Дэвид Геммел

David Gemmell

  • 106 книг
  • 59 подписчиков
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Последние издания книг Дэвида Геммела

  • Волк среди теней. Последний Хранитель. Кровь-Камень (сборник) Дэвид Геммел
    ISBN: 978-5-04-168716-8
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Йон Шэнноу — Взыскующий Иерусалима, одинокий стрелок, что гонится за невозможным. Его мир однажды сгорел и восстал из пепла. Этот мир жесток и опасен, и демоны считают его своими владениями. Здесь царят призраки прошлого – заржавевший «Титаник» покоится на базальтовых скалах, ведутся сражения за магические Камни Силы, идет охота на беглеца из Атлантиды… Но Шэнноу продолжает уповать на то, что даже его душа, отягощенная грехами, сможет найти в этом мире немного покоя. В издание входят романы «Волк среди теней», «Последний Хранитель» и «Кровь-Камень».

  • Сипстрасси (сборник) Дэвид Геммел
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Мой Друг Фантастика
    Язык: Русский
    Цикл «Сипстрасси» полностью в одном томе.
  • Риганты. Том 2 (сборник) Дэвид Геммел
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Мой Друг Фантастика
    Язык: Русский
    Заключительные романы цикла «Риганты».
  • Риганты. Том 1 (сборник) Дэвид Геммел
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Мой Друг Фантастика
    Язык: Русский

    Первые два романа из цикла «Риганты».

  • Друсс-Легенда Дэвид Геммел
    ISBN: 978-5-17-101309-7
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Когда-то, десятки лет и тысячи битв назад, он не был Легендой. Он был обычным человеком, счастливым своей честной работой и искренней любовью – добродушный здоровяк Друсс. Но однажды в дом лесоруба пришла беда. Работорговцы похитили его невесту. И тогда сердце юноши ожесточилось, и мщение его заставило содрогнуться людей и богов. И стал он Легендой – Тем, от кого бежит сама Смерть…

  • Легенда Дэвид Геммел
    ISBN: 978-5-17-101310-3
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Друсс, величайший воин Дренайской империи, легендарный защитник Дрос-Дельноха от кочевников и разбойных отрядов. Кто он – символ бесстрашия и справедливости, полубог или…обычный человек, со своими слабостями и тайнами? Первый из романов о Друссе, созданный Королем Героического Фэнтези, заставляет читателя вспомнить о Конане-варваре, короле Кулле, Тонгоре из Лемурии. Но если любой из этих фэнтези-героев вполне пародируем, то Друсс – никогда. Слишком много в нем человеческого. Ведь легендой может стать только человек…

  • Македонский лев (сборник) Дэвид Геммел
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Подсолнечник, КЛФ Подсолнечник
    Язык: Русский
    Дилогия «Македонский лев» в одном томе.
  • The Last Guardian David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780345379009
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    While the Earth quaked, a deadly power burst forth from ancient Atlantis. For the gate of time had been torn open, freeing a cataclysmic evil.

    Only the last guardian, Jon Shannow, the legendary pistoleer, could shut the deadly portal. But to accomplish this he would have to find the shining Sword of God, said to be floating among the clouds in the perilous lands beyond the wall, where beasts walked like men and worship a dark goddess. As Shannow embarked on his impossible quest, demons gathered in wait.

    And--somewhere--a golden-haired woman was dreaming of blood . . .
  • Ghost King David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780345379023
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    Chaos and terror stalked the realm. The king had been slain by traitors, and the sword of power had been lost beyond the Circle of Mist. Armies of Saxons, Angles, Jutes, and Brigantes cut a gory swath across the land, led by puppets of the ruthless Witch Queen--whose minions included dark, bloodthirsty creatures and a savage, undead warrior.
    All hope lay with young Thuro--in whose veins flowed the blood of kings. He would have to defeat the Witch Queen's monsters and travel to the land of the Mist, there to seek a ghostly army. And the only one who could prepare Thuro to achieve his birthright was the mountain warrior Culain, the one man who knew the queen's deadly secret . . .
    The legend of the mystic Stones of Power begins with a tale of blood and glory, of love and betrayal, as a boy must come of age amidst the seemingly impossible quest to become the High King.
  • Wolf in Shadow David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780345379030
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Wolf in Shadow
  • Quest for Lost Heroes David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780345379047
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    The Drenai stronghold had fallen. Now blood-hungry Nadir hordes spread desolation and despair across all the lands...
    ...even tiny Gothir, where slavers seized a young girl while the villagers looked the other way--all but the peasant boy Kiall. His unlikely rescue attempt would lead across the savage steppes and on through the Halls of Hell. The youth would face ferocious beasts, deadly warriors, and demons of the dark; he would emerge a man--or not emerge at all.
    But Kiall would not face these dangers alone. Heroes out of legend joined his quest: Chareos the Blademaster, Beltzer the Axeman, and the bowmen Finn and Maggrig. And one among their company hid a secret that could free the world of Nadir domination. That one was the Nadir Bane, the hope of the Drenai. That one was the Earl of Bronze.
    Thus did a search for a stolen slave girl become a quest that would shake the very world.
  • The King Beyond the Gate David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780345379054
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    Once the mighty fortress had stood strong, defended by the mightiest of all Drenai heroes, Druss, the Legend. But now a tyrannical, mad emperor had seized control of the fortress, and his twisted will was carried throughout the land by the Joinings --- abominations that were half-man, half-beast. Tenaka Khan was a half-breed himself, hated by the Drenai for his Nadir blood and despised by the Nadir for his Drenai ancestry. But he alone had a plan to destroy the emperor. The last heroes of the Drenai joined with him in a desperate gamble to bring down the emperor -- even at the cost of their own destruction.
  • Waylander David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780345379078
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    All of Waylander's instincts had screamed at him to spurn the contract from Kaem the cruel, the killer of nations. But he had ignored them. He had made his kill. And even as he went to collect his gold, he knew that he had been betrayed.
    Now the Dark Brotherhood and the hounds of chaos were hunting him, even as Kaem's armies waged war on the Drenai lands, intent on killing every man, woman, and child. The Drenai soldiers were doomed to ultimate defeat, and chaos would soon reign.
    Then a strange old man told Waylander that the only way to turn the tide of battle would be for Waylander himself to retrieve the legendary Armor of Bronze from its hiding place deep within a shadow-haunted land. He would be hunted. He was certain to fail. But he must try, the old man commanded--commanded in the name of his son, the king, who had been slain by an assassin...
    Waylander was the most unlikely of heroes--for he was a traitor, the Slayer who had killed the king...
  • Knights of Dark Renown David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780345379085
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    Once the legendary knights of the Gabala defended the nine duchies. Their hearts were beautiful; their armor was beyond compare. They were greater than princes, more than men.
    But they were gone, disappeared through a demon-haunted gateway between worlds. Only one held back -- Manannan, whose every instinct told him to stay. Now he was the coward knight, and in torment.
    Murder and black magic beset the land. Rumors circulated that the king was enchanted, changed, that his soul was dead . . . and that a reign of terror was about to begin.
    Now Manannan realized he would have to face his darkest fears: he had no choice but to ride through that dreaded gate and seek out his vanished companions.
    And the secret he would learn there would tear his soul apart . . .
  • Morningstar David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780345379092
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    From the internationally bestselling author of Lion of Macedon and The Dark Prince comes an action-filled new epic fantasy based on the classic Robin Hood legend. Jarek Mace, a thief who preys upon wealthy nobles, is hailed as a hero. But is he a soldier of honor, or just a mercenary? Original.
  • Lion of Macedon David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780345485359
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    Over and again, the aged seeress Tamis scried all the possible tomorrows. In every one, dark forces threatened Greece; terrible evil was poised to reenter the world. The future held only one hope: a half-caste Spartan boy, Parmenion. So Tamis made it her mission to see that Parmenion would before the deadliest warrior in the world -- no matter what the cost.
    Raised to manhood in Sparta, bullied and forced to fight for his life every day, Parmenion had no notion of the unseen dimensions of magic and mystery that shaped his fate. He grew in strength and cunning. His military genius earned him the title Strategos in Sparta. His triumphs for the city of Thebes made him a hero. And finally his fate led him to the service of Philip of Macedon.
    As Tamis had foreseen, Parmenion's destiny was tied to the Dark God, to Philip, and to the yet-unborn Alexander. All too soon the future was upon them. Parmenion stood poised to defeat evil -- or to open the gate for the Dark God to reenter the world.
  • Dark Prince David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780345494788
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    The chaos spirit had chosen the child Alexander to be its human host. But Parmenion, most powerful warrior of ancient Greece, had won a small victory over the darkness that sought to rule through Alexander. The boy's soul had not been destroyed by evil, but instead had merged with it -- and now Parmenion aided Alexander in the battle between light and dark that constantly raged within him.
    But there was another world, where the creatures of Greece's legends still flourished. There, the chaos spirit already ruled, through a demon king. In this Greece, there was a prophecy that a child of great power, the legendary golden child, would come and restore the fading magic of the land to the creatures of myth. The demon king believed also that devouring the heart of this fabled child would give him immortality. He believed Alexander, with the power of the chaos spirit within him, to be that child. And so he called Alexander into his world . . .
    Only Parmenion, guided by the seeress Derae, his lost love from another life, could hope to save Alexander from the demon king. But who could save the young prince from the chaos spirit that threatened to conquer his soul?
  • Echoes Of The Great Song David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780552142557
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Corgi
    Язык: Английский
    The Great Bear will descend from the skies, and with his paw, lash at the ocean. He will devour all the works of Man. Then he will sleep for ten thousand years, and the breath of his sleep will be death.

    The prophecy had come true. The world spun. Tidal waves lashed the planet, and a new ice age dawned. The few survivors of a once great empire struggled to rebuild, to hold their ground against the rising barbarian tide. Then two moons appeared in the skies, unleashing a terrible evil that threatened not only the new empire, but the survival of the world itself.

    'When it comes to heroic fantasy, nobody does it better than David Gemmell'
    The Dark Side
    'Gemmell is several rungs above the good - right into the fabulous' Anne McCaffrey
    'The best fantasy inspires genuine involvement. David Gemmell's novels do just that'
  • The Shield of Thunder David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780552151122
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Corgi
    Язык: Английский
    The war of Troy is looming, and all the kings of the Great Green are gathering, friends and enemies, each with their own dark plans of conquest and plunder. Into this maelstrom of treachery and deceit come three travellers; Piria, a runaway priestess nursing a terrible secret, Kalliades, a warrior with a legendary sword, and Banokles who will carve his own legend in the battles to come. Shield of Thunder takes the reader back into the glories and tragedies of Bronze Age Greece, reuniting the characters from Lord of the Silver Bow; the dread Helikaon and his great love, the fiery Andromache, the mighty Hektor and the fabled storyteller, Odysseus.
  • The Legend Of Deathwalker David Gemmell
    ISBN: 9780552150811
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский

    For centuries the tribes of the Nadir have suffered under the despotic tyranny of their Gothir overlords. Disunited and distrustful of one another the tribes await the coming of a Messianic warlord, who will unite them against the oppressors. Into this swirling, chaotic landscape come three men who will change the fate of the continent: Talisman, the mysterious, enigmatic Nadir warrior, haunted by his past and filled with dreams of finding the Uniter; Sieben the Poet, searching for the mysteries of life and love; and Druss the Axeman, determined to find two mystic gems to heal a mortally wounded friend. Together they will journey…

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