Майкл Макдауэлл

Michael McDowell

  • 9 книг
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  • 168 читателей
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Последние издания книг Майкла Макдауэлла

  • La Crue Майкл Макдауэлл
    ISBN: 2381960457, 978-2381960456
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Monsieur Toussaint Louverture
    Язык: Французский
    Pâques 1919, alors que les flots menaçant Perdido submergent cette petite ville du nord de l’Alabama, un clan de riches propriétaires terriens, les Caskey, doivent faire face aux avaries de leurs scieries, à la perte de leur bois et aux incalculables dégâts provoqués par l’implacable crue de la rivière Blackwater.

    Menés par Mary-Love, la puissante matriarche aux mille tours, et par Oscar, son fils dévoué, les Caskey s’apprêtent à se relever… mais c’est sans compter l’arrivée, aussi soudaine que mystérieuse, d’une séduisante étrangère, Elinor Dammert, jeune femme au passé trouble, dont le seul dessein semble être de vouloir conquérir sa place parmi les Caskey.

    Au-delà des manipulations et des rebondissements, de l’amour et de la haine, Michael McDowell (1950-1999), ­co-créateur des mythiques Beetlejuice et L’Étrange Noël de Monsieur Jack, et auteur d’une trentaine de livres, réussit avec Blackwater à bâtir une saga en six romans aussi ­addictive qu’une série Netflix, baignée d’une atmosphère unique et fascinante digne de Stephen King.
  • Элементали Майкл Макдауэлл
    ISBN: 978-5-17-132809-2
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Три поколения Сэвиджей и МакКреев, богатых и аристократических кланов, решают провести лето на побережье Мексиканского залива, в местечке Бельдам. Здесь, прямо на обжигающе жарком пляже, стоят три викторианских особняка, принадлежащих семьям. Два из них вполне обычные, а вот в третьем уже давно никто не живет, и он практически похоронен под огромной дюной из ослепительно белого песка. Там нет людей, и никто не помнит или не хочет помнить, когда он опустел. Об этом доме не принято говорить, о нем ходят странные легенды, в его пустых комнатах живет что-то, навевающее кошмары. Что-то ужасное, и возможно именно оно несет ответственность за…

  • The Elementals Michael McDowell
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Valancourt Books
    Язык: Английский
    On a split of land cut off by the Gulf, three Victorian summer houses stand against the encroaching sand. Two of the houses at Beldame are still used. The third house, filling with sand, is empty...except for the vicious horror which is shaping nightmares from the nothingness that hangs in the dank, fetid air.

    The McCrays and Savages, two fine Mobile families allied by marriage, have been coming to Beldame for years. This summer, with a terrible funeral behind them and a messy divorce coming up, even Luker McCray and little India down from New York are looking forward to being alone at Beldame.

    But they won't be alone. For something there, something they don't like to think about, is thinking about them...and about all the ways to make them die.
  • Candles Burning Tabitha Jane King
    ISBN: 9780425210284
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Berkley Hardcover
    Язык: Английский
    An extraordinary southern saga begun by Michael McDowell and finished after his death by Tabitha King.

    Known for his chilling Blackwater series, author Michael McDowell left behind the unfinished manuscript for Candles Burning upon his death in 1999. In the spirit of the ghost stories that Michael loved, Tabitha King has taken up where he left off, weaving a Southern gothic fabric of murder, guilt, innocence, corruption, and survival, in the voices of the living and the dead.

    Calliope "Calley" Dakin is just seven when her beloved father is tortured, murdered, and dismembered by two women with no discernible motivation. In the aftermath, Calley and her mother find themselves caught up in inexplicable events that exile them to Pensacola Beach, where-in a house that's a dead ringer for Calley's late great-grandmother's house-a woman awaits their presence. For Calley is no normal little girl.
  • The Flood Michael McDowell
    ISBN: 978-0380814893
    Год издания: 1983
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский
    Elinor Dammert was rescued from her room in the flood-isolated hotel. What strange mission brought her there? How did she survive her isolation? Why was she in the Alabama town of Perdido that Easter morning in 1919?

    These questions would never be answered because larger and even more terrifying ones would be asked. She soon would become a strange presence in the wealthy Caskey family and their town. Horrors, virtually unspeakable and nearly indescribable, follow.
  • The Elementals Michael McDowell
    ISBN: 0006166407, 9780006166405
    Год издания: 1983
    Издательство: Fontana
    Язык: Английский
    On a split of land cut off by the Gulf, three Victorian summer houses stand against the encroaching sand. Two of the houses at Beldame are still used. The third house, filling with sand, is empty...except for the vicious horror which is shaping nightmares from the nothingness that hangs in the dank, fetid air.

    The McCrays and Savages, two fine Mobile families allied by marriage, have been coming to Beldame for years. This summer, with a terrible funeral behind them and a messy divorce coming up, even Luker McCray and little Indian down from New York are looking forward to being alone at Beldame.

    But they won't be alone. For something there, something they don't like to think about, is thinking about them...and about all the ways to make them die.
  • Gilded Needles Michael McDowell
    ISBN: 9780380763986
    Год издания: 1980
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    German Black Lena was queen of The Black Triangle, Manhattan's decadent empire of opium dens, gambling casinos, drunken sailors, gaudy hookers, and back room abortions. With her daughters and grandchildren, Black Lena led a ring of consummate female criminals - women skilled in the art of cruelty.

    Only a few blocks away, amidst the elegant mansions and lily-white reputations of Gramercy Park and Washington Square lived Judge James Stallworth. He was determined to crush Lena's evil crew, and with icy indifference he ordered three deaths in her family.

    Then, one Sunday, all the Stallworths receive individual invitations - invitations to their own funerals. Black Lena has vowed a reign of revenge. Can even the Stallworth fortune and awesome power save them from her diabolical lust for revenge?
  • Cold Moon Over Babylon Michael McDowell
    ISBN: 9780380486601, 0380486601
    Год издания: 1980
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский
    Terror grows in Babylon, a typical sleepy Southern town with its throbbing sun and fog-shrouded swamps.
    Margaret Larkin has been robbed of her innocence -- and her life. Her killer is rich and powerful, beyond the grasp of earthly law.
    Now, in the murky depths of the local river, a shifting, almost human shape slowly takes form. Night after night it will pursue the murderer. It will watch him from the trees. And in the chill waters of the river, it will claim him in the ultimate embrace.
    The cold moon rises, the awful squishing sounds begin...
  • The Amulet Michael McDowell
    ISBN: 978-0380405848, 0380405849
    Год издания: 1980
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский
    When a rifle range accident leaves Dean Howell disfigured and in a vegetative state, his wife Sarah finds her dreary life in Pine Cone, Alabama made even worse. After long and tedious days on the assembly line, she returns home to care for her corpse-like husband while enduring her loathsome and hateful mother-in-law, Jo. Jo blames the entire town for her son’s mishap, and when she gives a strange piece of jewelry to the man she believes most responsible, a series of gruesome deaths is set in motion. Sarah believes the amulet has something to do with the rising body count, but no one will believe her. As the inexplicable murders continue, Sarah and her friend Becca Blair have no choice but to track down the amulet themselves, before it’s too late.