Simon Guerrier

Simon Guerrier

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Simon Guerrier — новинки

  • Doctor Who: The Top of the Tree Simon Guerrier
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    On one of their annual jaunts, young Kazran Sardick and the Doctor find themselves in trouble when the TARDIS is tangled in the branches of a very strange, very large tree.

    They emerge into a habitat where myriad species fight for survival: an ecosystem of deadly flora and fauna, along with a tribe of primitive humans.

    This is a mystery which can only be solved by climbing. But what will they find at the top of the tree?
  • Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 978-1-78703-227-9
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    Язык: Английский
    Four narrated stories set in the Eleventh Doctor era:

    1. The Calendar Man by AK Benedict
    Answering a cry for help, the Doctor and Amy arrive on a misty colony world – but nobody thinks anything is wrong. Nobody, except for one young woman, hiding in shadows and scribbling in her notebook.

    Soon, Amy is on the trail of missing colonists, while the Doctor strides into the fog in search of a fairy-tale.

    But time is running out, and the Calendar Man is flicking through the pages of their lives…

    2. The Top of the Tree by Simon Guerrier
    On one of their annual jaunts, young Kazran Sardick and the Doctor find themselves in trouble when the TARDIS is tangled in the branches of a very strange, very large tree.

    They emerge into a habitat where myriad species fight for survival: an ecosystem of deadly flora and fauna, along with a tribe of primitive humans.

    This is a mystery which can only be solved by climbing. But what will they find at the top of the tree?

    3. The Light Keepers by Roy Gill
    Dorium Maldovar has a problem. The self-styled ‘Beacon People’ are bad for business, and now they’re in his shuttle park, digging for mysterious minerals.

    When the Doctor crashes into his life once again, Dorium enlists him to find out what these scavengers are really up to inside their lighthouse.

    But a lighthouse signals danger – and this beacon was placed to warn of something more ancient and powerful than anyone knows. Something that is returning…

    4. False Coronets by Alice Cavender
    On the trail of a temporal anomaly, the Doctor and Clara arrive in a London dungeon, where an unlikely prisoner awaits her execution. This is a 19th Century England where the King has been dethroned, and Republicans bearing false coronets hold sway.

    While the Doctor seeks out the source of alien interference in the timelines, Clara recruits some local help – and gets invited to a party.

    History has gone awry, and Jane Austen must help rewrite it.
  • The Switching Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 978-1-78703-495-2
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    Язык: Английский
    Yesterday there were two Time Lord prisoners on Earth - the Master in his cell, the Doctor in his exile.

    But today the Doctor's not quite feeling himself. Today he's seeing things from a different perspective. And today the Master's going to escape...
  • The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 978-0-06-238696-0
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Harper Design International
    Язык: Английский
    Doctor Who stories are many things: thrilling adventures, historical dramas, tales of love and war and jelly babies. They're also science fiction - but how much of the science is actually real, and how much is really fiction?
    The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who is a mind-bending blend of story and science that will help you see Doctor Who in a whole new light, weaving together a series of all-new adventures, featuring every incarnation of the Doctor. With commentary that explores the possibilities of time travel, life on other planets, artificial intelligence, parallel universes and more, Simon Guerrier and Dr. Marek Kukula show how Doctor Who uses science to inform its unique style of storytelling - and just how close it has often come to predicting future scientific discoveries.
    This book is your chance to be the Doctor's companion and explore what's out there. It will make you laugh, and think, and see the world around you differently.
    Because anything could be out there. And going out is the only way to learn what it is.
  • The Locked Room Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 978-1-78178-435-8
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    Язык: Английский
    Steven Taylor left the Doctor and the TARDIS to become king of an alien world. But it's now many years since he gave up the throne and went to live in a cell in the mountains, out of sight of his people. He's not escaping his past – quite the opposite, in fact. As his granddaughter, Sida, is about to discover...
  • The Founding Fathers Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 978-1-78178-435-8
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    Язык: Английский
    The TARDIS lands in Leicester Square in the summer of 1762. When the Doctor, Steven and Vicki find themselves locked out of the TARDIS, only one man can possibly help them. But the American, Benjamin Franklin, has problems of his own...
  • Being Human: The Road Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 9781846078989
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Annie has learned quite a bit about her new friend Gemma: she's from Bristol, she used to work in a pharmacy, and she's never forgiven herself for the suicide of her teenage son. She also died ten years ago and doesn't know why she's come back through that door. Perhaps it has something to do with the new road they're building through the rundown part of town. The plans are sparking protests, and Annie knows those derelict houses hold a secret in Gemma's past. Will stopping the demolition help Gemma be at peace again? Annie, George and Mitchell get involved in the road protest, but they're more concerned by mysterious deaths at the hospital. Deaths that have also attracted the attention of the new Hospital Administrator... Featuring Mitchell, George and Annie, as played by Aidan Turner, Russell Tovey and Lenora Crichlow in the hit series created by Toby Whithouse for BBC Television
  • Doctor Who The Pirate Loop Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 9781408400449
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
  • The War to End All Wars Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 978-1-78178-092-3
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions

    Years after he gave up travelling in the TARDIS, Steven Taylor is the deposed king of a distant world. From the confines of his cell, he shares his story with a young girl called Sida. And one story in particular – a visit to a whole world at war, which will mark Steven for life…

  • Doctor Who: The Slitheen Excursion Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 978-1-84-990713-2
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: BBC Books
    Язык: Русский
    1500BC - King Actaeus and his subjects live in mortal fear of the awesome gods who have come to visit their kingdom in ancient Greece. Except the Doctor, visiting with university student June, knows they're not gods at all. They're aliens.
    For the aliens, it's the perfect holiday - they get to tour the sights of a primitive planet and even take part in local customs. Like gladiatorial games, or hunting down and killing humans who won't be missed.
    With June's enthusiastic help, the Doctor soon meets the travel agents behind this deadly package holiday company - his old enemies the Slitheen. But can he bring the Slitheen excursion to an end without endangering more lives? And how are events in ancient Greece linked to a modern-day alien plot to destroy what's left of the Parthenon?
    Featuring the Tenth Doctor as played by David Tennant in the hit Doctor Who BBC Television series.
  • The Library of Alexandria Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 9781781780848
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    Язык: Английский

    The port of Alexandria, 5th Century BC. The Doctor, Ian, Susan and Barbara have taken a break from their travels, and are enjoying a few weeks in the sunshine – and the chance to appreciate the magnificent Library of Alexandria. Ian also takes the chance to enjoy friendship with the philosopher Hypatia - but things here will not last forever. The time travellers know that the library will soon be lost to history. What they are about to discover is the terrifying reason why...

  • Shadow of Death Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 978-1471311680
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: AudioGO Limited
    Following an emergency landing, the TARDIS arrives on a remote world orbiting a peculiar star – a pulsar which exerts an enormous gravitational force, strong enough to warp time.
    On further exploration the Doctor and his friends, Jamie and Zoe, discover a human outpost on the planet surface, inhabited by scientists who are there to study an ancient city. The city is apparently abandoned, but the scientists are at a loss to explain what happened to its sophisticated alien architects.
    The Doctor discovers that something dark, silent and deadly is also present on the world - and it is slowly closing in on the human intruders...
  • The Uncertainty Principle Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 9781844359479
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    In the future, Zoe Heriot is a prisoner of the mysterious Company, which has evidence that she travelled through space and time with the Doctor. Zoe’s memories have been blocked by the Time Lords, but the Company is determined to break through this conditioning...

    And so Zoe recalls a journey to Earth in the past, to the funeral of a young woman called Meg, who was involved in scientific experiments that are bringing forth sinister alien creatures. Only the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe can stop them...
  • Doctor Who: The Anachronauts Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 9781844356119
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions

    An experimental timeship smashes into the TARDIS, and the crews of both ships wake up on a desert island. Has the TARDIS been destroyed? And why doesn’t the Doctor want to escape? Then, Steven and Sara find themselves on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall in 1966. And their only way back to the TARDIS is to betray the Doctor.

  • The Liberator Chronicles Vol. 1 Peter Anghelides
    ISBN: 1844356248
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: The Big Finish
    Three enhanced audiobooks performed by the stars of the classic BBC television series. These stories are set during Series 1.
  • Doctor Who: The Empty House Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 1408468824, 9781408468821
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: AudioGO Ltd
    Язык: Английский
    Thrown off course by a howling storm, the TARDIS lands in a bleak, desolate stretch of countryside. The Doctor deduces that it has arrived in Hampshire in the 192s and, sniffing the air, he smells a distinct odour of sulphur - indicating that a spaceship has crashed in the area. While Rory goes to fetch an umbrella, Amy and the Doctor brave the rain to find the stricken craft. It is huge, shiny, silvery-blue - and completely empty. A set of footprints leads to a cosy-looking, old-fashioned cottage: but the house, too, is deserted. However, the Doctor and Amy can distinctly hear people talking - and one of the voices sounds like Rory's. How could he be in the cottage when he was last seen heading back to the TARDIS? Where are the residents of the empty house? And what has happened to the inhabitants of the spaceship?
  • The Flood Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 978-1-84435-609-6
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    “There goes the neighbourhood.”

    The rain hasn’t stopped in three days and the floodwaters are rising. A small group of townspeople are determined to stop their town from being dragged into the sea.

    Abby and Zara are keen to help – anything to keep themselves busy after what they’ve both just been through. Maybe, finally, they’ve found somewhere they might settle down…

    But there’s something causing the flood. And it can’t let anything stand in its way.
  • Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 9781844355822
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    Zoe Heriot remembers everything. But she remembers nothing.

    A genius with instant recall, Zoe’s mind has been purged of her memories of travelling with the Doctor and Jamie in the TARDIS. And years later she is in deep trouble – prosecuted by the mysterious company that has evidence that she has travelled in Space and Time.

    Except Zoe knows they’re wrong.

    Aren’t they?

    But if that’s the case, why is there proof that Zoe was in Uzbekistan in 1919.

    Can the memory cheat?
  • Doctor Who: The First Wave Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 9781844355846
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions

    Caught in the inevitable path of its own history, the TARDIS arrives on the planetoid Grace Alone, where the Doctor, Steven and Oliver expect to face their fate. What they don’t expect to find is a massacred crew – and a race of alien invaders known as the Vardans. When the Doctor is apparently killed, his companions attempt to survive against the odds. But those odds are narrowing. Their borrowed time has expired.

  • Doctor Who: The Cold Equations Simon Guerrier
    ISBN: 9781844355105
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions

    In the remnant of a shattered satellite, far above the ruined planet Earth, Steven Taylor and Oliver Harper are dying. As time runs out, they face their pasts... and a secret long kept is revealed. The borrowed time is elapsing, and they realize they are facing an enemy that cannot be defeated. The cold, hard facts of science.

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