Джон Маккалох

John Arnott MacCulloch

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Лучшие книги Джона Маккалоха

  • Религия древних кельтов Джон Маккалох
    ISBN: 5-9524-1303-X
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский

    Джон Маккалох исследует историю, культуру, общественный строй и военное искусство древних кельтов в аспекте воссоздания внутреннего уклада жизни этого самого таинственного народа Европы. На основе огромного исторического материала, обзора исторических источников, версий и гипотез современных ученых автор ярко и образно рисует единство черт, создающих особенность верований кельтов.

  • CELTIC MYTHOLOGY Томас Роллестон
    ISBN: 4064066399948
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: e-artnow
    Язык: Английский
    This meticulously edited collection present the mythology, religion, history and the legacy of Celts. Contents: Introduction: Earliest References Golden Age of the Celts Alliances with the Greeks The Era of Alexander the Great The Sack of Rome Celtic Place-names in Europe Early Celtic Art Celts and Germans Downfall of the Celtic Empire Unique Historical Position of Ireland The Celtic Character C?sar's Account Strabo on the Celts Polybius Diodorus Ammianus Marcellinus What Europe Owes to the Celt Religion: The Religion of the Celts The Gods of Gaul and the Continental Celts The Irish Mythological Cycle The Tuatha d? Danann The Gods of the Brythons The C?chulainn Cycle The Fionn Saga Gods and Men The Cult of the Dead Primitive Nature Worship River and Well Worship Tree and Plant Worship Animal Worship Cosmogony Sacrifice, Prayer, and Divination Tabu Festivals Accessories of Cult The Druids Magic The State of the Dead Rebirth and Transmigration Elysium The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries Myths: Mythic Powers of the Gods Myths of Origins The Irish Invasion Myths The Early Milesian Kings Tales of the Ultonian Cycle Tales of the Ossianic Cycle The Voyage of Maeldūn Myths and Tales of the Cymry The Mabinogion
  • Celtic Mythology John Arnott MacCulloch
    ISBN: 978-0486436562
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Dover Publications
    Язык: Английский
    This classic study by a distinguished scholar recounts the ancient tales of Ireland and Wales. Written in a highly readable style, it will delight neophytes as well as those well versed in Celtic folklore with its lively tales of romance and love, of war and carnage, and of deeds both noble and villainous.
    Illustrations from rare sources enhance this treasury of lore and its stories of the strife and mythic powers of the gods, their loves and aid to mortals, and of famous heroes, pagans, and Christians of antiquity. John Arnott MacCulloch, a former canon of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit and author of several books relating to the Celtic culture, discusses the coexistence of paganism and Christianity and their influences on each other, particularly in regard to the heroic cycles of Cuchulainn, Fionn, and Arthur.
  • The Religion of the Ancient Celts John Arnott MacCulloch
    ISBN: 9780094713307
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: Trafalgar Square Publishing

    The author tries to rebuild Celtic paganism and to guess at its inner spirit. He portrays the Celt as a seeker after God, linking himself by strong ties to the unseen and eager to conquer the unknown by religious rite and magic art.