Стив Лайонс

Steve Lyons

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Новинки Стива Лайонса

  • Криг Стив Лайонс
    ISBN: 978-1800262041
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Games Workshop
    Krieg is a dead world.

    Fifteen hundred years ago, it declared its independence from the Imperium of Man, and paid the price. One loyal soul defied its treacherous rulers, and laid the world to waste. From these ashes emerged a unique fighting force, forged and tempered in nuclear fire…

    Today, the Death Korps of Krieg lay siege to a captured hive city on the outskirts of the system-spanning Octarius War, in a desperate attempt to secure the cordon that stops untold masses of orks and tyranids from spilling out into the Imperium at large. The Korpsmen are relentless, ruthless, implacable and unstoppable, even in the face of a war that seems unwinnable. How far will they go to achieve victory, and is history doomed to repeat itself?
  • Имперская честь Аарон Дембски-Боуден
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-551-5
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Фантастика
    Астра Милитарум не просто так называют Молотом Императора: вероятно, это самое колоссальное воинское формирование за всю историю Галактики. О мужчинах и женщинах, служащих в Гвардии, повествует множество историй, полных как героизма, так и отчаянной безнадежности. В этот омнибус вошли романы «Кровь Кадии», «Корпус Искупления» и «Мертвецы идут», написанные Аароном Дембски-Боуденом, Робом Сандерсом и Стивом Лайонсом, а также несколько рассказов.
  • Щит Императора Стив Паркер
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-539-3
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Фантастика
    Язык: Русский
    Астра Милитарум — крупнейшая вооруженная сила в Галактике. На ее суровых бойцов, мужчин и женщин, набранных с неисчислимых планет Империума, возлагается священный долг: они обязаны сражаться в кампаниях бессмертного Владыки Людей против множества врагов, угрожающих самому существованию человечества. Гвардия, обладающая неимоверным количеством солдат, которых поддерживают громадные танки, а также полчища священников, писцов и техножрецов, представляет собой несокрушимую военную машину — Щит Императора. В сборник включены три романа: «Пятнадцать часов», «Мир смерти» и «Мятежная зима», каждый из которых дополнен рассказом на соответствующую тему. Эта книга идеально подойдет для того, чтобы познакомиться с Имперской Гварди¬ей и тяготами ее солдат на полях битв далекого будущего.
  • Караул Смерти (сборник) Гэв Торп
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-477-8
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Фантастика
    Язык: Русский

    Караульные Смерти — отборные воины. Их призывают из мно жества орденов Адептус Астартес и дают однозначное поручение: искоренять всех ксеносов, угрожающих Империуму. Собранные в истребительные команды и снаряженные для выполнения лю бых задач во всевозможных условиях, они мастерски охотятся на чужаков. Никому не сравниться с ними в верности делу или во владении жестоким искусством уничтожения ксеносов! В этот ом нибус, переполненный боевыми сценами, вошли три романа Стива Паркера, Иэна Сент-Мартина и Джастина Д. Хилла, а также больше десятка самых лучших рассказов об элитных космодесантниках, борющихся с чужаками.

  • Doctor Who: Death Among the Stars Steve Lyons
    ISBN: 9781785298066
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: BBC Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    Nicola Bryant reads an intriguing adventure for the Twelfth Doctor - as played on TV by Peter Capaldi.

    At Kennedy Space Centre, in 2060, the Doctor meets Amber Lewis. Both are there to observe the launch of Earth's very first off-world colony ship, as it heads for Jupiter's sixth moon. But to everyone's surprise it seems that somebody has reached Europa before them. The figure is oddly familiar to the Doctor and Amber in particular....

    So begins the adventure of a lifetime for Amber, as she journeys in the TARDIS to set foot on a distant moon. Events take a bizarre turn when she and the Doctor apparently witness celebrity figures wandering freely on the rocky surface. A sinister presence lurks behind the apparitions, and Amber is about to fall into its clutches.

    An alien base, a stranded abductee and a group of sinister 'Icemen' all add up to trouble for the Doctor. Can he rescue his new friend and avert disaster on humanity's new frontier?

    Nicola Bryant, who played the Doctor's companion Peri in Doctor Who in the 1980s, reads this original audiobook by Steve Lyons, based on the hit BBC TV series.
  • Doctor Who: Death Among the Stars Steve Lyons
    ISBN: 1785298054, 9781785298059
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: BBC Books
    Язык: Английский
    At Kennedy Space Centre, in 2060, the Doctor meets Amber Lewis. Both are there to observe the launch of Earth’s very first off-world colony ship, as it heads for Jupiter’s sixth moon. But to everyone’s surprise it seems that somebody has reached Europa before them. The figure is oddly familiar to the Doctor and Amber in particular…

    So begins the adventure of a lifetime for Amber, as she journeys in the TARDIS to set foot on a distant moon. Events take a bizarre turn when she and the Doctor apparently witness celebrity figures wandering freely on the rocky surface. A sinister presence lurks behind the apparitions, and Amber is about to fall into its clutches.

    An alien base, a stranded abductee and a group of sinister ‘Icemen’ all add up to trouble for the Doctor. Can he rescue his new friend and avert disaster on humanity’s new frontier?
  • Doctor Who: The Witch Hunters Steve Lyons
    ISBN: 9781785292347
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: BBC Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    David Collings reads this original novel adventure for the First Doctor and his companions, set in the 17th century during the Salem witch trials.

    With the Doctor wanting to repair the TARDIS in peace, his companions, Barbara, Ian and Susan, decide to get some experience of living in the nearby village of Salem. But the Doctor knows about the horrors destined to engulf the village and determines that they should leave.

    Susan has her own ideas and is desperate to return to Salem whatever the cost. Yet her actions will lead them all into terrible danger and cause the tragedy that is already unfolding to escalate out of control.

    Featuring the First Doctor as played on TV by William Hartnell.
  • Doctor Who: The Legends of River Song Jacqueline Rayner
    ISBN: 978-1785940880
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: BBC Books
    ‘Hello, sweetie!’

    Melody Pond, Melody Malone, River Song…She has had many names. Whoever she really is, this archaeologist and time traveller has had more adventures (and got into more trouble) than most people in the universe.

    And she’s written a lot of it down. Well, when you’re married to a Time Lord (or possibly not), you have to keep track of what you did and when. Especially as it may not actually have happened to both of you yet.

    These are just a few of River Song’s exploits, extracted from her journals. Sometimes, she is with the Doctor. Sometimes she’s on her own. But wherever and whenever she may be, she is never far from danger and excitement.

    This is just a tiny portion of her impossible life. But it will reveal more than you’ve ever known about the legend that is River Song.
  • Doctor Who: Witch Hunters Steve Lyons
    ISBN: 9781849909020
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: BBC Books
    Язык: Английский
    With the Doctor wanting to repair the TARDIS in peace and quiet, Barbara, Ian and Susan decide to get some experience of living in the nearby village of Salem. But the Doctor knows about the horrors destined to engulf the village and determines that they should leave.

    His friends are not impressed. His granddaughter Susan has her own ideas, and is desperate to return, whatever the cost. But perhaps the Doctor was right. Perhaps Susan’s actions will lead them all into terrible danger and cause the tragedy that is already unfolding to escalate out of control.
  • House of Cards Steve Lyons
    ISBN: 9781781780633
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    The TARDIS has landed in a futuristic space casino, where the Doctor, Ben, Polly and Jamie find fun, games... and monsters everywhere. There are vicious robot dogs, snake-headed gangsters from the Sidewinder Syndicate and a mysterious masked woman called Hope.

    In this place, time travellers are to be tracked down and arrested. Yet, as events spiral out of control, time may be Polly's only ally...
  • Smoke and Mirrors Steve Lyons
    ISBN: 978-1471311710
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: AudioGO Limited
    Celebrating fifty years of Doctor Who, a brand new adventure for the fifth Doctor The Doctor answers a psionic distress call sent from England in the 1920s. There, in the environs of a fairground, he is reunited with an old friend: Harry Houdini. To Adric and Nyssa the name means very little, but to the Doctors companion Tegan he is a legend. Escape artist extraordinaire, Houdinis reputation will last for decades. But how does Houdini know so much about Tegan herself? Is it really just guesswork, as he says? Is Houdini right to be concerned about the fairgrounds fortune teller, who claims to have supernatural skills? Both he and the Doctor suspect an alien influence may be at work. What neither the Doctor nor his friends realize is that somewhere in the shadows, a sinister and familiar presence is lying in wait for them all.
  • Ледяная Гвардия Стив Лайонс
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-071-8
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Фантастика Книжный Клуб
    Язык: Русский
    После отступления имперских войск c ледяного мира Крессида, отряд воинов Валхаллы во главе с неукротимым полковником Станиславом Стилом пускается в спасательную экспедицию на поиски важного имперского сановника, которого нужно эвакуировать с планеты в безопасное место. Но Крессида кишит оккупационными силами Хаоса, помешанными на истреблении местных жителей. И это было бы еще терпимо, но очень скоро миссия Станислава и его бойцов превращается в гонку на выживание – ведь в это же самое время имперский боевой корабль в верхних слоях атмосферы готовится к вирусной бомбардировке Крессиды, которая уничтожит все живое на планете.
  • Мертвецы идут Стив Лайонс
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-050-3
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Фантастика Книжный Клуб
    Язык: Русский

    На сравнительно недавно колонизированном имперском мире Иероним Тета обнаружено присутствие Некронов. Планета погружается в пучину войны с безжалостным врагом, которому не может противостоять обычный человек. Но гвардейцы из Корпуса Смерти Крига - сила столь же безжалостная и бесстрастная как сами Некроны. Эти жернова перемелят всех,и не всякое воображение сможет вместить то количество жертв, которое будет принесено на алтарь победы.

  • Doctor Who: The Selachian Gambit Steve Lyons
    ISBN: 9781844356195
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    The Doctor doesn’t normally need money, but when the TARDIS is immobilised and a fine has to be paid, a loan from a bank in the sky seems the solution to his problem.

    But then the Selachians arrive, and the Doctor and his companions find themselves as hostages in the middle of a heist.

    Death seems an absolute certainty. But the Doctor, Jamie, Polly and Ben have outwitted death before…
  • Doctor Who: Day of the Cockroach Steve Lyons
    ISBN: 9781408468807
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: BBC Audio
    Язык: Английский
    The TARDIS materialises in a pitch-dark tunnel, where the Doctor, Amy and Rory stumble on the dead body of a soldier. Questioned by his superior officer, Colonel Bowe, they learn that they’re inside a British nuclear bunker, in the middle of an atomic war – in 1982.

    Amy and Rory weren’t even born then, but they know the bomb didn’t drop that year, and so does the Doctor. The friends also know they had nothing to do with the death of Sergeant Trott – so who, or what, was the killer? And why does the Doctor’s psychic paper not work on the Colonel?

    The Doctor, Amy and Rory soon learn that something else is lurking in the shadows. Something deadly...
  • Мир смерти Стив Лайонс
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-042-8
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Фантастика Книжный Клуб
    Язык: Русский
    Воины Джунглей с Катачана являются элитным полком Имперской Гвардии, специализирующимся на уничтожении врагов Империума в самых опасных мирах галактики. Их профессионализм подвергается тяжелому испытанию во время кампании на Рогаре-3 – планете, которая согласно имперской классификации была признана миром мерти.
    Рогар-3 целиком состоит из смертельных опасностей для человека, здесь каждый вздох может стать последним. И орки, вторгшиеся в этот негостеприимный, но все же имперский мир, тоже не самые безобидные существа. Однако практически неуничтожимые орки-зомби будут, пожалуй, покруче!
  • Doctor Who: The Stealers Of Dreams Steve Lyons
    ISBN: 9781445816012
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: BBC Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    In the far future, the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack find a world on which fiction has been outlawed. A world where it’s a crime to tell stories, a crime to lie, a crime to hope, and a crime to dream.

    But now somebody is challenging the status quo. A pirate TV station urges people to fight back. And the Doctor wants to help until he sees how easily dreams can turn into nightmares.

    With one of his companions stalked by shadows and the other committed to an asylum, the Doctor is forced to admit that fiction can be dangerous after all. Though perhaps it is not as deadly as the truth.

    Read by Camille Coduri, this is a gripping adventure featuring the Ninth Doctor as played by Christopher Eccleston, together with Rose and Captain Jack as played by Billie Piper and John Barrowman in the hit series from BBC Television.
  • Superman: Return of Doomsday Джеймс Робинсон
    ISBN: 9781401232535, 978-1-4012-3253-5
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: DC Comics
    Язык: Английский
    Doomsday is the unstoppable force of evil that once killed the Man of Steel. He has returned to Metropolis and is targeting the other heroes and villains from the original Return of the Supermen story but there's something different about Doomsday - something even the Justice League of America might not be prepared for! Discover the shocking secret of his ultimate goal in attacking all these members of the Super-family?
  • Doctor Who: The Stealers of Dreams Steve Lyons
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: AudioGO Ltd
    Язык: Английский
    In the far future, the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack find a world on which fiction has been outlawed. A world where it's a crime to tell stories, a crime to lie, a crime to hope, and a crime to dream.
    But now somebody is challenging the status quo. A pirate TV station urges people to fight back. And the Doctor wants to help until he sees how easily dreams can turn into nightmares.
    With one of his companions stalked by shadows and the other committed to an asylum, the Doctor is forced to admit that fiction can be dangerous after all. Though perhaps it is not as deadly as the truth.
    Read by Camille Coduri, this is a gripping adventure featuring the Ninth Doctor as played by Christopher Eccleston, together with Rose and Captain Jack as played by Billie Piper and John Barrowman in the hit series from BBC Television.
  • The Madness Within Steve Lyons
    ISBN: 1849700788, 9781849700788
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Black Library
    Язык: Английский
    Desperate and isolated, Sergeant Estabann and Brother Cordoba of the Crimson Fists Space Marines are hunting the daemon that destroyed their battle-brothers. Their only hope remains with a Librarian on the edge of sanity, a potentially tainted Astartes who they are forced to trust. His psychic abilities can lead them to the daemon, where Estabann and Cordoba can avenge their brothers' deaths. But is the greatest threat a foul denizen of the warp, or the power contained within a psyker's mind?
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