Пирс Брендон

Piers Brendon

  • 5 книг
  • 23 читателя
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Новинки Пирса Брендона

  • Long Neck and Thunder Foot Piers
    ISBN: 9781849394826
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Long Neck the dinosaur lives alone in the forest. Apart from the birds and other small animals, Long Neck seems to have the whole world to himself. But then his peace is shattered by the arrival of a huge new dinosaur called Thunder Foot. Can they overcome their fear and suspicion of each other and become friends?
  • Упадок и разрушение Британской империи 1781-1997 Пирс Брендон
    ISBN: 978-5-17-065002-6, 978-5-403-03364-0
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Книга Пирса Брендона и по названию, и по содержанию перекликается с эпохальным трудом Эдуарда Гиббона ""История упадка и разрушения Римской империи"". И это не случайно: британцы, стремясь к завоеванию мира, всегда оглядывались на Древний Рим. Они нашли ключ к обретению истинного могущества на руинах Рима. Но там же следует искать и причины падения Британской империи. Об этом и многом другом автор размышляет на страницах данной книги и рисует многоплановую картину упадка и разрушения Британской империи между 1781 и 1997 годом.

  • Infanticide Piers
    ISBN: 9780393333244
    Год издания: 2008
    Язык: Английский
  • Decline and Fall of British Empire Piers Brendon
    ISBN: 978-0-712-66846-0
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    No empire has been larger or more diverse than the British Empire. At its apogee in the 1930s, 42 million Britons governed 500 million foreign subjects. Britannia ruled the waves and a quarter of the earth’s surface was painted red on the map. Where Britain’s writ did not run directly, its influence, sustained by matchless industrial and commercial sinews, was often paramount.

    Yet no empire (except the Russian) disappeared more swiftly. Within a generation this mighty structure sank almost without trace, leaving behind a scatter of sea-girt dependencies and a ghost of empire, the British Commonwealth of nations. Equally, it can be claimed that Britain bequeathed its former colonies economic foundations, a cultural legacy, a sporting spirit, a legal code and a language more ubiquitous than Latin ever was.

    In a book of unparalleled scholarship, Piers Brendon presents the story of the decline and eclipse of British might, the major historical event in the closing stages of the second millennium. Full of vivid particulars, brief lives, telling anecdotes, comic episodes, symbolic moments and illustrative vignettes, The Decline and Fall of the British Empire evokes remote places as well as distant times. From the war for American independence, the end of the Raj, the ‘scram out of Africa’ and the unfinished business of the Falklands and Hong Kong to the new ‘informal’ empire of the United States, this is a comprehensive and engaging account.
  • The Decline and Fall of the British Empire, 1781-1997 Пирс Брендон
    ISBN: 0224062220, 9780224062220
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Jonathan Cape
    Язык: Английский
    No empire has been larger or more diverse than the British Empire. At its apogee in the 1930s, 42 million Britons governed 500 million foreign subjects. Britannia ruled the waves and a quarter of the earth's surface was painted red on the map. Where Britain's writ did not run directly, its influence, sustained by matchless industrial and commercial sinews, was often paramount.

    Yet no empire (except the Russian) disappeared more swiftly. Within a generation this mighty structure sank almost without trace, leaving behind a scatter of sea-girt dependencies and a ghost of empire, the British Commonwealth of nations. Equally, it can be claimed that Britain bequeathed its former colonies economic foundations, a cultural legacy, a sporting spirit, a legal code and a language more ubiquitous than Latin ever was.

    In a book of unparalleled scholarship, Piers Brendon presents the story of the decline and eclipse of British might, the major historical event in the closing stages of the second millennium. Full of vivid particulars, brief lives, telling anecdotes, comic episodes, symbolic moments and illustrative vignettes, The Decline and Fall of the British Empire evokes remote places as well as distant times. From the war for American independence, the end of the Raj, the 'scram out of Africa' and the unfinished business of the Falklands and Hong Kong to the new 'informal' empire of the United States, this is a comprehensive and engaging account.