Лэрри Макмартри

Larry McMurtry

  • 34 книги
  • 8 подписчиков
  • 97 читателей
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Лэрри Макмартри - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Пустыня смерти Лэрри Макмуртри
    ISBN: 5-7020-1172-4
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Новости
    Язык: Русский

    Молодые авантюристы Вудроу Калл и Гас Маккрае делают свой жизненный выбор и вступают в отряд рейнджеров. Дорога к богатству и славе никогда не бывает легкой. Но суровые испытания, стычки с индейцами, голод и жажда, плен, гибель товарищей и предательство не сломили дух отважных и чистых сердцем искателей приключений.

  • Comanche Moon Larry McMurtry
    ISBN: 9781447274629
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский

    On the wild Texas frontier where barbarism and civilization come in many forms, Rangers Gus McCrae and Woodrow Call are pitched into the long, bitter, bloody fighting under the command of Captain Inish Scull. When Scull's favourite horse is stolen by the Comanches, he decides to track him down, leaving Gus and Call in charge. However, on their return to Austin, Gus is greeted by the news that his sweetheart is to marry another man and Call finds that the town's most notorious woman is desperate to settle down with him and become respectable. When Scull's wealthy wife demands that her errant husband be brought home, with feelings akin to…

  • Дороги на Ларедо Лэрри Макмуртри
    ISBN: 5-7020-0924-Х
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: Новости
    Язык: Русский

    Читателю предстоит увлекательная встреча с героями книги - мужественными рейнджерами и ковбоями, пионерами освоения Дикого Запада. Они определились в жизни, осели на местах, обзавелись семьями, но дух авантюризма, страсть к приключениям продолжают жить в их сердцах.

  • Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay Annie Proulx
    ISBN: 0743294165, 978-0743294164
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Scribner
    Язык: Английский
    Annie Proulx has written some of the most original and brilliant short stories in contemporary literature, and for many readers and reviewers, Brokeback Mountain is her masterpiece.

    Brokeback Mountain was originally published in The New Yorker. It won the National Magazine Award, as well as an O. Henry Prize. Included in this volume is Annie Proulx's haunting story about the difficult, dangerous love affair between a ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy. Also included is the celebrated screenplay for the major motion picture Brokeback Mountain, written by Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana. All three writers have contributed essays on the process of adapting this critically acclaimed story for film.
  • Lone Star Literature: From the Red River to the Rio Grande: A Texas Anthology Larry McMurtry
    ISBN: 0393050432
    Год издания: 2003
    Язык: Русский
    Book DescriptionThe biggest collection of writing about Texas yet assembled. A vast land combining the West, the South, and the Border, small dusty towns and gleaming modern cities, Texas has a history and identity all its own, and a mythology
  • Одинокий голубь. Книга 1 Лэрри Макмуртри
    ISBN: 5-7020-0925-8, 5-237-00365-6
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: АСТ, Новости
    Язык: Русский
    В маленьком техасском городке живут бывшие рейнджеры, отважные хранители границ и спокойствия еще совсем юных Соединенных Штатов, и их друзья-ковбои. Разные, они схожи между собой в неистребимом духе романтики, заставляющем их, оставив спокойную жизнь, отправиться на север, где их ждут неосвоенные земли, - через стужу и зной, реки и пустыни, набеги бандитов и нападения диких животных. Страдая, погибая, но, не сдаваясь, они преодолевают этот путь.
  • Books: A Memoir Larry McMurtry
    ISBN: 978-1416583356
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Ome
    Язык: Английский

    In a prolific life of singular literary achievement, Larry McMurtry has succeeded in a variety of genres: in coming-of-age novels like "The Last Picture Show"; in collections of essays like "In a Narrow Grave"; and in the reinvention of the Western on a grand scale in his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, "Lonesome Dove." Now, in "Books: A Memoir," McMurtry writes about his endless passion for books: as a boy growing up in a largely "bookless" world; as a young man devouring the vastness of literature with astonishing energy; as a fledgling writer and family man; and above all, as one of America's most prominent bookmen. He takes us on…

  • The Last Kind Words Saloon Лэрри МакМуртри
    ISBN: 9781447274575, 978-1-4472-7457-5
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Русский
    Larry McMurtry has clone more than any other living writer to shape our literary imagination of the American West. With THE LAST KIND WORDS SALOON, he returns to the vivid and unsparing portrait of the nineteenth-century and cowboy lifestyle made so memorable in his classic Lonesome Dove. Evoking the greatest characters and legends of the Old Wild West, McMurtry tells the story of the closing of the American frontier through the travails of two of its most immortal figures: Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday.
    Long Grass, Texas. Once hailed as heroes for their days of subduing drunks in Abilene and Dodge - more often with a mean look than a pistol - the taciturn Wyatt now idles away his time between bottles, while the dentist-turned-gunslinger Doc is more adept at poker than extracting teeth. With the buffalo herds gone, the Comanche defeated, and vast swaths of the Great Plains enclosed by cattle ranches, Wyatt and Doc live on, even as the storied West that forged their myths disappears.
    McMurtry traces the rich and varied friendship of the heroic pair from the town of Long Grass to Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show in Denver, then to Mobetie, Texas, and finally to Tombstone, Arizona, culminating with the famed gunfight at the O.K. Corral, rendered here in McMurtry's stark and peerless prose.
    As harsh and beautiful, and as brutal and captivating as the open range it depicts, THE LAST KIND WORDS SALOON celebrates the genius of one of the most original American writers.
  • The wandering hill Larry McMurtry
    ISBN: 0743451422
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Английский
  • The Last Kind Words Saloon Larry McMurtry
    ISBN: 9781447274568
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The triumphant return of Larry McMurtry with this ballad in prose: his heartfelt tribute to a bygone era of the American West.

    Larry McMurtry has done more than any other living writer to shape our literary imagination of the American West. With The Last Kind Words Saloon, he returns to the vivid and unsparing portrait of the nineteenth-century and cowboy lifestyle made so memorable in his classic Lonesome Dove. Evoking the greatest characters and legends of the Old Wild West, McMurtry tells the story of the closing of the American frontier through the travails of two of its most immortal figures: Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday.

    Long Grass, Texas. Once hailed as heroes for their days of subduing drunks in Abilene and Dodge - more often with a mean look than a pistol - the taciturn Wyatt now idles away his time between bottles, while the dentist-turned-gunslinger Doc is more adept at poker than extracting teeth. With the buffalo herds gone, the Comanche defeated, and vast swaths of the Great Plains enclosed by cattle ranches, Wyatt and Doc live on, even as the storied West that forged their myths disappears.

    McMurtry traces the rich and varied friendship of the heroic pair from the town of Long Grass to Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show in Denver, then to Mobetie, Texas, and finally to Tombstone, Arizona, culminating with the famed gunfight at the O.K. Corral, rendered here in McMurtry's stark and peerless prose.

    As harsh and beautiful, and as brutal and captivating as the open range it depicts, The Last Kind Words Saloon celebrates the genius of one of the most original American writers.
  • Bufallo Girls Larry McMurtry
    ISBN: 3550060416
    Год издания: 1993
    Издательство: Ullstein Verlag
    Язык: Немецкий
    »In seinem großen Roman Buffalo Girls demonstriert Larry McMurtry seine ganze Virtuosität. Faszinierend seine Schilderung des abenteuerlichen Lebens von Calamity Jane. Fesselnd auch seine Beschreibung der harten Wirklichkeit des Wilden Westens. Ein Roman, ausgestattet mit packenden Charakteren: dem Ogalala- Indianer No Ears, den Mountain Men Jim Ragg und Bartle Bone, vor allem aber mit der rauhen, urwüchsigen, von den Höhen und Tiefen des Lebens gezeichneten Heldin, einer Persönlichkeit von der eruptiven Kraft eines Vulkans.« THE TIME »McMurtry auf dem Höhepunkt seines literarischen Schaffens!« NEWSDAY
  • Pretty Boy Floyd Лэрри Макмартри
    ISBN: 0743230183
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    The time is 1925. The place, St. Louis, Missouri. Charley Floyd, a good-looking, sweet-smiling country boy from Oklahoma, is about to rob his first armored car.
    Written by Pulitzer Prize winner Larry McMurtry and his writing partner, Diana Ossana, Pretty Boy Floyd traces the wild career of this legendary American folk hero, a young man so charming that it's hard not to like him, even as he's robbing you at gunpoint. From the bank heists and shootings that make him Public Enemy Number One to the women who love him, from the glamour-hungry nation that worships him to the G-men who track Charley down, Pretty Boy Floyd is both a richly comic masterpiece and an American tragedy about the price of fame and the corruption of innocence.
  • The Last Kind Words Saloon Лэрри Макмартри
    ISBN: 9781447274582
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Picador
    This is Larry McMurtry's ballad in prose: his heartfelt tribute to a bygone era of the American West.
    Larry McMurtry has done more than any other living writer to shape our literary imagination of the American West. With The Last Kind Words Saloon, he returns to the vivid and unsparing portrait of the nineteenth-century and cowboy lifestyle made so memorable in his classic Lonesome Dove. Evoking the greatest characters and legends of the Old Wild West, McMurtry tells the story of the closing of the American frontier through the travails of two of its most immortal figures: Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday.
    Long Grass, Texas. Once hailed as heroes for their days of subduing drunks in Abilene and Dodge - more often with a mean look than a pistol - the taciturn Wyatt now idles away his time between bottles, while the dentist-turned-gunslinger Doc is more adept at poker than extracting teeth. With the buffalo herds gone, the Comanche defeated, and vast swaths of the Great Plains enclosed by cattle ranches, Wyatt and Doc live on, even as the storied West that forged their myths disappears.
    McMurtry traces the rich and varied friendship of the heroic pair from the town of Long Grass to Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show in Denver, then to Mobetie, Texas, and finally to Tombstone, Arizona, culminating with the famed gunfight at the O.K. Corral, rendered here in McMurtry's stark and peerless prose.
    As harsh and beautiful, and as brutal and captivating as the open range it depicts, The Last Kind Words Saloon celebrates the genius of one of the most original American writers.
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