Тереза Авильская

Teresa de Ávila

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Тереза Авильская — библиография

  • La vida de la Santa Madre Teresa de Jesús Тереза Авильская
    Оригинальное название: La vida de la Santa Madre Teresa de Jesús
    Язык: Испанский

    En este libro Teresa no solamente habla de su vida. Tiene un total de 40 capítulos. Del 1 al 10 trata de su biografía y su vida interior desde la infancia hasta la entrada en el convento, del 11 a 22 trata de los grados de oración, del 23 al 31 sobre la unión mística y del 37 al 40 sobre las mercedes que le ha hecho Dios

  • Teresa von Avila Тереза Авильская
    Teresa von Avila gilt als die erste spanische Frau, die in die Literaturgeschichte Eingang gefunden hat, wo sie bis heute einen herausragenden Platz einnimmt. Die F?lle und Tiefe ihrer mystischen Erfahrung hat die selbstbewusste Frau zu einer offiziell anerkannten Lehrerin der Kirche gemacht. Man nennt sie dar?ber hinaus eine Kronzeugin der feministischen Theologie. Die von Gerhard Wehr dargebotenen und kommentierten Texte stammen aus ihren Hauptwerken, der Lebensbeschreibung, dem Weg der Vollkommenheit und dem mystischen Standardwerk, der Seelenburg.
    "Die Selbsterkenntnis ist eine so wichtige Sache, dass ich w?nschte, ihr m?chtet niemals darin ermatten, so hoch ihr auch in den Himmeln emporgestiegen sein m?gt."
    Am 28. M?rz 1515 im kastilischen Avila als Teresa S?nchez de Cepeda y Ahumada geboren, entdeckte die sp?tere Karmelitin, Mystikerin, Kirchenlehrerin und Heilige schon als junges M?dchen ihren Drang nach spiritueller Erfahrung. 1536 tritt sie in den «Karmel von der Menschwerdung» in Avila ein und nimmt den Ordensnamen Teresa de Jesus an. Nachdem sie nach beinahe t?dlich endender Krankheit in Auseinandersetzung mit dem sogenannten dritten Teil des spirituellen Alphabets des Franziskanerpaters Francisco de Osuna den Leitfaden f?r ihren eigenen inneren Gebetsweg gefunden hat, hilft ihr 1554 ein Schl?sselerlebnis, sich endg?ltig f?r das kontemplative Leben zu entscheiden. Sie gr?ndet in Avila das «Kloster der Unbeschuhten Karmelitinnen». Dieser Gr?ndung folgen 16 weitere, im Zusammenschluss mit dem Unbeschuhten Karmeliten Johannes vom Kreuz insgesamt 32. Teresa von Avila stirbt am 4. Oktober 1582 im Kloster von Alba de Tormes bei Salamanca.
  • Saint Teresa of ?vila: Collected Works Тереза Авильская
    This book presents a compilation of the greatest works on spiritual development and life by St. Theresa of Avilla. As a reformer of the church doctrines, Theresa rethought the notion of spiritual development and created her own methodic of contemplative life that should lead to spiritual perfection. As a creator of the new order, she created these works to teach her followers of her methods, which consisted of meditation, spiritual quiet, the daily prayer, which should eventually lead to spiritual unity with the Creator. Each of the presented books had a significant impact on the development of Christian thought and belonged to the most important achievements of the Spanish literary heritage. This edition includes: "The Interior Castle" – is a guide to spiritual development through service and prayer. It is one of the leading books in the oeuvre of Saint Therese of Avilla and one of the most famous works in Spanish literature. The book was inspired by Theresa's vision of a soul as a diamond in the shape of a castle with seven mansions. She interpreted this dream as the spiritual journey through seven stages, after which a soul is united with God. "Way of Perfection" – is a spiritual instruction given by Theresa of Avila to the nuns of her new Order. She believed that spiritual perfection could be attained by overcoming four stages of prayer: meditation, quiet, repose of soul, and perfect union with God. According to Theresa, the last stage of spiritual development can often be equated to rapture. "The Life of St. Theresa of Avila" – In this book, she gives a warm and accessible account of her life, from childhood to the conflicts and crises she had, to her decision to enter a prayer life and become a spiritual leader and a passionate reformer of the church doctrines. Here, she talks about her education in sixteenth-century Spain, physical afflictions, and spiritual crises which led to visions and mystical encounters. She also gives lyrical descriptions of the ecstatic feelings she experienced during her raptures. Alongside Don Quixote, this book is a treasure of Spanish prose and one of the most outstanding achievements of the world's literature.
  • El libro de las fundaciones Тереза Авильская
    El Libro de las Fundaciones es la historia de un entusiasmo, la cr?nica de una Reforma, gemela y alternativa a la luterana, llevada a cabo por santa Teresa y escrita a lo largo del decenio final de su vida. El texto ha sido rigurosamente revisado siguiendo el de la ?ltima edici?n cr?tica-facs?mil del aut?grafo teresiano (Tom?s ?lvarez, 2003), lo que ha permitido incorporar numerosas correcciones con respecto a las ediciones anteriores. Asimismo, conlleva abundantes notas de car?cter filol?gico, hist?rico y doctrinal, con el fin de facilitar la lectura, la comprensi?n del texto y el acceso a todo tipo de lectores, conforme al deseo de la propia autora y con su misma invitaci?n: «Las Fundaciones van ya al cabo. Creo se ha de holgar de que las vea, porque es cosa sabrosa». Teresa de Jes?s es una mujer nada com?n que estuvo fuertemente comprometida «con un compromiso cr?tico, no exento de protesta» con la sociedad de su tiempo. Un compromiso que la llev? a fundar diecis?is conventos de monjas y otros tantos de frailes en un tiempo r?cord. Y esto en una ?poca antifeminista y de analfabetismo generalizado. Su fuerte personalidad, su protagonismo, su fina iron?a, convierten sus obras, escritas por mandato de sus confesores, en una fuente de primer orden, un observatorio excepcional, para ver al vivo numerosas realidades de aquella Espa?a de la segunda mitad del siglo XVI.
  • Interior Castle Тереза Авильская
    While I was beseeching Our Lord today…I began to think of the soul as if it were a castle made of a single diamond or of very clear crystal, in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions. — St. Teresa of AvilaA masterpiece of spiritual literature, this sixteenth-century work was inspired by a mystical vision that came upon the revered St. Teresa of Avila, one of the most gifted and beloved religious figures in history. St. Teresa's vision was of a luminous crystal castle composed of seven chambers, or «mansions,» each representing a different stage in the development of the soul.In her most important and widely read book, St. Teresa describes how, upon entering the castle through prayer and meditation, the human spirit experiences humility, detachment, suffering, and, ultimately, self-knowledge, as it roams from room to room. As the soul progresses further toward the center of the castle, it comes closer to achieving ineffable and perfect peace, and, finally, a divine communion with God. A set of rare and beautiful teachings for people of all faiths desirous of divine guidance, this meticulous modern translation by E. Allison Peers breathes contemporary life into a religious classic.
  • The Interior Castle Тереза Авильская
    This eBook has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. The Interior Castle, or The Mansions, was written by St. Teresa of ?vila, the Spanish Discalced Carmelite nun and famed mystic, in 1577 as a guide for spiritual development through service and prayer. Inspired by her vision of the soul as a diamond in the shape of a castle containing seven mansions, she interpreted life as the journey of faith through seven stages, ending with union with God.
  • Obras completas de Santa Teresa de Jes?s Тереза Авильская
    Este volumen re?ne todos los escritos que se conocen de Santa Teresa de Jes?s, que acercar?n al lector a la m?stica y a una profunda espiritualidad: &t;br/&t; ■Libro de la vida ■Camino de perfecci?n ■Castillo interior o las moradas ■Las fundaciones ■Relaciones ■Conceptos del amor de Dios ■Exclamaciones del alma a Dios ■Constituciones ■Modo de visitar los conventos ■Poes?as ■Escritos menores ■Cartas ■Recomendaci?n: El psic?logo de Nazaret
  • Interior Castle Тереза Авильская
    While I was beseeching Our Lord today…I began to think of the soul as if it were a castle made of a single diamond or of very clear crystal, in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions. — St. Teresa of AvilaA masterpiece of spiritual literature, this sixteenth-century work was inspired by a mystical vision that came upon the revered St. Teresa of Avila, one of the most gifted and beloved religious figures in history. St. Teresa's vision was of a luminous crystal castle composed of seven chambers, or «mansions,» each representing a different stage in the development of the soul.In her most important and widely read book, St. Teresa describes how, upon entering the castle through prayer and meditation, the human spirit experiences humility, detachment, suffering, and, ultimately, self-knowledge, as it roams from room to room. As the soul progresses further toward the center of the castle, it comes closer to achieving ineffable and perfect peace, and, finally, a divine communion with God. A set of rare and beautiful teachings for people of all faiths desirous of divine guidance, this meticulous modern translation by E. Allison Peers breathes contemporary life into a religious classic.
  • Interior Castle Тереза Авильская
    A contemporary selection of Catholic classics, curated for the modern reader by Our Sunday Visitor in the spirit of our founder, Archbishop John Francis Noll.