Юсэй Мацуи


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Юсэй Мацуи – лучшие книги

  • Assassination Classroom Tome 1 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 978-2-505-01944-2
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: KANA
    Язык: Французский
    Une salle de cours, un professeur, des élèves... et des coups de feu ! Les élèves de la classe 3-E du collège de Kunugigaoka sont des assassins en herbe, et leur professeur est leur cible à abattre ! Découvrez le quotidien insolite d’un drôle de professeur et de ses élèves !!
  • 魔人探偵脳噛ネウロ (1) / Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 978-4088738345
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Shueisha
    Язык: Японский
  • Assassination Classroom, Vol. 2 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 9781421576084
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    A strange new teacher is introduced to class 3-E at Kunugigaoka Junior High School. The teacher is a round-headed, tentacled alien capable of moving at speeds of up to Mach 20 and whose color changes depending on his mood. Prior to introducing himself to his new class, he managed to carve out a large chunk of the moon to become a permanent crescent moon. In a year, he plots to destroy the earth, but decides to teach a junior high school class in the meantime for reasons unknown. With this strange alien having effectively taken over the world, the government reluctantly complies with his request on the condition that he does not harm his students.

    Affectionately, the students of class 3-E call him Koro-sensei, the unkillable teacher. These same students greet him everyday with an assassination attempt in their journey to become professional hitmen, to save the world by eventually murdering their own teacher, and to earn 10 billion yen from the government.
  • Assassination Classroom, Vol. 3 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 9781421576091
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name during roll call...again? How about blowing up the moon and threatening to do the same to Mother Earth—unless you take him out first?! Plus a reward of a cool 100 million from the Ministry of Defense! Okay, now that you're committed... How are you going to pull this off? What does your pathetic class of misfits have at their disposal to combat Teach's alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!

    The latest addition to the misfit students of Class 3-E is a Norwegian robot specially designed to assassinate their teacher—but sadly lacking in social skills. Nothing Koro Sensei can't cure with a little super-fast tentacle work! When playboy Maehara gets dissed by a girl for being in Class 3-E, revenge is clearly warranted—and Koro Sensei can help with that too! Then Irina, the English language teacher/sexy assassin, gets a visit from her murder mentor.
  • 魔人探偵脳噛ネウロ (2) / Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 978-4088738543
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Shueisha
    Язык: Японский
    怪しい事務所を乗っとり(?)、ネウロ&弥子は「魔界探偵事務所」をオープンした! 記念すべき第一号のお客様は、世界中に熱狂的なファンを持つ神秘の歌姫、アヤ・エイジアだった!! 果たしてその依頼内容とは…?
  • 魔人探偵脳噛ネウロ (4) / Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 978-4088740072
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Shueisha
    Язык: Японский

    無差別連続爆破事件発生!! ネウロと弥子を敵視する警視・笛吹の予想を裏切り、あらゆる手段で爆破を繰り返す犯人「ヒステリア」の犯行の目的とは? 犯行カードに隠された犯人からのメッセージをネウロが読み取る!!

  • Assassination Classroom, Vol. 4 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 9781421576107
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name during roll call...again? How about blowing up the moon and threatening to do the same to Mother Earth—unless you take him out first?! Plus a reward of a cool 100 million from the Ministry of Defense! Okay, now that you're committed... How are you going to pull this off? What does your pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat Teach's alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!

    English teacher Irina's assassination mentor makes an appearance and the two compete-using special agent Karasuma as their target. Another transfer student/would-be assassin joins the class, accompanied by a guardian who claims to be Koro Sensei's...little brother?! A tentacle showdown ensues, sending everyone into a tentacle tizzy. Then, the 3-E students face humiliation yet again during a school baseball exhibition match. Plus, more secrets of Koro Sensei's mysterious past revealed...!
  • Assassination Classroom, Vol. 5 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 9781421576114
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    Intramural relations are at an all-time low: Principal Asano wants to crush Koro Sensei's 3-E baseball team while Koro Sensei wants to avenge Principal Asano's sabotage of 3-E's midterms. Then the government sends in a new Special Forces operative—a ruthless father figure who tests Karasuma's combat coaching skills. You'll never guess which student does him proud! And when Koro Sensei digs a swimming pool to help his students cool off, they discover a new weakness of his—as well as how cute their classmates look in swimsuits!
  • 魔人探偵脳噛ネウロ (3) / Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 978-4088738758
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Shueisha
    Язык: Японский
    魔界探偵事務所は秘書と雑用が加わり、今日も元気に活動中!! ネウロ好みの『謎』を求める日々に、身の毛もよだつ、『赤い箱』事件が発生した! さらった人間をある状態に加工する、“X”と呼ばれる犯人の正体とは…?
  • Assassination Classroom, Vol. 6 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 9781421576121
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Viz Media
    Язык: Английский
    The 3-E students discover that Koro Sensei's greatest weakness might be a common substance. Will they be able to use it to assassinate him while he helps Meg, formerly of the varsity swim team, with her greatest weakness? The next assassination attempt, implemented by Terasaka, is more elaborate but endangers his fellow students. Can he save them without saving his target? Then, the top class at school, including Principal Asano's son, conspires to prevent 3-E from ever rising closer to the top!
  • 魔人探偵脳噛ネウロ (5) / Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 978-4088740430
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Shueisha
    Язык: Японский
    ネウロ&弥子に代わり、事務所でイヤイヤお留守番中の吾代。そこへヤバ目な男たちが侵入、吾代はユキという不思議な男に一蹴されてしまう!! ユキは去り際に、自分のボス・望月が弥子を雇いたがっていると伝えるが!?
  • Assassination Classroom, Vol. 14 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 978-1421585055
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    What does a pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat their schoolteacher’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!

    Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"?

    What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name during roll call...again? How about blowing up the moon and threatening to do the same to Mother Earth—unless you take him out first?! Plus a reward of a cool 100 million from the Ministry of Defense!

    Okay, now that you're committed... How are you going to pull this off? What does your pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat Teach's alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!

    Lowly Class E and elite Class A compete for the most customers at their school festival booths. So far, the students of Class E are holding their own, despite their location on the mountaintop. Then a parade of familiar faces, some welcome and some…not so much…drop by with surprising consequences. Will Principal Asano’s son Gakushu be able to maintain his position as the illustrious leader of Class A? Who could possibly replace him in hopes of leading the students to victory and the subjugation of the weak…?
  • Assassination Classroom, Vol. 13 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 978-1421584447
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    What does a pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat their schoolteacher’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!

    Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name during roll call...again? How about blowing up the moon and threatening to do the same to Mother Earth—unless you take him out first?! Plus a reward of a cool 100 million from the Ministry of Defense! Okay, now that you're committed... How are you going to pull this off? What does your pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat Teach's alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!

    The Grim Reaper sets up a lethal trap that buries Mr. Karasuma and Ms. Vitch alive. Will Mr. Karasuma’s repressed feelings surface before he and Ms. Vitch do? And how will Mr. Karasuma face Death? Then, despite his vow to destroy the planet in March, Koro Sensei offers career counseling to his students. Nagisa’s professional goal raises some serious issues. And finally, it’s time for the next school festival showdown. Class A and Class E compete for the most customers. If they build it, will they come…to the top of 3-E’s remote mountaintop?
  • Нейро Ногами: детектив из Ада Юсэй Мацуи
    Язык: Русский
    Яко Кацураги учится в старшей школе, она только что потеряла своего отца. Полиция в тупике, загадка остается неразгаданной. Однако в это же время, где-то в Аду, демон по имени Нейро Ногами доедает последнюю загадку Преисподней и решает, что на Земле осталось еще много вкусных загадок, которыми он не прочь полакомиться... Есть лишь одна проблема - он не хочет светиться в человеческом мире. Но и эта проблема оказалась решаема: в обмен на разгадку убийства отца, Яко Кацураги соглашается стать юным детективом, которому надо лишь забирать всю славу себе. А уж о разгадывании и поедании загадок позаботится Нейро - детектив из Ада!
  • 魔人探偵脳噛ネウロ (6) / Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 978-4088741130
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Shueisha
    Язык: Японский
    恐るべき「噛み切り美容師」が街に出没した!! ネウロの能力で合体した弥子とあかねちゃんは捜査を始め、容疑者との接触に成功するが、魔のハサミの前に危機一髪…!? 一方、影を潜めていたXがネウロを求め、遂に動き出した!!
  • Assassination Classroom, Vol. 8 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 9781421582801
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name during roll call...again? How about blowing up the moon and threatening to do the same to Mother Earth—unless you take him out first?! Plus a reward of a cool 100 million from the Ministry of Defense! Okay, now that you're committed... How are you going to pull this off? What does your pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat Teach's alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!

    The 3-E students head for the lair of the enemy to stop a deadly biological attack. But blocking their path are three master assassins: Smog, Grip and Gastro, who excel, respectively, in the use of poison, brute strength and guns. With their teacher Karasuma down, Karma and his friends face terrible odds. And even if they defeat their foes, how will they wrest the antidote from them? Worse, it turns out the mastermind behind the attack is someone they know…
  • Assassination Classroom, Vol. 11 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 978-1421583235
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name during roll call...again? How about blowing up the moon and threatening to do the same to Mother Earth—unless you take him out first?! Plus a reward of a cool 100 million from the Ministry of Defense! Okay, now that you're committed... How are you going to pull this off? What does your pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat Teach's alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!

    Class 3-E student Isogai breaks the school rules by working part-time to help support his family. When Gakushu and the Big Four students find out, they use his secret as leverage to force 3-E to participate in a bizarre sports day competition. Soon it’s time for the school’s midterm competition as well, but when some 3-E students accidentally injure the elderly owner of a day care, Koro Sensei forbids them from studying and orders them to replace him until he recovers! Assassination is one thing, but babysitting little kids…?!
  • Assassination Classroom, Vol. 9 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 9781421582818
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name during roll call...again? How about blowing up the moon and threatening to do the same to Mother Earth—unless you take him out first?! Plus a reward of a cool 100 million from the Ministry of Defense! Okay, now that you're committed... How are you going to pull this off? What does your pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat Teach's alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!

    Nagisa risks life and limb in an attempt to take down the mastermind behind a biological attack. After the dust settles, Koro Sensei tries to ignite some summer romances between the students of 3-E. Their teacher Irina Jelavitch, at least, has her sights on someone…and everyone happily conspires to bring them together! Back at school, one of the 3-E students defects from the ranks for all the wrong reasons. How will they bring him back before he inflicts irrevocable damage on them all…?
  • Assassination Classroom, Vol. 12 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 978-1421583242
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    What does a pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat their schoolteacher’s alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!

    Ever caught yourself screaming, "I could just kill that teacher"? What would it take to justify such antisocial behavior and weeks of detention? Especially if he's the best teacher you've ever had? Giving you an "F" on a quiz? Mispronouncing your name during roll call...again? How about blowing up the moon and threatening to do the same to Mother Earth—unless you take him out first?! Plus a reward of a cool 100 million from the Ministry of Defense! Okay, now that you're committed... How are you going to pull this off? What does your pathetic class of misfits have in their arsenal to combat Teach's alien technology, bizarre powers and...tentacles?!

    Mr. Karasuma gives the 3-E students superpowered uniforms…with great results. What amazing feats will they perform in their snazzy new outfits? Then, Mr. Karasuma gives Ms. Vitch a bouquet for her birthday…with disastrous results. Next, a 3-E teacher is kidnapped by master assassin Death, who threatens to kill his hostage if the students tell anyone. Their rescue attempt goes horribly awry, and soon they are the ones in need of rescuing! But at what cost to the world…?
  • Assassination Classroom, Vol. 7 Юсэй Мацуи
    ISBN: 9781421576138
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Viz Media
    Язык: Английский
    The 3-E students hope to kill on their final exams to win not only respect but a special reward. Over summer break, Nagisa, Sugino, and Maehara play amateur entomologist with…a girl? After rigorous training with the greatest assassin of all, the class launches their best assassination plan yet! Now who will save our would-be assassins from a myserious biological weapon…?
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