Дженнифер Роберсон

Jennifer Mitchell Roberson

  • 22 книги
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Лучшие произведения Дженнифер Роберсон

  • Золотой ключ Кейт Эллиот
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Golden Key
    Дата написания: 1996
    Первая публикация: 1996
    Перевод: Г. Корчагин, А. Рогулина, В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова
    Язык: Русский
    Сарио, самый молодой и самый значительный член семьи живописцев, владеющих удивительным даром — их искусство может изменить действительность, нарушает семейную традицию использования этой мощи для хороших дел, становясь на путь предательства.
  • Танцор Меча Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Sword-Dancer
    Дата написания: 1986
    Первая публикация: 1996
    Перевод: Т. Выборнова
    Язык: Русский
    В душной, грязной кантине встретились двое. Южанин, танцор мечей, известный под именем Песчаный Тигр. И северянка, ан-истойя, зовущая себя Дел. Ей нужно найти брата, пропавшего пять лет назад. А ему сейчас просто нечего делать. Дальше, в путь по горячим пескам Пенджа, они уже отправятся вместе. Потому что истойя, на языке севера и значит «танцор мечей». А в круге хватает места для двоих.
  • Певец меча Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Sword-Singer
    Дата написания: 1988 год
    Первая публикация: 1996
    Перевод: Т. Выборнова
    Язык: Русский
    Странствия Песчаного Тигра и Делилы продолжаются. Теперь северянке предстоит вернуться на Север, чтобы предстать перед судом за убийство своего ан-кайдина, иначе через год на нее снова будет объявлена охота. Но извилисты дороги, ведущие от жарких песков к холодным снегам…
  • Изменяющие облик Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Shapechangers
    Первая публикация: 1984
    Перевод: Н. Васильева
    Язык: Русский
    Много лет назад Линдир, единственная дочь Шейна, Мухаара хомэйнов, сбежала с Хэйлом, одним из Чэйсули, людей, способных принимать облик животных. Потрясенный этим Шейн объявил Чэйсули демонами и начал против них войну на уничтожение. Спустя четверть века Аликс, считавшая себя дочерью простого фермера, узнает, что на самом деле она дочь Хэйла и Линдир и согласно Пророчеству ей предстоит сыграть свою роль в восстановлении мира между хомэйнами и Чэйсули.
  • Создатель Меча Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Sword-Maker
    Первая публикация: 1996
    Перевод: Т. Выборнова
    Язык: Русский
    Убежденный в смерти Дел, Песчаный Тигр уходит искать логово гончих аид, не подозревая с кем ему придется встретиться на холодных тропах Севера.
  • Разрушитель Меча Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Sword-Breaker
    Первая публикация: 1996
    Перевод: Т. Выборнова
    Язык: Русский
    За Дел и Песчаным Тигром охотится весь Юг: племена, танцоры меча, маг Умир Безжалостный, дочь убитого тензира Сабра и Аббу Бенсир, желающий раз и навсегда узнать, кто лучший танцор меча: он или Тигр. И рвется на волю Чоса Деи, готовый уничтожить весь мир.
  • Песнь Хомейны Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Song of Homana
    Первая публикация: 1997
    Перевод: Н. Васильева
    Язык: Русский
    Несмотря на то, что Мухаар Шейн мертв, мира в Хомейне не наступает. Законный наследник принц Кэриллон вынужден покинуть страну, а трон захватил Беллэм, король Солинды, которому помогает могучий чародей Тинстар, заклятый враг всех Чэйсули. Но прошло пять лет, и Кэриллон возвращается на родину, стремясь вернуть свою корону и остановить наконец уничтожение Чэйсули.
  • Безумный Джек Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: рассказ
    Перевод: Елена Голубева
    Язык: Русский
  • Track of the White Wolf Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Track of the White Wolf
    Первая публикация: 1987
    Язык: Английский
    Niall, Prince of Homana, key player in a prophecy that spans generations, should have been the treasured link between Cheysuli and Homanan. Yet neither of the peoples he is destined to someday rule feel anything but suspicion of Niall. Homanans fear him for his Cheysuli heritage, while Cheysuli refuse to accept him as their own because he has acquired neither a lir-shape nor the lir companion which is the true mark of the Cheysuli shapechangers. And now, despite his precarious situation within the kingdom, Niall must undertake a journey to fulfill yet another link in the ancient prophecy. He must travel through war-torn lands to claim his bride—a mission which may prove his doom. For searching for both his destiny and his lir, Naill is about to be plunged into a dangerous maelstrom of intrigue, betrayal, and deadly Ihlini sorcery...
  • Flight of the Raven Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Flight of the Raven
    Первая публикация: 1990
    Язык: Английский
    Aidan, only child of Brennan and Aileen, and the grandson of Niall, is heir to the Lion Throne of Homana and inheritor, too, of a prophecy carried down through the generations and finally on the verge of fulfillment. But will Aidan, driven as he is by strange visions and portens, prove the weak link in the ages-old prophecy—the Cheysuli who fails to achieve his foretold destiny? For as Aidan prepares to set out for Erinn to claim his betrothed, he will become the focus of forces out of legend, visited by the ghosts of long-dead kinsmen, and by the Hunter, a mysteriouys being who may be a Cheysuli god incarnate. Commanded by the Hunter to undertake a quest oclaim a series of "god-given" golden links, Aidan will find himself challenged by the Cheysuli's most deadly foe—Lochiel, the son of Strahan—who will use every trick of Ihlini sorcery to stop Aidan and destroy the promise of the prophecy once and for all...
  • Sword-Sworn Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Sword-Sworn
    Первая публикация: 2002
    Язык: Английский
    Matching wits as fiercely as they cross swords, Tiger and Del are back-in danger, in trouble, and in love. Just one last time.
  • A Pride of Princes Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: A Pride of Princes
    Первая публикация: 1988
    Язык: Английский
    Brennan, Hart and Corin were the three Cheysuli sons of Niall, ruler of Homana, and the next link in the generations-old prophecy of the Firstborn. Now the time had come for all three to take the paths for which they were fated: Brennan, heir to the throne of Homana, would face the menance of unknown assassins and trecherous Ihlini magic. Hart, Brennan's younger twin, must journey to Solinde, the kingdom which would one day be his to rule—a land that longed to see the Cheysuli prince overthrown. And Corin, the youngest prince, must battle sorcery and madness in the court of distant Atvia. Three princes, three destinies—and if even one should fail to fulfill the patterns of prophecy, Homanan and Cheysuli alike would pay a deadly price...
  • A Tapestry of Lions Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: A Tapestry of Lions
    Первая публикация: 1992
    Язык: Английский
    Nearly a century has passed since the Prophecy of the Firstborn was set in motion—the generational quest to recreate the magical race which once held sway in the lands ruled by Homana's Mujar. Now, Kellin, heir to Homana's throne, has only to sire an offspring with an Ihlini woman to reach this goal. But Kellin wants nothing of prophecy, nor even of his own magical heritage. Embittered by tragedy, he refuses the sacred lir-bonding, becoming anathema in the eyes of his Cheysuli kin. But willing participant or not, Kellin provides a very real threat to the Ihlini—the ancient enemies of the Cheysuli people—for should the prophecy be fulfilled, life as the Ihlini know it will end. How can a lirless warrior ever hope to escape the traps of the Ihlini sorcerers? And how can the prophecy ever be realized when the man born to become its final champion shuns his destined role?
  • Sword-Bound Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Sword-Bound
    Первая публикация: 2013
    Язык: Английский
    For the first time in years, life seems settled for Tiger and Del. They run a school for sword-dancers in the South. They're raising a two-year-old daughter. They collect income from their interest in a thriving cantina. Occasionally Tiger must dance against sword-dancers bent on killing him for forsaking the oaths and vows of the circle, but for the most part it's an idyllic life. Until Tiger's twenty-five-year-old son accuses him of being "domesticated." Thus challenged by his own flesh-and-blood to reclaim his legendary status, Tiger, accompanied by Del and his son, embarks on a journey northwards that will test his sword skill and resolve, and lead him and Del into danger from an old enemy. Though Tiger had forsaken his magic years before, he now faces the choice to reclaim it, and to wield it, in order to save those he loves.
  • Legacy of the Sword Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Legacy of the Sword
    Первая публикация: 1986
    Язык: Английский
    For decades, the magical race of shapeshifters called the Cheysuli have been feared and hated exiles in their own land, a land they rightfully should rule. Victims of a vengeful monarch's war of annihilation and a usurper king's tyrannical reign, the Cheysuli clans have nearly vanished from the world. Now, in the aftermath of the revolution which overthrew the hated tyrant, Prince Donal is being trained as the first Cheysuli in generations to assume the throne. But will he be able to overcome the prejudice of a populace afraid of his special magic and succeed in uniting the realm in its life and death battle against enemy armies and evil…
  • Daughter of the Lion Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Daughter of the Lion
    Первая публикация: 1989
    Язык: Английский
    She is Keely, twin sister to Corin, and daughter to Niall, the ruler of Homana, and she alone has the power to shapechange into any form—a power akin to that of the Firstborn. Like her brothers, Keely has been chosen to play a crucial part in the Firstborn's prophecy. Yet Keely is no weak pawn to be used in men's games of power and diplomacy. Trained alongside her brothers in the art of war, gifted with more of the old magic than most of her close kin, she will not easily give way even to Niall's commands, nor be forced against her will into an arranged marriage. But others besides Keely's father have plans for her future. Stahan, the most powerful Ihlini sorcerer, is preparing a trap from which even one as magically-gifted as Keely may find no escape. And in the deepwood, another waits to challenge Keely—an outlaw fully as dangerous to her future freedom as Strahan is to her life...
  • Sword-Born Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Sword-Born
    Первая публикация: 1998
    Язык: Английский
    Left as an infant to die in the desert, and enslaved by the Southron tribe who found him, he had won his freedom and his name by slaying a deadly sandtiger. Now he was a legendary sword-dancer--possibly the best in the South. But his true origins were still unknown.
  • Sword-Bearer Дженнифер Роберсон
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Sword-Bearer
    Первая публикация: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    Sword-Bearer marks a return to the vivid world of Jennifer Roberson’s highly popular Sword-Dancer saga, featuring iconic characters Tiger—the South’s most famous and gifted sword-dancer—and Del, a Northern-born woman and expert sword-singer. Tiger and Del have settled into semi-retirement to raise their daughter, establishing a school for those who wish to become sword-dancers, part of a highly ritualized rite in which specially trained sword-fighters are hired to settle feuds among rich and powerful desert princes. Death-dances are few and far between; the goal is simply to win within the confines of “the circle.” But Tiger is an outcast, a man who attained the highest level of achievement at the training school he attended faster than anyone before him, only to voluntarily break all oaths in order to save Del. By doing so, he made himself a target of men formerly his colleagues, now sworn enemies. He is constantly challenged to death-dances where rules, and oaths, no longer apply. Now, with the world around them falling victim to a malignant Northern-born magic, Tiger gathers Del and his adult son, Neesha, to end the magic threatening the world—and discovers, along the journey, yet another element of magecraft within himself. Yet even as Tiger learns more about his gifts, Del comes face to face with the daughter she left behind so many years before. Fans of Roberson’s bestselling series should enjoy this wildest of rides alongside the Sandtiger and Delilah.