Кэндис Робб

Candace M. Robb

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Лучшие книги Кэндис Робб

  • Аптекарская роза Кэндис Робб
    ISBN: 5-699-16922-6
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский

    В год 1363 от Рождества Христова в аббатстве Святой Марии при схожих, но весьма странных обстоятельствах умирают двое: неизвестный пилигрим и благородный сэр Освальд Фицуильям. Причиной их смерти, судя по всему, послужило снадобье, приготовленное аптекарем по имени Николас Уилтон. Ещё более загадочным представляется всем тот факт, что и самого Уилтона охватил тяжкий недуг. Разобраться в хитросплетении тайн предстоит одноглазому Оуэну Арчеру — бывшему капитану лучников и герцогскому шпиону, ныне состоящему на службе у Йоркского архиепископа.

  • Кровные враги Кэндис Робб
    ISBN: 5-699-18729-4
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский

    Летом 1365 года, в канун великого праздника Тела Христова, весь Йорк был потрясен известием о загадочном убийстве торговца Уилла Краунса, произошедшем возле стен главного собора. Более того, отрубленная рука Краунса непостижимым образом оказывается в одной из комнат городской таверны, а вскоре при странных обстоятельствах погибает проживающий в этой комнате постоялец --- ещё один торговец по имени Гилберт Ридли. И вновь все с ужасом видят, что у трупа отсутствует правая рука. Обеспокоенный происходящим архиепископ Йоркский поручает бывшему капитану лучников Оуэну Арчеру провести тщательное расследование.

  • A Choir of Crows Кэндис Робб
    ISBN: 978-1780291260
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Severn House
    Язык: Английский
    When two bodies are discovered in the grounds of York Minster shortly before the enthronement of the new archbishop, Owen Archer is summoned to investigate.

    December, 1374. With the great and the good about to descend on York for the enthronement of Alexander Neville as the new archbishop, the city authorities are in a state of high alert. When two bodies are discovered in the grounds of York Minster, and a flaxen-haired youth with the voice of an angel is found locked in the chapter house, Owen Archer, captain of the city bailiffs, is summoned to investigate.

    Tension deepens when an enigmatic figure from Owen's past arrives in the city. Why has he returned from France after all these years - and what is his connection with the bodies in the minster yard and the fair singer?

    Before Owen can make headway in the investigation, a third body is fished out of the river - and the captain finds himself with three mysterious deaths to solve before the all-powerful Neville family arrives in York.
  • Покров Святой Девы Кэндис Робб
    ISBN: 5-699-19726-5
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский

    1366 год. Беверли, Англия. Ничем не примечательным июньским утром колокола собора Святого Иоанна созывают верующих на службу. Однако на пути к собору их ждет удивительное событие: встреча с женщиной, как две капли воды похожей на Джоанну Колверли

  • A Fox in the Fold Candace Robb
    ISBN: 978-1780291376
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Severn House
    Язык: Английский
    Owen Archer suspects an old adversary is on his tail as he seeks to solve the mystery surrounding a dead body found on the road to York.

    October, 1376. Owen Archer is summoned by sheriff Sir Ralph Hastings regarding a stripped and bloodied body discovered on the road north to York. Could it be connected to an attack on a carter and his labourers who were transporting stone destined for St Clement's Priory? The carter fled, but his men stayed to fight and are now missing. Is the victim one of them?

    At first Owen believes the catalyst for murder and menace in York is the arrival of the political pariah William Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester. But he soon suspects that a formidable and skillful adversary from his past has arrived in the city, thrusting him and his family into grave danger, and his investigation becomes a race to uncover the truth before his old nemesis destroys all he holds dear.
  • The Riverwoman's Dragon Candace Robb
    ISBN: 978-1780291369
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Severn House
    Язык: Английский
    When the wise woman Magda Digby is suspected of murder, Owen Archer sets out to prove her innocence in this intricately plotted medieval mystery.

    May, 1375. Owen Archer returns from London to find York in chaos. While the citizens are living in terror of the pestilence which is spreading throughout the land, a new physician has arrived, whipping up fear and suspicion against traditional healers and midwives. With the backing of the new archbishop, he is especially hostile towards Magda Digby, the wise woman who has helped and healed the people of York for many years. At the same time, Magda is uneasy about the arrival of two long-lost kinsfolk. Though they say they are seeking her help, she senses a hidden agenda.

    Magda’s troubles deepen when she discovers a body in the river near her home – and finds herself under suspicion of murder. Days later, fire rips through a warehouse in the city. Amongst the charred debris lies the body of a man – not burned, but stabbed in the back. Could there be a connection to the corpse in the river?

    Determined to prove Magda’s innocence, Owen sets out to find answers – but the more he uncovers, the deeper the mystery becomes . . .
  • A Vigil of Spies Candace Robb
    ISBN: 978-0099497929
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Язык: Английский
    At Bishopthorpe Palace, York, in September 1373, John Thoresby, the Archbishop of York, lies dying. One of the most powerful men in the country, his imminent demise has the influential families of the north vying to influence his succession. Owen Archer, Thoresby's master of the guards, is one of the few men Thoresby trusts. He is determined to ensure that his lord's last days are as peaceful as possible, but his plans are thrown into disarray when Thoresby agrees to a visit from Joan, Princess of Wales, wife of the Black Prince and mother of the young heir to the throne of England. She has come to seek the great man's advice before it is too late. Owen resolves to do his duty, but within minutes of Joan's arrival things go disastrously wrong when a member of the royal party is murdered.Then, only days later, a messenger carrying urgent letters for Thoresby is found hanging in the woods. Soon, the shadow of suspicion falls on the whole household. And as Owen races against time to find the murderer amongst them, he starts to realise that not only has one of his own men been compromised but all their lives are now in danger.
  • A Gift of Sanctuary Candace M. Robb
    ISBN: 978-0099441441
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Язык: Английский
    Through the wet spring of 1369 a pilgrimage wends its way to the sacred city of St David's. Owen Archer, ex-soldier and sometime spy, accompanies the party to recruit archers for the Duke of Lancaster, who prepares to fight the French. But he and Geoffrey Chaucer have another, covert, mission: to ascertain whether the Duke's steward at Cydweli is betraying him to Welsh rebels.

    Trouble precedes them: a body in the Duke's livery is left at the city gates. And when Owen rides on to Cydweli he finds the household of the steward and his beautiful young wife rocked by the theft of money from the exchequer and riven by tension, culminating in another violent attack. He must work fast to investigate charges of treachery, infidelity and murder if he is to prevent further deaths.

    Political skullduggery, passion and ambition clash in this intriguing, evocative and compelling novel which vividly conjures up the medieval world.
  • The Guilt of Innocents Candace Robb
    ISBN: 978-0099497899
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Язык: Английский
    Many lies. But only one truth...

    Winter 1372, York: A man has drowned in the River Ouse. It soon becomes clear that his death was not an accident. But why would anyone want to kill a humble river pilot?

    As the crowds around the murdered man thicken, one-eyed spy Owen Archer is quickly brought to the scene by his adoptive son, Jasper. Renowned for solving many crimes, Owen is immediately drawn into the case. But right from the start he realises that it isn't a simple question of one victim, one suspect.And when a valuable cross goes missing and a woman is badly burnt in mysterious circumstances, the web of deceit widens. Then another body is found in the river. And as Owen and Jasper get closer to the truth, they find their own lives in danger...
  • The Cross-legged Knight Candace Robb
    ISBN: 9780099278306
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Язык: Английский

    England 1371: a solemn convoy wends its way into York. William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester, is bringing home the remains of Sir Ranulf Pagnell, patriarch of a powerful local family, who has died in France. But the family hold the bishop responsible for Sir Ranulf's death, and ill feeling surrounds his arrival. An accident in the grounds of York Minster nearly kills the bishop. Then, only a few days after, his townhouse is found ablaze. When the body of a young woman is discovered in the undercroft of the house, scandal threatens to destroy Wykeham. The Archbishop of York, John Thoresby, asks Owen Archer for his help. The one-eyed…

  • The Riddle of St Leonard's Candace Robb
    ISBN: 0099416948, 978-0099416944
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Язык: Английский
    Anno Domini 1369. The much loved Queen Philippa lies dying at Windsor, and the plague has returned to the city of York. In an atmosphere of fear and superstition, rumours spread that a spate of deaths at St Leonard's Hospital in York is no accident. The hospital is in debt and has suffered thefts: Sir Richard de Ravenser, Master of the Hospital, returns from Winchester painfully aware that scandal could ruin his own career. Anxious to avert a crisis, he requests the services of Owen Archer, spy for the Archbishop.

    With plague rife and the city's inhabitants besieging his wife, the Apothecary, for new cures, Owen Archer is unwilling to become involved. There is too little to link the victims to each other: the riddle seems unsolvable. But careful enquiries reveal a further riddle, connected to one of the victims. Is this where the truth lies?
  • A Spy for the Redeemer Candace Robb
    ISBN: 0099277972, 978-0099277972
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Язык: Английский

    Late spring, the year of our Lord 1370. Owen Archer, ex-soldier and spy, is preparing to depart Wales, his work for John of Gaunt completed. But his attempts to arrange safe passage home to York are thwarted by a mysterious suicide. In York Lucie Wilton is disheartened by her husband's long absence and concerned by allegations against her apothecary. Then Brother Michaelo brings upsetting news, forcing her to journey to her father's manor outside the city. Increasingly desperate, she accepts the company of a stranger, who proves invaluable when they face danger. Angered by Owen's prolonged absence, aware of malicious rumours, John Thoresby,…

  • The King's Bishop Candace Robb
    ISBN: 0099426277, 978-0099426271
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: Arrow
    Язык: Английский
    A snowy March, 1367, and King Edward is impatient. He wants William of Wykeham confirmed as Bishop of Winchester, but Pope Urban V is stalling, deterred by the man's wealth and political ambition.

    Thus Owen Archer finds himself heading a deputation from York to Fountains Abbey, to win support for Wykeham from the powerful Cistercian abbots. Ignoring advice, he places his old comrade Ned Townley in charge of the fellow company to Rievaulx, hoping to dispel rumours of Ned's involvement in a mysterious death.

    But just days out of York trouble erupts: a friar and Ned both vanish, following news of murder at Windsor. Owen asks John Thoresby, at Court in his role as Lord Chancellor, for help, little knowing it will involve him with the King's mistress, Alice Perrers, ever a dangerous enemy...