Адам Робертс

Adam Roberts

  • 46 книг
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Новинки Адама Робертса

  • Purgatory Mount Адам Робертс
    ISBN: 978-1473230958
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Gollancz
    An interstellar craft is decelerating after its century-long voyage. Its destination is V538 Aurigae ?, a now-empty planet dominated by one gigantic megastructure, a conical mountain of such height that its summit is high above the atmosphere. The ship's crew of five hope to discover how the long-departed builders made such a colossal thing, and why: a space elevator? a temple? a work of art? Its resemblance to the mountain of purgatory lead the crew to call this world Dante.

    In our near future, the United States is falling apart. A neurotoxin has interfered with the memory function of many of the population, leaving them reliant on their phones as makeshift memory prostheses. But life goes on. For Ottoline Barragão, a regular kid juggling school and her friends and her beehives in the back garden, things are about to get very dangerous, chased across the north-east by competing groups, each willing to do whatever it takes to get inside Ottoline's private network and recover the secret inside.

    Purgatory Mount, Adam Roberts's first SF novel for three years, combines wry space opera and a fast-paced thriller in equal measure. It is a novel about memory and atonement, about exploration and passion, and like all of Roberts's novels it's not quite like anything else.
  • Вот и всё. Зачем мы пугаем себя концом света? Адам Робертс
    ISBN: 978-5-6046119-9-9
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Individuum
    Язык: Русский

    Мир на краю пропасти: чума уносит жизни миллионов, солнце выжигает посевы, тут и там начинаются войны, а люди, кажется, лишились остатков разума. Вы готовы к концу света?​ Нас готовят к нему на протяжении всей истории и все это уже было в книгах и фильмах, утверждает Адам Робертс — преподаватель литературы колледжа Роял Холлоуэй Лондонского университета, писатель, которого критики называют лучшим современным фантастом, и по совместительству историк жанра. «Вот и всё.» — это блестящий анализ наших представлений о гибели человечества, в которых отражаются состояние общества, психология индивида и масс, их заветные чаяния и страхи. Почему…

  • HG Wells: A Literary Life Адам Робертс
    ISBN: 978-3030264208
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Palgrave Macmillan
    This is the first new complete literary biography of H G Wells for thirty years, and the first to encompass his entire career as a writer, from the science fiction of the 1890s through his fiction and non-fiction writing all the way up to his last publication in 1946. Adam Roberts provides a comprehensive reassessment of Wells’ importance as a novelist, short-story writer, a theorist of social prophecy and utopia, journalist and commentator, offering a nuanced portrait of the man who coined the phrases ‘atom bomb’, ‘League of Nations’ ‘the war to end war’ and ‘time machine’, who wrote the world’s first comprehensive global history and invented the idea of the tank. In these twenty-six chapters, Roberts covers the entirety of Wells’ life and discusses every book and short story he produced, delivering a complete vision of this enduring figure.
  • Стеклянный Джек Адам Робертс
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Клуб любителей аудиокниг
    Язык: Русский
    Что бы ни случилось, читатель, запомни: убийца – Стеклянный Джек, даже если преступление невозможно, даже если все улики указывают на другого. И в аристократических орбитальных особняках, и в трущобных пузырях пояса астероидов знают, что для Стеклянного Джека нет ничего невозможного. Его не остановят ни стражи порядка, ни вакуум, ни абсолютный холод, ни правительство, ни всемогущие, генетически модифицированные, корпоративные семейства, ни Закон, регулирующий каждый вздох любого гражданина.
    И потому не стоит удивляться, что, когда Солнечную систему потрясли слухи о технологии, позволяющей перемещаться быстрее скорости света, в них тоже оказался замешан Стеклянный Джек. Разве мог самый опасный, жестокий и умный преступник XXVI века пройти мимо того, чего по законам физики просто не может быть?
  • By the Pricking of Her Thumbs Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 978-1473221499
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Gollancz
    Язык: Английский
    Private Investigator Alma is caught up in another impossible murder. One of the world's four richest people may be dead - but nobody is sure which one. Hired to discover the truth behind the increasingly bizarre behaviour of the ultra-rich, Alma must juggle treating her terminally ill lover with a case which may not have a victim. Inspired by the films of Kubrick, this stand-alone novel returns to the near-future of THE REAL-TOWN MURDERS, and puts Alma on a path to a world she can barely understand. Witty, moving and with a mystery deep at its heart, this novel again shows Adam Roberts' mastery of the form.
  • Стеклянный Джек Адам Робертс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-106576-8
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Что бы ни случилось, читатель, запомни: убийца — Стеклянный Джек, даже если преступление невозможно, даже если все улики указывают на другого. И в аристократических орбитальных особняках, и в трущобных пузырях пояса астероидов знают, что для Стеклянного Джека нет ничего невозможного. Его не остановят ни стражи порядка, ни вакуум, ни абсолютный холод, ни правительство, ни всемогущие, генетически модифицированные, корпоративные семейства, ни Закон, регулирующий каждый вздох любого гражданина. И потому не стоит удивляться, что когда Солнечную систему потрясли слухи о технологии, позволяющей перемещаться быстрее скорости света, в них тоже…

  • The Real-Town Murders Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 1-4732-2145-5, 978-1-4732-2145-1
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Gollancz
    Язык: Английский
    Alma is a private detective in a near-future England, a country desperately trying to tempt people away from the delights of Shine, the immersive successor to the internet. But most people are happy to spend their lives plugged in, and the country is decaying.

    Alma's partner is ill, and has to be treated without fail every 4 hours, a task that only Alma can do. If she misses the 5 minute window her lover will die. She is one of the few not to access the Shine.

    So when Alma is called to an automated car factory to be shown an impossible death and finds herself caught up in a political coup, she knows that getting too deep may leave her unable to get home.

    What follows is a fast-paced Hitchcockian thriller as Alma evades arrest, digs into the conspiracy, and tries to work out how on earth a dead body appeared in the boot of a freshly-made car in a fully-automated factory.
  • Нечто в себе Адам Робертс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-100640-2
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Астрель-СПб
    Язык: Русский
    Это и хоррор, и научная фантастика, и любовное письмо Канту. Сказать по правде, это такой идеальный роман для гиков – о природе всего. Ощутимую часть романа два мужика разговаривают о философии, однако делают они это на одинокой станции в Антарктике. И приехали они туда, чтобы попробовать установить контакт с внеземной цивилизацией. Разумеется, вскоре выясняется, что с внеземной цивилизацией установить контакт проще, чем друг с другом – и вот, пока физики ссорятся и пытаются головой объять необъятное, от теории искусственного интеллекта до ноуменов, во льдах за окном что-то начинает шевелиться… Этому роману как раз таки не повезло с тем, что его слишком часто со всем и со всеми сравнивали – от «Улисса» до «Нейроманта», от Томаса де Квинси до Лавкрафта, но здесь как раз тот случай, когда уже стоит заметить, что делает сам Робертс. А он просто-напросто делает страшный-престрашный триллер из разговора за жизнь между двумя нердами. И это круто.
  • The History of Science Fiction: Second Edition Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 1-137-56956-5, 978-1-137-56956-1
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Palgrave Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    Thorough revision and expansion of the first edition, tracing the development of the genre from Ancient Greece and the European Reformation through to the end of the 20th century, with a new chapter discussing 21st-century science fiction and new material in every chapter.
  • Стеклянный Джек Адам Робертс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-087558-0
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Что бы ни случилось, читатель, запомни: убийца — Стеклянный Джек, даже если преступление невозможно, даже если все улики указывают на другого. И в аристократических орбитальных особняках, и в трущобных пузырях пояса астероидов знают, что для Стеклянного Джека нет ничего невозможного. Его не остановят ни стражи порядка, ни вакуум, ни абсолютный холод, ни правительство, ни всемогущие, генетически модифицированные, корпоративные семейства, ни Закон, регулирующий каждый вздох любого гражданина. И потому не стоит удивляться, что когда Солнечную систему потрясли слухи о технологии, позволяющей перемещаться быстрее скорости света, в них тоже…

  • Rave and Let Die: The SF and Fantasy of 2014 Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 1-907069-80-1, 978-1-907069-80-2
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Steel Quill Books
    Язык: Английский
    An award winning author in his own right, Adam Roberts makes no concessions when appraising the work of others. His reviews are honest, forthright, and never timid. Following the success of Sibilant Fricative (Steel Quill Books, 2014), Adam now takes on the daunting task of providing an overview of the science fiction and fantasy produced during 2014. As ever, he pulls no punches, and Rave and Let Die features nearly 100 reviews, packed with the sort of insight, wit, and honesty that characterised the first volume. One thing the author never loses sight of is the need to entertain. What the Critics have said of Sibilant Fricative: "Sibilant Fricative is undoubtedly one of the finest collections of essays that genre criticism has ever produced." - Jonathan McCalmont, BSFA Vector magazine ..".the essay on the "Two Hobbits" is worth the entry ticket alone, and there is so much more entertainment within... Erudite, entertaining, intelligent collection of essays and reviews." - The Bristol Book Blog "Adam Roberts makes everything wonderful. If he wrote non-fiction about drying paint, I would still be the first in line to read it." - Jared Shurin of Pornokitsch.
  • Saint Rebor Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 1-907069-76-3, 978-1-907069-76-5
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: NewCon Press
    Язык: Английский
    Short story collection by Adam Roberts
  • The Thing Itself Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 978-0575127722
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Gollancz
    Язык: Английский
    Adam Roberts turns his attention to answering the Fermi Paradox with a taut and claustrophobic tale that echoes John Carpenters’ The Thing.

    Two men while away the days in an Antarctic research station. Tensions between them build as they argue over a love-letter one of them has received. One is practical and open. The other surly, superior and obsessed with reading one book – by the philosopher Kant.

    As a storm brews and they lose contact with the outside world they debate Kant, reality and the emptiness of the universe. The come to hate each other, and they learn that they are not alone.
  • Get Started in: Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 1-4447-9565-1, 978-1-4447-9565-3
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Teach Yourself Books
    Язык: Английский

    This is an authoritative and engaging introduction to writing science fiction and fantasy for the complete beginner. This book provides all the information, guidance, and advice you need to write great science fiction to captivate your readers. It will help you understand how the genre works, the big dos and don'ts - as well as giving you the inspiration and motivation you actually need to write. Written by a leading Science Fiction novelist and a Professor in Creative Writing at the University of London - you'll discover how to let your creativity flow, create incredible worlds, and get your novel finished.

    The Teach Yourself Creative Writing series helps aspiring authors tell their story. Covering a range of genres from science fiction and romantic novels, to illustrated children's books and comedy, this series is packed with advice, exercises and tips for unlocking creativity and improving your writing. And because we know how daunting the blank page can be, we set up the Just Write online community at tyjustwrite, for budding authors and successful writers to connect and share.
  • Sibilant Fricative: Essays and Reviews Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 1-907069-75-5, 978-1-907069-75-8
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Steel Quill Books
    Язык: Английский
    “Adam Roberts makes everything wonderful. If he wrote non-fiction about drying paint, I would still be the first in line to read it.” – Jared Shurin of Pornokitsch.

    An award winning author in his own right, Adam Roberts makes no concessions when appraising the work of others. His reviews are honest, forthright, and never timid. In Sibilant Fricative Adam considers a broad spectrum of speculative fiction, from fantasy to science fiction, from literature to films. The book opens with insightful consideration of Philip K Dick’s oeuvre followed by Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, and closes with a volume-by-volume analysis of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time opus. Along the way we stop off for a review by text among other amusements – one thing the author never loses sight of is the need to entertain.

    “Titan is one of the blandest pieces of fiction I have come across in four decades of reading novels. If the Campbell shortlist is a high-class curry restaurant of delicious, spicy and stimulating food, then Titan is a single slice of white bread and margarine on a white plate under the neon light of a truck drivers’ café.” (on Titan by Ben Bova)

    “Let me see if I can boil down Crossroads of Twilight’s 700-pages for you. Drivel. There you go.” (on Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan)
  • Bête Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 0-575-12768-6, 978-0575127685
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Gollancz
    Язык: Английский
    A man is about to kill a cow. He discusses life and death and his right to kill with the compliant animal. He begins to suspect he may be about to commit murder. But kills anyway ...It began when the animal rights movement injected domestic animals with artificial intelligences in bid to have the status of animals realigned by the international court of human rights. But what is an animal that can talk? Where does its intelligence end at its machine intelligence begin? And where might its soul reside? As we place more and more pressure on the natural world and become more and more divorced, Adam Roberts' new novel posits a world where nature can talk back, and can question us and our beliefs. Adam Roberts is an award-winning author at the peak of his powers and each new novel charts an exciting new direction while maintaining a uniformly high level of literary achievement.
  • Twenty Trillion Leagues Under the Sea Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 0-575-13442-9, 978-0575134423
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Gollancz
    Язык: Английский
    It is 1958 and France's first nuclear submarine, Plongeur, leaves port for the first of its sea trials. On board, gathered together for the first time, one of the navy's most experienced captains and a tiny skeleton crew of sailors, engineers and scientists.

    The Plongeur makes her first dive and goes down, and down and down... Out of control, the submarine plummets to a depth where the pressure will crush her hull, killing everyone on board, and beyond.

    The pressure builds, the hull protests, the crew prepare for death, the boat reaches the bottom of the sea and finds...nothing.

    Her final dive continues, the pressure begins to relent, but the depth gauge is useless. They have gone miles down. Hundreds of miles, thousands...

    And so it goes on. And on board the crew succumb to madness, betrayal, religious mania and murder. Has the Plongeur left the limits of our world and gone elsewhere?

    TWENTY TRILLION LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA contains 33 full page pen and ink illustrations by acclaimed artist Mahendra Singh, who previously illustrated an edition of THE HUNTING OF THE SNARK.

    Mahendra Singh and Adam Roberts have revisited Jules Verne's classic SF novel, and together they have come up with a unique vision.
  • The Riddles of the Hobbit Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 1-137-37363-6, 978-1-137-37363-2
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Palgrave Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    Riddles have lost none of their power over us: we are as fascinated by mysteries, from sudoko to whodunnits, from jokes to philosophical conundrums. The Hobbit is a book threaded through with riddles; most obviously in its central 'Riddles in the Dark' chapter, but everywhere else too—what does 'Good Morning' mean? What is a burrahobbit? How many versions of the Hobbit are there? What is the buried secret in the nine riddles Bilbo and Gollum swap between one another? What are Ents? Dragons? Wizards? What is the magic of the magic ring?

    All these questions, and more, are answered in The Riddles of The Hobbit, the first critical engagement with Tolkien's great novel to take 'the riddle' seriously as a key structuring principle of the novel. Riddles are more than a diverting pastime; they are expressive and beguiling rebuses that touch on larger mysteries, powerful questions and paradoxes also embodied in the Catholicism that informed so much of Tolkien's imaginative life. Ringing widely across Tolkien's creative life, The Riddles of The Hobbit explores the importance of riddles to the Anglo Saxon and Norse cultures that inspired him, and discusses scores of riddles offering (usually) more than one answer for each. This is a critical study of the playful aspect of a great writer that takes his playfulness seriously; it explores and embodies ingenuity; and comes to some original and—on occasion—startling new conclusions.
  • Adam Robots: Short Stories Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 0-575-13034-2, 978-0-575-13034-0
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Gollancz
    Язык: Английский
    Gathered together for the first time from a major publisher - a collection of short stories by Adam Roberts.
    Unique twisted visions from the edges and the centre of the SF genres. Stories that carry Adam Roberts' trademark elegance of style and restless enquiry of the genre he loves so much.
    Acclaimed stories, some that have appeared in magazines, some in anthologies, some appearing for the first time.
    Stories to make you think, to make you laugh, to make you wonder, to make you uneasy. Stories that ask questions, stories that sow mysteries. But always stories that entertain.
  • Jack Glass Adam Roberts
    ISBN: 978-0575127647
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Gollancz
    Язык: Английский
    Jack Glass is the murderer—we know this from the start. Yet as this extraordinary novel unfolds, readers will be astonished to discover how he committed the murders and by the end of the book, their sympathies for the killer will be fully engaged. Riffing on the tropes of crime fiction (the country house murder, the locked room mystery) and imbued with the feel of golden age SF, this is another bravura performance from Roberts. Whatever games he plays with the genre, whatever questions he asks of the reader, Roberts never loses sight of the need to entertain. Filled with wonderfully gruesome moments and liberal doses of sly humor, this novel is built around three gripping HowDunnits that challenge notions of crime, punishment, power, and freedom.
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