Терри Брукс

Terence Dean Brooks

  • 127 книг
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Терри Брукс — библиография

  • The Weapons Master's Choice Терри Брукс
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: The Weapon Master’s Choice
    Язык: Английский
  • The Black Irix Терри Брукс
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: The Black Irix
    Язык: Английский
    Shea Ohmsford has had quite enough of quests. A year after surviving a harrowing odyssey, he is still plagued by troubling memories and dreams. A mysterious trafficker in spells and potions provides a restorative nostrum for the stricken Shea . . . along with a warning: Shea will break his vow to never again leave Shady Vale. And then the potion-maker’s prophecy comes to pass. A thief, adventurer, and notoriously charismatic rogue, Panamon Creel unexpectedly appears in the Vale with a request for his long-time friend, Shea—journey into the untamed Northland, infiltrate the stronghold of a sinister dealer in stolen goods, and capture a precious artifact: the sacred Black Irix. Creel wishes to return this treasure to its rightful owners. Shea cannot refuse such a just cause. But what lies behind the black castle walls they must breach? And will this quest truly be their last?
  • Allanon's Quest Терри Брукс
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: Allanon's Quest
    Язык: Английский
    The history is thus: The once-Druid Brona, seduced by his pursuit of dark magic, was forever transformed into the Warlock Lord—whose evil would be the downfall of the Four Lands and the death of the Races. Against him, the Elven King Jerle Shannara wielded the fabled sword that bore his surname and triumphed. Or so it was believed. But though the Dark Lord was driven out . . . he was not destroyed. The Druid Allanon knows only too well the prophecy passed down to him by his late master: that eventually the Warlock Lord will return. Now, after hundreds of years, that day seems imminent. And the time is at hand for the Sword of Shannara to once more be brought forth from its sanctuary to serve its ancient purpose. All that remains is for a blood descendent of the Elven house of Shannara to carry the blade into battle. With ever more portents of doom on the horizon, Allanon must seek out the last remaining Shannara heir, who alone will bear the burden of defending the Four Lands’ destiny. But with agents of darkness closing in from behind, unexpected enemies lying in wait ahead, and treachery encroaching on every side, there can be no certainty of success. Nor any assurance that this desperate quest will not be the Druid’s last.
  • Странствующий Морф Терри Брукс
    Форма: роман
    Перевод: фанатский перевод
    Язык: Русский
    Недалекое будущее.
    Территория Соединенных Штатов Америки стала ничейной землей: химическое оружие, загрязнение окружающей среды, и болезни; государство распалось, бросив своих граждан, отчаянно борющихся за жизнь, на произвол судьбы. В укрепленных компаундах немногие выжившие держат оборону против хищников, изгоев, и отвратительных мутантов, порожденных отравленной природой.
    Чтобы бросить вызов яростному злу со всех концов страны собираются силы добра. Логан Том, держащий в руках черный посох Рыцаря Слова, готов защищать единственную надежду выживших на спасение в ответ на обещание своей Госпожи свести счеты с демоном, убившим его семью. Анжела Перес, вторая из оставшихся Рыцарей Слова, рисковавшая своей жизнью, чтобы помочь эльфийской расе, вновь находит спасенный ею детей. Кирисин Беллоруус, молодой эльф, которому доверена древняя магия, должен переместить свой народ в безопасное место, спасая их от армии чудовищ. И Ястреб, безродный мальчик, ставший инструментом в руках судьбы, возглавляет остатки человечества на оставшееся до наступления окончательной тьмы время.
    «Странствующий Морф» — заключительная книга из серии «Рождение Шаннары», связывающего серию «Слово и Пустота» американского писателя Терри Брукса с его основной сагой о мире Шаннары.
  • Walker and the Shade of Allanon Терри Брукс
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: Walker and the Shade of Allanon
    Первая публикация: 2000
    Язык: Английский
  • Imaginary Friends Терри Брукс
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: Imaginary Friends
    Первая публикация: 1991
    Язык: Английский
    Jack McCall is ten days shy of his thirteenth birthday, a happy kid with wonderful parents, a great best friend, and a bright future. But after a series of headaches forces him to visit the family doctor, Jack discovers a dark secret about himself, one that threatens to destroy him. All is not lost though. In mysterious Sinnissippi Park where he is banned to tread, Jack discovers unexpected help from the most unlikely of friends and begins a quest to locate the most potent of magics -- one he needs if he is to survive.
  • Witch Wraith Терри Брукс
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Witch Wraith
    Первая публикация: 2013
    Язык: Английский
    For centuries, the Four Lands have been protected by a magical barrier from the dark dimension known as the Forbidding. But now the ancient wards securing the border have begun to erode - and the monstrous creatures imprisoned are poised to spill forth, seeking their revenge.
    Young Elf Arling Elessedil possesses the means to close the breach, but has been taken captive. The only hope lies with her determined sister Aphen, who bears the Elfstones and commands their magic. Now the fate of their world rests upon her shoulders...
  • Dark Wraith of Shannara Терри Брукс
    Форма: графический роман
    Оригинальное название: Dark Wraith of Shannara
    Первая публикация: 2008
    Язык: Английский
    Possessing an awesome power he is only beginning to understand, young Jair Ohmsford must summon the devastating yet darkly seductive magic of the wishsong on a fateful mission to save his friends... and protect the future from the forces of evil.
    If you've never ventured into the wondrous world of Shannara, consider this an ideal opportunity. Prepare to enter the breathtaking realm of the Four Lands, where beings both noble and sinister have quested and clashed, crossed swords in the names of darkness and light, and engaged in adventures rich with mystery and majesty.
  • Straken Терри Брукс
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Straken
    Первая публикация: 2005
    Язык: Английский
    Imprisoned in the Druid's Keep, young Pen Ohmsford is separated from all who care for him, and at the mercy of the usurper Shadea a'Ru, who will do anything to destroy the rightful High Druid. Although Pen was successful in his mission to obtain the magical staff called the Tanequil, Shadea has taken it from him. Without the Tanequil, Pen cannot open the gateway to the Forbidden and rescue his aunt, the rightful High Druid. Pen has allies, but they are under siege as well - his parents fleeing from the Druids, the Rock Troll Kermadec and the dwarf Tagwen far away, and the young elf Khyber Elessedil in deadly danger within the Druid's stronghold. Can the scattered band of friends join forces in time to defeat Shadea's evil plot?
  • Tanequil Терри Брукс
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Tanequil
    Первая публикация: 2004
    Язык: Английский
    Dark magic has opened a gateway to the Forbidding and trapped within it Grianne Ohmsford, rightful High Druid of Shannara. Rescuing Grianne will be merely the beginning of the effort to return the Four Lands to some semblance of peace. Only her young nephew, Penderrin, has any hope of returning her to power. But to breach the Forbidding and bring Grianne back to the natural world, Pen must find the fabled Tanequil... and the talisman it alone can provide. That means journeying into the Inkrim–a dreaded region thick with shadows and haunted by harrowing legends. And there, Pen will strike a bargain more dire than he could ever imagine.
  • The Elves of Cintra Терри Брукс
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Elves of Cintra
    Первая публикация: 2007
    Язык: Английский
    Thousands live in fortified strongholds; others roam the landscape as either predator or prey. Standing against the forces that have tipped the balance from good to evil are a very few heroes, men and women imbued with powerful magic and sworn to a high destiny.
    Logan Tom is one of those heroes, on a desperate quest to deliver the street kids he rescued in Seattle to safety. So, too, is Angel Perez, who is leading a second group in the Oregon wilderness where she encounters the long-hidden Elves of Cintra. And Hawk has an encounter with the mystical King of the Silver River, who promises safety - if only they can reach him...
  • Star Wars. Episode I. The Phantom Menace Терри Брукс
    Дата написания: 2000
    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, an evil legacy long believed dead is stirring. Now the dark side of the Force threatens to overwhelm the light, and only an ancient Jedi prophecy stands between hope and doom for the entire galaxy.
    On the green, unspoiled world of Naboo, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, arrive to protect the realm’s young queen as she seeks a diplomatic solution to end the siege of her planet by Trade Federation warships. At the same time, on desert-swept Tatooine, a slave boy named Anakin Skywalker, who possesses a strange ability for understanding the “rightness” of things, toils by day and dreams by night—of becoming a Jedi Knight and finding a way to win freedom for himself and his beloved mother. It will be the unexpected meeting of Jedi, Queen, and a gifted boy that will mark the start of a drama that will become legend.
  • Bloodfire Quest Терри Брукс
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Bloodfire Quest
    Дата написания: 2013
    Первая публикация: 2013
    Язык: Английский
    Long ago, many dangerous creatures were locked behind a magical barrier, bringing peace and prosperity to the land. But now those barriers are eroding, and generations of embittered prisoners are about to escape. War seems inevitable . . . unless a few brave souls can stem the tide. While some venture into the forbidden lands, others must undertake a perilous quest—a quest whose success will mean the death of a young girl who has barely even begun to live, but whose failure will have unimaginable consequences. From riveting start to cliffhanger ending, this is an epic for the ages!
  • Выбор Мастера Боя Терри Брукс
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: The Weapon Master’s Choice
    Язык: Русский
    Рассказ знакомит нас с Мастером Боя – Гаретом Джаксом и его приключениями, случившимися незадолго до событий книги «Песнь Шаннары». Красивая и таинственная Лириана находит Мастера Боя и просит помощи в освобождении ее людей от власти чародея по имени Кронсвифф – вампира, высасывающего души своих беспомощных жертв. Бесстрашный Гарет Джакс соглашается помочь, но чувствует, что Лириана что-то скрывает от него.
  • Чёрный Ирикс Терри Брукс
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: The Black Irix
    Перевод: любительский перевод
    Язык: Русский
    Рассказ о приключениях Шиа Омсворда после победы, одержанной над Чародеем-Владыкой. Победа далась нелегко и год спустя после событий Шиа серьезно заболевает. Флик, борясь за его жизнь, отправляется к ведьме, по имени Одрана Коос. Дав лекарство, она предсказывает новое путешествие. И когда на пороге Омсвордов появляется их старый знакомый Панамон Крил и просит помочь вернуть Черный Ирикс – утерянную награду, принадлежавшую их погибшему другу, Флик понимает, что предсказания лесной ведьмы начинают сбываться.
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