М. Дж. Роуз

M.J. Rose

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М. Дж. Роуз — книжные серии

  • The Collector of Dying Breaths M.J. Rose
    ISBN: 1451621531
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Язык: Английский
    A lush and imaginative novel that crisscrosses time as a perfumer and a mythologist search for the fine line between potion and poison, poison and passion…and past and present.

    Florence, Italy—1533: An orphan named René le Florentin is plucked from poverty to become Catherine de Medici’s perfumer. Traveling with the young duchessina from Italy to France, René brings with him a cache of secret documents from the monastery where he was trained: recipes for exotic fragrances and potent medicines—and a formula for an alchemic process said to have the potential to reanimate the dead. In France, René becomes not only the greatest perfumer in the country but the most dangerous, creating deadly poisons for his Queen to use against her rivals. But while mixing herbs and essences under the light of flickering candles, Rene doesn’t begin to imagine the tragic and personal consequences for which his lethal potions will be responsible.

    Paris, France—The Present: A renowned mythologist, Jac L’Etoile, is trying to recover from personal heartache by throwing herself into her work, learns of the 16th century perfumer who may have been working on an elixir that would unlock the secret to immortality. She becomes obsessed with René le Florentin’s work—particularly when she discovers the dying breathes he had collected during his lifetime. Jac’s efforts put her in the path of her estranged lover, Griffin North, a linguist who has already begun translating René le Florentin’s mysterious formula. Together they confront an eccentric heiress in possession of a world-class art collection. A woman who has her own dark purpose for the elixir… a purpose for which she believes the ends will justify her deadly means. This mesmerizing gothic tale of passion and obsession crisscrosses time, zigzagging from the violent days of Catherine de Medici’s court to twenty-first century France. Fiery and lush, set against deep, wild forests and dimly lit chateaus, The Collector of Dying Breaths illuminates the true path to immortality: the legacies we leave behind.
  • Seduction: A Novel of Suspense М. Дж. Роуз
    ISBN: 1451621507
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Язык: Английский
    From the author of The Book of Lost Fragrances comes a haunting novel about a grieving woman who discovers the lost journal of novelist Victor Hugo, awakening a mystery that spans centuries.

    In 1843, novelist Victor Hugo’s beloved nineteen-year-old daughter drowned. Ten years later, Hugo began participating in hundreds of séances to reestablish contact with her. In the process, he claimed to have communed with the likes of Plato, Galileo, Shakespeare, Dante, Jesus—and even the Devil himself. Hugo’s transcriptions of these conversations have all been published. Or so it was believed.

    Recovering from her own losses, mythologist Jac L’Etoile arrives on the Isle of Jersey—where Hugo conducted the séances—hoping to uncover a secret about the island’s Celtic roots. But the man who’s invited her there, a troubled soul named Theo Gaspard, has hopes she’ll help him discover something quite different—Hugo’s lost conversations with someone called the Shadow of the Sepulcher.

    What follows is an intricately plotted and atmospheric tale of suspense with a spellbinding ghost story at its heart.
  • The Book of Lost Fragrances M.J. Rose
    ISBN: 1451621302
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Язык: Английский
    A sweeping and suspenseful tale of secrets, intrigue, and lovers separated by time, all connected through the mystical qualities of a perfume created in the days of Cleopatra—and lost for 2,000 years.

    Jac L’Etoile has always been haunted by the past, her memories infused with the exotic scents that she grew up surrounded by as the heir to a storied French perfume company. In order to flee the pain of those remembrances—and of her mother’s suicide—she moves to America, leaving the company in the hands of her brother Robbie. But when Robbie hints at an earth-shattering discovery in the family archives and then suddenly goes missing—leaving a dead body in his wake—Jac is plunged into a world she thought she’d left behind.

    Back in Paris to investigate her brother’s disappearance, Jac discovers a secret the House of L’Etoile has been hiding since 1799: a scent that unlocks the mysteries of reincarnation. The Book of Lost Fragrances fuses history, passion, and suspense, moving from Cleopatra’s Egypt and the terrors of revolutionary France to Tibet’s battle with China and the glamour of modern-day Paris. Jac’s quest for the ancient perfume someone is willing to kill for becomes the key to understanding her own troubled past.
  • The Hypnotist M.J. Rose
    ISBN: 0778326756
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Mira
    Язык: Английский
    An FBI agent, tormented by a death he wasn't able to prevent, a crime he's never been able to solve and a love he's never forgotten, discovers that his true conflict resides not in his past, but in a Past Life.
    Haunted by a twenty-year old murder of a beautiful young painter, Lucian Glass keeps his demons at bay through his fascinating work as a Special Agent with the FBI's Art Crime Team. Currently investigating a crazed art collector who has begun destroying prized masterworks, Glass is thrust into a bizarre hostage negotiation that takes him undercover at the Phoenix Foundation dedicated to the science of past life study where, in order to maintain his cover, he agrees to submit to the treatment of a hypnotist.
    Under hypnosis, Glass travels from ancient Greece to 19th century Persia, while the case takes him from New York to Paris and the movie capital of world. These journeys will change his very understanding of reality, lead him to question his own sanity and land him at the center of perhaps the most audacious art heist in history: the theft of a 1,500 year old sculpture from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
    International bestselling author M. J. Rose's The Hynpotist is her most mesmerizing novel yet. An adventure, a love story, a clash of cultures, a spiritual quest, it is above all a thrilling capstone to her unique Reincarnation novels, The Reincarnationist and The Memorist.
  • The Memorist M.J. Rose
    ISBN: 0778325849
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: MIRA Books
    Язык: Английский
    As a child, Meer Logan was haunted by memories of another time and place, always accompanied by the faint strains of elusive music. Now the past has reached out again in the form of a strange letter that sets her on a journey to Vienna to unlock the mystery of who she once was. With each step, she comes closer to remembering connections between a clandestine reincarnationist society, a lost flute linked to Ludwig van Beethoven, and David Yalom, a journalist who understands all too well how the past affects the future. David knows loss first hand--terrorism is a reality that cost him his family. He's seen every solution promised by security experts around the world--and he's seen every solution fail. Now, in a concert hall in Vienna, he plans to force the world to understand the cost of those failures in a single, violent act.
  • The Reincarnationist M.J. Rose
    ISBN: 0778324206
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Mira
    Язык: Английский
    An epic thriller of secrets, history and murder that will challenge how we think about who we are, and who we were. Equal parts modern-day thriller, historical fiction, and love story, with one foot in present-day Rome and New York City, and the other in Rome some 1600 years ago.

    Photojournalist Josh Ryder survives a terrorist's bomb, only to be haunted by near-hallucinatory memories of a past life in Rome as a pagan priest whose dangerous congress with Sabina, one of the Vestal Virgins, poses a transgression so serious the lovers will face a certain death if exposed. Scents of jasmine and sandalwood and images of furtive liaisons and violence descend on Josh at will, pulling him to an ancient yet strangely familiar Roman burial chamber harboring the remains of a woman clutching a wooden box.

    A trail of present-day murders takes the reader deeper into a labyrinth at whose heart lies the enigma of a collection of ancient gems, or memory stones, whose origins trace back to both ancient Egypt and India. The stones' promise to "assist the wearer in reaching his next incarnation" sets the ancient and modern worlds on a collision course.

    The question of who we are cannot be asked without first asking who we were, according to the author. Rose attempts to answer that question based on her own reincarnation research and on the writings of others, spanning thousands of years.
  • Великое Зло М. Дж. Роуз
    ISBN: 978-5-699-84403-6
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Продолжение цикла бестселлеров о памяти прошлых жизней. Впервые на русском языке! 59 год до н. э. К берегам Британии приближаются римские военные корабли, и друид Овейн отправляется в святилище – попросить у богов защиты для племени. Они обещают помощь и объявляют ее цену. Страшную цену… 1853 год. Находящийся в добровольном изгнании знаменитый писатель Виктор Гюго всерьез увлекается спиритическими сеансами, надеясь вызвать дух утонувшей десять лет назад дочери. Но ему является совсем другой гость… Наши дни. Француженка Жас л’Этуаль по приглашению друга детства приезжает на остров Джерси, чтобы собрать материал для нового сезона телешоу…

  • Парфюмер Будды М. Дж. Роуз
    ISBN: 978-5-699-81306-3
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Стремясь окончательно подчинить непокорный Тибет, китайское правительство приняло курьезный закон, ставящий реинкарнацию под контроль государства. Назначать заново рожденных будд и святых теперь будут чиновники, а настоящий Панчен-лама живет в Нанкине под строгим надзором, учится в университете и, кажется, не замышляет никакой крамолы. Тибетское правительство в изгнании делает все, чтобы найти и вызволить духовного учителя. А помочь им могут люди, казалось бы, предельно далекие от политики — семейство потомственных парфюмеров, в чьей коллекции, среди духов и одеколонов, скрывается аромат, способный воскресить в человеке память о прошлых…

  • Меморист М. Дж. Роуз
    ISBN: 978-5-699-63683-9
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    С раннего детства Меер Логан преследовали странные воспоминания и образы, возникающие из ниоткуда. И, тем не менее, Меер чувствовала, что они - часть ее прошлого. А еще она слышала музыку, причудливую и тревожащую, но никак не могла запомнить ее… И вот теперь Меер получила известие от своего отца, историка и антиквара, о том, что в Вене найден ключ к местонахождению древнего артефакта - "флейты памяти". Говорят, если сыграть на ней определенную мелодию, в тебе оживут воспоминания обо всех твоих предыдущих жизнях. Желая раскрыть тайны своего подсознания, Меер приехала в Вену. Теперь осталось лишь отыскать эту флейту, некогда скрытую от людей великим Бетховеном, испугавшимся ее мистической силы. Но желание "вспомнить все" грозит девушке смертью. Потому что есть вещи, которые лучше не вспоминать…
  • Феникс в огне М. Дж. Роуз
    ISBN: 978-5-699-48258-0
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский
    Джош Райдер фотографировал важную делегацию в Риме, когда рядом сработало взрывное устройство. Он не погиб, но его привычный мир разлетелся вдребезги. Теперь Джош живет в разных временах, под разными именами. У него не одна судьба, а три, и они причудливо переплетены.
    В Риме пятого века нашей эры он языческий жрец, который должен спасти свою возлюбленную от погребения заживо. В девятнадцатом столетии его, американского студента, отравил родной дядя, и это преступление необходимо раскрыть. В наши дни, оставаясь журналистом, Райдер пытается понять, что с ним происходит, и избежать гибели от рук таинственных убийц, стремящихся изменить ход истории.