Джумпа Лахири

Jhumpa Lahiri Vourvoulias

  • 23 книги
  • 19 подписчиков
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Лучшие книги Джумпы Лахири

  • Тёзка Джумпа Лахири
    ISBN: 978-5-906986-47-4
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Аркадия
    Язык: Русский

    Ашок Гангули выжил в железнодорожной катастрофе, потому что в момент крушения не спал, а читал любимую книгу томик Гоголя. Спустя годы, эмигрировав с женой в США, он назвал сына Гоголем, скрыв от мальчика истинную причину своего странного выбора. Америка стала для детей Гангули настоящей и единственной родиной, где каждый может добиться успеха. Но почему же тезке великого русского писателя так трудно почувствовать себя счастливым? Роман лауреата Пулитцеровской премии Джумпы Лахири трогательная семейная драма, которая поднимает близкие автору темы: столкновение разных культур, конфликт поколений, взаимоотношения молодых людей,…

  • Низина Джумпа Лахири
    ISBN: 978-5-227-05671-9
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский

    Роман Джумпы Лахири — лауреата Пулитцеровской премии — классическая семейная сага, в центре которой два брата. Мальчишки счастливы в родительском доме на краю низины, где растут водяные гиацинты и где им знаком каждый уголок. Они не представляют жизни друг без друга. Но когда они вырастут, им предстоят разные пути-дороги и любовь к одной и той же женщине. Для младшего эта любовь станет счастьем, а для старшего — драмой на всю жизнь…

  • Толкователь болезней (сборник) Джумпа Лахири
    ISBN: 978-5-906986-97-9
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Аркадия
    Язык: Русский

    Эти девять историй волнуют душу не страшными семейными трагедиями, а щемящей сердце драмой повседневности: исчерпавшая себя любовь, неприкаянность человека, оторванного от родного дома, несбывшиеся надежды и томительное ожидание перемен, неожиданные повороты судьбы, которые могут обернуться как бедой, так и счастьем... Лаконичный стиль и глубокий психологизм Джумпы Лахири рисуют внутренний мир героев с такой проникновенностью, сочувствием и тончайшим юмором, что незначительные, на первый взгляд, события из жизни вполне заурядных людей обретают высокий смысл и наполняют трепетным сопереживанием.

  • На новой земле Джумпа Лахири
    ISBN: 978-5-389-01339-1
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Азбука-Аттикус, Иностранка
    Язык: Русский

    Герои третьей книги Джумпы Лахири не чувствуют себя чужими ни в строгих пейзажах Массачусетса, ни в уютных лондонских особняках. Эти молодые люди, выпускники элитных колледжей Новой Англии, уже, казалось, полностью ассимилировались, воспринимают себя уже настоящими американцами. Но все-таки что-то не дает им слиться с успешными яппи, своими однокашниками, и спокойно воплощать американскую мечту. И это не только экзотически звучащие имена и цвет кожи, выдающие их бенгальское происхождение...

  • In Other Words Jhumpa Lahiri
    ISBN: 978-1101911464
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    On a post-college visit to Florence, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri fell in love with the Italian language. Twenty years later, seeking total immersion, she and her family relocated to Rome, where she began to read and write solely in her adopted tongue. A startling act of self-reflection, In Other Words is Lahiri’s meditation on the process of learning to express herself in another language—and the stunning journey of a writer seeking a new voice.
  • Whereabouts Jhumpa Lahiri
    ISBN: 0593318315, 978-0593318317
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Knopf
    Язык: Английский
    A marvelous new novel from the Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Lowland and Interpreter of Maladies--her first in nearly a decade.

    Exuberance and dread, attachment and estrangement: in this novel, Jhumpa Lahiri stretches her themes to the limit. The woman at the center wavers between stasis and movement, between the need to belong and the refusal to form lasting ties. The city she calls home, an engaging backdrop to her days, acts as a confidant: the sidewalks around her house, parks, bridges, piazzas, streets, stores, coffee bars. We follow her to the pool she frequents and to the train station that sometimes leads her to her mother, mired in a desperate solitude after her father's untimely death. In addition to colleagues at work, where she never quite feels at ease, she has girl friends, guy friends, and "him," a shadow who both consoles and unsettles her. But in the arc of a year, as one season gives way to the next, transformation awaits. One day at the sea, both overwhelmed and replenished by the sun's vital heat, her perspective will change. This is the first novel she has written in Italian and translated into English. It brims with the impulse to cross barriers. By grafting herself onto a new literary language, Lahiri has pushed herself to a new level of artistic achievement
  • Подмена Джумпа Лахири
    Язык: Русский
    В рассказе автор поднимает вопрос, который хоть раз, да приходил к каждому из нас. А не бросить ли всё, скрыться туда, где тебя не будут знать, начать жизнь с чистого листа и делать то, что тебе хочется, а не то, что надо!
  • In altre parole Джумпа Лахири
    ISBN: 9788823513457
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Guanda
  • Roman Stories Джумпа Лахири
    ISBN: 9780593536322
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Knopf
    Язык: Английский
    Rome—metropolis and monument, suspended between past and future, multi-faceted and metaphysical—is the protagonist, not the setting, of these nine the first short story collection by the Pulitzer Prize–winning master of the form since her number one New York Times best seller Unaccustomed Earth, and a major literary event.

    In “The Boundary,” one family vacations in the Roman countryside, though we see their lives through the eyes of the caretaker’s daughter, who nurses a wound from her family’s immigrant past. In “P’s Parties,” a Roman couple, now empty nesters, finds comfort and community with foreigners at their friend’s yearly birthday gathering—until the husband crosses a line. And in “The Steps,” on a public staircase that connects two neighborhoods and the residents who climb up and down it, we see Italy’s capital in all of its social and cultural variegations, filled with the tensions of a changing visibility and invisibility, random acts of aggression, the challenge of straddling worlds and cultures, and the meaning of home.

    These are splendid, searching stories, written in Jhumpa Lahiri’s adopted language of Italian and seamlessly translated by the author and by Knopf editor Todd Portnowitz. Stories steeped in the moods of Italian master Alberto Moravia and guided, in the concluding tale, by the ineluctable ghost of Dante Alighieri, whose words lead the protagonist toward a new way of life.
  • Translating Myself and Others Джумпа Лахири
    ISBN: 9780691231167
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Princeton University Press
    Язык: Английский
    Translating Myself and Others is a collection of candid and disarmingly personal essays by Pulitzer Prize–winning author Jhumpa Lahiri, who reflects on her emerging identity as a translator as well as a writer in two languages.

    With subtlety and emotional immediacy, Lahiri draws on Ovid’s myth of Echo and Narcissus to explore the distinction between writing and translating, and provides a close reading of passages from Aristotle’s Poetics to talk more broadly about writing, desire, and freedom. She traces the theme of translation in Antonio Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks and takes up the question of Italo Calvino’s popularity as a translated author. Lahiri considers the unique challenge of translating her own work from Italian to English, the question “Why Italian?,” and the singular pleasures of translating contemporary and ancient writers.

    Featuring essays originally written in Italian and published in English for the first time, as well as essays written in English, Translating Myself and Others brings together Lahiri’s most lyrical and eloquently observed meditations on the translator’s art as a sublime act of both linguistic and personal metamorphosis.
  • The Penguin Book of Italian Short Stories Джумпа Лахири
    ISBN: 978-0241299838
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Penguin Classics
    Язык: Английский
    When Jhumpa Lahiri decided to read exclusively in Italian, a language she had studied for many years, her life as a reader--and writer--took a surprising turn. Complete immersion in this rich literary heritage brought fresh insight and
    unexpected freedom.

    This collection brings together forty writers who have shaped her love of the Italian language and profound appreciation for its literature. More than half of the stories featured in this volume have been translated into English for the first time, and the wide-ranging selection includes well-known authors such as Italo Calvino, Elsa Morante, and Luigi Pirandello alongside many captivating rediscoveries.

    Poets, journalists, visual artists, musicians, editors, critics, teachers, scientists, politicians, translators: the writers that inhabit these pages represent a dynamic cross-section of Italian society. Together they reflect more than a hundred years of Italy's vibrant and diverse short-story tradition, their powerful voices resonating through regional landscapes, private passions, and the dramatic political events of the twentieth century.
  • The New Penguin Book of American Short Stories from Washington Irving to Lydia Davis Вашингтон Ирвинг
    The short story is one of the most varied and exciting genres in American literature. This collection brings together many of its finest examples from the early nineteenth century to the present. It contains a richly diverse cast of characters, including convicts, artists, farm labourers, slaves, soldiers and salesmen, witches and ghosts, families and lovers. Their stories are told by some of America's most celebrated writers (Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edith Wharton, Raymond Carver) and a few, like Fanny Fern or Charles W. Chestnutt, who may be less familiar. The collection offers a stimulating combination of acknowledged classics, including Mark Twain's hilarious 'Jim Smiley's Jumping Frog' and Edgar Allan Poe's chilling 'The Tell-Tale Heart', and some remarkable pieces that deserve a wider audience, such as Ernest Hemingway's story of miscommunication, 'Out of Season', or Lorrie Moore's tale of modern love and wit, 'Starving Again'.
    Kasia Boddy's introduction traces the history of the American short story and explores the changes and continuities in its forms and preoccupations. This edition also contains a chronology, explanatory and biographical notes and suggestions for further reading.
    Table of contents
    Washington Irving - The Little Man in Black (1807)
    Nathaniel Hawthorne - Young Goodman Brown (1835)
    Edgar Allan Poe - The Tell-Tale Heart (1843)
    Fanny Fern - Aunt Hetty on Matrimony (1851)
    Mark Twain - Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog (1865)
    Joel Chandler Harris - The Tar Baby Story (1880)
    Mary Wilkins Freeman - Two Friends (1887)
    Charles W. Chesnutt - The Wife of his Youth (1898)
    Henry James - The Real Right Thing (1899)
    Stephen Crane - An Episode of War (1899)
    O. Henry - Hearts and Hands (1903)
    Sherwood Anderson - The Untold Lie (1917)
    Ernest HemingwayOut of Season (1923)
    Edith Wharton - Atrophy (1927)
    Dorothy Parker - New York to Detroit (1928)
    Eudora Welty - The Whistle (1938)
    William Faulkner - Barn Burning (1939)
    F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Lost Decade (1939)
    Zora Neale Hurston - Now You Cookin' with Gas (1942)
    Bernard Malamud - The First Seven Years (1950)
    Flannery O'Connor - A Late Encounter with the Enemy (1953)
    John Updike - Sunday Teasing (1956)
    John Cheever - Reunion (1962)
    Grace Paley - Wants (1971)
    Alice Walker - The Flowers (1973)
    Donald Barthelme - I Bought a Little City (1974)
    Raymond Carver - Collectors (1975)
    Richard Ford - Communist (1985)
    Lorrie Moore - Starving Again (1990)
    Jhumpa Lahiri - The Third and Final Continent (1999)
    Lydia Davis - The Caterpillar (2006)
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