Барри Майлз

Barry Miles

  • 18 книг
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Барри Майлз – лучшие книги

  • Бит Отель. Гинзберг, Берроуз и Корсо в Париже, 1957-1963 Барри Майлз
    ISBN: 978-5-91671-644-3
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Альпина нон-фикшн
    Язык: Русский

    Документальный роман, раскрывающий одну из самых ярких страниц истории «разбитого» поколения, или битников, как их стали называть впоследствии. Бит Отель — где родилась дерзкая и экспериментаторская, не признающая рамок и ограничений бит-культура. В этом богемном улье жили Аллен Гинзберг, Питер Орловски, Грегори Корсо, Уильям Берроуз, Брайон Гайсин и Иэн Соммервиль. Здесь Уильям Берроуз завершает роман «Голый ланч»; здесь родился метод «нарезок» и роман в этом жанре; Гинзберг и Корсо встречаются с Дюшампом, Селином и Мэн Рэем; а Гайсин и Соммервиль строят первую «Машину мечты». Автор, лично знавший многих «разбитых», черпает свой…

  • Jack Kerouac: King Of The Beats Barry Miles
    ISBN: 978-0753500590
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Virgin Books
    Язык: Английский
    In conformist 1950s America, Jack Kerouac's On the Road was greeted with both delirium and dismay, but in Kerouac's hunt for the big experience and his longing for greatness, he has inspired each successive generation.

    Jack Kerouac is now an icon, and this provocative and intimate portrait of one of the twentieth century's most influential writers, reveals a man full of contradictions, rarely at peace with himself. Barry Miles, friend and official biographer of Allen Ginsberg and William Burroughs, provides a meticulously researched exploration of the complex man and extraordinary writer whose creative mishmash of joyous incoherence, drug-induced ecstasy, genuine mysticism and constant craving has persuaded so many to take to the road.
  • Allen Ginsberg: Beat Poet Barry Miles
    ISBN: 978-0753522523
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Virgin Books
    Язык: Английский
    Allen Ginsberg occupies a significant and enduring position in American literature. Following Ginsberg's death in 1997, Barry Miles has drawn on both his long friendship with the poet and on Ginsberg's journals and correspondence to produce an immensely readable account of one of the twentieth century's most extraordinary poets.
  • Pink Floyd: The Early Years Barry Miles
    ISBN: 1-84609-444-5, 978-1-84609-444-6
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Omnibus Press
    Язык: Русский
    This is the compelling story of the group that gave alternative London its first real soundtrack and launched on the rock world a radical combination of music, light shows and pyrotechnic stage effects. This is Pink Floyd: The Early Years, a revealing diary of the bands daily routine, from their roots in Cambridge to cult status in Sixties London. Author Barry Miles saw the band play when they were still called The Pink Floyd Sound and he wrote the first ever article about them for a New York underground newspaper in 1966. He also knew the band members socially, witnessed the rapid decline of Syd Barrett, and became actively involved in setting up some of Floyd s major gigs. Don t miss this book about these important stewards of rock n roll!
  • Моё погоняло Берроуз Барри Майлз
    ISBN: 978-5-6049586-9-8
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: CHAOSSS/PRESS
    В книге Барри Майлза рассказана подробнейшая история жизни человека-эпохи, Уильяма С. Берроуза. Эта увесистая книга познакомит вас с жизнью писателя с момента его рождения в привилегированной семье в Сент-Луисе, Миссури, расскажет о его путешествиях по Европе, Марокко и Мексике и возвращении в американскую глубинку в Лоуренс, Канзас.

    Барри Майлз (родился 21 февраля 1943 года) — английский писатель, автор множества статей о контркультуре, также известный своим участием в развитии лондонского андеграунда 1960-х годов. В 1960-е он был совладельцем галереи и книжного магазина Indica Gallery, что позволило ему познакомиться со многими звёздами лондонской светской жизни. Майлз также написал биографии Пола Маккартни, Фрэнка Заппы, Боба Дилана, Джона Леннона, Джека Керуака, Чарльза Буковски и Гинзберга, в дополнение к книгам о The Beatles, Pink Floyd и The Clash, а также «London Calling», обстоятельную историю лондонской контркультуры начиная ещё с 1945 года.
  • Pink Floyd. A Visual Documentary Барри Майлз
    ISBN: 0399410015, 978-0399410017
    Год издания: 1980
    Издательство: Putnam Pub. Group
    Язык: Английский
    Photographs, news clippings, and interviews highlight the career of this rock band, their albums and concerts
  • William S. Burroughs: A Life Barry Miles
    ISBN: 978-0297867258
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: W&N
    Язык: Английский

    It has been 50 years since Norman Mailer asserted, 'I think that William Burroughs is the only American novelist living today who may conceivably be possessed by genius.' This assessment holds true today. No-one since then has taken such risks in their writing, developed such individual radical political ideas, or spanned such a wide range of media - Burroughs has written novels, memoirs, technical manuals and poetry, he has painted, made collages, taken thousands of photographs, made visual scrapbooks, produced hundreds of hours of experimental tapes, acted in movies and recorded more CDs than most rock groups.

    Made a cult figure by the publication of NAKED LUNCH, Burroughs was a mentor to the 1960s youth culture. Underground papers referred to him as 'Uncle Bill' and he ranked alongside Bob Dylan and the Beatles, Buckminster Fuller and R.D. Laing as one of the 'gurus' of the youth movement who might just have the secret of the universe.

    Based upon extensive research, this biography paints a new portrait of Burroughs, making him real to the reader and showing how he was perceived by his contemporaries in all his guises - from icily distant to voluble drunk. It shows how his writing was very much influenced by his life situation and by the people he met on his travels around America and Europe. He was, beneath it all, a man torn by emotions: his guilt at not visiting his doting mother; his despair at not responding to reconciliation attempts from his father; his distance from his brother; the huge void that separated him from his son; and above all his killing of his wife, Joan Vollmer.
  • William Burroughs: El Hombre Invisible Barry Miles
    ISBN: 9780753507070
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Virgin Books
    Язык: Английский
    Iconoclast; visionary; homosexual crusader; drug advocate; teacher and elder statesman to Jack Kracouac, Allen Ginsberg, and the Beats; anti-hero guru to each successive counter-culture generation—this is a portait of a man who remains one of the most complex and controversial American writers of the 20th century. After killing his wife in a bizarre shooting accident, he moved to Tangier where he lived in male brothel and wrote his celebrated bestseller Naked Lunch—in Newsweek's words

    "A masterpiece. A cry from Hell."—as a series of letters to Allen Ginsberg. He lived at the Beat Hotel in Paris and spent a decade in London before returning as prodigal son to New York in 1974 after 25 years of self imposed exile. Following Burroughs' death in August 1997, Barry Miles updated his riveting, unconventional biography of this legendary provocateur.
  • The Beatles: A Diary: An Intimate Day by Day History Barry Miles
    ISBN: 978-1-847720-825
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Omnibus Press
    Язык: Русский

    Few insiders know "The Beatles'" story like Miles. And no one has had access to anything like so much intimate detail. Far more than a simple chronology, "The Beatles: A Diary" is pop music's greatest success story told just as it happened - with fresh insights and new authenticity. For the world The Beatles were a gift - the definitive Sixties group, reliable icons of their age to be pressed into service for whatever the fashionable agenda might be. Here, though, the high points and the daily routine of fame are presented just as life presented them to The Beatles-day by day. The result is the most revealing personal history of The…

  • Charles Bukowski Barry Miles
    ISBN: 1852272716, 9780753511022, 9780753518182
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Английский
    Book DescriptionA major new biography on an increasingly important American literary icon, by the most acclaimed writer on the Beat Generation, Barry Miles. Miles knew all the key players in the Beat era, including William Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg, and also recorded with Bukowski. Having spoken with spoken with people close to Bukowski and fully examined Bukowski's extensive writings, Miles has written the definitive story of the 'laureate of American low-life' [Time]
  • Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now Barry Miles
    ISBN: 0436280221
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: Ltd., Random House of Canada
    Язык: Английский
    During the past year Paul McCartney has been in the public's eye more than at any time since the peak of Beatlemania over thirty years ago. His fans have been treated to the best-selling Flaming Pie and Standing Stone albums, a full hour of Paul on "Oprah," and this thoughtful and comprehensive biography that brings us closer to the man than ever before. Based on hundreds of hours of exclusive interviews over a period of five years, and with complete access to Paul's own archives, Barry Miles has succeeded in letting Paul tell the story of his life as a Beatle in his own words. It includes Paul's recollection of the genesis of every song that he wrote with John Lennon and the fascinating details about their remarkable collaboration.
  • Somebody Knew Her Барри Майлз
    ISBN: 9781479441433
    Издательство: Ingram
    Язык: Английский
    Detective Sergeant Carmoody has gotten complaints about a peeping tom from a woman named Miss Morgan. Carmoody put her beachfront motel under surveillance, but while he was taking a meal break, someone broke into the motel, and murdered her.