Леонардо да Винчи

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci

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Леонардо да Винчи — библиография

  • El tratado de la pintura Leonardo da Vinci
    Оригинальное название: Trattato della pittura
    Перевод: Diego Antonio Rejón de Silva
    Язык: Испанский
    "El tratado de la pintura" de Leonardo de Vinci, Leon Battista Alberti (traducido por Diego Antonio Rejón de Silva) de la Editorial Good Press. Good Press publica una gran variedad de titulos que abarca todos los generos. Van desde los titulos clasicos famosos, novelas, textos documentales y cronicas de la vida real, hasta temas ignorados o por ser descubiertos de la literatura universal. Editorial Good Press divulga libros que son una lectura imprescindible. Cada publicacion de Good Press ha sido corregida y formateada al detalle, para elevar en gran medida su facilidad de lectura en todos los equipos y programas de lectura electronica. Nuestra meta es la produccion de Libros electronicos que sean versatiles y accesibles para el lector y para todos, en un formato digital de alta calidad.
  • Trait? ?l?mentaire de la peinture, avec 58 figures d'apr?s les dessins originaux de Le Poussin Леонардо да Винчи
    "Trait? ?l?mentaire de la peinture, avec 58 figures d'apr?s les dessins originaux de Le Poussin", de L?onard de Vinci. Publi? par Good Press. Good Press publie un large ?ventail d'ouvrages, o? sont inclus tous les genres litt?raires. Les choix ?ditoriaux des ?ditions Good Press ne se limitent pas aux grands classiques, ? la fiction et ? la non-fiction litt?raire. Ils englobent ?galement les tr?sors, oubli?s ou ? d?couvrir, de la litt?rature mondiale. Nous publions les livres qu'il faut avoir lu. Chaque ouvrage publi? par Good Press a ?t? ?dit? et mis en forme avec soin, afin d'optimiser le confort de lecture, sur liseuse ou tablette. Notre mission est d'?laborer des e-books faciles ? utiliser, accessibles au plus grand nombre, dans un format num?rique de qualit? sup?rieure.
  • Научное наследие. Избранные естественнонаучные произведения Леонардо да Винчи
    Леонардо да Винчи (1452–1519) – гениальная личность эпохи Возрождения. Современники ценили его как талантливого живописца, скульптора, архитектора, инженера, изобретателя и музыканта. Научные исследования и открытия Леонардо стали известны и опубликованы намного позже. Их систематическое изучение началось лишь со второй половины XIX века и стало поистине международным делом. В основу настоящего издания положены публикации рукописей Леонардо да Винчи, посвященные его великим изобретениям и размышлениям о физике и математике, астрономии и геологии, ботанике и анатомии. В книге вы найдете давно не издававшиеся материалы, проиллюстрированные многочисленными рисунками самого автора. В России и за рубежом одним из крупнейших исследователей естественнонаучных трудов Леонардо да Винчи по праву считается В. П. Зубов (1900–1963) – выдающийся русский ученый, философ, историк науки и архитектуры. Он впервые перевел на русский язык естественнонаучные работы Леонардо, систематизировал отрывочные записи из его дневников, рассеянных по музеям и частным собраниям разных стран, и сопроводил их комментариями, библиографией и вступительной статьей.
  • A Treatise on Painting by Leonardo da Vinci Леонардо да Винчи

    First published in 1632, then later in its modern form in 1817, A Treatise on Painting was a (somewhat disorganized) culmination of da Vinci’s teachings and philosophy about the science of art. Written by Francesco Melzi, one of his pupils around 1540, many assumed it had been written by da Vinci himself for centuries. Art historians around the world laud the treatise as one of the most significant and influential works on his art theory, circulating in manuscript form in nearly every language. Work on the treatise began in Milan and continued for the last 25 years of his life.

  • The Collected Works of Leonardo da Vinci Леонардо да Винчи
    This comprehensive eBook presents the significant works of this famous and brilliant writer in one ebook – 3390 pages easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate: • The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci – CompleteLeonardo da Vinci • Thoughts on Art and Life by Leonardo da Vinci
  • Thoughts on Art and Life - The Original Classic Edition Леонардо да Винчи
    This is a high quality book of the original classic edition. This is a freshly published edition of this culturally important work, which is now, at last, again available to you. Enjoy this classic work. These few paragraphs distill the contents and give you a quick look inside: And I think that before I shall have finished this work, it will be necessary for me to repeat the same thing many times over; so, O reader, blame me not, because the subjects are many, and memory cannot retain them and say: This I will not write because I have already written it; and if I did not wish to fall into this error it would be necessary, every time that I wished to copy something, in order not to repeat myself, to read over all the preceding matter, all the more so since the intervals are long between one time of writing and another. …Not louder does the tempestuous sea bellow when the north wind strikes its foaming waves between Scylla and Charybdis; nor Stromboli nor Mount Etna when the sulphurous flames, {4} shattering and bursting open the great mountain with violence, hurl stones and earth through the air with the flame it vomits; nor when the fiery caverns of Mount Etna, spitting forth the element which it cannot restrain, hurl it back to the place whence it issued, driving furiously before it any obstacle in the way of its vehement fury … so I, urged by my great desire and longing to see the blending of strange and various shapes made by creating nature, wandered for some time among the dark rocks, and came to the entrance of a great cave, in front of which I long stood in astonishment and ignorance of such a thing. …I know that many will say that this work is useless, and these are they of whom Demetrius said recked no more of the breath which made the words proceed from their mouth, than of the wind which proceeded from their body,?men who seek solely after riches and bodily satisfaction, men entirely denuded of that wisdom which is the food and verily the wealth of the soul; because insomuch as the soul is of greater value than the body, so much greater are the riches of the soul than those of the body. …And if thou sayest that sight impedes the security and subtlety of mental meditation, by reason of which we penetrate into divine knowledge, and that this impediment drove a philosopher to deprive himself of his sight, I answer that the eye, as lord of the senses, performs its duty in being an impediment to the confusion and lies of that which is not science but discourse, by which with much noise and gesticulation argument is constantly conducted; and hearing should do the same, feeling, as it does, the offence more keenly, because it seeks after harmony which devolves on all the senses. …Although human ingenuity may devise various inventions which, by the help of various instruments, answer to one and the same purpose, yet {17} will it never discover any inventions more beautiful, more simple or more practical than those of nature, because in her inventions there is nothing lacking and nothing superfluous; and she makes use of no counterpoise when she constructs the limbs of animals in such a way as to correspond to the motion of their bodies, but she puts into them the soul of the body.
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