Рейнольдс Прайс

Edward Reynolds Price

  • 12 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 18 читателей
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Рейнольдс Прайс — последние издания книг

  • The Good Priest's Son : A Novel Рейнольдс Прайс
    ISBN: 0743254007
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Русский
    Book Description Reynolds Price, one of America's most distinguished and honored writers, has produced such masterpieces as Noble Norfleet, Roxanna Slade, and Kate Vaiden, winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award. Now in
  • Feasting the Heart Рейнольдс Прайс
    ISBN: 0743203704
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Scribner
    Язык: Английский
    Whether recounting events from his past or examining the details of his current experience as a writer, teacher, traveler, and general witness of the world, Reynolds Price shows us how a writer finds meaning in the day-to-day details of living. In this engaging collection of fifty-two personal essays originally aired on NPR's All Things Considered, Price explores topics that range from family and faith to capital punishment and his adventures while navigating an immensely inaccessible America in a wheelchair. Throughout, Price never loses sight of the origin or spirit of the essay -- in French, essayer means to try or attempt -- and each piece is a well-informed, revealing, often amusing and refreshing foray into a moment unlike any other we've shared with him.
  • Letter to a Man in the Fire Рейнольдс Прайс
    ISBN: 9780684856278
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Книга по Требованию
    Язык: Английский
    In April 1997 Reynolds Price received an eloquent letter from a reader of his cancer memoir, A Whole New Life. The correspondent, a young medical student diagnosed with cancer himself and facing his own mortality, asked these difficultQuestions. The two began a long-distance correspondence, culminating in Price's thoughtful response, originally delivered as the Jack and Lewis Rudin Lecture at Auburn Theological Seminary, and now expanded onto the printed page as Letter to a Man in the Fire.

    Harvesting a variety of sources -- diverse religious traditions, classical and modern texts, and a lifetime of personal experiences, interactions, and spiritual encounters -- Price meditates on God's participation in our fate. With candor and sympathy, he offers the reader such a rich variety of tools to explore these questions as to place this work in the company of other great tetsaments of faith from St. Augustine to C. S. Lewis.

    Letter to a Man in the Fire moves as much as it educates. It is a rare combination of deep erudition, vivid prose, and profound humanity.
  • Kate Vaiden Рейнольдс Прайс
    ISBN: 978-0684846941
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: Scribner
    Язык: Английский

    0ne of the most feisty, spellbinding and engaging heroines in modern fiction captures the essence of her own life in this contemporary American odyssey born of red-clay land and small-town people. We meet Kate at a crucial moment in middle age when she begins to yearn to see the son she abandoned when she was seventeen. But if she decides to seek him, will he understand her? Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award, Kate Vaiden is a penetrating psychological portrait of an ordinary woman in extraordinary circumstances, a story as joyous, tragic, comic and compelling as life itself.

  • The Surface of Earth Рейнольдс Прайс
    ISBN: 0684813394
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Scribner
    Язык: Английский
    Published in 1975, The Surface of Earth is the monumental narrative that charts the slow, inextricable twining of the Mayfield and Kendal families. Set in the plain of North Carolina and the coast and hills of Virginia from 1903 to 1944, it chronicles the marriage of Forrest Mayfield and Eva Kendal, the hard birth of their son, Eva's return to her father after her mother's death, and the lives of two succeeding generations.
    The Surface of Earth is the work of one of America's supreme masters of fiction, a journey across time and the poignantly evoked America of the first half of our century that explores the mysterious topography of the powers of love, home, and identity. In his evocation of the hungers, defeats, and rewards of individuals in moments of dark solitude and radiant union, Price has created an enduring literary testament to the range of human life.
  • The Collected Stories Рейнольдс Прайс
    ISBN: 0689121474, 9780689121470
    Год издания: 1993
    Издательство: Scribner
    Язык: Английский
    For over three decades, Reynolds Price has been one of America's most distinguished writers, in a career that has been remarkable both for its virtuosity and for the variety of literary forms he has embraced. Now he shows himself as much a master of the story as he is of the novel, in a volume that presents fifty stories, including two early collections -- The Names and Faces of Heroes and Permanent Errors -- as well as more than two dozen new stories that have never been gathered together before.

    In his introduction, Mr. Price explains how, after the publication of his first two collections, he wrote no new stories for almost twenty years. "But once I needed -- for unknown reasons in a new and radically altered life -- to return to the story, it opened before me like a new chance....A collection like this then," he adds, "...will show a writer's preoccupations in ways the novel severely rations (novels are partly made for that purpose -- the release from self, long flights through the Other). John Keats's assertion that 'the excellence of every Art is its intensity' has served as a license and standard for me. From the start my stories were driven by heat -- passion and mystery, often passion for the mystery I've found in particular rooms and spaces and the people they threaten or shelter -- and my general aim is the transfer of a spell of keen witness, perceived by the reader as warranted in character and act."

    There is, indeed, much for the reader to "witness" here of passion and mystery, of character and act. And the variety of stories -- many of them set in Reynolds Price's native North Carolina, but a surprising number set in distant parts: Jerusalem in "An Early Christmas," the American Southwest in "Walking Lessons," and a number in Europe -- will astonish even his most devoted readers. In short, The Collected Stories of Reynolds Price is as deeply rewarding a book as any he has yet published.
  • Immediate Family Рейнольдс Прайс
    ISBN: 0893815187
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: Thames & Hudson
    Язык: Английский
    "[Mann's photographs] suggest that the camera is adept at depicting the desires of the subconscious as it is in rendering the shapes of everyday life."--Andy Grundberg, the New York Times "These are photographs of my children. . . .
  • American Short Novels. The 20th Century Джон Стейнбек
    ISBN: 5-05-001518-9
    Год издания: 1987
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский
    В настоящее издание включены повести - "короткие романы" - четырех американских писателей, видных представителей литературы США середины XX столетия: "О мышах и людях" Дж. Стейнбека, "Пистолет" Дж.Джонса, "Долгая и счастливая жизнь" Р.Прайса и
  • A Palpable God Рейнольдс Прайс
    ISBN: 0689108370
    Год издания: 1985
    Издательство: North Point Press
    By removing centuries of stylistic varnish, the author has stripped these thirty stories down to something approaching their original rough-hewn and reckless power, making it possible for us to hear them approaching their original rough-hewn and reckless power, making it possible for us to hear them almost as if for the first time.
  • Земная оболочка Рейнольдс Прайс
    Год издания: 1980
    Издательство: Художественная литература. Москва
    Язык: Русский
    Роман американского писателя Рейнольдса Прайса "Земная оболочка" вышел в 1973 году. В книге подробно и достоверно воссоздана атмосфера глухих южных городков. На этом фоне - история двух южных семей, Кедалов и Мейфилдов. Главная тема романа - отчуждение личности, слабеющие связи между людьми. Для книги характерен большой хронологический размах: первая сцена - май 1903 года, последняя - июнь 1944 года.
  • Земная оболочка Рейнольдс Прайс
    Год издания: 1980
    Издательство: Художественная литература. Москва, Художественная литература
    Язык: Русский
    Роман американского писателя Рейнольда Прайса "Земная оболочка" вышел в 1973 году. В книге подробно и достоверно воссоздана атмосфера глухих южных городков. На этом фоне - история двух южных семей, Кендалов и Мейфилдов Главная тема романа - отчуждение личности, слабеющие связи между людьми. Для книги характерен большой хронологический размах-первая сцена - май 1903 года, последняя - июнь 1944 года.
  • Долгая и счастливая жизнь Рейнольдс Прайс
    Год издания: 1971
    Издательство: Прогресс, Книгоиздательство "Прогресс"
    Язык: Русский
    В чем же урок истории, рассказанной Рейнольдсом Прайсом? Она удивительно проста и бесхитростна. И как остальные произведения писателя, ее отличает цельность, глубинная, родниковая чистота и свежесть авторского восприятия. Для Рейнольдса Прайса характерно здоровое отношение к естественным процессам жизни. Повесть «Долгая и счастливая жизнь» кажется заповедным островком в современном литературном потоке, убереженным от модных влияний экзистенциалистского отчаяния, проповеди тщеты и бессмыслицы бытия. Да, счастья и радости маловато в окружающем мире — Прайс это знает и высказывает эту истину без утайки. Но у него свое отношение к миру: человек рождается для долгой и счастливой жизни, и сопутствовать ему должны доброта, умение откликаться на зов и вечный труд. В этом гуманистическом утверждении — сила светлой, поэтичной повести «Долгая и счастливая жизнь» американского писателя Эдуарда Рейнольдса Прайса.