aquel sexy y solitario cowboy, más posibilidades tendría de romperle el corazón…

    Un extraño en mi vida

    Christine Rimmer

    Después de que su novio la dejase, Tessa Jones no estaba dispuesta a aguantar las tonterías de ningún hombre. ¿Pero cómo iba a negarse a ayudar al extraño que se había desmayado delante de su casa en medio de una ventisca? Un hombre que no sabía ni quién era ni cómo había llegado hasta las Sierras de California...
  • La prometida del conde - Deseos del corazón Кристин Риммер
    ISBN: 9788413752228
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Harlequin
    Язык: Испанский
    La prometida del conde

    La princesa Genevra Bravo-Calabretti estaba metida en un buen lío. La noche en que el nuevo conde de Hartmore, Rafael DeValery, y ella cayeron uno en brazos del otro fue para consolarse de la muerte del hermano de Rafael, que estaba a punto de declararse a Genevra. Se suponía que aquel encuentro no iba a cambiar sus vidas.

    Pero lo hizo. A Rafe le sirvió para reforzar su creencia de que siempre había estado enamorado de Genny; a ella, para darse cuenta de que Rafe no era un premio de consolación, sino el hombre al que había entregado su corazón. Pero tenía que convencerlo de que era así; con suerte, antes de que naciera el nuevo heredero…

    Deseos del corazón

    A la princesa Aurora Bravo-Calabretti, Rory, siempre le había gustado el ranchero Walker McKellan, pero él insistía en que siguieran siendo "solo amigos". Ahora que ella iba a ser la dama de honor de su prima, Walker se había convertido en su guardaespaldas. Rory no podía resistirse a aquel vaquero de Colorado… ¡y lo que deseaba era avanzar hacia el altar para encontrarse con Walker!

    Cuando Walker estaba empezando a ver a Rory bajo una luz distinta, una repentina tormenta de nieve le dejó atrapado con su princesa… y la pasión se desató entre ellos.
  • De cara al pasado - Lazos secretos Lynda Sandoval
    ISBN: 9788413288932
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Harlequin
    Язык: Испанский
    De cara al pasado

    Lynda Sandoval

    Años después de que su mejor amiga muriera en un accidente en la noche de su graduación, Brody Austin decidió dejar de huir y volver a Colorado, y superar el dolor y la culpa que aún lo mortificaban. Poco después, se encontró por casualidad con Faith Montesantos, la hermana pequeña de su amiga… que había crecido mucho. Por supuesto, Faith seguía echando de menos a su hermana, pero prefería recordar los momentos felices que había compartido con ella, y parecía empeñada en enseñar a Brody a hacer lo mismo.

    Lazos secretos

    Christine Rimmer

    Kelly Bravo y Michael Vakulic se habían separado hacía nueve años, siguiendo caminos muy distintos. Pero un día Kelly vio una foto en el periódico que le resultó muy familiar. El Michael a quien había perdido hacía tanto tiempo se había convertido en Mitch Valentin, un hombre de negocios multimillonario. Kelly, por su parte, también tenía un nuevo título: ¡mamá! Y una niña con los ojos de Michael… ¿Sería capaz ella de decirle la verdad?
  • Recuperar un amor - Una boda sin noviazgo - Orgullo ciego Кристин Риммер
    ISBN: 9788413077574
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Harlequin
    Язык: Испанский
    Recuperar un amor

    Stella Bagwell

    Mientras acunaba a la hija de Jess Hastings, Victoria Ketchum no podía dejar de pensar que aquella niña debería haber sido hija suya. Pero Victoria había dejado a Jess y se había casado con otro. Ahora viudo, el guapo ayudante del sheriff aún hacía que la pasión se encendiese dentro de ella, pero el dolor de su ruptura los separaba… o los había separado hasta aquel momento.

    Una boda sin noviazgo

    Christine Rimmer

    Quizá algunos pensaran que Angie y Brett se habían casado muy deprisa, pero lo cierto era que se conocían de toda la vida. La base de su unión sería el respeto y los intereses comunes… nada de la pasión arrolladora y el amor ciego que parecía volver loco a todo el mundo. Pero entonces, sólo una semana después de la boda, Angie y Brett se dieron cuenta de algo increíble, estaban locamente enamorados el uno del otro…

    Orgullo ciego

    Christine Wenger

    Meredith estaba en el rancho Rattlesnake para visitar a su mejor amiga, Karen, y para ayudarla a arreglar el hogar de los Porter. Sin embargo, algo parecía indicar que quizá alargara su estancia por culpa del hermano de su amiga, Bucklin Porter. Buck debía admitir que vivir en el rancho empezaba a convertirse en una pesadilla… hasta que apareció Merry. Aquella diosa del hogar parecía la respuesta a todas sus plegarias…
  • Married By Christmas Оливия Гейтс
    ISBN: 9781474086059
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    The perfect season for a sparkling snowbound wedding!

    Billionaire Ivan spent decades struggling with the treachery that almost destroyed him. But when Anastasia Shepherd, the only woman he’s ever loved, suffers a near-fatal injury, he risks everything to save her. Could a Christmas wedding erase the scars of Ivan’s past…or will darker secrets ruin all they hold dear?

    When no-nonsense Carter Bravo decides it’s time to settle down this Christmas, he chooses a woman who isn’t looking to be swept off her feet. Not only does his business partner and best friend Paige Kettleman, say yes, soon the chemistry sizzling between them could make her his ideal mate.

    Join Becca Flannigan and Nick Ciotti as they promise to love, honour, and cherish each other in front of their family and friends…and her baby bump! With a little Christmas mag-ic for the bride and groom, this may be the happiest-ever-after in Celebration!
  • Royals: For Their Royal Heir (сборник) Энн Мэри Уинстон
    ISBN: 9781474073226
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    An Heir Fit for A King

    Exiled King Alix Saint Croix enters a Parisian perfume house to buy a gift – and leaves with a powerful craving for stunning perfumer Leila Verughese. Alix awakens Leila’s every sense. If she’s going to give her innocence to anyone, who better than a king? But soon she realises there are consequences… She’s carrying a royal heir!

    The Pregnant Princess

    Prince Raphael Thorton had vowed never to marry royalty or to subject his child to the rigorous upbringing he'd endured. But that was before one unforgettable princess re-entered his life for one unforgettable night – and changed his views about vows…and babies!

    The Prince’s Secret Baby

    Only a matter of urgent family business could bring Mediterranean Prince Rule of Montedoro to America. With a law decreeing that he must wed or lose everything, Sydney O’Shea, the mother of his son, suddenly seems the perfect wife. But Rule wasn’t expecting to fall for his newfound convenient family…
  • Chasing Summer: Date with Destiny / Marooned with the Maverick / A Summer Wedding at Willowmere Christine Rimmer
    ISBN: 9781474062695
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    Will they say ‘I do’ before the end of summer?

    Date with Destiny by Helen Lacey

    Grace Preston doesn’t do small Australian towns. Or first loves. But when she has to go home, she’s faced with both. Local cop Cameron Jakowski has loved Grace for most of his life, but while he’d wanted to settle down, she didn’t. And now she’s home – a walking, talking temptation!

    Marooned with the Maverick by Christine Rimmer

    Willa tried hard not to hold a grudge, but she was sure bad boy Collin Traub didn’t remember the kiss they’d shared years ago. Now they were stranded in a storm together and resisting his sweet talk was easy. Resisting his strong arms and dark eyes was another story…

    Summer Wedding at Willowmere by Abigail Gordon

    Willowmere in summer is breath-taking, but nurse Laurel Maddox has come to hide from her past not admire the scenery. Dr David Trelawney is captivated by his new colleague and he’s determined to make Laurel blossom and, before the summer is out, make her his bride!
  • One Summer At The Ranch: The Wyoming Cowboy / A Family for the Rugged Rancher / The Man Who Had Everything Donna Alward
    ISBN: 9781474054935
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    The Wyoming Cowboy

    Ex-Marine Carson Lundgren's Wyoming ranch is a place where families of fallen war heroes can find joy and healing. The wounded vet is eager to give back, while rebuilding his own life. The last thing he expected is to fall for his first guest and her young son.

    Widow Tracy Baretta and six-year-old Johnny have been struggling since losing their husband and father. When they meet Carson, his strength, patience and generosity – along with how great he looks on a horse – leads little Johnny to call him “king of the cowboys”. They’ve fallen in love with the place…and maybe with the man himself.

    But is she just looking for a surrogate father? Or could this incredible cowboy really be the one who’ll make her and her son believe in love again?

    A Family for the Rugged Rancher

    Instant family…just add one father!

    Gruff rancher Luke Evans’s new live-in housekeeper comes with an unexpected addition…a small son. Emily may be pretty—and even Luke has to grudgingly admit little Sam’s quite cute—but a family is not on this die-hard bachelor’s wish list. Luke’s plan? To spend as much time away from the house as possible. But, slowly charmed by Emily’s sunny smile and Sam’s infectious giggle, Luke begins to wonder if there might be room on his ranch, and in his heart, for a family after all.

    The Man Who Had Everything

    Grant Clifton is one of the most eligible bachelors in Thunder Canyon. This
    rancher turned business whiz makes women melt like Montana snow on a
    hot summer day! And Grant’s many charms definitely aren’t lost on Stephanie
    Julen—the beautiful young foreman of Grant’s family ranch.

    Grant and Steph have known each other forever, and the senseless tragedy
    that shattered both their lives years ago gave them a lasting bond. But the
    Canyon’s golden boy has always thought of shy Steph as a little sister.
    So what will happen when he realizes she’s all grown up!
  • Secret Admirer: Secret Kisses / Hidden Hearts / Dream Marriage Карен Роуз Смит
    ISBN: 9781474025980
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский

    While Red Rock, Texas–beloved hometown of the celebrated Fortune family–prepares for its annual Spring Fling dance, three compelling couples discover the joy and passion of falling in love…

    Despite their long-standing feud and the town's annoying matchmaking efforts, rival business associates can't keep their hands off each other in SECRET KISSES by Ann Major

    After surviving a robbery, a bank teller realizes that love is all that matters and confesses her secret desire for a courageous cop in HIDDEN HEARTS by Christine Rimmer

    Married for several years, a husband and wife who've drifted apart find the magic of spring breathing new life into their troubled relationship in DREAM MARRIAGE by Karen Rose Smith
  • Lazos de familia Карен Роуз Смит
    ISBN: 9788468741093
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Harlequin
    Язык: Испанский
    Lazos de familia Mientras Red Rock, la ciudad de origen de la familia Fortune en Texas, se prepara para su baile de primavera, tres cautivadoras parejas descubren la alegría y la pasión de enamorarse Besos secretos Ann Major A pesar de su larga enemistad y de los continuos y molestos esfuerzos del pueblo por juntarlos, ellos no podían resistirse a la atracción que sentían el uno por el otro. Corazones ocultos Christine Rimmer Después de sobrevivir a un atraco, una cajera de banco descubrió que lo único importante en la vida era el amor y decidió confesar lo que sentía por aquel valiente policía. Matrimonio de ensueño Karen Rose Smith Tras muchos años de matrimonio, se habían ido distanciando... pero la magia de la primavera estaba a punto de reavivar su turbulenta relación.
  • Expecting the Boss's Baby / Twins Under His Tree (сборник) Карен Роуз Смит
    ISBN: 9781408903704
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    Expecting the Boss’s Baby

    All Zoe wanted was a job. So she calmly agreed to mogul Dax’s terms. A strictly hands-off policy was fine with her. But was it fine with him? Because the more no-strings-attached Dax swore he was immune to Zoe’s charm, the more he started envisioning a future – and a family – with her.

    Twins Under His Tree

    She’d just gone into labour seven weeks early! Now Lily was the proud mother of twin baby girls. But she couldn’t have done it without Mitch Cortega. The combat surgeon was with her every step of the way. And the young widow was finding it awfully hard to resist Mitch’s overpowering masculinity…
  • Crown Prince, Pregnant Bride! / Valentine Bride: Crown Prince, Pregnant Bride! / Valentine Bride Рэй Морган
    ISBN: 9781408901441
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    Crown Prince, Pregnant Bride!

    Monte believed love had no place in his world, but Pellea’s courage drew him to her. Now he’s come home to claim his crown and fight for Pellea’s heart, especially as she’s carrying his child. Could it be that this once-merciless prince has found his true destiny – as husband and father?

    Valentine Bride

    Reserved Irina was the perfect housekeeper for playboy Caleb. Until she found out she was being sent back to her war-torn homeland. So Caleb came up with the ideal solution: marry him! Yet living as a couple has Irina falling for the bad boy for real…
  • The Bravos: Family Ties: The Bravo Family Way / Married in Haste / From Here to Paternity Кристин Риммер
    ISBN: 9781408921388
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    Three bold Bravo men – they were altar bound!

    The Bravo Family Way

    Cleopatra Bliss had learned to stay away from driven, powerful men like Fletcher Bravo. So when the handsome CEO of one of Las Vegas’s most successful gaming resorts made her an irresistible proposal, she knew she was in trouble.

    Married in Haste

    Angie and Brett planned a sensible marriage – based on respect and common interests. But one week in, it hit both of them like a ton of bricks: they were madly passionately in love. This wasn’t the calm, collected partnership they’d anticipated…

    From Here to Paternity

    At twenty Brand Bravo hadn’t been the kind of man Charlene deserved but, when she turned to him with a baby in her arms and a burning question in her heart, he knew she was the love of his life and he would do anything to win her back. Could he be a husband? A father?
  • Their Child?: Lori's Little Secret / Which Child Is Mine? / Having The Best Man's Baby Карен Роуз Смит
    ISBN: 9781408921029
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    A decision had to be made – for the child’s sake

    Lori’s Little Secret Christine Rimmer

    Lori Lee Billingworth’s son was the result of a one-night stand. Little did lawyer Tucker Bravo know that he was the man involved. For Lori and her twin sister had traded places one night. Although Tucker knew he cared for Lori and her son, there was no reason to suspect that the boy was his…

    Which Child is Mine? Karen Rose Smith

    For three years, single mother Jillian Kendall had raised Abby. But their happiness was threatened by Chase Remmington’s claims that their babies had been switched at birth. Jillian would do anything to keep the child she loved, but she also wanted Marianne, the baby she’d given birth to…

    Having the Best Man’s Baby Shawna Delacorte

    Fifteen years had passed since Ry Collier broke her teenage heart. But quickly Ry realised why Jean looked familiar. And they shared a bed. And Jean Summerfield became pregnant. Now she had to tell Ry that one reckless, remarkable night of passion had made a baby.
  • Pregnant!: Prince and Future...Dad? / Expecting! / Millionaire Cop & Mum-To-Be Susan Mallery
    ISBN: 9781408910085
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    Prince and Future…Dad? by Christine Rimmer

    Princess Liv Thorson was going back to America, her uncharacteristic night of passion a secret known only to the prince she hadn’t been able to resist. Until the telltale signs that she and Finn Danelaw had made a lot more than love…

    Expecting! by Susan Mallery

    Hannah was pregnant and alone, until she met old flame Eric Mendoza again. Tall, dark, devastating…and a career bachelor. Hannah had the perfect job lined up for her sexy executive…as dad!

    Millionaire Cop & Mum-To-Be by Charlotte Hughes

    When Katie Jones was left at the altar, childhood friend and millionaire cop Neil Logan proposed – he said it was for her unborn baby’s sake. But how could Katie settle for that when the passion between them was so hot, hot, hot!
  • Dark, Devastating & Delicious!: The Marriage Medallion / Between Duty and Desire / Driven to Distraction Лианна Бэнкс
    ISBN: 9781408913956
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    The Marriage Medallion by Christine Rimmer

    The man who stood before her was her temptation – and her destiny. Prince Eric Greyfell knew that Brit Thorson was the woman he was destined to spend eternity with. Now, if he could just put an end to her incessant questions! For she was sure that he was keeping secrets…

    Between Duty and Desire by Leanne Banks

    Bound by a promise made to a fallen comrade, Brock Armstrong had to seek out the man’s widow. Conversations and shared letters meant Brock knew Callie Newton’s every like, dislike…and her every desire. Soon he acknowledged he wanted her in his bed…in his life…forever.

    Driven to Distraction by Dixie Browning

    Columnist Maggie Riley planned to write a scathing exposé about a scam artist. But fate landed her against the hard chest of lawman Ben Hunter. In close contact, Maggie couldn’t resist Ben’s brooding eyes – not to mention the rest of him! Keeping their hands to themselves was pure torture!
  • Семья на выходные Кристин Риммер
    ISBN: 5-05-006277-2
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    Почему накануне свадьбы Ева вдруг отказалась от слова, данного горячо любимому человеку? Почему Джордан, глубоко потрясенный этим, упросил ее притвориться, будто ничего не произошло, и поехать к его родным? Совсем непросто было бы ответить на эти вопросы, если не знать, как складывалась нелегкая судьба каждого из этих молодых людей…
  • Practically Married Кристин Риммер
    ISBN: 9-780373-241743, 0-373-24174-7
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: SILHOUETTE
    Язык: Русский
    Lovely widowed mother Tess DeMarley had "perfect wife" written all over her—but rancher Zach Bravo had lost at love once before. So he proposed an arranged marriage. And he knew that it would stay just that—because Tess was a one-man woman, all right. Too bad Zach was the wrong man!


    If you'd asked Tess DeMarley what man she'd always dreamed of having down on one knee proposing marriage to her, Zach Bravo might not have been her first choice. But now that he was her husband, she began looking at him in a new light—and wondering if her "in name only" spouse could possibly be turning into her dream man….
  • "Полуночный ковбой" и его невеста Кристин Риммер
    ISBN: 5-05-004798-6
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    Маленький городок взбудоражен и полон слухов о неожиданной помолвке Адоры Бьюдайн и Джеда Райдера. Что же благовоспитанная и утонченная девушка, мечтающая о респектабельном муже, нашла в беспутном мотоциклисте, прозванном Полуночным Ковбоем? Адора уверяет себя, что причина их брака только в ее желании помочь Джеду стать опекуном своей сестры. Их отношения нельзя назвать любовью, считает она. Но так ли это?..
  • Брак на выходные Кристин Риммер
    ISBN: 5-05-004400-6
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    Почему накануне свадьбы Ева вдруг отказалась от слова, данного горячо любимому человеку? Почему Джордан, глубоко потрясенный этим, упросил ее притвориться будто ничего не произошло, и поехать к его родным? Совсем непросто было бы ответить на эти вопросы, если не знать, как складывалась нелегкая судьба каждого их этих молодых людей. И все же любовь помогла им преодолеть все невзгоды.
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