Эндрю Клейвен

Andrew Klavan

  • 11 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 272 читателя
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5 19
4 73
3 92
2 46
1 20

Лучшие книги Эндрю Клейвена

  • Когда приходит Рождество Эндрю Клейвен
    ISBN: 978-5-17-156784-2
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ, Corpus
    Язык: Русский

    По просьбе бывшей любовницы Кэмерон Уинтер, преподаватель английской литературы, берется доказать невиновность Трэвиса Блэйка, признавшегося в убийстве своей девушки. Все улики указывают на Блэйка, и помочь Уинтеру может разве что рождественское чудо. В ходе расследования профессор Уинтер сталкивается с призраками из собственного прошлого. Если ему удастся разгадать тайну этого маленького городка, возможно, получится избавиться и от демонов в своей душе.

  • По ту сторону смерти Эндрю Клейвен
    ISBN: 5-237-01948-X
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Берегитесь - ибо зло придет, как то было предсказано! И было так: алхимики, открывшие секрет вечой жизни в таинственном Синем камне, оставили память о тайне бессмертия в одной - единственной рукописи... И случилось так: утраченный, казалось бы, навеки путь к созданию Синего камня зашифрован в церковном триптихе... И происходит так: великий в могуществе посланник Тьмы, что продлевает свою жизнь смертию своих детей, ищет разгадку тайны бессмертия... И будет так: на пути служителя Мрака встанут трое, кому ведома истина. Бойтесь - ибо грядет день битвы!
  • Час зверя Эндрю Клейвен
    ISBN: 5-7020-1011-6
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: Новости
    Язык: Русский
    Секретарша юридической фирмы Нэнси Кинсед, явившись утром на работу, вдруг обнаруживает, что никто из сослуживцев ее не узнает. Охваченная ужасом девушка убегает и начинает скитаться по городу... а внутренний голос все время говорит ей, что в восемь вечера наступит час зверя, час, когда она должна будет совершить убийство.
  • The House of Love and Death Эндрю Клейвен
    ISBN: 9781613164464
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Mysterious Press
    Язык: Английский

    When a family is murdered in a wealthy Chicago suburb, English professor Cameron Winters asks the questions that the police aren’t willing to. Professor Cameron Winters is well known for having a sense about crime. His background as a former spy and his current work investigating themes and motives in literature give him unique insight into why a crime might have occurred and who had the reason to commit it. Which is why he can’t resist getting involved after reading a puzzling news story about a wealthy family killed in the small town of Maidenvale. Three members of the family, along with their live-in nanny, were pulled from their…

  • A Strange Habit of Mind Эндрю Клейвен
    ISBN: 9781613163511
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Mysterious Press
    Язык: Английский

    USA Today bestseller English professor and ex-spy Cameron Winter confronts a Big Tech billionaire to solve the suspicious suicide of a former student The world of Big Tech is full of eccentric characters, but shamanic billionaire Gerald Byrne may be the strangest of the bunch. The founder of Byrner, a global social media platform, Byrne is known for speaking with vague profundity and for dabbling in esoteric spiritual practices; he wears his hair in a long black ponytail to reveal a large flower tattooed on his neck; he’s universally admired as a visionary, a philanthropist, and a devoted husband and father. And every person who gets in the…

  • The Truth and Beauty Эндрю Клейвен
    ISBN: 978-0310364610
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Zondervan
    Язык: Английский
    Andrew Klavan believed what he read in the Gospels, but he often struggled to understand what Jesus really meant. So he began a journey of wrestling with the beautiful and often strange words of Jesus.

    He learned Greek in order to read the Gospels in their original languages, and he vowed to set aside any preconceptions about what the Scriptures say. But it wasn't until he began exploring how some of history's greatest writers wrestled with the same issues we confront today--political upheaval, rejection of social norms, growing disbelief in God--that he found a new way of understanding what Jesus meant.

    In The Truth and Beauty, Klavan combines a decades-long writing career with a lifetime of reading to discover a fresh understanding of the Gospels. By reading the words of Jesus through the life and work of writers such as William Wordsworth and John Keats, Mary Shelley and Samuel Taylor Coleridge--the English romantics--Klavan discovered a way to encounter Jesus in a deeper and more profound way than ever before.

    For readers seeking to find renewed meaning in the words of Jesus--and for those who are striving for belief in a materialistic world--The Truth and Beauty offers an intimate account of one man's struggle to understand the Gospels in all their strangeness, and so find his way to a life that is, as he says, "the most creative, the most joyful, and surely the most true."
  • The Great Good Thing: A Secular Jew Comes to Faith in Christ Andrew Klavan
    ISBN: 071801734X
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Thomas Nelson
    Язык: Английский
    Edgar Award-winner and internationally bestselling novelist tells of his improbable conversion from agnostic Jewish-intellectual to baptized Christian and of the books that led him there.

    “Had I stumbled on the hallelujah truth, or just gone mad—or, that is, had I gone mad again?”

    No one was more surprised than Andrew Klavan when, at the age of fifty, he found himself about to be baptized. Best known for his hard-boiled, white-knuckle thrillers and for the movies made from them—among them True Crime (directed by Clint Eastwood) and Don’t Say a Word (starring Michael Douglas)—Klavan was born in a suburban Jewish enclave outside New York City. He left the faith of his childhood behind to live most of his life as an agnostic in the secular, sophisticated atmosphere of New York, London, and Los Angeles. But his lifelong quest for truth—in his life and in his work—was leading him to a place he never expected.

    In The Great Good Thing, Klavan tells how his troubled childhood caused him to live inside the stories in his head and grow up to become an alienated young writer whose disconnection and rage devolved into depression and suicidal breakdown. But he also stumbled into a genuine romance, a passionate and committed marriage whose uncommon and enduring devotion convinced him of the reality of love.

    In those years, Klavan fought to ignore the insistent call of God, a call glimpsed in a childhood Christmas at the home of a beloved babysitter, in a transcendent moment at his daughter’s birth, and in a snippet of a baseball game broadcast that moved him from the brink of suicide. But more than anything, the call of God existed in stories—the stories Klavan loved to read and the stories he loved to write.

    The Great Good Thing is the dramatic, soul-searching story of a man born into an age of disbelief who had to abandon everything he thought he knew in order to find his way to the truth.
  • True Crime Andrew Klavan
    ISBN: 0751535060
    Год издания: 2003
    Язык: Английский
    True Crime is an edge-of-the-seat suspense novel that graphically portrays the final moments leading up to a condemned killer's appointment with the executioner. The plot is familiar but convincing: An inmate, Frank Beachum, denies any involvement in the murder of a young pregnant woman. His only chance for survival lies in the hands of a reporter, Steven Everett. From the very first page, however, veteran suspense writer Andrew Klavan does everything possible to make this journalist unlikable--he drinks too much, he's committed adultery. In fact, the incarcerated Beachum, who stands accused of a hideous crime, comes across as a much more decent person than Everett.
    Foes of capital punishment will find in True Crime another buttress to the oft-expressed argument that state-sanctioned murder is not always just, that some police investigations are sloppy even when they're not politically tinged or racially motivated, and that exonerating evidence is often overlooked. Here such evidence is so glaringly overlooked that it's possible for a somewhat drunken reporter with plenty of other things on his mind (a wife who's about to leave him and a boss who's just discovered that Everett is cuckolding him) to spot the inconsistencies. He follows a hunch, discovers the identity of the real killer, and tries to clear Beachum's name as the minutes tick away. The relentless pace and Klavan's crisp, taut writing make the suspension of disbelief possible, and no doubt Clint Eastwood, who stars in the movie version, will make Steven Everett a more likely and likable hero. --Jane Adams