Крис Юэн

Chris Ewan

  • 13 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 102 читателя
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5 17
4 44
3 41
2 12
1 2

Лучшие книги Криса Юэна

  • Прибежище Крис Юэн
    ISBN: 978-5-04-093462-1
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Эксмо-Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Роман моментально стал мировым бестселлером и разошелся только в Великобритании тиражом более 500 000 экземпляров. Роб Хейл очнулся в больнице после аварии. Он серьезно пострадал, но еще больше его беспокоит состояние пассажирки — едва знакомой девушки, с которой они катались на мотоцикле. Вот только полицейские и врачи в один голос убеждают его, что на месте крушения больше никого не было, что забравшая девушку машина "скорой помощи" не существует и что ложная память — обычное явление при травме головы. Он уже и сам готов поверить, что выдумал незнакомку, когда в дело вступает женщина-сыщик, которая верит ему. Та обещает помочь пролить…

  • Ночной вор. Похождения в Амстердаме Крис Юэн
    ISBN: 978-5-98697-151-3
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Книжный клуб 36.6
    Язык: Русский

    Представляем Вашему вниманию серию захватывающих детективных романов новой звезды криминального жанра - англичанина Криса Юэна. Главный герой этих "воровских" похождений - писатель, автор детективных романов Чарли Ховард, путешествующий по европейским столицам и, занимаясь своим ремеслом, заодно расследующий те преступления, которые происходят на его глазах. Великолепные "страноведческие" романы, современные путеводители по знаменитым городам. Каждая книга "снабжена" тематическими приложениями: воровскими словариками, планами музеев, механизмами действия отмычек и т.д.

  • Ночной вор.Похождения в Париже Крис Юэн
    ISBN: 978-5-98697-152-0
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Книжный клуб 36.6
    Язык: Русский
    Чарли Ховард, профессиональный вор и автор детективов, знакомый нам по "ночным похождениям в Амстердаме", теперь в Париже. Разумеется, как писатель. Но и как вор тоже: он демонстрирует некоему любителю, как следует взламывать квартиру. А потом Чарли нанимают, чтобы он выкрал одну весьма непримечательную картину... - все из той же квартиры. А затем в собственной квартире Чарли... обнаруживается труп. И Ховарду опять приходится выступать в двух противоположных ролях сразу: скрывающегося от закона преступника и сыщика, отчаянно пытающегося закону помочь - хотя бы для того, чтобы спасти собственную жизнь.
  • Safe House Крис Юэн
    ISBN: 9780571282210
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Faber and Faber
    When Rob Hale wakes up in hospital after a motorcycle crash he is told that Lena. the woman he claims was travelling with him. doesnt exist . The woman he describes bears a striking resemblance to his recently deceased sister. Laura. but has he really only imagined herRob sets out to find the answers to who Lena is and where she has gone. He is aided by Rebecca Lewis. a London- based PI. who has come to the Isle of Man at the behest of his parents to investigate his sisters suicide. But who is Rebecca really and how did she know his sisterTogether Rob and Rebecca follow the clues to discover who took Lena. In doing so they discover that even on an island where most people know each other. everyone hides a secret. and that sometimes your best option isnt to hide but to stay and fight.
  • The Interview Крис Юэн
    ISBN: 978-1529009705
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: The Macmillan Group
    The Interview is the gripping new thriller from C. M. Ewan, the acclaimed author of A Window Breaks and the half-a-million-copy bestseller Safe House.

    It’s 5 p.m. on a Friday.
    You have been called to an interview for your dream job.
    In a stunning office thirteen floors above the city below, you are all alone with the man interviewing you.
    Everyone else has gone home for the weekend.
    The interview gets more and more disturbing.
    You’re feeling scared.
    Your only way out is to answer a seemingly impossible question.
    If you can’t . . . what happens next?
  • The Good Thief's Guide to Christmas Крис Юэн
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    It’s beginning to steal a lot like Christmas …

    Charlie Howard –– mystery writer and professional thief –– is in London for the holidays when his agent, Victoria, asks him to break into a jewellery shop to steal the perfect Christmas gift. Charlie’s happy to oblige –– after all, Santa shouldn’t be the only one breaking and entering on Christmas Eve –– but events soon escalate in this fun and festive caper filled with murder, mayhem and yuletide cheer.
    The Good Thief's Guide to Christmas is a 10,000 word story and the perfect festive treat for fans and newcomers to Chris Ewan’s highly acclaimed Good Thief’s Guide series.

    This ebook also features sample chapters from The Interview, Chris’s forthcoming thriller (writing as C.M. Ewan) out in February 2022 from Pan Macmillan.
  • The Good Thief's Guide to Murder Крис Юэн
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Chris Ewan
    Язык: Английский
    This is a prequel short story to the award-winning Good Thief's Guide series of mystery novels about Charlie Howard – globetrotting crime writer and audacious thief.

    With the Cannes film festival in full swing, there's one reclusive star Charlie is determined to burgle. But when the job goes bad, Charlie finds himself with a murder to solve ...
  • Dark Tides Крис Юэн
    ISBN: 978-1250074423
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    When Claire Cooper was eight years old her mother mysteriously vanished during Hop-tu-naa, Halloween on the Isle of Man. At fourteen, Claire is still struggling to come to terms with her disappearance when she's befriended by a group of five teenagers who mark every Halloween by performing dares. But Claire's arrival begins to alter the group's dynamic until one year a prank goes terribly wrong, changing all their futures and tearing the friends apart.

    Six years later, one of the friends is killed on Halloween in an apparent accident. But Claire, now a police officer, has her doubts. Is a single footprint found near the body a deliberate taunt? As another Halloween dawns, bringing with it another death and another footprint, Claire becomes convinced that somebody is seeking vengeance. But who? And which of the friends might be next? If she is going to stop a killer and unlock the dark secrets of her past, Claire must confront her deepest fears, before it's too late.
  • The Good Thief's Guide to Berlin Крис Юэн
    ISBN: 9781250002976
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    Язык: Английский
    You can't keep a good thief down . . . Charlie Howard is back and robbing the city of Berlin blind, until he witnesses a murder being committed right before his eyes

    Charlie Howard, part-time writer, part-time thief, has been engaged in a veritable spree of larceny and misappropriation since moving to Berlin, Germany. He's supposed to be working on his next novel. But high rent and a love for thrill-seeking has been hard on his word count.

    But Charlie's larcenous binge is interrupted by the call to duty—on behalf of Her Majesty's Government. Four embassy employees are suspected of stealing a sensitive item. Charlie is to break into their homes, find the culprit and recover the stolen property. But there's a catch. The item is so sensitive, Charlie isn't told what he's looking for. Not its size, not its weight, nothing. He's only told that he'll recognize it when he sees it.

    Charlie has been a successful thief because he follows his own rules, the first being "Don't get caught." Well, after he enters the first suspect's home, he has to add a new rule: "Don't admire the view." As Charlie stares across the street, he sees something he really wishes he hadn't—a woman being murdered. And that's just for starters. What follows is a wild adventure in the former cauldron of spies.

    With The Good Thief's Guide to Berlin, Chris Ewan shows why he was voted as one of America's favorite British authors by a Huffington Post poll. Clever and wildly entertaining, this is a mystery series that is "big fun" (The Seattle Times).
  • The Good Thief's Guide to Venice Крис Юэн
    ISBN: 9780312580858
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    Язык: Английский
    Charlie, a gentleman thief to rival Cary Grant in “To Catch a Thief,†gallivants around Venice in the next caper in this “sparklingâ€* series.
    After a particularly bad streak of luck in Vegas, Charlie has retreated to Venice, having vowed to give up a life of crime to write crime fiction full-time. But inspiration has yet to strike. And to make matters worse, Charlieâ€s agent Victoria shows up at his door just as his prized first edition of The Maltese Falcon flies out the window with a femme-fatale burglar. Blackmailed into committing a dastardly crime in order to get his book back, Charlie is catapulted into yet another adventure, this one even more explosive than the last.
  • The Good Thief's Guide to Vegas Крис Юэн
    ISBN: 9780312580827
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    Язык: Английский
    Charlie Howard isn’t only a part-time crime writer and part-time thief; he’s also a magician. For his next trick, he’ll relieve Josh Masters, the famous illusionist vying for the affections of Charlie’s friend Victoria, of $60,000 in casino chips stashed in his hotel safe. Revenge would be sweet—if there weren’t a dead redhead floating in Masters’ bathtub and if Masters hadn’t just disappeared in a puff of smoke after cheating at roulette. Convinced that Charlie was in on the scam, the casino’s owners give him an impossible mission: either pull off an elaborate heist to reimburse the house for every dollar his “accomplice” made off with, or enjoy a one-way trip into the desert.