Леонора Каррингтон

Leonora Carrington

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Леонора Каррингтон — библиография

  • The Hearing Trumpet Леонора Каррингтон
    Дата написания: 2005
    A classic of fantastic literature, Leonora Carrington's The Hearing Trumpet is the occult twin to Alice in Wonderland, published with an introduction by Ali Smith in Penguin Modern Classics.
    One of the first things ninety-two-year-old Marian Leatherby overhears when she is given an ornate hearing trumpet is her family plotting to commit her to an institution. Soon, she finds herself trapped in a sinister retirement home, where the elderly must inhabit buildings shaped like igloos and birthday cakes, endure twisted religious preaching and eat in a canteen overlooked by the mysterious portrait of a leering Abbess. But when another resident secretly hands Marian a book recounding the life of the Abbess, a joyous and brilliantly surreal adventure begins to unfold. Written in the early 1960s, The Hearing Trumpet remains one of the most original and inspirational of all fantastic novels.
    Leonora Carrington (1917-2011) was a British born Surrealist painter and writer described, alongside people such as Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro, as one of the leading lights of the Surrealist movement. Born in Lancashire to a strict Catholic family, she first came into contact with surrealism through her lover, Surrealist painter Max Ernst, before moving to Mexico in 1942. The Hearing Trumpet, her most famous piece of writing, was first published in France in 1974.
  • The Hearing Trumpet Leonora Carrington
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Hearing Trumpet
    Дата написания: 1976
    Первая публикация: 1976
    Язык: Английский
    The Hearing Trumpet is the story of 92-year-old Marian Leatherby, who is given the gift of a hearing trumpet only to discover that what her family is saying is that she is to be committed to an institution. But this is an institution where the buildings are shaped like birthday cakes and igloos, where the Winking Abbess and the Queen Bee reign, and where the gateway to the underworld is open. It is also the scene of a mysterious murder. Occult twin to Alice in Wonderland, The Hearing Trumpet is a classic of fantastic literature that has been translated and celebrated throughout the world.
  • Слуховая трубка Леонора Каррингтон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Hearing Trumpet
    Дата написания: 1976
    Первая публикация: 2016
    Перевод: А. Соколов
    Язык: Русский
    Книга, которую сравнивают с «Алисой в Стране чудес» Льюиса Кэрролла. Удивительная история эксцентричной пожилой леди Мариан Летерби и ее невероятных приключений в самом необычном доме для престарелых, какой только можно вообразить. Таинственный портрет и загадочные преступления… Глобальные катастрофы и поиски Святого Грааля… Последователи религиозно-мистических культов и древние языческие боги… В изящной и яркой книге Леоноры Каррингтон даже самые искушенные знатоки и ценители настоящей литературы найдут для себя что-то совершенно новое и неожиданное.