Стивен Браст

Steven Brust

  • 44 книги
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Новинки Стивена Браста

  • The Baron of Magister Valley Steven Brust
    ISBN: 9781250311474
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    From the vaults of Dragaeran history and the mind of master fantasist Steven Brust--a tale of betrayal and vengeance that is not at all a retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo

    Reader, you will undoubtedly have had the misfortune of consuming the rotten fruit of fallacies that we--Paarfi of Roundwood (esteemed historian of House of Hawk and exquisite artisan of truths)--"borrow" our factual recount of Dragaeran history from some obscure fellow who goes by the name Al Dumas or some silly nomenclature of that nature.

    The salacious claims that The Baron of Magister Valley bears any resemblance to a certain nearly fictional narrative about an infamous count are unfounded (we do not dabble in tall tales. The occasional moderately stretched? Yes. But never tall).

    Our tale is that of a nobleman who is betrayed by those he trusted, and subsequently imprisoned. After centuries of confinement, he contrives to escape and prepares to avenge himself against his betrayers.

    A mirror image of The Count of Monte Cristo, vitrolic naysayers still grouse? Well, that is nearly and utterly false.
  • Draakon Steven Brust
    ISBN: 9789949661268
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Kirjastus Fantaasia OÜ
    Язык: Эстонский
    Jätkuvad palgamõrvar Vlad Taltose seiklused maailmas, kus inimesed on allasurutud rahvas ja maailma valitsevad Dragaera võlurid. Vlad Taltose seikluste romaan „Draakon“ järgneb ajaliselt kohe romaanile „Taltos“ – Vlad on koos dragaeralaste Morrolani ja Alieraga naasnud Surnute Radadelt ja leiab oma hämmastuseks, et ta uued tuttavad pakuvad talle tööd ja raha ja seetõttu ka uusi huvitavaid vaenlasi. Ja oma veelgi suuremaks hämmastuseks leiab ta end äkki sõjaväljalt, viimasest paigast, kus üks endast lugupidav palgamõrvar olla tahaks. Vladil jääb üle loota vaid oma taibukusele ja oma teravakeelsele lohesarnasele kaaslasele – Loioshile.
  • Taltos Steven Brust
    ISBN: 9789949661022
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Kirjastus Fantaasia OÜ
    Язык: Эстонский
    Vlad Taltos on nõid ja palgamõrvar, kes elab Dragaera-nimelises maailmas, mida asustavad peamiselt pika elueaga võlurid. Dragaeras käib pidev vastasseis inimeste ja võlurite vahel – inimesed on alla surutud ja põlatud, mistõttu on ka Vlad palgamõrvari karjääri valinud – et tappa dragaeralasi. „Taltos“ on ajalises järjekorras kõige esimene Vlad Taltose lugu, milles ta tutvub veidi ennasttäis Dragaera aadliku isand Morrolaniga, läbinägeliku ja kergesti vihastava leedi Alieraga ning aastatuhandete vanuse ebasurnu, Dzuri mäel elava salapärase võluri Sethra Lavode’iga. Vlad hakkab mõistma, et neil on teda millegipärast hädasti vaja, ja leiab end ootamatult äärmiselt ebamugavatest paikadest. Kuid ta ei satu neisse üksi.
  • Yendi Steven Brust
    ISBN: 9789949578788
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Kirjastus Fantaasia OÜ
    Язык: Эстонский
    Vlad Taltos on sarkastiline ja paranoiline palgamõrtsukas, kes elab Dragaera-nimelises maailmas, mida asustavad peamiselt pika elueaga võlurid, kes on üsna osavad ka surnute elustamisel. Dragaera maailmas käib pidev vastasseis inimeste ja Dragaera võlurite vahel – inimesed on alla surutud ja põlatud, mistõttu on ka Vlad palgamõrvari karjääri valinud – et tappa dragaeralasi. Selles loos on Vladil tegemist salakavala võluriga, kes kuulub Yendi Kotta. Yendi ehk liivamao järgi nime saanud koja võlurid on osavad intriigipunujad, kes Vladile ja tema sõpradele päris palju probleeme tekitavad. *** Mu vanaisa hoiatas mind Ida vehklemist õpetades, et ma ei laseks end varjudest eksitada. Vastasin: “Noish-pa, Impeeriumi läheduses pole varje...” “Ma tean, Vladimir, ma tean. Ära lase end varjudest eksitada. Keskendu eesmärgile.” “Jah, Noish-pa.” Ma ei tea, miks see mulle just siis pähe tuli. Jõudsime Malaki ringile ja pöörasime seal paremale. Olin vaenlase territooriumil. See nägi välja täpselt nagu kodu.
  • Гвардия Феникса (сборник) Стивен Браст
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Мой Друг Фантастика
    Язык: Русский
    Первый и второй романы из цикла о Кааврене, действие которого происходит в мире Драгейры.
  • Приключения Виконта Адриланки (сборник) Стивен Браст
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Киев: Мой Друг Фантастика
    Язык: Русский
    Цикл (три романа) «Приключения Виконта Адриланки», действие которого происходит в мире Драгейры.
  • The Skill of Our Hands Steven Brust
    ISBN: 978-0765382887
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    The Incrementalists are a secret society of two hundred people--an unbroken lineage reaching back forty thousand years. They cheat death, share lives and memories, and communicate with one another across nations and time. They have an epic history, an almost magical memory, and a very modest mission: to make the world better, a little bit at a time.

    Now Phil, the Incrementalist whose personality has stayed stable through more incarnations than anyone else's, has been shot dead. They'll bring him back--but first they need to know what happened. Their investigation will lead down unexpected paths in Arizona, and bring them up against corruption, racism, and brutality in high and low places alike.

    But the key may lay in one of Phil's previous lives, in "Bleeding Kansas" in the late 1850s--and the fate of the passionate abolitionist we remember as John Brown.

    Steven Brust and Skyler White's The Skill of Our Hands is the thrilling and thought-provoking follow-up to their critically acclaimed The Incrementalists.
  • Vallista Стивен Браст
    ISBN: 978-0765324450
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
  • Влад Талтош. Том 2 (сборник) Стивен Браст
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Киев: Мой Друг Фантастика
    Язык: Русский
    Романы с шестого по десятый из цикла о Владе Талтоше.
    Иллюстрация на суперобложке К. Бейита.
  • Влад Талтош. Том 1 (сборник) Стивен Браст
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Киев: Мой Друг Фантастика
    Язык: Русский
    Первые пять романов цикла о Владе Талтоше.
    Иллюстрация на суперобложке Э. Коуп.
  • Влад Талтош. Том 3 (сборник) Стивен Браст
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Мой Друг Фантастика
    Язык: Русский

    Романы с одиннадцатого по четырнадцатый и один рассказ из цикла о Владе Талтоше .

  • The Incrementalists Стивен Браст
    ISBN: 978-0765334237
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    "Secret societies, immortality, murder mysteries and Las Vegas all in one book? Shut up and take my money." ―John Scalzi

    The Incrementalists―a secret society of two hundred people with an unbroken lineage reaching back forty thousand years. They cheat death, share lives and memories, and communicate with one another across nations, races, and time. They have an epic history, an almost magical memory, and a very modest mission: to make the world better, just a little bit at a time. Their ongoing argument about how to do this is older than most of their individual memories.

    Phil, whose personality has stayed stable through more incarnations than anyone else's, has loved Celeste―and argued with her―for most of the last four hundred years. But now Celeste, recently dead, embittered, and very unstable, has changed the rules―not incrementally, and not for the better. Now the heart of the group must gather in Las Vegas to save the Incrementalists, and maybe the world.

    "Watch Steven Brust. He's good. He moves fast. He surprises you. Watching him untangle the diverse threads of intrigue, honor, character and mayhem from amid the gears of a world as intricately constructed as a Swiss watch is a rare pleasure." ―Roger Zelazny
  • Hawk Steven Brust
    ISBN: 978-0765324443
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Years ago, Vlad Taltos came to make his way as a human amidst the impossibly tall, fantastically long-lived natives of the Dragaeran Empire. He joined the Jhereg, the Dragaeran House (of which there are seventeen) that handles the Empire's vices: gambling, rackets, organized crime. He became a professional assassin. He was good at it.

    But that was then, before Vlad and the Jhereg became mortal enemies.

    For years, Vlad has run from one end of the Empire to the other, avoiding the Jhereg assassins who pursue him. Now, finally, he's back in the imperial capital where his family and friends are. He means to stay there this time. Whatever happens. And whatever it takes.

    Hawk is the latest in Steven Brust's New York Times bestselling Vlad Taltos series.
  • Tiassa Стивен Браст
    ISBN: 978-0-7653-1209-9
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
  • Iorich Стивен Браст
    ISBN: 978-0-7653-1208-2
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
  • Jhegaala Стивен Браст
    ISBN: 0-7653-0147-4
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
  • Dzur Стивен Браст
    ISBN: 0-7653-4154-9
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
  • The Gypsy Steven Brust
    ISBN: 0765311925
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Русский
    Book Description Back in print: a stylish fantasy thriller from two bestselling masters of the form
  • Sethra Lavode Стивен Браст
    ISBN: 0-312-85581-8
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
  • Agyar Steven Brust
    ISBN: 0765310236
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Orb Books
    Язык: Английский
    A novel of immortality - and its price

    Born over a century ago, Agyar was once a frivolous young man, before he found unwanted immortality in a woman's blood-red lips. Now he goes from woman to woman, and decade to decade, finding himself at last in an Midwestern college town, where he must choose between the seductions of salvation--and of destruction.
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